(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八上 第8讲 Unit 3-4课件

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《(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八上 第8讲 Unit 3-4课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(菏泽专版)2018中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八上 第8讲 Unit 3-4课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石八年级上册八年级上册第第 8 8 讲讲Unit 3Unit 3Unit 4Unit 4要点梳理要点梳理过关过关 重点词汇过关重点词汇过关根据句意及所给提示完成句子12017宿迁中考改编Please pass my glasses to me,I cant see blackboard clearly(clear)22017兰州中考Id like you to share(share) your ideas about pollution.32017海南中考Carl cant sleep well because his new bed mak

2、es him uncomfortable(comfortable)4Bob didnt come to school because he broke(break) his leg in a traffic accident.5They cant go to a movie tonight,because they have lost their tickets(ticket)62017安徽中考Please follow the rules.Dont touch(触碰) the photos in the museum.7Though(虽然) it was already dark,they

3、still went on working in the field.8Lets open the window to have some fresh air here.9Tom is a creative(创意的) performer,so he won in the Got Talent.10Itll take us a whole day to get there by train.So its necessary(必要的) for us to take enough food.高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点1 1 辨析辨析winwin与与beatbeatWell,everyone w

4、ants to win.嗯,每个人都想赢。 Unit 3 P18winwin“赢得,获得”后接某种比赛、奖品或战争等,不能接参赛的选手They won the baseball game.他们在棒球赛中获胜了。beatbeat“打败,战胜”后接战胜的对手;beat sb.“打败某人,赢了某人”He always beats me in tennis.他打网球总是赢我。考点考点2 2 辨析辨析 other other,the otherthe other,othersothers,the othersthe others与与another another Im different from Je

5、ff because Im louder than the other kids in my class.我与杰夫不同,因为在班里我比其他的孩子声音更响亮。 Unit 3 P22otherother其他的;另外的作前置定语表示泛指,用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词Do you have any other ideas?你有其他的想法吗?the the otherother两者中的另一(个)常用结构:one.,the other.“(两者中的)一个,另一个”;some.,the other.“一些,另一些”,指一个整体中除去一部分后的其余全部I have two pencil cases. On

6、e is white, the other is pink.我有两个铅笔盒。一个是白色的,另一个是粉色的。othersothers有些;其他人/事物泛指别的人或物(但不是全部),不能作定语,othersother可数名词复数,常用结构:some.,others.“一些,另一些”Some people came by car, others came by bus. A few came on foot.一些人开车,另一些人乘公交车,几个人步行。the the othersothers其余的(人或物)the othersthe other复数名词,指一个整体中除去一部分后的其余全部。常用结构:s

7、ome.,others.,the others.“一些,另一些,其他的”There are six students in the classroom. Where are the others?教室里有六个学生,其他的学生呢?anotheranother 另一个泛指三者或三者以上不确定数目中的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词I lost my pen, so I bought another one.我丢了一支钢笔,所以我又买了一支。考点考点3 3 be similar tobe similar to的用法的用法My best friend is similar to Larry be

8、cause shes less hardworking than me .我最好的朋友与劳拉相似,因为她不如我努力。 Unit 3 P22【透析】 be similar to意为“某物为某人所熟知,与相似”,其用法广泛,一般用在相似的物品和情景的对比上。如:His teaching style is similar to that of most of the teachers.他的教学风格和大多数教师很相似。考点考点4 4 How do you like.How do you like.?句型?句型How do you like it so far?到目前为止,你觉得它怎么样? Unit 4

9、 P26【透析】 How do / does主语like .?What do / does主语think of .?此句型是用来询问对方对某事物或某人的印象、评价、看法的,意为“某人觉得怎样?” 如:How do you like your new math teacher?What do you think of your new math teacher?你觉得你的新数学老师怎么样?She is very humorous.她很幽默。关联语法链接关联语法链接语法1:形容词比较级 见P133语法2:形容词最高级 见P133语法3:连词(both,as.as) 见P128和129考点即时考点即

10、时运用运用单项填空1考点1Do you know Tu Youyou?Yes,she _ the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 5th.She is the pride of our Chinese.Abeat Bwon Creceived2语法12017怀化中考Youre driving too fast.Safety is the first.Sorry.I will drive _Amore slowly Bmuch slowlyCmost slowly3考点2If you smile at _,they will smile back.

11、Athe others Bothers Cthe other4考点12018原创预测The Chinese womens volleyball team _ Serbia team in the final last year and _ the gold medal in Rio.Abeat;beat Bbeat;won Cwon;beatBABB5语法22017黄冈中考改编Which country has the _ population in the world?China.Its a little _ than that of India.Amost;most Bbiggest;bi

12、ggerCbigger;biggest6考点2Shall we meet at 8 oclock next Sunday morning?I wont be free then.Lets make it _ day.Aother Banother Cthe other7考点4How do you like your new job? _I like it.AIts great BTerribleCI cant stand itBBBBA8考点3The weather in Guilin_that in San Francisco.Alooks like Btakes after Cis similar to9考点4_ do you think of the TV program called Running Man?Its very interesting.I love watching it.AHow BWhat CWhereCB



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