高中英语 Unit 3 Science versus nature 精品课件 译林版必修5

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1、Unit 3 Science versus nature9/19/2024 基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.agency 1.agency n n. . n n. .代理商代理商2.practice 2.practice n n. . adjadj. .实用的实用的 advadv. .3.seek 3.seek vtvt. . ( (过去式过去式) ( (过去分词过去分词) )4.succeed 4.succeed vivi. . n n. adjadj. advadv. . 代理;服务机构代理;服务机构agentagent行为;练习行为;练习practicalpractical

2、practicallypractically寻找;寻求寻找;寻求soughtsoughtsoughtsought成功成功successsuccesssuccessfulsuccessfulsuccessfullysuccessfully9/19/20245.profession 5.profession n n. . n n. .教教 授授 adjadj. .职业的;专业的职业的;专业的6.benefit 6.benefit n n. . adjadj. .7.perform 7.perform vtvt. . n n. n n. .表演者表演者职业;专业职业;专业professorprofe

3、ssorprofessionalprofessional利益利益beneficialbeneficial表演表演performanceperformanceperformerperformer9/19/2024.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.1.超越了我们的想象超越了我们的想象2.2.一项科学突破一项科学突破3.3.对对一点不尊重一点不尊重4.4.一个一个4141岁的女销售员岁的女销售员5.5.一个领养的孩子一个领养的孩子6.6.处理这些后果处理这些后果7.7.最终取代我们最终取代我们beyond our imaginationbeyond our imaginationa scientific

4、 breakthrougha scientific breakthroughshow no respect forshow no respect fora 41 year old saleswomana 41 year old saleswomanan adopted childan adopted childdeal with the consequencesdeal with the consequencesend up replacing usend up replacing us9/19/20248.8.死于心脏病死于心脏病9.9.违反违反/ /不利于自然不利于自然10.10.对对有抵

5、抗力有抵抗力11.11.过度开发地球资源过度开发地球资源12.12.满足某人的需要满足某人的需要13.13.总之总之die of heart failuredie of heart failurego against naturego against naturebe resistant tobe resistant toendlessly overdevelopendlessly overdevelopEarths resourcesEarths resourcesmeet/satisfy ones needsmeet/satisfy ones needsto conclude/to sum

6、 up/in a wordto conclude/to sum up/in a word9/19/2024.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.1.并非对自然有益的一切事情对人类都是好的。并非对自然有益的一切事情对人类都是好的。 that is best for nature is that is best for nature is good for people. good for people.2.2.在多数情况下,其结果是,人类在破坏环境之际在多数情况下,其结果是,人类在破坏环境之际 没有真正受益。没有真正受益。 Most of the time Most of the time humans

7、 humans are not really profiting when they damage are not really profiting when they damage the environment. the environment.Not everythingNot everythingit turns out thatit turns out that9/19/20243.3.科学家最近宣布,他们已经成功克隆出第一个人科学家最近宣布,他们已经成功克隆出第一个人 类胚胎,这在全球范围内引起了争论类胚胎,这在全球范围内引起了争论 A recent announcement by

8、 scientists A recent announcement by scientists they have successfully cloned the first they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate. human embryo has caused much debate.4.4.在中国,科学家们已经致力于克隆动物,以及将在中国,科学家们已经致力于克隆动物,以及将 在医学领域中被使用的干细胞。在医学领域中被使用的干细胞。 In China,scientists hav

9、e focused their In China,scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, efforts on cloning animals, stem cells to be used in medical research. stem cells to be used in medical research.thatthatas well asas well as9/19/2024.综合语篇填空综合语篇填空1.Cloning is producing an 1.Cloning is producing an co

10、py of a copy of a plant or an animal plant or an animal usingusing its cells. its cells.2.However,2.However, general the scientists were general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough. breakthrough.3.If we interfere 3.If we inte

11、rfere nature,we will have to nature,we will have to deal with the consequences. deal with the consequences.exactexactininwithwith9/19/20244.I feel sorry 4.I feel sorry the lady who cannot have the lady who cannot have a baby,but I would like to point a baby,but I would like to point that that there

12、are many children in the world there are many children in the world no parents, no parents, would be delighted to have would be delighted to have a mother. a mother.5.Often they do not realize that the choices 5.Often they do not realize that the choices they they are bad for the environment. are ba

13、d for the environment.forforoutoutwithwithwhowhomakemake9/19/2024导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.praise 1.praise n n.& .& vtvt. .表扬;赞扬表扬;赞扬 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)由于这个学生的进步老师表扬了他。由于这个学生的进步老师表扬了他。 The teacher The teacher his his progress. progress. (2) (2)老师的表扬极大地鼓舞了我们。老师的表扬极大地鼓舞了我们。 has greatly has greatly encouraged us

14、. encouraged us. (3) (3)赞扬他们成就的话很多。赞扬他们成就的话很多。 Much was said Much was said their their achievements. achievements.praised the student forpraised the student forThe teachers praiseThe teachers praisein praise ofin praise of9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳praise sb.for sth.praise sb.for sth.因因而赞扬而赞扬反义词组反义词组:blame sb

