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1、必修必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games.写出下列必考单词1古代的,古老的adj._2奖章,勋章,纪念章n._3运动员,运动选手n._4健身房,体育馆n._5愚蠢的,傻的adj._6志愿者;义务做某事n. & v_7现在,如今adv._8祖国,本土n._ancientmedalathletegymnasium (gym) foolishvolunteernowadayshomeland9座右铭,格言,警句n._10罚款v._11便宜货;讨价还价,讲条件n.&v._12海报,招贴n._13容许,承认,接纳v._14收费,控诉,主管v._mottofinebargainpos

2、teradmitcharge.写出下列单词的变化形式1比赛;竞争v._;比赛;竞争n._;竞争者n._;竞争的adj._2取代,替代,更换v._;更换,接替者,替代品n._3魔术,巫术n._;巫术的;有魔力的adj._;魔术师n._4面谈;采访n.&v._;主持面试者,采访者n._;参加面试者n._competitivecompetecompetitioncompetitorreplacementreplacemagicianmagicmagicalinterviewee interviewinterviewer 5.规则的,定期的adj._;不规则的adj._ 6物理的;身体的adj._;身

3、体上,肉体上adv._ 7.希望n.&v._;有希望的adj._;绝望的adj._8做广告;登广告v._;广告n._;登广告的人n._9傻瓜n._;愚弄v._;愚蠢的;傻的adj._;愚蠢n._10允诺;答应n.&v._;有希望的,有前途的adj._irregularregularphysicallyphysicalhopelesshopehopefuladvertiseradvertiseadvertisementfoolishnessfoolfoolfoolishpromising promise.翻译下列必背短语1参加;参与_2一组;一套_3也;又_4陆续地;一个接一个地_5过去常常(做

4、某事)_6讨价还价_7为了(纪念或表示敬意)而_8允诺做某事_take part ina set ofas well asone after anotherused to (do sth.)make a bargainin honour ofpromise to do sth.9事实上_10被录取_11在现代_12起重要作用 _as a matter of factbe admittedin modern timesplay an important part/role in 词语归纳1Our Greek cities used to compete against each other fo

5、r the honour of winning. (P10)我们希腊城市常常相互竞赛,为获胜这一荣誉而比赛。compete:v. 竞争;比赛 competitor:n. 竞赛者;选手competition:n.比赛;竞赛 competitive:adj. 竞争的compete in:在:在比赛中竞争比赛中竞争compete against/with:与:与竞赛竞赛compete for:为:为而竞赛而竞赛 即学即练A在下列空格中填入恰当的单词在下列空格中填入恰当的单词As the youngest (1)_,John had to compete (2)_ the writing contes

6、t (3)_ 30 other top students (4)_ the annual award of writing.So he must be very (5)_ so that he could win in the (6)_competitorinwith/againstforcompetitivecompetition 词语拓展2Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors (P10)只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受

7、参加奥运会。将下列短语译成英语将下列短语译成英语(1)承认承认(做了做了)某事某事_(2)准许某人进入某地准许某人进入某地_(3)被准许进入;被录取被准许进入;被录取_admit sth./doing sth.admit sb. into/to some placebe admitted into/to 即学即练根据括号中的提示完成下列句子根据括号中的提示完成下列句子(1)Dont be afraid_(认错认错)(2)She _(承认偷了那辆小车承认偷了那辆小车),which was quite a surprise.(3)To my great joy,my daughter _ (考入了

8、北大考入了北大)to admit your mistakesadmitted having stolen the car was admitted to Beijing University.3So even the olive wreath has been replaced 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。 同义:take the place of in place of 现在塑料经常被用来代替木料或金属。 Plastics are now often used in place of wood or metal.Plastic often takes the place of wood or

