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1、Writing an Abstract学术英语abstract写作What is an abstract?An abstract is a summary of a scientific article or a research paper. It covers the main points of a piece of writing. 学术英语abstract写作Note:nMost or all of the Abstract should be written in the past tense, because it refers to work done.nThe Abstrac

2、t should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper.nReferences to the literature must not be cited in the Abstract (except in rare instances, such as modification of a previously published method).学术英语abstract写作Abstract中文有二种说法:文摘独立存在,单独出版,如SCI、EI、CA等摘要与原文在一起共同点:从原文中抽出主

3、题内容,以简练的文字写写成,只是准确、扼要地表述原文内容,不加以解释或评论。以下统称为摘要学术英语abstract写作Abstract and SummarynAbstract(摘要): 现在的趋势是一篇论文或专著的摘要,无论是自写还是他写,统称为abstract,尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用abstract这个术语,在论文的题目下也一律用这个词。Abstract对一篇论文的主要内容以精炼的文字进行高度概括,使读者不必阅读论文全文即可迅速了解论文内容。文中只对论文信息进行浓缩,而不加主观评论或解释,可以脱离原文而独立成篇。学术英语abstract写作文摘的文体结构摘要_应具备的要素简明扼要(c

4、onciseness):去除文献中的次要材料或辅助细节。客观公正(objectivity):摘要中不应有原文中没有的信息资料。全面完整(completeness):要包括主题思想,主要资料,结论或建议。学术英语abstract写作摘要中常见错误n 字少、错选:提示性、报道性、资料性n 结构要素残缺:目的,方法,结果,结论n 丧失摘要特点 独立性、自含性; 准确性、完整性; 学术性、通用性; 简练性、概括性n 开头冠以“本人”、“本试验”、“本研究”、“笔者”、“作者”n未采用第三人称:n“我们得出”n与标题、引言雷同n分段叙述学术英语abstract写作摘要的长短n摘要一般不宜过长,多在100

5、150词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的15。美国有些高校规定,硕士论文提要以250词为宜,博士论文以350词为宜。n一般SCI论文摘要以200300字为宜。学术英语abstract写作如何写摘要学术英语abstract写作摘要的内容n内容通常包括:1.背景知识或文献回顾(Background Information/Literature Review)2.研究的主要目的和范围(Principal Purpose) What is the problem to be solved? What has been done? What are the results?1.研究方法(Methodol

6、ogy)2.研究的主要结果(Results)3.结论和建议(Conclusions, Recommendation, Implication)n要写好英文摘要,作者必须回答好以下几个问题:1) 本文的目的或要解决的问题(What I want to do?)2) 解决问题的方法及过程(How I did it?)3) 主要结果及结论(What results did I get and what conclusions can I draw)4) 本文的创新、独到之处(What is new and original in this paper?)学术英语abstract写作Notes The

7、 Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. The language should be familiar to the potential reader. Omit obscure abbreviations. Write the paper before you write the abstract.学术英语abstract写作Sample:Feedback and assessment play an important role in teachin

8、g and learning of oral presentation skills. This study describes the implementation and evaluation of an innovative instruction that uses a Student Response System for peer assessment of oral presentations. A large number of oral presentations were assessed and students perceptions and learning prog

9、ress concerning the particular instructional approach were investigated. Results showed that the Student Response System was an effective way to produce feedback for presenters, assessors and educators. Results also revealed a very positive students attitude towards the instructional format. The lea

10、rning effect concerning assessment was rather limited. Further research is needed to come to conclusive statements about the latter. backgroundwhatmethodresultsrecommendation学术英语abstract写作 The harm of smoking has long been studied by researchers and many people are aware that second-hand smoke is ha

11、rmful to nonsmokers, especially children. This study seeks to identify tobacco toxins that are invisible and its focus is on the risks those chemicals pose to infants and children. In this research, the term “third-hand smoke” was first used to describe the invisible yet poisonous gasses and particl

12、es that remain in houses or cars, including heavy metal and radioactive materials. And a survey was conducted on attitudes towards smoking in 1,500 households across the United States. It found that the vast majority of both smokers and nonsmokers were aware of the harm of second-hand smoke to child

13、ren but a comparatively smaller part of them recognized the risks of third-hand smoke.Third-hand Smokethesisprocessresultsbackground学术英语abstract写作Note: 有时由于篇幅的限制,摘要的内容不一定包括有五个要素,因而需要缩减摘要的字数和内容。经过压缩的摘要通常只能突出两个或三个要点,其中最重要的应该是阐明研究的结果。简要的资料性摘要往往省略背景知识。如果允许的字数范围内,摘要可以在最后用一到两句话进行总结并提出建议。一篇简要的资料性摘要的内容通常包括:

14、1.研究目的和方法(Purpose and Method of Study)2.结论(Results)3.总结和建议(Conclusion and Recommendation)其中“3”可视篇幅的限制取舍。学术英语abstract写作Note:n摘要写作的重点是推介自己的研究成果,并借此让读者深入地了解研究的过程和意义。n摘要的格式为完整的一段,段首第一个单词不需要缩进。字数一般在200字左右,绝对不能超过500字。摘要的字数取决于论文的长短或刊物的要求。学术英语abstract写作Rules to followBe of 100-300 wordsDont include details

15、like examplesDont quote or cite Use present tense, past tense and present perfect tenseSpecify any abbreviationsUse objective, academic instead of emotional words and expressions学术英语abstract写作摘要的语言学术英语abstract写作权威人士和一些摘要机构对摘要时态的用法提出的建议:1.叙述研究方法和目的时,使用现在时态,现在完成时2.介绍研究过程时,描述使用方法,可以用过去时态3.报道研究结果时,采用现在时



18、的浓缩。n读者从中可以判断论文的主题、研究方向、方法等。n关键词以名词或名词短语居多,如果使用缩略词,则应为公认和普遍使用的缩略语,如IP, AIDS, CAMn关键词间用逗号或分号隔开。学术英语abstract写作Sample Demonstration学术英语abstract写作An Assessment of Consumer Attitudes toward Direct Marketing Channels: A Comparison between Unsolicited E-mail and Direct Mail Abstract The paper examines cons

19、umer attitudes towards two major direct marketing methods, unsolicited e-mail and postal direct mail. Psychological Reactance Theory was used to determine what factors might influence consumers attitudes toward each communication method. Focus groups were conducted to discover the common themes and

20、to identify the influential factors. The results of this study indicated that in comparison, unsolicited e-mail were more problematic than postal direct mail due to the inconvenience that spam presented to consumers. Keywords: direct marketing, unsolicited e-mail spam, focus groups Title of the paperThe statement of the problemThe research methodResults 学术英语abstract写作nWrite an abstractExercises学术英语abstract写作此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!



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