15、.for sth.;criticize sb.for :blame sb.for sth.;criticize sb.for sth.sth.sing high praise forsing high praise for高度赞扬高度赞扬同义词组同义词组:think well/highly of;speak highly of:think well/highly of;speak highly of反义词组反义词组:think little/nothing of;speak badly :think little/nothing of;speak badly ofofin praise ofi

16、n praise of赞扬赞扬结构相同的短语有结构相同的短语有: :in celebration/need/want/memory/honor ofin celebration/need/want/memory/honor ofbeyond all praisesbeyond all praises赞不绝口赞不绝口deserve/be worthy of praisedeserve/be worthy of praise值得称赞值得称赞9/19/2024即学活练即学活练(4)The Department of Education (4)The Department of Education f

17、or his for his having completed 40 years of teaching. having completed 40 years of teaching. A.received high praise A.received high praise B.was praised B.was praised C.praised him C.praised him D.praised for him D.praised for himC9/19/20242.interfere 2.interfere vivi. .干涉;干预;摆弄;妨碍干涉;干预;摆弄;妨碍 挑战自我挑战

18、自我 (1) (1)别干涉别人的事。别干涉别人的事。 Dont Dont other peoples other peoples affairs. affairs. (2) (2)你曾经因为玩乐而妨碍了你的职责吗?你曾经因为玩乐而妨碍了你的职责吗? Did you ever allow pleasure to Did you ever allow pleasure to your duty? your duty? interfere ininterfere ininterfereinterferewithwith9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳interfere with sb./sth.i

19、nterfere with sb./sth.干扰、妨碍某人干扰、妨碍某人/ /事事interfere in sth.interfere in sth.干涉、干预、介入某事干涉、干预、介入某事interference interference n n. .None interference in the internal affairs of None interference in the internal affairs of other countries.other countries.不干涉他国内政。不干涉他国内政。9/19/2024即学活练即学活练(3)(3)在他工作的时候不要打扰他

20、。在他工作的时候不要打扰他。(4)(4)不要干预与你无关的事。不要干预与你无关的事。Dont interfere with/bother himDont interfere with/bother himwhen hes at work.when hes at work.Dont interfere in affairs that do notDont interfere in affairs that do notconcern you.concern you.9/19/20243.benefit 3.benefit vtvt. .有利于;受益,得到好处有利于;受益,得到好处; ;n n.

21、.利利 益,好处益,好处 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)这是一项花费很大的投资,但从长远来看,它这是一项花费很大的投资,但从长远来看,它 对公司有好处。对公司有好处。 Its an expensive investment but it Its an expensive investment but it will will in the long in the long run. run. (2) (2)成千上万的人受益于新的治疗。成千上万的人受益于新的治疗。 Thousands of people Thousands of people the new treatment. the ne

22、w treatment. (3) (3)新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。 The new credit card will be The new credit card will be our customers. our customers.benefit the companybenefit the companyhave benefited fromhave benefited fromof great of great benefit tobenefit to9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳benefit sb.benefit sb.有益于

23、某人有益于某人benefit from sb./sth.benefit from sb./sth.从从获益获益benefit by doing.benefit by doing.通过通过获益获益for the benefit of.for the benefit of.为了为了的利益的利益be of benefit tobe of benefit to对对有益有益beneficial beneficial adjadj. .有益的有益的be beneficial to=be of benefit tobe beneficial to=be of benefit to对对有益有益be benef

24、icial to do sth.be beneficial to do sth.做做有益有益9/19/2024即学活练即学活练(4)(4)新建的铁路使附近的村民受益许多。新建的铁路使附近的村民受益许多。(5)(5)为了学生的身心健康,我们学校周围两公里以内为了学生的身心健康,我们学校周围两公里以内 的所有网吧将全部关闭。的所有网吧将全部关闭。The newly built railway will greatlyThe newly built railway will greatlybenefit the villagers nearby.benefit the villagers nearb

25、y.For the benefit of the body and mind health For the benefit of the body and mind health of the students,all the Internet cafs of the students,all the Internet cafs within a distance of two kilometers around within a distance of two kilometers around our school will be shut down.our school will be

26、shut down.9/19/20244.intention 4.intention n n. .意图;目的;企图意图;目的;企图 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他到巴黎是为了学法语。他到巴黎是为了学法语。 He went to Paris He went to Paris French. French. (2) (2)我无意去参加婚礼。我无意去参加婚礼。 I have I have going to the going to the wedding. wedding. (3) (3)这个课程是为中等水平的学生开设的。这个课程是为中等水平的学生开设的。 The course The cour

27、se intermediate intermediate students. students. (4) (4)他的父母想让他去国外学习。他的父母想让他去国外学习。 His parents His parents study abroad. study abroad.with the intention of with the intention of learning/to learnlearning/to learnno intention ofno intention ofis intended foris intended forintended him tointended him

28、to9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳intend intend v v. .打算,意欲,想要打算,意欲,想要intend to do sth.intend to do sth.打算做某事打算做某事intend sb.to do sth.intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事打算让某人做某事be intended forbe intended for为为准备准备/ /安排安排/ /设计设计with the intention ofwith the intention of为了为了目的或意图目的或意图have no intention of doing/to do sth.ha

29、ve no intention of doing/to do sth.无意做无意做某事某事9/19/2024即学活练即学活练(5)She (5)She to catch the early train,but she to catch the early train,but she didnt get up in time. didnt get up in time. A.intended A.intendedB.was intendedB.was intended C.had intended C.had intendedD.was intendingD.was intendingC9/19

