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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 企业应用电子商务的趋势ppt课件_第1页
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    • 1、企業應用電子商務的趨勢企業應用電子商務的趨勢張耀仁Chief Scientist,蕃薯藤數位科技chang212staff.yamyam簡歷張耀仁Chief Scientist,蕃薯藤數位科技2000/1-)IBM亞太區電子商務資深顧問(1997-2000/1)中原大學電子系所專任副教授 (1995-2000/1)電子商務著作電子商務系統,高立出版,1998/11 初版,2000/3, 二版二刷Make it Service Company instead of Marketing CompanyCustomer Retention & Customer Acquisitionfocus on long-term customer relation rather than marketing (wallet share vs. market share)deliver service based on customer valuebeauty of subscriptionAt YAM, acquiring a major Information Service customer At

      2、 YAM, acquiring a major Information Service customer takes 3 to 9 months.takes 3 to 9 months.Know what Internet can do best for youB2C (On-line retailing)Back to CollegeCRM (Customer Retention)Cost Real MoneyClick and Mortarenhance the business with Internet techBank, Insurance Company (Subscription Type Service)Consolidate billing, transaction recordTargetted PromotionBook Store, Travel Agency, Stock Trading (Information Centric Service)Information Service, Membership, Incentive ProgramClick an

      3、d Mortar (Cont.)Chain Store, Retailor (Logistics Type Service)QR/ECR, SCMManufacturing, OEMVirtual FactoryB-to-C Survival GamesFinancial, Travel Agency/Ticketing, Book DistributionPresale can be virtualized.3C Retailing, Grocery Retailing, Furniture RetailingPhysical inspection is unlikely to be skipped. Complicated logisticsJob BanksHow significant Computerized Match is?Internet HR Pure Play vs. Managed HR servicee 化 Traveler ServiceParisOct 20, 2000Cloudy, 3 C YAM TravelBack A Back BCT #002 3:

      4、30 pmTPE-SFO* delayed 5 hoursa: DT #007 2:50 pmb: ET #005 3:55 pmbook a book b蘇先生您好,夏威夷八日輕鬆玩,會員特惠25,000,只出一團喔!Detail Universal Messaging PortabilityAsychronousFaxGSMeFaxFax-PhoneSMSgatewayVoice PortalwapWap portalBrowserPDAec.cycu.edu.twec.cycu.edu.twContent, Community, Communication, CommerceInternetTelecomWebDeployment of M-CommerceThe Vision is “Pervasive Web蕃薯藤大陸3C通路佈局賽博數碼廣場SCMGeography coverage, Speed, Right TargettingGeography coverage, Speed, Right TargettingMembership, Stickiness, Repeat

      5、 Buy, Cross-sellingMembership, Stickiness, Repeat Buy, Cross-sellingCost-Efficient, Control, SpeedCost-Efficient, Control, SpeedClick and Mortar123e化主動行銷化主動行銷To e- or Not to e-Taiwan is increasingly becoming a player global supply chainBecoming an e-business may not be an advantage but a minimum requirement in some casesStreaming Business Flows and Cost ReductionManufacturing- PDM, ERPRetailing- SCMHigh Tech- Knowledge Management, ERPthe Informed Buying Cycle智慧型消費者的時代來臨TV, Newspaper,TV, Newspape

      6、r, Magazine MagazineBook, PRBook, PR(but, content itself(but, content itself is the best marketing tool) is the best marketing tool)Consumers Need Trust to Get CloserImagingImagingWeb Publishing,Web Publishing, , ,A/V ServerA/V ServerNeed Info to Make DecisionConsiderationConsiderationE-Payment (w/ SCM)Fund Transfer,CODNeed Mechanism to Buy ActuallyPurchasePurchase123StrategiesStrategiesTacticsRationaleImpacts of Internet/Intraneton Corporate Strategy普通性普通性專業性專業性廣廣窄窄資源性質資源性質事業範圍事業範圍移轉移轉共享共享協調整合協

      7、調整合財務導向財務導向營運導向營運導向管控管控Src: HBRSrc: HBRInternet 時代的經濟規模網路降低通訊本钱,有利於分散與跨國企業。網路與電腦化,有利於較大規模經營者。Taiwans SME1,000,000Own IT, Hire service teamOwn IT, Hire service teamIT not requiredIT not requiredIT required, cannot affordIT required, cannot afford裕隆,台積電日盛,台塑家庭式鐵工廠,鄉下建材行YAM Confidential“Knowledge PortalCustomers ServedIT ComplexityThin ClientASPOwn ITYAM ConfidentialEnterprise Information PortalKnowledge PortalEmployees as Customers電子商業技術展望Thin ClientHostingASPOwn ITSBMBe-CommerceCRMKM/e-LearningSC

      8、ME-BusinessStorefront/AuctionBusiness DriveI IT T C Co ommp pl le ex xi it ty yBiz ScaleBiz ScaleYAM ConfidentialASP- Application Service Providers 應用服務提供方式New service paradigmaccountant vs leased accounting systemservice personnel vs. leased billing system“Lease but not own“Use but not maintain “Pay for what is usedIssuesWho can be the ASP?Securities, PrivacyPerformance, ScalabilityService ChargeYAM ConfidentialB-to-B eCommerce 方式與战略Buyers solutionsprocurementSellers solutionse-dealer, customer

      9、 care, CRMeMarketplaceTradingHubBSSSWRSRSRSSRSbuyersupplierresellerWholesaleSSSBBBBWYAM ConfidentialChallenges with eMarketplacePayment is not an issue.Revenue is not secured.Membership, (renewable)Advertisement, (CPM)Installation/Setup, (one time fee)Transaction Fee (per order)New directions Challenges with ERP/SCMGaps between existing business flows and software built-in business logicsVery costly to SMEsLong introduction timeInsufficient commitment to making changeOperation the ASP way is not

      10、 mature yetASP Business SegmentsB2CB2BEIPeLearningCommerce HostingAffiliated StoreeMPVirtual CompanyEIP ASPeLearning ASPYAM Confidentiale-Path for Company(Sharing) Phase I: Company as Communitymail, webpages, bulletin, calendar (sync to Outlook & Lotus), UMS, corporate stores(Empowerment) Phase II: eLearning, EIP (Enterprise Information Portal)(Moblity & Flexibility) Phase III: MIS (workflow, procurement, ERP provided by ASP)YAM ConfidentialSSSBBBB2CeLearningHRCompany PortalIndustry PortalSbuyer

      11、supplierHosted resellerBConsumer MarketRSRSCorp. storeA Scenario YAM ConfidentialeBusiness IT componentsYAM ConfidentialLevels of ASPApplication hosting compared to virtual hosting, colocationData Center (storage for informational asset) Domain ExpertiseCore competence Expertise from allianceKonwledge managementYAM ConfidentialDomain ExpertiseDomain ExpertiseSecuritySecurityEconomic ScaleEconomic ScaleCriteria of business developmentAbility to replicateScalabilityMarketshareMarketshareYAM Confid

      12、entialAbility to ReplicateReplicate to different territoriesdifferent categoriesLeveragesystem, biz models, connections, domain know-how, partnershipsYAM ConfidentialRevenue Streams at YAMSponsorship: 104, Hrgini, CNetASP / Information Service: Eva Air, Hrgini, Eslite, LoyoCobrand Privilege: Bid, Allproducts 結論The window for Internet Pure-Play is gone.明日報,資迅人/酷必得,allmywaye化企業Survival,Competitive,Taking Advantages while we still can Think from a broader spectrumCustomer Value, Customer/Employee Care, Business Process, IT Resources


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