高中英语 Listening,speaking and writing课件 新人教版必修5

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1、人教课标版人教课标版人教课标版人教课标版 高二高二高二高二 必修必修必修必修 5 5 Unit 2Unit 2Using Language (II) Listening, Speaking & WritingListening (page 15)Listening (page 15)PRE-LISTENING 1. Before you listen to the tape, look at the royal family trees. In pairs and in turn ask and answer these questions Who was the sister of the

2、Queen Mary?Who was Queen Marys father?Who was King Edward Vs uncle?Who were King Edward IVs sons?1. Who was the sister of the Queen Mary? Elizabeth later Queen Elizabeth I.2. Who was Queen Marys father ? King Henry VIII.3. Who was Edward Vs uncle? Richard III.4. Who were King Edward IVs sons? Edward

3、 V and Richard.2. Look again at the names of these English Kings and queens as you listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape. Tick the ones you hear about.Ticks for brother King Edward V and Richard III (sons of King Edward IV); King Edward ;Richard (later King Richard III); Queen Mary; Elizabeth (later Q

4、ueen Elizabeth I)1. Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower? How do you know? Prince Edward was one of the princes murdered in the Tower. We know because:3. Listen to Part 1 and then answer the questions.2. Who had the two princes killed? King Richard III killed the princes becaus

5、e he wanted to become king.both were princesboth were young boystheir uncle was Richard who later became King Richard III.4. LISTEN TO PART 2 AND FILL IN THE BLANKS BELOWZP: Who _ to the Tower as a prisoner?G: A _ queen. In the 1500s Queen _ sent her sister _ Elizabeth, to the _as a prisoner.ZP: _!

6、Why did she do that?camecamefuturefutureMary Mary PrincessPrincessTower Tower Strange Strange G: She _ Elizabeth was a traitor. So she sent Elizabeth _ a special gate called “_ gate .” That only _ to very bad people. thoughtthoughtthroughthroughTraitorsTraitorshappenedhappenedListening (Page 52)List

7、ening (Page 52)1. King James was a Catholic. 2. King James supported Protestants.3. He never allowed the Catholics to practise their religion. List to Part 1 and decide which sentences are true and which are false.FTF4. The king thought there were few Catholics at first. 5. The king was consistent i

8、n his attitude towards the Catholics. 6. The interview supported the king.TFFListen to part 2 and answer the questions.1.Why did King James change his attitude to the Catholics?2.Why was he afraid of the Catholics?3.Why didnt he want England to be a Catholic country?4. Did King James talk about his

9、worry to Fawkes and Catesby?5. Why did the interviewer say that the king had brought about the conflict?Keys for them:1.King James changed his attitude to the Catholics because he was frightened when he saw how many of them there were.2.All the countries that were friendly to England were Protestant

10、 and all the countries that were not friendly were Catholic.3. Then he would lose the friendship of all the Protestant countries.4. No, he didnt.5. The king changed his mind and upset the Catholics. He did not discuss things with them. They felt their only action was to kill him.King James Attitudet

11、o CatholicsListen to the whole text and fill in the chart.1 at first not worried2 then stopped Catholic servicesto foreign countriesto protestants1 friendly to Protestant countries2 unfriendly to Catholic onesPro/support ProtestantSpeaking on page 15Speaking on page 15Excuse me Im afraid I cant foll

12、ow you.Please, can you speak more slowly?I beg your pardon? Pardon?What did you mean by ?I didnt understand Im sorry but could you repeat that?When you have problems understanding the guide, use these phrases:Sample dialogue:A: Excuse me. Are you a guide?B: Yes, I am. Can I help you?A: Can I ask you

13、 a questions about the Temple of Heaven?B: Of course. What do you want to know?A: What is this Temple for?B: The Emperor came to pray for good crops and a good harvest for the country. He made offerings to the God and asked him for help.A: Please can you speak more slowly? Im afraid I cant follow yo

14、u.B: Im sorry. Ill speak more slowly. This is the Hall where the Emperor made his sacrifices to the Gods. You may not go in but just look through the door.A: What did you mean by making sacrifice?B: He killed many animals after making prayers. He also dressed in special clothes.A: I beg your pardon?