30、/20245.limit 5.limit v v.& .& n n. .限制,限定限制,限定 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)每户限发四张免费票。每户限发四张免费票。 Families Families four free four free tickets each. tickets each. (2) (2)钱的数量要在我能承受的范围内。钱的数量要在我能承受的范围内。 There is There is the amount of money the amount of money I can afford. I can afford. (3) (3)我在这个学科方面的知识有限。我在这个学

31、科方面的知识有限。 My knowledge on the subject is My knowledge on the subject is . .are limited toare limited toa limit toa limit tolimitedlimited9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳limit.to.limit.to.把把限制在限制在time/speed limittime/speed limit时间时间/ /速度限制速度限制limited limited adjadj. .有限的有限的be limited to doing sth.be limited to doin

32、g sth.只限于做只限于做即学活练即学活练用用limitlimit的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)Water is (4)Water is in this area,so there is in this area,so there is a a to using water,now the main work to using water,now the main work to be done is to be done is to finding more to finding more water for local people. water for local people.l

33、imitedlimitedlimitlimitlimitedlimited9/19/20246.involve 6.involve v v. .涉及;牵连;包含涉及;牵连;包含 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)别把我卷入你们的争吵。别把我卷入你们的争吵。 Dont Dont in your quarrel. in your quarrel. (2) (2)别卷入这样的事情中去。别卷入这样的事情中去。 Dont get yourself Dont get yourself such matters. such matters. (3) (3)要赢得比赛,既要有技巧也要有运气。要赢得比赛,既要有技

34、巧也要有运气。 Winning the game Winning the game both skill both skill and fortune. and fortune.involve meinvolve meinvolved ininvolved ininvolvesinvolves9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳involve sb.in sth.involve sb.in sth.使某人牵扯进来,使某人陷入使某人牵扯进来,使某人陷入be/get involved inbe/get involved in使牵扯进来,使陷入,卷入,使牵扯进来,使陷入,卷入,与与有密切联系有密切联系

35、 be involved in doing sth.be involved in doing sth.专心致志做某事专心致志做某事即学活练即学活练用用involveinvolve的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(4)Nurse is a job (4)Nurse is a job great patience. great patience.(5)Youd better not get yourself(5)Youd better not get yourself in the dispute. in the dispute.(6)I (6)I in the quarrel between Tom

36、 in the quarrel between Tom and Jack. and Jack.involvinginvolvinginvolvedinvolvedwas involvedwas involved9/19/20247.urge 7.urge n n.& .& vtvt. .催促;敦促催促;敦促 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)老师催促我们交家庭作业。老师催促我们交家庭作业。 The teacher The teacher our our homework. homework. (2) (2)他力劝我去日本。他力劝我去日本。 He urged that I He urged tha

37、t I to Japan. to Japan. (3) (3)他们极想与人交流。他们极想与人交流。 They have They have to communicate. to communicate.urged us to hand inurged us to hand inshould goshould goa strong urgea strong urge9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳urge sb.to do sth.urge sb.to do sth.催促某人做某事催促某人做某事urge+that-clause(urge+that-clause(从句用虚拟语气从句用虚拟语气,s

38、hould,should可以省可以省略略) )强烈要求某人做某事强烈要求某人做某事have/feel an urge/no urge to travelhave/feel an urge/no urge to travel渴望去旅行渴望去旅行/ /不想去旅行不想去旅行urge a horse on/onward urge a horse on/onward 策马而驰策马而驰即学活练即学活练(4)They urged that the library (4)They urged that the library open open during the vacation. during the

39、vacation. A.must be kept A.must be keptB.is keptB.is kept C.would be kept C.would be keptD.be keptD.be keptD9/19/20248.seek 8.seek v v. .寻求寻求; ;寻找寻找; ;追求追求 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)他说他没有寻找到幸福。他说他没有寻找到幸福。 He said he He said he his happiness. his happiness. (2) (2)试图说服他戒烟是没用的。试图说服他戒烟是没用的。 It is no use It is no

40、 use persuade him to persuade him to give up smoking. give up smoking.hadnt soughthadnt soughtseeking toseeking to9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳seek advice/happiness/wealth/help/friendshipseek advice/happiness/wealth/help/friendship寻求建议寻求建议/ /幸福幸福/ /财富财富/ /帮助帮助/ /友谊友谊seek to do sth.= try to do sth.seek to do sth

41、.= try to do sth.试图做某事试图做某事seek after/forseek after/for寻找;追求寻找;追求即学活练即学活练(3)Though (3)Though everywhere,the special everywhere,the special material for the medicine failed to be material for the medicine failed to be found. found. A.sought A.soughtB.having soughtB.having sought C.being sought C.bein

42、g soughtD.seekingD.seekingA9/19/2024重点短语与句型重点短语与句型9.on the one hand.,on the other hand9.on the one hand.,on the other hand 一方面一方面,另一方面另一方面 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)一方面我想卖掉房子,但另一方面我一想起搬一方面我想卖掉房子,但另一方面我一想起搬 家就不能忍受。家就不能忍受。 On the one hand,I want to sell the On the one hand,I want to sell the house,but house,but

