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1、Unit1 Friendship1. add up 合计add to add toadd up toadd sth. up把 添加到增加合计达把加起来Exercises 1.His whole income _ no more than 1,000 yuan per month.2. The bad weather _ our difficulties.3._ these figures and you will see which is right.4.Will you _ more students _ this project?5.50 _ 50 equals 100.adds up t

2、oadded toAdd upaddtoadded to2.upset adj. 心烦意乱的心烦意乱的,不安的不安的,不适不适的的 eg. He felt rather upset on hearing the news. It is an upset message. He has got an upset stomach. be upset about/ over sth. 为某事忧心忡忡为某事忧心忡忡He was upset over her illness.upset1.adj. 2.V. _(你不安吗你不安吗)when the new term begins? Does the ne

3、w school term_ (使你不安使你不安)?Are you upsetupset you3.ignore ignorant ignorance vt.adj不知道的不知道的,无知的无知的n.无知无知,愚昧愚昧He ignores the doctors advice and goes on smoking.I was ignorant that the boss could be so strict.The villagers ignorance made them poorer and poorer. 4.calm down(使)平静下来、镇定下来(使)平静下来、镇定下来 Calm

4、v.(使)平静(使)平静 adj.镇定的镇定的1.Lets go and calm your angry brotherdown.让我们去安慰你愤怒的兄弟吧。让我们去安慰你愤怒的兄弟吧。2.We waited inside until things calmed down.我们呆在室内直到一切恢复正常。我们呆在室内直到一切恢复正常。3.Though it was dangerous, _(他仍旧很平静他仍旧很平静).4.Have some brandy,and it will calm your Nerves.he remained calm5.be concerned about / for

5、 关心关心 be concerned with 与与 有关有关The meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests.withfor1.concern sb./sth. 与与有关有关 concerning prep.关于,涉及关于,涉及2.be concerned about/over/for 关心,挂念关心,挂念 =be worried about3.be concerned with/in 牵扯进牵扯进/参与参与与与-有关有关4.as/so far as I a

6、m concerned 就我而言就我而言(1)Dont _ other peoples affairs. 别干涉他人的事。别干涉他人的事。(2)I _ my sons future.我总是担忧我儿子的将来。我总是担忧我儿子的将来。(3)He doesnt bother about things that dont _ him.他不关心那些与他无关的事。他不关心那些与他无关的事。(4)As far as _, the sooner, the better.就我而言,越快越好。就我而言,越快越好。(5)_ your letter, Im pleased to inform you of what

7、you are interested in.关于你的信,我乐于奉告你所感兴趣的东西关于你的信,我乐于奉告你所感兴趣的东西be concerned witham always concerned aboutconcernI am concernedConcerning6.cheat v. 欺骗欺骗; 骗取骗取; 作弊作弊cheat sb. ( out ) of sth.骗取某人的某物骗取某人的某物cheat sb. into doing 骗某人做骗某人做cheat at/in 作弊作弊; 作假作假It was foolish of him _ _. (被骗了钱被骗了钱)He was cheate

8、d _. ( 吸烟)吸烟)It is wrong _. (考试作弊考试作弊) to be cheated out of moneyinto smokingto cheat in the examination7. should have done 本来应该做某事本来应该做某事 (而实际没做而实际没做, 含有责备的意味含有责备的意味)should not have done 本来不该做某本来不该做某事事(而实际已做而实际已做)He looks upset. I _ _. (本不该告诉他这本不该告诉他这个坏消息)个坏消息)You are late. You _ _. (该早五该早五分钟来分钟来)

9、shouldnt have told him the bad news should have come five minutes earlierCould have done本来可以做本来可以做Would have done本会做本会做At that time those could never have kept her spellpound.He could have stayed in the city for a better life.He would have come ,but he was busy. 8.go through (1)You really dont know

10、what we went through while working on this project. (2)The policeman went through the thiefs pockets. (3)The new bill didnt go through. (4)It took us a whole week to go through one of the greatest forests. (5)Lets go through the argument again.经历,遭受(苦难)经历,遭受(苦难)搜查,仔细检查搜查,仔细检查被通过被通过穿过,通过穿过,通过仔细讨论仔细讨论

11、 9. set down 写下,记下;放下;让某人下车写下,记下;放下;让某人下车(1) I wanted to set my feelings down on paper.(2) The driver set her down at the station.(3) He set down a basket on the ground.set about (doing) sth.set out to do sth.set asideset upset forwardsetfreeset an example forset off着手(做)着手(做)开始做开始做把放一边,不顾把放一边,不顾建立,

