高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit4《Making the news》Period 2 新人教版必修5

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1、1. delightedWere delighted youre coming to work with us. (P26)我们很高兴将与你共事。我们很高兴将与你共事。Im delighted at your success. 我为你的成功感到高兴。我为你的成功感到高兴。I shall be delighted to show you around our schoolyard. 我很高兴领你到处转转我们的校园。我很高兴领你到处转转我们的校园。delighted形容词,意为:形容词,意为: 快乐的,欣喜的快乐的,欣喜的be delighted at/by. . . 听到听到/因因很高兴很高兴b

2、e delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事很高兴做某事delight n. 高兴,快乐高兴,快乐 vt. 使高兴,使愉快使高兴,使愉快with delight=delightedly adv. 高兴地,欣喜地高兴地,欣喜地对她来说对她来说, 观看女儿在节目中表演舞蹈是件乐事。观看女儿在节目中表演舞蹈是件乐事。It is a delight for her to watch her daughter dance in the show. 看到小狗的时候男孩子们都高兴地大叫起来了。看到小狗的时候男孩子们都高兴地大叫起来了。All the boys yelled with delig

3、ht when they saw the puppy. The two families were very _ to see the two women journalists safe return. A. amusedB. delightedC. pleasantD. pleased【解解析析】选选B。句句意意为为:看看到到这这两两名名女女记记者者都都安安全全地地回回来来了了,这这两两家家人人非非常常高高兴兴。amused愉愉快快的的,被被逗逗乐乐的的;delighted高高兴兴的的,快快乐乐的的; pleasant令令人人愉愉快快的的,惬惬意意的的,宜宜人人的的,只只修饰物;修饰物;p

4、leased满意的。由此可知,满意的。由此可知,B项是最贴切的。项是最贴切的。2. concentrate. . . so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested. (P26)因因此此,如如果果你你对对摄摄影影感感兴兴趣趣,也也许许以以后后你你可可以以集集中中精精力力去研究它。去研究它。I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on. 吵闹不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。吵闹不绝于耳,我无法集中精力学习。We must

5、 concentrate our efforts/attention on improving education. 我们必须致力于改进教育工作。我们必须致力于改进教育工作。concentrate v. 集中;聚集集中;聚集concentrate on sth. / doing sth. 专心致志于某事专心致志于某事/做某事做某事concentrate ones efforts/attention on sth. /doing sth. 致力于某事,专心做某事致力于某事,专心做某事concentration n. 集中,专心集中,专心concentrated adj. 集中的集中的Usuall

6、y the students cant _ their studies when they are hungry. A. insist onB. consist ofC. persist inD. concentrate on【解解析析】选选D。insist on坚坚决决要要求求,一一定定要要,坚坚持持(主主张张、意意见见);consist of由由组组成成;persist in坚坚持持(多多指指行行动动);concentrate on专专心心于于(做做某某事事)。句句意意为为:通通常常情情况况下下,当当学学生们饿的时候,他们就不能专心于他们的学习。生们饿的时候,他们就不能专心于他们的学习。H

7、ave you finished your book report? Not yet. I couldnt _ on it with so loud music next door last night. 2012瑞安高二检测瑞安高二检测A. drawB. devoteC. directD. concentrate【解解析析】选选D。根根据据句句意意可可以以看看出出此此处处需需要要用用“集集中中精精力力于于”的的短短语语填填充充。draw attention to引引起起对对注注意意;devote oneself to致致 力力 于于 ; direct指指 导导 , 管管 理理 ;concen

8、trate on专心于专心于(做某事做某事)。3. informThey must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story. (P26)他们必须通过调查研究,使自己了解到被遗忘的那部分情况。他们必须通过调查研究,使自己了解到被遗忘的那部分情况。We are informed that a big fire had broken out in the next town. 我们获知临镇发生了大火灾。我们获知临镇发生了大火灾。Keep me informed of any change of addre