43、 . .on the other hand,I can noton the other hand,I can notbear the thought of movingbear the thought of moving9/19/2024(2)(2)一方面经济的快速发展将改善人民的生活条件,一方面经济的快速发展将改善人民的生活条件, 但另一方面也会加快对环境的破坏。但另一方面也会加快对环境的破坏。 ,but on the other hand,it will ,but on the other hand,it will speed up environmental destruction. s

44、peed up environmental destruction. On the one hand,rapid development of theOn the one hand,rapid development of theeconomy will improve the living conditions ofeconomy will improve the living conditions ofthe peoplethe people9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳at handat hand在手头;临近在手头;临近by handby hand手工手工in handin hand

45、手头上手头上hand in handhand in hand手拉手手拉手Hands off!Hands off!请勿触摸!请勿触摸!Hands up!Hands up!举起手来举起手来! !a green handa green hand新手新手leftlefthandedhanded左撇的左撇的from hand to handfrom hand to hand传递传递live from hand to mouthlive from hand to mouth过着衣食无忧的生活过着衣食无忧的生活9/19/2024hand inhand in上交上交hand overhand over交接交接

46、hand outhand out分配;施舍分配;施舍hand downhand down流传下来;传递流传下来;传递即学活练即学活练(3)I would like a job which pays more,but (3)I would like a job which pays more,but I enjoy the work Im doing at the I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. moment. A.in other words A.in other words B.on the other hand B.on the other

47、 hand C.for one thing C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact D.as a matter of factB9/19/202410.as well as10.as well as 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)亨德森先生和他的孩子都喜欢足球。亨德森先生和他的孩子都喜欢足球。 Mr.Henderson,as well as his children, Mr.Henderson,as well as his children, (be) fond of football. (be) fond of football. 帮你归纳帮你归纳 (1

48、)as well as (1)as well as的用法如下:的用法如下: 和和一样好一样好 Peter plays football as well as,if not Peter plays football as well as,if not better than,Jack. better than,Jack. 皮特踢足球即使不比杰克好,也与他一样好。皮特踢足球即使不比杰克好,也与他一样好。 短语介词,意为短语介词,意为“连同连同、和、和”,在意义,在意义 上强调前者,谓语动词的单复数与前面的主语保持上强调前者,谓语动词的单复数与前面的主语保持isis9/19/2024一致,可以用一致

49、,可以用 together with together with或或along withalong with进行进行替换。替换。as well asas well as还可以连接两个相同的形容词、动词、还可以连接两个相同的形容词、动词、介词等,意思是介词等,意思是“不但不但,而且,而且、既、既又又”。The child is lively as well as healthy.The child is lively as well as healthy.这孩子既健康又活泼。这孩子既健康又活泼。(2)as well(2)as well表示表示“也也”,用于句子末尾。,用于句子末尾。Jackie

50、Chan is my favorite film star,because Jackie Chan is my favorite film star,because he is diligent,warm-hearted and humorous as he is diligent,warm-hearted and humorous as well.well.成龙是我喜欢的电影明星,因为他勤奋,富有同情成龙是我喜欢的电影明星,因为他勤奋,富有同情心也很幽默。心也很幽默。9/19/2024(3)may/might as well.(3)may/might as well.不妨;不如不妨;不如(

51、(表建议表建议) )Since/Now youve come,you may as well enjoy Since/Now youve come,you may as well enjoy your stay.your stay.既来之,则安之。既来之,则安之。即学活练即学活练(2)Mary as well as her sisters (2)Mary as well as her sisters Chinese Chinese in China. in China. A.are studying A.are studying B.have studies B.have studies C.

52、is studying C.is studying D.study D.studyC9/19/202411.turn out 11.turn out 结果是;证明是结果是;证明是挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)不用担心,一切都会好起来。不用担心,一切都会好起来。 Dont worry.It will all Dont worry.It will all . . (2) (2)事情正如教授所预料的那样。事情正如教授所预料的那样。 exactly as the exactly as the professor had foreseen. professor had foreseen. (3) (3

53、)结果是他没有得到那份工作。结果是他没有得到那份工作。 he didnt get the he didnt get the job. job.turn out fineturn out fineThings turned out to beThings turned out to beIt turned out thatIt turned out that9/19/2024(4)(4)会议证明是成功的。会议证明是成功的。 The meeting The meeting successful/a success. successful/a success. = = the meeting was

54、 the meeting was successful/a success. successful/a success.温馨提示温馨提示turn outturn out作作“证明是证明是”讲时,无被动语态,无进行讲时,无被动语态,无进行时态。时态。turned out to beturned out to beIt turned out thatIt turned out that9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳turn out to be+turn out to be+adjadj././advadv. .It turned out that.It turned out that.turn

55、 inturn in上交上交turn downturn down调低;拒绝调低;拒绝turn upturn up调高;露面,出现调高;露面,出现turn overturn over翻转翻转turn onturn on打开打开turn offturn off关掉关掉turn toturn to转向转向; ;求助于求助于9/19/2024即学活练即学活练(5)In the morning it was cloudy,but to (5)In the morning it was cloudy,but to everyones delight,it everyones delight,it fine

