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1、Management Consulting Skills企業管理諮詢技巧企業管理諮詢技巧Prof. David Mui1Objectives 課程目標課程目標By the end of the program, you will be able to:在完成本課程時, 你應能Use systematic consulting processes in performing your role as a consultant.運用系統化的管理諮詢程序Build client credibility and maintain strong client relationships througho

2、ut the consulting process.在客戶心中建立聲譽及良好的關係2OverviewlFundamentals of consulting管理諮詢的基本概念lPeter Blocks model彼得模式lKey principles in consulting flawlessly顧問的主要原則3Consultant 顧問顧問 / 諮詢師諮詢師A Professional Person . . .一個專業人士In a position to have some influence有影響力With no direct power to make changes引發改革而沒有直接管

3、理權4Clients 客戶客戶Individuals or Groups . . .個人或組織With authority to implement your recommendations有權去執行建議Whom you want to influence, without exercising direct control被你所影響的對象的其中沒有從屬關係的5Problem 難題難題The difference between what “is”and what “should be”應該應該跟 現在現在的分別The “gap”統稱斷層統稱斷層6An InterventionThe goal

4、 or end productof a consulting activity諮詢過程所帶出來的結果7Three Kinds of Consulting Skills三種技巧三種技巧lTechnical skills技術lInterpersonal skills人際關係lConsulting skills諮詢8Consultant Roles 顧問的角色顧問的角色Expert專家9Consultant Roles 顧問的角色顧問的角色Collaborative協作10Consulting ProcesslEntry/Contracting進入及建立合約lProblem Identificati

5、on/Analysis確認及分析問題lGoal Setting and Planning設定目標lImplementation執行lEvaluation and Feedback評估及回饋lExtension, Recycle, or Termination再進展,或完結lPost-evaluation跟進11Seven-Step Problem-Solving Model解決難題模式解決難題模式12Flawless ConsultinglPartnering with clients成為客戶的伙伴lDeveloping commitment for change建立革新的委身lActing

6、authentically真誠行動lTrusting yourself and your experience自信13Sources of Consulting ProjectslThe client客戶lA “third party”第三者引介lThe consultant顧客開發14Entry/Contracting Steps l Initial Contact 初步接觸l Exploration 開發內容l Contracting 訂定合約15Exploration Meeting: Goals機會開發會議:目的機會開發會議:目的 l Collaborative consulting

7、relationship 建立可合作關係l Clearer image of: 澄清: the problem難題 how you can help處理方法 the requirements資源 16Exploration Meeting: Process機會開發會議:流程機會開發會議:流程Begin/enhance the relationship強化Demonstrate eagerness to help願意幫助Express positive feelings表達正面感覺Scope the project項目範圍Get clients view客戶的看法Ask whats happen

8、ed so far過去的發展Help clarify desired future state了解將來的成果17Exploration Meeting Process (continued)Explore the help needed發掘諮詢空間Get clients view建議Suggest how you can helpIdentify parameters找出Identify constraints, resources限制及資源Identify decision maker(s)有權決定者18Exploration Meeting Process(continued)Agree

9、on next steps同意下一步 What you will do你會作的 What the client will do客戶會作的 Set date for contract review時間19Contracting GoalslCollaborative consulting relationship協作的關係lAgreement on: 協議內容The project goals (目的)The project approach (方法)The expectations of each party (期望)20Contract ElementslBackground 背景lProj

10、ect goals項目目標lSuggested approach方案lSchedule時間表lRoles角色lEvaluation評估lNext steps將來的執行21Data Collection 資料收集資料收集lOne-to-one interviewing一對一的面談lFocus groups專注小組lQuestionnaires問卷lData analysis資料分折(Reading Secondary data)lObservation觀察22Data Collection: Methods資料收集:方法資料收集:方法lInterviews訪問lQuestionnaires問卷l

11、Observation觀察23Preparation 預備工作預備工作lThe interviewer訪問者lThe interviewee被訪者lThe environment環境24Interviewing Skills訪問技巧訪問技巧lEstablishing and maintaining rapport建立信任lQuestioning efficiently有效發問lListening and observing聆聽及觀察lTaking notes and preparing summaries筆錄及總結25Focus Group: Characteristics專注小組:組織專注小