12、创设建立,创设提出,拨快(钟表)提出,拨快(钟表)给树立榜样给树立榜样动身,启程动身,启程释放释放10. series (单复同形单复同形) n. a series of + n. (pl.)a series of meetings 一系列的会议一系列的会议一连串的考试一连串的考试一套教科书一套教科书两套邮票两套邮票a series of examsa series of textbookstwo series of stamps做主语,谓语动词用单数做主语,谓语动词用单数 There has been a series of accidents at the crossing.11. fac

13、e to face 面对面地面对面地 (在句中作状语在句中作状语) face-to-face adj. 面对面的面对面的 (作定语作定语)heart to heart 坦诚地坦诚地shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地肩并肩地back to back 背对背地背对背地eg. She stood _ (面对面地面对面地) with him. We had _ (面对面的交谈面对面的交谈).face to facea face-to-face talkhand in hand 手拉手手拉手arm in arm 挽臂,携手挽臂,携手side by side 并肩并肩12. no long

14、er/notany longer 不再不再eg. He no longer lives here. =He doesnt live here any longer.no more/not any more Im _a child and Ill_make such mistakes.no longerno more13.settle vi.安家,定居,停留安家,定居,停留 vt. 使定居,安排,解决使定居,安排,解决settle an argument解决争论解决争论 He _of the compartment. The family _in Canada. 1)他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落

15、里。他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里。2)这家人已定居加拿大。这家人已定居加拿大。settled his child in a cornerhas settled(1)She _ the city after her fathers death.父亲去世父亲去世后她就在城市里定居了。后她就在城市里定居了。(2)They _ in a friendly way.他们友好地解决了他们的争端。他们友好地解决了他们的争端。(3)Lets _ the work. 我们开始工作。我们开始工作。settled insettled their quarrelsettle down to14. suffer vt

16、. & vi. 遭受,忍受,经历遭受,忍受,经历suffer pain/loss/punishment /wrong 遭受疼痛遭受疼痛/损失损失/惩罚惩罚suffer from患患病;病;因因而受损失、受苦而受损失、受苦 1)Do you_(头疼头疼)? 2)We_(损失惨重损失惨重)in the financial crisis.3)Shes suffering from loss of memory. suffer from headachesuffered huge losses她患有遗忘症。她患有遗忘症。15.recover vi. &vt. 痊愈痊愈; 恢复;重新获得恢复;重新获得r

17、ecover ones sight/strengthrecover oneselfAfter a few days of fever, he began to recover.recover stolen goods恢复视力恢复视力/体力体力恢复健康恢复健康找回被盗物品找回被盗物品recover from =make a recovery from从从从中恢复中恢复(1)Liu Xiang is still _ his operation. 手术后,刘翔仍在恢复之中。手术后,刘翔仍在恢复之中。(2)He seemed upset but quickly _. 他显得心烦意乱,但很快静下心来。他

18、显得心烦意乱,但很快静下心来。(3)He has _ a slow _ the strain. 他慢慢从紧张中恢复过来。他慢慢从紧张中恢复过来。recovering fromrecovered himselfmaderecovery from16. get on / along ( well/badly) with sth. 进展(用于进行时)进展(用于进行时) get on / along (well/badly) with sb. 与某人相处与某人相处 1)He asked me _ 2)_ ( 我的英语进展如何我的英语进展如何).how I was getting along/on2)H

19、e is a pleasant person who is easy _ .to get along withwith my English 17. fall in love (with sb.) “爱上某人爱上某人” , 表动作表动作 be in love ( with sb. ) “与某人相爱与某人相爱”, 表状态表状态 eg. Mary _ with Bill for three years. They fell in love at the first sight.has been in love18. join in 参加某活动参加某活动 join sb. in (doing) 与某

20、人一起参加某项活动与某人一起参加某项活动 join 加入某党派加入某党派/组织组织(并成为其中一员)并成为其中一员) join the Partyattend常指参加或出席正式的活动或场合,常指参加或出席正式的活动或场合, (如婚礼,会议等)(如婚礼,会议等) attend ones lecture/wedding take part in 参加(群众性活动)参加(群众性活动) 1)Do you know how many people_ the organization?2)Come and _ us _the discussion.3)Theyll _an important meetin

21、g tomorrow.4)Many college students _ the march. joinedattendtook part injoinin 19.Hide awayhide away + 地点状语地点状语 藏在某处藏在某处 eg: The boy hid away in a friends house for several days after fighting.hide away sth.=hide sth. awayeg: Why do you hide your thoughts away from me?你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法呢?你为什么对我隐瞒你的想法呢?Hid

22、e hid hidden 20.It is / wasthat强调句型的构成为:强调句型的构成为:It is / was+被强调的部分被强调的部分+that+剩余部分,如果被强调的部分是人,则可用剩余部分,如果被强调的部分是人,则可用who(whom)代替代替that.I met my best friend in the street yesterday. 如果分别强调上句中的主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语,则上面的句子可依次如果分别强调上句中的主语、宾语、地点状语和时间状语,则上面的句子可依次转换为转换为:_met my best friend in the street yesterda