56、 in the fine in the afternoon. afternoon. A.turned out A.turned out B.turned in B.turned in C.turned up C.turned up D.turned over D.turned overA9/19/202412.12.部分否定句型部分否定句型 Not everything that is best for nature is Not everything that is best for nature is good for people. good for people.并非对自然有益的一切事

57、情对并非对自然有益的一切事情对 人类都是好的。人类都是好的。 ( (回归课本回归课本P P5858) ) 挑战自我挑战自我 (1) (1)发光的并非都是金子。发光的并非都是金子。 = = (2) (2)并非两个答案都正确。并非两个答案都正确。 = =Not all that glitters is gold.Not all that glitters is gold.All that glitters is not gold.All that glitters is not gold.Both answers are not right.Both answers are not right.N

58、ot both answers are right.Not both answers are right.9/19/2024帮你归纳帮你归纳当当notnot和和each,every,both,alleach,every,both,all连用时表示部分否定。连用时表示部分否定。若表示两者的全部否定用若表示两者的全部否定用neither,neither,三者或以上用三者或以上用nonenone。即学活练即学活练(3)(3)并非他的父母都是老师。并非他的父母都是老师。(4)(4)并非所有的人都喜欢运动。并非所有的人都喜欢运动。Both of his parents arent teachers.Bo

59、th of his parents arent teachers.Not all people like sports.Not all people like sports.9/19/2024品味构词品味构词1.1.利用合成法,品句填词利用合成法,品句填词(1)He was hungry and wanted to (1)He was hungry and wanted to ,so he ,so he went to the went to the .(dine) .(dine) (2)After morning exercises,I went to the(2)After morning

60、 exercises,I went to the to have a to have a .(bath).(bath)(3)This factory has many (3)This factory has many for for workers to workers to in.(work) in.(work)dinedinedining roomdining roombathroombathroombathbathworkroomsworkroomsworkwork9/19/2024串联扩展串联扩展 名词名词/ /动词动词 名词名词 合成词合成词bath bath 洗澡洗澡roomroo

61、mbathroombathroomwash wash 洗洗washroomwashroomsale sale 销售销售salesroom salesroom bed bed 床床bedroombedroomreception reception 接待接待接待室,会客室接待室,会客室rest rest 休息休息restroom restroom ,浴室浴室厕所厕所拍卖场拍卖场卧室卧室reception roomreception room洗手间洗手间公共厕所公共厕所9/19/2024dress dress 穿衣穿衣roomroomlive live 生活生活living roomliving r

62、oomwait wait 等待等待waiting roomwaiting roomread read 读读reading roomreading roomsit sit 坐坐sitting roomsitting roomdine dine 吃饭吃饭dining roomdining room更衣室更衣室起居室,客厅起居室,客厅候车室候车室阅览室阅览室起居室起居室餐厅餐厅dressing roomdressing room9/19/20242.2.利用派生法,品句填词利用派生法,品句填词(1 1)The The he used to he used to the the problem of

63、waste disposal seemed problem of waste disposal seemed unreasonable. (solve) unreasonable. (solve) (2 2)WHO is an international WHO is an international which was which was by the UN.(organize) by the UN.(organize)(3 3)His His of making friends with of making friends with people around people around

64、he is very kind he is very kind and easy to get along with.(suggest) and easy to get along with.(suggest)solutionsolutionsolvesolveorganizationorganizationorganizedorganizedsuggestionsuggestionsuggestssuggests9/19/2024串联扩展串联扩展 动词动词 后缀后缀 名词名词communicatecommunicate交流;联系交流;联系 -tion -tion交流;通信交流;通信deter

65、mine determine 决决心心决心;确定决心;确定prepare prepare 准备准备准备,预备准备,预备pollute pollute 污染污染污染,弄脏污染,弄脏situate situate 使位使位于于形势,情况形势,情况locate locate 坐落坐落在在位置位置communicationcommunicationdeterminationdeterminationpreparationpreparationpollutionpollutionsituationsituationlocationlocation9/19/2024考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】It is

66、 not immediately clear It is not immediately clear the the financial crisis will soon be over. financial crisis will soon be over. ( (上海高考上海高考) ) A.since A.sinceB.whatB.what C.when C.whenD.whetherD.whether 解析解析 这是这是itit作形式主语的名词性从句。句意为作形式主语的名词性从句。句意为: : 金融危机是否会很快结束不会立刻明朗的。若主金融危机是否会很快结束不会立刻明朗的。若主 语从句中

67、去掉语从句中去掉soonsoon,也可以选,也可以选C C项,即项,即“金融危机金融危机 什么时候会结束什么时候会结束”;whatwhat在从句中没法与其他成在从句中没法与其他成 分搭配;分搭配;sincesince自从自从以来,不合句意。以来,不合句意。D9/19/2024课文原文课文原文.but its uncertain .but its uncertain theyll ever theyll ever succeed totally.(Psucceed totally.(P4646) )【例例2 2】 by the advances in technology, by the adv

68、ances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. their land. ( (天津高考天津高考) ) A.Being encouraged A.Being encouraged B.Encouraging B.Encouraging C.Encouraged C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged D.Having encouragedwhetherwhether9/19/2024解析解析 enc

