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1、Topic 7: Library Advocacy第七讲:第七讲:拥护图书馆拥护图书馆Ellen TiseMay 11, 2009Overview 概要概要What is Library Advocacy?什么是拥护图书馆?Why should we advocate for libraries? 为什么我们要拥护图书馆?Libraries on the Agenda 待议事项中的图书馆Successes 成功事项An agenda for libraries 给图书馆的一个议程The Future . 未来发展What is Library Advocacy?什么是拥护图书馆?什么是拥护图书

2、馆?Advocacy has been defined as:拥护被定义为:“ the process of turning passive support into educated action by stakeholders” 利益相关者透过教育改变负面支持的一种过程“simply voicing your support for libraries and encouraging others to do the same” (ALA)簡单提出你对图书馆的支持,同时鼓励其他人跟随你的做法 (美国图书馆协会)Why should we advocate for libraries?为什么

3、我们要拥护图书馆?为什么我们要拥护图书馆?Care about free access to information关注获取资讯的自由Care about intellectual freedom 关注知识上的自由Because we believe in literacy 因为我们相信知识Libraries are a legacy 图书馆是遗产Information an international political concern 知识是一个国际政治上关心的事New technologies shaping the way we live 新科技塑造我们生活的方式Libraries r

4、elevant to every domain of society图书馆对社会上的每个层面都有关系Influencing decision-making 影响决策Getting attention for libraries 引起图书馆注意Library users need us 图书馆读者需要图书馆Promote and defend Access to information as a Human Right 以人权立场来说,促进及维护通往知识的道路Promote social inclusion 促进社会共融Educating communities we serve about t

5、he importance of libraries 教育我们服务的社区知晓图书馆的重要性Why should we advocate for libraries?为什么我们要拥护图书馆?为什么我们要拥护图书馆?Promote awareness of libraries and their contribution to society 在社会中提升人民对图书馆的认识及其贡献Increase visibility and support for librarians 增加图书馆的明显性及支持图书馆Help librarians better market their services 帮助图

6、书馆员在市场上推广其服务Position libraries better 提升图书馆地位Why should we advocate for libraries?为什么我们要拥护图书馆?为什么我们要拥护图书馆?Libraries on the Agenda待议事项中的图书馆Placing LIBRARIES on the agenda 把图书馆放在待议事项中Passion/commitment of librarians 图书馆员的热忱Listening to the community 听取社区的声音Involving the community 融入社区Responding to “wh

7、at is now” 回应 “时势的需要”Libraries on the Agenda待议事项中的图书馆Making relevant knowledge and information available 确保相关的知识及资讯在手边Connecting libraries 与其它图书馆有联系Successful partnerships 成功的合作夥伴Removing barriers to achieve access and equity 除去障碍,以成就通往知识的道路及其公平性Successes 成功事项More people coming into the library 更多读者

8、来临图书馆Increase in circulation 增加流通量Increase in funding budgets improved增加资金 改善经费Increased visibility 增加明显性Citizens become advocates for libraries市民将会拥护图书馆Safe place 一个安全的地方Staff motivation attracting new staff 推动员工积极性 吸引新职员The library is cool 图书馆极好的图书馆极好的If you want to be seen as cool go to the libra

9、ry 如果你如果你想被看作极好想被看作极好的的 到图书馆到图书馆去吧去吧This library isnt only about This library isnt only about books its about having funbooks its about having fun! ! 图书馆不单只图书馆不单只有有书本书本 它还提供欢乐它还提供欢乐Academic Librarians answer 72.8 million reference questions each year almost twice the attendance at college football g

10、ames 学术图书馆每年回答七千二百八学术图书馆每年回答七千二百八十万参考性问题十万参考性问题 几乎等同入场几乎等同入场观看大专美式足球比赛人数的观看大专美式足球比赛人数的两倍两倍Its about telling our stories!Source: ALA Office for Research & Statistics 这是关于我们的故事这是关于我们的故事 !资料来源:资料来源:美国图书馆协美国图书馆协会办公室会办公室 研究及统计研究及统计Public libraries are the no.1 point of online access for Public libraries