23、y. (强调主语强调主语)_I met in the street yesterday. (强调宾语强调宾语)_I met my best friend yesterday. (强调地点状语强调地点状语)_I met my best friend in the street.(强调时间状语)(强调时间状语)He went back to his hometown when the war was over._He went back to his hometownIt was I who/thatIt was my best friend who/thatIt was in the stree

24、t thatIt was yesterday thatIt was when the war was over that21 do with1. 与。有关,与。有关, 和。有业务关系和。有业务关系have sth. to do with与。有关与。有关have nothing to do with 与。没有关系与。没有关系have a lot to do with 与。有很大关系与。有很大关系have much to do with与。有很大关系与。有很大关系eg: I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. Her jo

25、b has something to do with computers. He asked some questions that had nothing to do with his lessons. Hard work has a lot to do with his success. eg: He didnt know what to do with the property his father had left.处理处理What are you doing with the leftovers?对付对付 22. In order to do sth. (to do, in orde

26、r to,so as to)in order not to do sth.; 带逻辑主语的结构为带逻辑主语的结构为in order for sb. to do sth.eg: They did anything in order to make money.= In order to make money they did anyting.I worked hard in order _He started early in order_for my son to go to college.not to be late for school.23 Happen1. 碰巧碰巧It (just)

27、 so happened that碰巧。碰巧。happen to do碰巧做。碰巧做。happen to be doing碰巧正在做。碰巧正在做。happen to have done碰巧做过。碰巧做过。It (so )happened that I had met him before.=I happened to have met him before.There happened to be nobody in the house on fire. 22. happen to do ; It happens(ed) that 碰巧碰巧 I _ (恰好恰好在车站在车站) when he a

28、rrived. It happened that _ when he arrived .happened to be at the stationI was at the station24. keep sb. / sth. + a. / ad. / doing / done 使使保持某种状态保持某种状态 Im sorry to have kept you _ (wait) for so long. We will keep you _ ( inform ). 25. stay - keep系动词系动词, 意为意为“保持保持”, 表示状态表示状态,后多跟形容词或名词后多跟形容词或名词, 不用于

29、不用于被动语态和进行时。被动语态和进行时。waitinginformedThe weather _ (一直暖和一直暖和)all this weak. The shop _ (一直营业一直营业) twenty four hours a day. They _ for years until Li died.has stayed warmstays openstayed friends重点句型详解重点句型详解1. before 才才e.g. I had waited for him for two hours before he came. 我等了他两小时他才来。我等了他两小时他才来。注意以下句型

30、:注意以下句型:It will be + 时间段时间段 + before 得过多久才得过多久才 It will not be + 时间段时间段+ before 用不了多久就用不了多久就 It was + 时间段时间段+ before 过了多久之后才过了多久之后才It wasnt long before 没过多久就没过多久就It will be three years _. (他们才见面他们才见面)_ (没过多久)没过多久)before we got together.before they meet againIt wasnt long 2While walking the dog, you

31、were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.你你在在遛遛狗狗的的时时候候不不小小心心让让狗狗松松脱了,接着它被一辆小车撞着了。脱了,接着它被一辆小车撞着了。While walking the dogWhile you were walking the dog,这这是状是状语语从句的省略从句的省略。在在when, while, if, as if, though, as, where, unless等等连连词词(词词组组)引引导导的的状状语语从从句句中中,如如果果谓谓语语动动词词有有be,而而主主语语又又跟跟主主句句的的主主语语相相同同

32、或或为为it时时,则则从从句句的的主主语语和和be常常常常省省略略。When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures.在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。While (I was) waiting, I read newspapers.我边等待,边看报纸。我边等待,边看报纸。If (it were) not for you, we would not go there.要不是为你,我们就不会去那儿了。要不是为你,我们就不会去那儿了。He looks as if (he were) drunk.他看上去像喝醉了

33、。他看上去像喝醉了。3. It / This is the first / second time that +主语主语+have / has done. It / This was the first / second / third time that + 主语主语+ had done. 意为意为“这是某人第几次做某事这是某人第几次做某事” Im not familiar with the town. It is the first time that I _. He told me it was the fourth time that he _ (犯同犯同样的错误样的错误).have

34、come herehad made the same mistake4.not.until 直到直到-才才 until 到到-为止为止I _(上床睡觉上床睡觉)until I had finished my homework.(go)We_(学习学习)until we are old.(study)5. there was a time when=at one time /once _(曾今曾今)there was a stream in front of our village.(be)didnt go to bedshould studythere was a time when Scie