69、ourageencourage与主句主语与主句主语many farmersmany farmers之间为逻之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此应用被动形式,故排除辑上的动宾关系,因此应用被动形式,故排除B B、D D两项;两项;A A项表示该动作正在进行;项表示该动作正在进行;“Encouraged by “Encouraged by the advances in technology”the advances in technology”为过去分词短语作为过去分词短语作原因状语。原因状语。答案答案 C课文原文课文原文 by the article,the woman wrote a by the

70、article,the woman wrote a letter to the newspaper.(Pletter to the newspaper.(P5050) )ShockedShocked9/19/2024【例例3 3】Being a parent is not always easy,and Being a parent is not always easy,and being the parent of a child with special being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ne

71、eds often carries with extra stress. extra stress. ( (北京高考北京高考) ) A.it A.itB.themB.them C.one C.oneD.himD.him 解析解析 itit在句中代指在句中代指being the parent of a being the parent of a child with special needs child with special needs。 课文原文课文原文 is mankinds responsibility to find is mankinds responsibility to fi

72、nd solutions that are acceptable for everyone, solutions that are acceptable for everyone, and everything.(P and everything.(P5858) )ItItA9/19/2024【例例4 4】It is usually warm in my hometown in It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it March,but it be rather cold sometimes. be rather cold somet

73、imes. ( (福建高考福建高考) ) A.must B.can C.should D.would A.must B.can C.should D.would 解析解析 mustmust必然,一定;必然,一定;cancan可能;可能;shouldshould应该;应该; would( would(过去过去) )将,总会。本题提供的语境是将,总会。本题提供的语境是“有时有时 可能会可能会”。 课文原文课文原文 The very genes that make crops resistant to The very genes that make crops resistant to pests

74、 and disease pests and disease be harmful to be harmful to animals.(P animals.(P5757) )couldcouldB9/19/2024【例例5 5】The present situation is very complex,The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to so I think it will take me some time to its reality. its reality. ( (

75、湖北高考湖北高考) ) A.make up A.make upB.figure outB.figure out C.look through C.look throughD.put offD.put off 解析解析 make upmake up组成;化妆;编造;组成;化妆;编造;figure outfigure out理理 解,弄清楚;解,弄清楚;look throughlook through浏览;浏览;put offput off推迟。推迟。 句意为:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花句意为:目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花 费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实

76、性。 课文原文课文原文 He is always working in his lab,trying to He is always working in his lab,trying to all the mysteries that make him all the mysteries that make him puzzled.(P puzzled.(P4949) )figure outfigure outB9/19/2024写作技能写作技能 如何做到行文流畅如何做到行文流畅 高考书面表达的评分原则中明确规定高考书面表达的评分原则中明确规定“上下文的上下文的连贯性连贯性”为评分时应注意的

77、主要内容之一。在为评分时应注意的主要内容之一。在“各各档次的给分范围和要求档次的给分范围和要求”中,也提到了中,也提到了“连贯性连贯性”的问题,且在第五档的问题,且在第五档(21(212525分分) )中具体指出:中具体指出:“有有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。”那么如何使行文连贯呢?其实,做到行文连贯一点那么如何使行文连贯呢?其实,做到行文连贯一点也不难,只需掌握以下两个要诀。也不难,只需掌握以下两个要诀。要诀之一要诀之一要组织一段通畅的英文,构建每一个句子时,要服从要组织一段通畅的英文,构建每一个句子时,要服从以下三条原则以下三条原

78、则:9/19/20241.The topic of each sentence mustnt be 1.The topic of each sentence mustnt be changed. changed.2.The subject of each sentence has to be 2.The subject of each sentence has to be changed. changed.3.The beginning of each sentence should be 3.The beginning of each sentence should be changed.



81、要合理运用。同时,在写作中切忌连接词语的堆砌,不要因文害义。正如前边所提到的那样,普堆砌,不要因文害义。正如前边所提到的那样,普通的副词在句中位置十分灵活,所以,副词也是使通的副词在句中位置十分灵活,所以,副词也是使文章行文连贯的最好工具。另外,充当状语的介词文章行文连贯的最好工具。另外,充当状语的介词短语在文章中的连接作用也不容忽视。短语在文章中的连接作用也不容忽视。9/19/2024自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.Little Tom 1.Little Tom like a gentleman at like a gentleman at yesterdays party. yest

82、erdays party.2.He has decided to go abroad to study with 2.He has decided to go abroad to study with the the of improving his English. of improving his English.3.As many as 30,000 refugees died of hunger 3.As many as 30,000 refugees died of hunger and lacking and lacking care. care.4.The shop assist

83、ant didnt take the 4.The shop assistant didnt take the customers request customers request ,as a result,as a result, his prize was kept back by the boss. his prize was kept back by the boss. behavesbehavesintentionintentionmedicalmedicalseriouslyseriously9/19/20245.He is now out of work as a result

84、of his 5.He is now out of work as a result of his ,which resulted in a great loss ,which resulted in a great loss in business. in business.6.I cant tell you 6.I cant tell you ( (明确地明确地) when ) when I can finish the project. I can finish the project.7.Copper 7.Copper ( (传导传导) electricity better ) ele

85、ctricity better than other materials do. than other materials do.8.He 8.He ( (寻求寻求) revenge() revenge(报复报复) against ) against Surkov for separating him from his wife and Surkov for separating him from his wife and son. son. carelessnesscarelessnessdefinitelydefinitelyconductsconductssoughtsought9/19