11、are the no.1 point of online access for people without Internet connections at home, school people without Internet connections at home, school or workor work! !对于在家里、学校或工作地点没有上网设备对于在家里、学校或工作地点没有上网设备的人来说,的人来说,公共图书馆最多人选择上网的地点公共图书馆最多人选择上网的地点An agenda for libraries给图书馆的一个议程Library staff should listen 图

12、书馆员工必须聆听Crucial to be continually informed 不停地被告知是关键Have to know how to communicate 晓得怎样沟通Important to try new ideas 尝试新想法是重要的Engaging local politicians, decision-makers 与本地政治要员,决策人士有重要联系Aware of immediate environment 留意当前时局Able to adapt services to local and global phenomena能够提供服务去适应本地及环球现象In plann

13、ing library program focussing on creativity and learning 在计划图书馆方案时 集中注意力在创造力和学习上An agenda for libraries给图书馆的一个议程Cooperation with Science Centres and museums provides numerous possibilities 与科学中心及博物馆合作,以此提供有不同形式的活动A library can host many activities without losing its identity图书馆能够举办许多的活动,但又不失其独特的身份Co

14、llaboration with universities, research and educational institutions spreads the idea that the library can be an arena for development and new ways of thinking 与大学、研究及教育机构合作 向它们宣扬一个信息:告知他们图书馆是个发掘和培育新思想的地方An agenda for libraries给图书馆的一个议程Cooperation with architects, stage designers or other profession

15、als is very rewarding it allows librarians explore the full potential of their professional competence 与建筑师、舞台设计师或其他的专业人士合作是非常重要的 这能让图书馆员大大发掘其专业潜能Other perspectives can bring new thinking to library operations and utilization of library space其他观点能将新思维带给图书馆运作及空间运用The library can promote language and

16、reading by letting the written, spoken and electronic word exist side by side 让文字、语言及电子字共存,使图书馆藉此推广语言及阅读The Future 未来发展Librarians as agents of change 图书馆员是个转变的媒介Convergence with other cultural institutions, eg. Museums, archives 会聚其他文化机构,例如:博物馆,檔案馆Proactive solutions 前瞻性地提供解决方案Libraries significant

17、power to educate, inform, and contribute to sustainable development of society in general 图书馆提供重要的力量去教育、告知及贡献社会,让其在一般情形下能持续发展The Future 未来发展Libraries an invaluable part of the knowledge society 图书馆是社会知识的无价宝Libraries continue to be transformed into vital tools that can help millions of people improve

18、 their lives 图书馆不断更新发展成为重要的工具,使其可以成千上万的人改善他们的生活Librarians are active in building a user-friendly , inclusive information society 图书馆员积极地建立一个考虑使用者的环境,融会资讯性的社会The Future 未来发展Linked to all layers of society and can influence information policy on a local and global level 连接社会的不同层面及能够影响本地及世界的资讯方针Coopera

19、te to protect and defend our professions core values of freedom, equity and inclusion 共同合作去保护及防卫我们在自由、公平及共融性的专业核心价值Developing a marketing and advocacy plan 发展一个具市场策略性及拥护性的计划Do you believe all these libraries will remain?你相信这些图书馆会继续存在吗?That is not what its all about!这个不是关于全部所包括的!Do you want them to e

20、xist?你想他们继续存在吗 ?Why not?为何不可?Why can the future not be like that?为何未来能够不是那样?Because if we dont create the future, we wont experience it! 因为如果我们不创造未来,我们没法体现它!“The future does not hinge on our processes or on our technologies, but on our ability to build new supportive relationships for libraries” 决定未来的因素不是单靠我们所拥有事物或是科技,而是我们的力量能否给予图书馆建立新的支援关系



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