2019届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society课件 北师大版选修8

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《2019届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society课件 北师大版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society课件 北师大版选修8(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、无家可归无家可归货币货币所有权所有权未住人的未住人的,空置的空置的赤裸的赤裸的窒息窒息,噎住噎住优点优点,长处长处结构结构,构架构架海报海报版本版本有香味的有香味的口渴口渴摇动摇动商人商人含在嘴里吮食含在嘴里吮食voluntarydepositgovernburdenresignshrinkcollisionskipcastundertakesqueezefine sentencerelay abolishabundantabundancesignaturesigngoverngovernmentaccumulateaccumulationadjustmentadjustdeletedelet

2、ionelectelectionmercifulmercyconsequentlyconsequentconsequencediversediversity adjust adjustmentsgovernment governinggovernmentconsequentconsequence Consequentlydeletedeletionabundance abundantcome into beingwind sb.upshow offknock into sb.break intoon principle sentence sb.to deathbe well off/bette

3、r offtake.seriouslyabove alldo away withto start withplay an important role in.contribute to take.into account keep an eye onbroke intowas sentenced totook his study seriouslyAbove allknocked intonot who you are butIt is high time that we paid attention toI would rather I hadnt seen the filmWhat ifm

4、akes it easier inanabundantit is abundant in there are minerals inabundancewas burdened withBurdened with endless paperworkresigned from the committeeresigned as a member of the committeeundertaken to looktoto pay was sentenced to three years in prison Sentenced to three years in prison for stealing

5、ConsequentlyaAs后加后加aConsequentConsequentlyOwing to/ Because ofdue toAs a consequence/result of the lack of come into existence come into power come into use?offuptoinupbroke downbroke intobroke outbreaks up had finishedcametakewould rather make delicious dumplingsWhat if并列句并列句定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句 当然当然,我们比穿着破烂衣裳睡在街上或者空着的建我们比穿着破烂衣裳睡在街上或者空着的建筑物中的人要富有筑物中的人要富有,但是仍旧有持续增长的对这个消费社会但是仍旧有持续增长的对这个消费社会的抵触的抵触,特别是这个社会用电脑、苹果设备、设计的衣服和特别是这个社会用电脑、苹果设备、设计的衣服和手机影响了今天的年轻人。手机影响了今天的年轻人。



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