86、/20249.She wanted to be the first woman to climb 9.She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest,and she almost Mount Everest,and she almost ( (成功成功). ). 10.He had got prepared to take the10.He had got prepared to take the ( (后果后果) of losing money when he decided to ) of losing money when

87、he decided to invest at the beginning. invest at the beginning.succeededsucceededconsequenceconsequence9/19/2024.短语识境短语识境1.The guide warned those who missed the train 1.The guide warned those who missed the train would would the consequence themselves. the consequence themselves.2.The factory 2.The

88、factory closing because the closing because the pollution it created wasnt treated in pollution it created wasnt treated in time. time. 3.Many people 3.Many people Super Girls,which is Super Girls,which is a quite popular amusement program at a quite popular amusement program at present. present.tur

89、n out,deal with,meet our own needs,turn out,deal with,meet our own needs,follow in,be seriously affected,comment on,follow in,be seriously affected,comment on,end up,go against,take away,be blamed forend up,go against,take away,be blamed fordeal withdeal withended upended upcomment oncomment on9/19/

90、20244.The sandstorm swept the whole day,the 4.The sandstorm swept the whole day,the public transport public transport . .5.Whoever shouldnt 5.Whoever shouldnt law, law, otherwise he will be punished. otherwise he will be punished.6.His driving license was 6.His driving license was because because of

91、 driving after drinking. of driving after drinking.7.The food can not even 7.The food can not even , , how can we support them? how can we support them?8.We wonder who should 8.We wonder who should having allowed these trees to be cut down. having allowed these trees to be cut down. was affectedwas

92、affectedgo againstgo againsttaken awaytaken awaymeet our own needsmeet our own needsbe blamed forbe blamed for9/19/20249.The man calling himself a manager9.The man calling himself a manager to be a murderer. to be a murderer.10.Millions of heroes pushed ahead with the 10.Millions of heroes pushed ah

93、ead with the revolution, revolution, martyrs( martyrs(烈士烈士) ) footsteps. footsteps.turned outturned outfollowing infollowing in9/19/2024.单项填空单项填空1.Many children think they are 1.Many children think they are with when with when their parents are trying to show concern their parents are trying to show

94、 concern about them. about them. A.interfered A.interferedB.separatedB.separated C.disturbed C.disturbedD.offendedD.offended 解析解析 interfereinterfere干涉,干预,妨碍;干涉,干预,妨碍;separateseparate分分 开;开;disturbdisturb打扰;打扰;offendoffend得罪得罪, ,冒犯冒犯( (及物动词及物动词) )。 句意:许多儿童认为当父母在试图关心他们时,句意:许多儿童认为当父母在试图关心他们时, 干扰了他们。干扰了

95、他们。A9/19/20242.When the stranger was dragging him away,the 2.When the stranger was dragging him away,the baby reached out his hands in baby reached out his hands in want of want of his mother. his mother. A.curious A.curiousB.desperateB.desperate C.sincere C.sincereD.seriousD.serious 解析解析 desperated

96、esperate意为意为“极度渴望的极度渴望的”。in in desperate want of desperate want of表示表示“极想得到极想得到”。B9/19/20243.In the questionnaire,the subjects are 3.In the questionnaire,the subjects are questioned whether they questioned whether they banning cars banning cars in the city center. in the city center. A.agree A.agree

97、B.commentB.comment C.advocate C.advocateD.conductD.conduct 解析解析 advocate doing sth.advocate doing sth.表示表示“拥护拥护( (支持支持) )做做 某事某事”。C9/19/20244.All the candidates were 4.All the candidates were the street to the street to be named after a great man be named after a great man his great his great contri

98、butions to the city. contributions to the city. A.in favor of;in need of A.in favor of;in need of B.in praise of;in favor of B.in praise of;in favor of C.in praise of;in need of C.in praise of;in need of D.in favor of;in honor of D.in favor of;in honor of 解解析析 句意:所有候选人都赞成以一名伟人的名句意:所有候选人都赞成以一名伟人的名 字来

99、命名这个街道,以表彰他对这个城市的贡献。字来命名这个街道,以表彰他对这个城市的贡献。D9/19/20245.Why are you looking pleased?5.Why are you looking pleased? Oh,Ive just had a job Oh,Ive just had a job . . A.offered A.offeredB.offeringB.offering C.to offer C.to offerD.being offeredD.being offered 解析解析 offeroffer和和jobjob之间为被动关系,且表示动作之间为被动关系,且表示

100、动作 已完成,故选已完成,故选A A。A9/19/20246.He told us sadly that more than one person 6.He told us sadly that more than one person in the case. in the case. A.involved A.involved B.had involved B.had involved C.was involved C.was involved D.were involved D.were involved 解析解析 be involved inbe involved in与与有关,使卷入

101、;有关,使卷入; “more than one+ “more than one+单数名词单数名词”作主语时,谓语动作主语时,谓语动 词用单数。词用单数。C9/19/20247.Jason has been preparing carefully for his 7.Jason has been preparing carefully for his English examination so that he could be English examination so that he could be sure of passing it on his first sure of pass

102、ing it on his first . . A.purpose A.purposeB.desireB.desire C.attempt C.attemptD.intentionD.intention 解析解析 on ones first attempton ones first attempt为固定短语,意为固定短语,意 为为“某人首次尝试某人首次尝试”。C9/19/20248.We had intended to do everything according 8.We had intended to do everything according to the schedule,but