9、ss as soon as possible. 地址如有变更请尽快通知我。地址如有变更请尽快通知我。inform及物动词,意为:及物动词,意为: 告知,通知告知,通知inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事,使某人了解某事通知某人某事,使某人了解某事inform sb. that. . . 通知通知/告知某事告知某事keep sb. informed of sth. 随时通随时通/告知某人某事告知某人某事We regret to inform you that (通知你通知你)your application has been turned down. Please keep us

10、informed of (请随时让我们知道请随时让我们知道)the latest development. People read newspapers and magazines in order to keep themselves _ of what is going on in the world outside. A. connectedB. knownC. updatedD. informed【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:人人们们读读书书、看看报报是是为为了了使使得得他他们们自自己己(及及时时地地)被被告告知知外外面面的的世世界界正正发发生生着着什什么么事事情情。connect连连

11、接接,联联系系;know知知道道,了了解解;update更更新新,使使现现代代化化;inform通通知,告知。知,告知。keep sb. informed of sth. 随时通随时通/告知某人某事。告知某人某事。4. depend onMeanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. (P26)同时你还要根据采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。同时你还要根据采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。Whether the game will be played depends on th

12、e weather. 比赛是否举行要看天气而定。比赛是否举行要看天气而定。You may depend on him to do it well. 你你可可以以相相信信他他能能把把事事办办好。好。Can I depend on him? It/That (all) depends. 我可以相信他吗?我可以相信他吗?那得视情况而定。那得视情况而定。depend on 意为:意为: 依赖,依靠,视依赖,依靠,视而定而定depend on sb. to do sth. 意为:意为: 依靠依靠/指望某人做某事指望某人做某事 It/That (all) depends. 意为:意为: 那得看情况,视情况

13、而定那得看情况,视情况而定,常用于口语交际中,表示对事情结果的不确定。常用于口语交际中,表示对事情结果的不确定。Are you going to Toms birthday party? _. I might have to work. 2011山东高考山东高考A. It dependsB. Thank youC. Sounds greatD. Dont mention it【解解析析】选选A。考考查查交交际际用用语语。从从答答语语的的第第二二句句“I might have to work. ”可可以以看看出出,能能否否参参加加汤汤姆姆的的生生日日派派对对还还不不能能确定,所以选确定,所以选I

14、t depends, 意为意为“看情况而定看情况而定”。Whether an operation should be performed in this case _ very much on the patients general condition. A. liesB. leadsC. concentratesD. depends【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:这这种种情情况况下下这这个个病病人人是是否否应应该该做做手手术术,完完全全取取决决于于患患者者身身体体的的总总体体情情况况。depend on依依靠靠;取取决决于于,视视而而定定;concentrate on将将集集中中于于;lie

15、常常与与in连连用,表示用,表示“在于在于”; lead常与常与to连用,表示连用,表示“导致,引起导致,引起”。5. accuseAs long as you do what you can, no one will accuse you even if you fail it in the future. 只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你。只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你。 Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the s

16、tick? (P26)你你有有没没有有过过这这样样的的情情况况:别别人人控控告告你你的的记记者者,说说他他(她她)们们的的报道完全失实?报道完全失实?accuse及物动词,意为:及物动词,意为: 指责,控告,谴责指责,控告,谴责accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 控告某人控告某人(做做)某事某事The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _ of cheating customers. A. accusedB. chargedC. scoldedD. cursed【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:那那个个商商店店售售货货员员被被开开除除

17、了了, 因因为为她她被被指指控控欺欺骗骗顾顾客客。accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指指责责某某人人做做某某事事; charge sb. with sth. 控控告告某某人人某某事事;scold sb. for指指责责某某人人做做了了; curse at sb. /sth. 诅咒诅咒/咒骂某人咒骂某人/某事。某事。You didnt tell me the truth about this matter, Barbara. Are you _ me of lying? A. chargingB. accusingC. criticizingD. catching 【解解析析

18、】选选B。accuse sb. of sth. 指指责责某某人人做做某某事事;charge sb. with指指控控,控控告告;criticize sb. for指指控控,控控告告;catch捕捕获获,抓抓获。获。6. so as toA footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. (P26)一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,好让对方赢球。一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,好让对方赢球。We hurried so as