35、ntists say it may be five or six years_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. (2004 福建福建) A. since B. after C. before D. when since自从自从以来以来; after 在在之后之后; when当当时候时候; 只有只有C可以构成可以构成It is + 时时间段间段+before+从句从句, 意为意为 “之后才之后才” 8.get / have sth. done9.walk sb. / sth.10.get loose11.end-of

36、-term exam使某人做某事使某人做某事遛遛( (动物),动物),陪(人)步行陪(人)步行松了松了期末考试期末考试8. too much 修饰不可数名词、不及物动修饰不可数名词、不及物动词或单独使用;若修饰可数名词复数词或单独使用;若修饰可数名词复数,则则用用too many ; much too + a. / ad. 实在太实在太, 用来修用来修饰形容词和副词。饰形容词和副词。I had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home .A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C

37、. heavy too much D. too heavy muchI wont go to the cinema with you, because I have _ work to do.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. far much tooI am not in good health, so the work is _ for me to do.too much10. dare (1)用做情态动词用做情态动词,多用于否定、疑问、多用于否定、疑问、条件状语从句和条件状语从句和weather/ if 引导的引导的从句从句, 后接动词原形,后接

38、动词原形,没有人称和数没有人称和数的变化。现在时为的变化。现在时为dares, 过去时为过去时为dared, 否定式为否定式为dare not 或或darent. (2)用做实意动词用做实意动词, 有人称、数和时态的有人称、数和时态的变化变化, 否定句中的否定句中的to可省略。可省略。 I dare say 我敢说我敢说; 我相信我相信; 我认为我认为e.g. I dare say he will come later. 我敢说他过些时候会来的。我敢说他过些时候会来的。 There is something wrong with the tape, I dare say. (作插入语作插入语)

39、1. I wonder how he_ that to the teacher.A.dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared sayB.2. The little girl _ go downstairs alone at night. A. dares not to B. dares not C. dare not to D. dare not3. She is shy and _ stand up and answer the teachers questions.A. dares not B. doesnt dare to C

40、. dare not to D. dares not toDare即可作情态动词又可作实意动词,即可作情态动词又可作实意动词, 区别如下:区别如下:肯定句肯定句疑问句疑问句否定句否定句情态动词情态动词dare do实意动词实意动词 dare + to do情态动词情态动词dare+主语主语+do?实意动词实意动词 Do+ 主语主语 + dare + to do情态动词情态动词dare+do实意动词实意动词 dare + to do12. face to face 面对面地面对面地 (在句中作状语在句中作状语) face-to-face a.面对面的面对面的 (作定语作定语)类似的还有类似的还有

41、heart to heart 坦诚地坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地肩并肩地 back to back 背对背地背对背地She stood _ (面对面地面对面地) with him. We had _ (面对面的交谈面对面的交谈).face to facea face-to-face talkThat night they talked _ (坦诚地坦诚地) with each other.heart to heart13. get on / along ( well/nicely/badly/) with sth. 进展进展 get on / along (wel

42、l/nicely/badly) with sb. 与某人相处与某人相处 He asked me _ _ ( 我的英语进展如何我的英语进展如何). how I was getting along/on with my EnglishI told him that I _ _ ( 进展得很好进展得很好). was getting along well with itHe is a pleasant person who is easy _ . A. to get along with B. to get alongB.C . to be getting on D. getting along wi

43、th14. fall in love (with sb.) “爱上某人爱上某人” , 表动作表动作 be in love ( with sb. ) “与某人相爱与某人相爱”, 表状态表状态 Marry _ with Bill for three years.has been in love 15. advice (1) n. U 劝告劝告,忠告忠告 give / offer sb. some advice ( on ) (就就)给某人提建议给某人提建议 follow / take ones advice 接受某人的建议接受某人的建议 ask sb. for advice (=ask advic

44、e of sb.)(2) advise v. 建议建议, 劝告劝告 advise sb. to do; advise doing advise that sb. (should) do Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble.A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advicesThe teacher gave me _ studying maths.A. some advice on B. advices on C. advice D. some advices forHe wa

45、s advised _ smoking.A. stopping B. to stop C. stop D. to be stoppedHe advised that we _ (立刻出发立刻出发).(should) start at once15. make an effort / every effort / efforts to do sth. - try to do 努力努力, 尽力尽力 Please make an effort _ (早到早到). I will _ (尽力尽力) to help you.make every effort to come early16. find /

46、 think / feel / make + it + a. ( for sb. ) + to doI dont think _ possible to find so much work within so short a time.A. this B. that C. its D. itWe have made _ a rule _ in the office.A. this ; not to smoke B. it ; smokingC. it ; to not smoke D. it ; not to smokeI feel it my duty _ him. A. to help B. helping C. helped D. will help



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