103、 it didnt to the schedule,but it didnt as as planned. planned. A.make up A.make upB.turn outB.turn out C.go on C.go onD.come upD.come up 解析解析 句意:我们原打算按照时间表做一切事句意:我们原打算按照时间表做一切事 情,但结果并没有如计划地那样。情,但结果并没有如计划地那样。B9/19/20249.Im out of 9.Im out of on the piano.Im not sure on the piano.Im not sure whether I

104、 can play it well. whether I can play it well. A.practice A.practiceB.exerciseB.exercise C.skill C.skillD.qualityD.quality 解析解析 be/get out of practicebe/get out of practice为固定短语,意为固定短语,意 为为“疏于练习疏于练习”。A9/19/202410.Some people do not 10.Some people do not normally when they normally when they are worr

105、ied. are worried. A.believe A.believeB.conductB.conduct C.behave C.behaveD.reactD.react 解析解析 句意:有些人在着急的时候行为不正常。句意:有些人在着急的时候行为不正常。 behave behave行为,行动,举止。行为,行动,举止。C9/19/202411.He argued 11.He argued smoking,and insisted that smoking,and insisted that it was it was argument that smoking was argument th

106、at smoking was harmful to health. harmful to health. A.for;beyond A.for;beyondB.against;overB.against;over C.for;over C.for;overD.against;beyondD.against;beyond 解析解析 argue againstargue against反对;反对;beyond argumentbeyond argument勿勿 容辩论。句意:他反对吸烟,并坚持认为吸烟有容辩论。句意:他反对吸烟,并坚持认为吸烟有 害健康是勿容辩论的。害健康是勿容辩论的。D9/19/

107、202412.Shall we have a talk with her and try to 12.Shall we have a talk with her and try to persuade her not to see a movie tonight? persuade her not to see a movie tonight? There is no There is no in talking to her.She in talking to her.She never listens. never listens. A.good A.goodB.pointB.point

108、C.value C.valueD.worthD.worth 解析解析 There is no point in doing sth.There is no point in doing sth.表示表示 “ “做某事没有意义做某事没有意义”。B9/19/202413.The Turners have a very practical table 13.The Turners have a very practical table that folds up out of the way when not that folds up out of the way when not . . A.n

109、eeding A.needingB.neededB.needed C.to be needed C.to be neededD.being neededD.being needed 解析解析 when not neededwhen not needed为为when it is not when it is not needed needed的省略。句意:特纳家有一张很实用的桌的省略。句意:特纳家有一张很实用的桌 子,当不使用的时候,可以折叠起来不挡道。子,当不使用的时候,可以折叠起来不挡道。B9/19/202414.He didnt go into details on the subject

110、.14.He didnt go into details on the subject. He just spoke He just spoke . . A.in particular A.in particular B.in common B.in common C.in short C.in short D.in general D.in general 解析解析 in particularin particular特别地;特别地;in commonin common公共,公共, 共有;共有;in shortin short简而言之;简而言之;in generalin general大概,

111、从大概,从 总体上。句意:他没有详细地谈论那个话题,只总体上。句意:他没有详细地谈论那个话题,只 是从总体上讲了讲。是从总体上讲了讲。D9/19/202415.Lets hurry.Perhaps we can catch the 15.Lets hurry.Perhaps we can catch the train. train. Its too late now, Its too late now, . . A.otherwise A.otherwise B.therefore B.therefore C.anyway C.anyway D.however D.however 解析解析

112、anywayanyway在此句中意为在此句中意为“而且,反正而且,反正”。答。答 语句意:反正现在已经太迟了语句意:反正现在已经太迟了( (快也没用了快也没用了) )。C9/19/2024.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.和他在网上聊天的朋友原来是他的一个同学。和他在网上聊天的朋友原来是他的一个同学。 (turn out) (turn out)2.2.那些过度开发土地资源或可能对环境造成负面影那些过度开发土地资源或可能对环境造成负面影 响的项目将被取消。响的项目将被取消。(overdevelop)(overdevelop)The friend he chats with online turnsThe

113、 friend he chats with online turnsout to be a classmate of his.out to be a classmate of his.Projects that either overdevelop landProjects that either overdevelop landresources or may negatively affect the resources or may negatively affect the environment will be cancelled.environment will be cancel

114、led.9/19/20243.3.大多数人赞成应该给孩子们更多的时间玩耍。大多数人赞成应该给孩子们更多的时间玩耍。 (in favor of) (in favor of)4.4.如果我们干涉自然,我们将不得不承担后果。如果我们干涉自然,我们将不得不承担后果。 (interfere) (interfere)5.5.老师鼓励那些残疾儿童在新年晚会上表现好一些。老师鼓励那些残疾儿童在新年晚会上表现好一些。 (behave) (behave)The majority of people are in favor of theThe majority of people are in favor of

115、thesuggestion that children be given more time suggestion that children be given more time to play.to play.If we interfere with nature,we will If we interfere with nature,we will have to bear the consequences.have to bear the consequences.The teacher encouraged the disabled childrenThe teacher encouraged the disabled childrento behave well at the New Year party.to behave well at the New Year party.返回9/19/2024



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