12、組:組織lLasts 12 hours一至兩小時lConsists of 812 people who:每組812人Have particular knowledge/experience with the topic, or成員對所討論的課題有一定的認識Share common characteristics有相近的背景lConducted by a facilitator 引導者去帶領討論26Focus Group: Steps專注小組:運作專注小組:運作Discuss the focus group with the client跟客戶商討3 Clarify logistics運行細節3

13、 Select participants選擇成員3 Clarify the clients role 訂立客戶角色3 Discuss feedback with participants討論結果27Focus Group: Steps(continued)Draft a focus group guide寫下運行指引3 An introductory section引言介紹3 The questions問題3 A closing section小結Review the guide with the client and make modifications, as needed跟客戶先溝通才訂

14、出最後版本28Ground Rules 規則規則lAll points of view are encouraged and accepted所有的看法均被鼓勵及接受lSilence is OK靜默是可接受lOne person speaks at a time每次只有一人發言lDisagreement is ok, but no personal attacks可以反對別人的看法,但不可作出人身攻擊 lConfidentiality will be maintained保密29Facilitator Tasks引導者的工作引導者的工作Conduct introductory activiti

15、es介紹3Introductions, purpose/objectives of meeting, ground rules目標及規則Facilitate discussion of the issues引導討論3Follow the guide按規3Encourage participation鼓勵發言3Listen, elicit elaboration, gatekeep聆聽總結3Limit own statements客觀3Test for consensus尋找共識30Facilitator Tasks引導者的工作引導者的工作(continued)Summarize the iss

16、ues總結Close the meeting閉會3Thank participants for their contributions多謝參予3Explain what will happen with the data說明下一步3Communicate clients intentions regarding feedback解言客戶的想法31Creating Questionnaires問卷問卷Determine what you need to know要的資料Choose a response format形式Write the questions問題Prepare a summary

17、 sheet預備論點Pilot test/revise questions測試Develop introduction介紹32Feedback 回饋回饋lFeedback principles回饋原則lFeedback meetings回饋會議33Possible Effects of Feedback(Used with the permission of David Nadler)34Expressions of Resistance反抗的表現反抗的表現l Deny the data否定資料l Deny responsibility否定責任35Feedback Criteria回饋的條件回

18、饋的條件lIs it relevant?相關lIs it understandable?理解lIs it descriptive?說明lIs it limited?有限制lIs it impactable?影響lIs it comparative?對比性lIs it unfinalized?定點性36Presenting Feedback Data簡報簡報lPresent positive data first先道出正面資料lOrder your findings/recommendations排列結果及建議Highest payoffs first高效率為先Quick fixes, then

19、 long-term solutions快速成效次之,最後為長線的lLimit the data (有選擇性) 37Wheel38Change 變革變革 The new external situation新的外在場景39Unfreezing the Status QuoDesired StateStatus QuoRestrainingForcesDriving ForcesTime40Transition 過渡過渡The internal psychological process people go through人要經過的心理過程41Bridges Change Model碧斯的變革模

20、式碧斯的變革模式離開舊有中立區從新開始42Endings 離開舊有離開舊有Letting go of the past放手放手Predominant emotion is fearlosing something of value主要的反應是恐驚:因為失去What helpstwo-way communication, empathy, involvement幫助:雙向溝通了解,讓其參予43Neutral Zone 中立區中立區Trying out the change嘗試嘗試Predominant emotion is confusionWill it work? Will I succee

21、d?情緒:迷網,可行嗎?What helpstwo-way communication, empathy, involvement幫助:雙向溝通了解,讓其參予44Beginnings 從新開始從新開始Commitment to the change委身於變革委身於變革Positive attitudes prevailthe change is working out開始轉為正面積極What helpsReinforcement of efforts, celebrations of success幫助:強化,鼓勵4546Types of Evaluations評估評估lProcess eva

22、luations過程lResults evaluations結果47Evaluation Planning評估的計劃評估的計劃What do we want to know? 要知的是甚麼What should be measured to determine what we want to know?如何去量度Where should the data come from, and how should it be collected?資料何來When should we measure? 時間What will be done with the results?如何去處理結果48Kirkpatrick ModellResults Data結果lReaction Data反應lBehavior Data行為lLearning Data學習49



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