15、 Special clothes! I thought his clothes were always special! What were they?B: They were clothes kept just for this occasion. He changed in a special yellow room and came out to go to pray to the Gods.A: I see. When did this stop?B: When the Emperors stopped ruling China. A: Thank you. You have been

16、 most helpful.Writing on page 16谈旅游景点介绍谈旅游景点介绍文体介绍文体介绍旅游景点介绍属于说明文。说明文写作要旅游景点介绍属于说明文。说明文写作要特别注意知识的科学性、准确性和行文的特别注意知识的科学性、准确性和行文的条理性。介绍旅游景点时,要对旅游地的条理性。介绍旅游景点时,要对旅游地的位置、历史和景点等进行简要的介绍;也位置、历史和景点等进行简要的介绍;也可介绍别人对旅游地和景点的评价。可介绍别人对旅游地和景点的评价。写作步骤写作步骤第一部分整体介绍旅游地,可以包括基第一部分整体介绍旅游地,可以包括基本地理信息、历史人文特色或旅游的重本地理信息、历史人文特

17、色或旅游的重要性和必要性等。要性和必要性等。第二部分具体介绍地方特色,可以从风第二部分具体介绍地方特色,可以从风景、人文等方面入手,突出特色,把握景、人文等方面入手,突出特色,把握重点。重点。第三部分指导游客衣食住行等方面的信第三部分指导游客衣食住行等方面的信息,并充分考虑游客的需要。学以致用。息,并充分考虑游客的需要。学以致用。Alternatives words that can be used instead of “ nice” and“ is”nicebesmart, clean, excellent, exciting, famous, beautiful, grand, grea

18、t, huge, special, unusual, amazing, wonderful, splendidappear, be built, stand, lie, remain, stay, look, sound, become, keep, growThe temple was built long ago.The old temple was built long ago.The old temple was built two hundred years ago.Vary the adjectives and verbs to make the writing more inte

19、resting and lively.The old temple was constructed two hundred years ago.The temple was burned down early last century.The temple was built in 1980s.This great stone castle was constructed five hundred years ago when King Henry was king. He loved his food and you can tell that by visiting his extreme

20、ly large and well-provided kitchens. See where he fed six hundred people at on e time. Admire thebeautifully decorated rooms where he met the kings from other countries. Examine the care with which he provided toilets for all his followers. Walk through his wonderful gardens. So paying some attentio

21、n to the use of words can make you writing to be an exciting one. Now write a passage to introduce a scenic site in your city for a local guide book. Make the site to be an attractive one with your words.Assignment:范范 文文根据下表内容写一篇根据下表内容写一篇120词左右的英语短词左右的英语短文,介绍一下西安的旅游景点。文,介绍一下西安的旅游景点。概述概述十三朝古都,悠久的历史,十

22、三朝古都,悠久的历史,国内外游客必游之地国内外游客必游之地历史景观历史景观兵马俑、钟鼓楼、大(小)兵马俑、钟鼓楼、大(小)雁塔、明城墙等雁塔、明城墙等自然景观自然景观华山、华清池、骊山等华山、华清池、骊山等餐饮餐饮特色小吃,如羊肉泡馍等特色小吃,如羊肉泡馍等住宿及交通住宿及交通 各种档次的宾馆,交通方便各种档次的宾馆,交通方便参考词汇参考词汇名词:名词:schedule, scenery, snack, transport, sight-seeing, entertainment, dynasty, Terra-Cotta Warriors (兵马俑兵马俑), city walls, Bell

23、 Tower, Drum Tower, Huaqing Hot Spring (华清池华清池), Big / Small Wild Goose Pagoda (大大/小雁塔小雁塔), shredded pancake in mutton broth (羊肉羊肉泡馍泡馍) .动词:动词:stand, lie, locate, head for, enjoy, witness, feature, range, explore, impress, be lost in, distinguish (显示显示的差别的差别), desire (渴望渴望) .形容词:形容词:remarkable, dome

24、stic (国内的国内的), convenient, available, precious, unforgettable, unbelievable, be famous for, bold, steep, famous, attractive .Xian, the capital of thirteen dynasties, distinguishes itself from other cities in the world. Its a must-see for domestic and overseas visitors. There are many historical reli

25、cs in Xian, such as Terra-Cotta Warriors, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Wild Goose Pagoda, well-preserved city walls from Ming dynasty, and the Bell Tower and Drum Tower.In addition, the natural scenery is also attractive to visitors, such as Mount Hua, Huaqing Hot Spring, Lishan, etc. Any visitor to

26、 Xian cannot refuse the attraction of hundreds of local snacks, of which the “shredded pancake in mutton broth” stands out. Visitors are offered hotels of different rates. The public transport is convenient for visitors to reach any of their destinations. Visitors will surely find their desired relaxation there.



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