9、metal now.Plastic often replaces wood or metal now. 词语归纳charge sb.for sth. 1)因因指控某人指控某人; 2) 为某物向某人收取费用为某物向某人收取费用charge sb. with ( doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事控告某人(做)某事 in charge of sth. 负责某事负责某事take charge of 掌管掌管/负责负责4. charge vt&vi. 收费,控诉,充电 n. 费用,主管(P51) 即学即练选用上述词语填空选用上述词语填空(1)He will be sent to England

10、 to face _of armed robbery as he _ robbing a car.(2)She asked Tom _ the company and now everything in the company was_ Tom.a charge was charged for to take charge of in the charge of5. take part in 参加 参与take part in;join in;join;attendtake part in 指参与活动,强调参与者的主动性指参与活动,强调参与者的主动性。join in 指参加到某项活动中来,侧重

11、之后来的加入指参加到某项活动中来,侧重之后来的加入。短语中的in可用作介词。join表示加入到某个团体或组织,成为其中一员。表示加入到某个团体或组织,成为其中一员。attend相当于相当于be present,意为,意为“出席出席/参加参加”强调强调“出席、出席、到场到场”之意之意,可有attend a meeting/speech/concert/wedding及attend school/class的常见搭配。All countries can take part if their athletes reach the standard.No other country could joi

12、n in. 即学即练B选用上述单词或短语完成下列句子选用上述单词或短语完成下列句子(1)To gain enough credits,you need to _at least threefourths of the classes.(2)We are going mountainhiking. Would you like to _us?(3)We are having a party on wildlife protection. Would you like to _?(4)Everybody _an active _ the charity sales for the victims

13、of the earthquake.took part inattendjoinjoin in6.a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well.(P10)(每届奥运会)都有一个主要的接待大楼,好几个供比赛用的体育场,还有一个室内体育馆。 词语辨析as well as;as well;also;too四者均可表示“而且,此外,也,同样”之义。其中as well,also、too都是副词都是副词,独立于句子之外。而as well as的后面必须引用比较的成分或者并列的成分的后面

14、必须引用比较的成分或者并列的成分。在英式英语中,在英式英语中,as well as 的用法与的用法与too同,位于句末同,位于句末。Also,通常置于主要动词之前或,通常置于主要动词之前或be动词之后。动词之后。 即学即练即学即练选用上述单词或短语填空选用上述单词或短语填空(1)My sister likes apples,and she likes oranges _.(2)My sister likes oranges _ apples.(3)Besides apples,my sister _ likes oranges.as well/tooas well asalso 探究学习7.W

15、hat do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? (P9)奥运会会旗上的五环代表什么?阅读下列句子,说出阅读下列句子,说出stand for 的意思。的意思。(1)WHO stands for World Health Organization.(2)The sign stands for peace.(3)No one stands for his point of view.代表代表象征象征支持支持.重点句型8That is why they are called the Winter Olympics. (P10)这就是运动会被叫做

16、冬奥会的原因。 句型句型:That is why.这就是为什么;这就是的原因 模仿造句(1)这就是我来参加比赛的原因。_ (2)这就是为什么运动员必须达到大家认可的标准的原因。_This is why Im here to join in the competition.This is why all the competitors must reach the agreed standard.9Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. (P10)不同国家之

17、间争夺奥运会举办权的竞争和争夺奥运奖牌的竞争一样激烈。 句型句型:It is asadj. to do A as (it is) to do B做做B与做与做A一样一样学好英语与学好数学一样重要。It is as important to learn English well as (it is) to learn maths. 模仿造句(1)保护环境与发展经济在我国同等重要。_(2)生产更多粮食与发展工业一样紧迫。_It is as important to protect the environment as (it is) to develop the economy in our country.It is as urgent to produce more rice as it is to develop industry.高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语10. the + 比较级., the +比较级.越.就越.他赚得越多,就越开心。The more he earns, the happier he is.他越是这样想,越是感到不开心。The more he thought like this, the more unhappy he became.高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语Homework1.三维设计 课时检测 72.核对词汇1 答案



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