19、 not to be late for party. 我们赶紧走,以便能准时参加聚会。我们赶紧走,以便能准时参加聚会。so as to 引导目的状语,意为:引导目的状语,意为: 为了为了(做做)其否定形式为:其否定形式为:so as not to 意为:为了不意为:为了不(做做)All these gifts must be mailed immediately _ in time for Christmas. A. in order to have receivedB. in order to receiveC. so as to be receivedD. so as to be rece

20、iving【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:所所有有这这些些礼礼物物必必须须马马上上寄寄出出去去,以以便便(收收礼礼人人)能能在在圣圣诞诞节节及及时时收收到到。由由语语境境可可知知,空空格格处处需需要要填填入入表表示示目目的的的的短短语语,因因为为gifts与与receive在在逻逻辑辑上上是是被被动动关关系系,故故C项为正确答案。项为正确答案。 _ apologize to his wife, he managed to send his wife a card _ “Darling, please forgive me! ”A. So as to; saidB. So as to; sayin

21、gC. In order to; saidD. In order to; saying【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:为为了了向向他他的的妻妻子子道道歉歉,他他想想方方设设法法送送给给他他妻妻子子一一张张卡卡片片,上上面面写写着着“亲亲爱爱的的,请请原原谅谅我我吧吧!”用用在在句句首首,表表示示目目的的只只能能用用in order to而而不不能能用用so as to;此此外外,saying为现在分词表示主动,作定语,相当于为现在分词表示主动,作定语,相当于which said。7. demandIt was a dilemma because the footballer could have

22、 demanded damages if we were wrong. (P26)这这是是一一个个两两难难的的问问题题,因因为为如果我们错了,该足球运动员就可以要求赔偿。如果我们错了,该足球运动员就可以要求赔偿。It is our demand that she should go there. 她她到到那那里里去去是是我我们们的要求。的要求。Good secretaries are always in demand. 好好的的秘秘书书总总是是很很多多人人都需要的。都需要的。She demanded to be informed of everything. 她要求所有情况都要向她通报。她要求

23、所有情况都要向她通报。demand作及物动词,意为:作及物动词,意为: 强烈要求强烈要求 ; 作名词时,意为:作名词时,意为: 需求,要求需求,要求in demand=in need 意为:意为: 需要需要demand to do sth. 要求做要求做 。翻译句子翻译句子My car demands/needs/requires repairing/to be repaired, so I have to go to work by bus. 我的小汽车我的小汽车需要修理需要修理了,因此我必须乘公共汽车上下班。了,因此我必须乘公共汽车上下班。The manager promised that

24、 they would try to meet their customers demands. 经理许诺他们会尽力经理许诺他们会尽力满足客户的需求满足客户的需求。附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。附近所有居民都要求那家夜总会尽早搬走。(move away)All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub (should) be moved away as soon as possible. The officer demanded that such things _ from happening again. A. prevente

25、dB. preventC. be preventedD. were prevented【解解析析】选选C。考考查查demand的的用用法法。demand作作动动词词时时其其后后面面 所所 跟跟 的的 宾宾 语语 从从 句句 中中 需需 要要 使使 用用 虚虚 拟拟 语语 气气 , 即即 “主主 语语+(should+)动动词词原原形形”,such things与与prevent之之间间为为被被动动关关系。故选择系。故选择C项。项。8. His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin(HX), was to strongly influence his life

26、 as a journalist. (P26)他与新上司胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影他与新上司胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生强烈的影响。响。“be to+动词原形动词原形”在句中表示后来发生事情的可能性,常在句中表示后来发生事情的可能性,常意意为为“ 必然,注定必然,注定 ”。His plan is to be a failure. 他的计划注定是要失败的。他的计划注定是要失败的。All these things are to be answered for. 所有这一切都应受所有这一切都应受到谴责。到谴责。(1)be to do可以表示预先安排的计划或约定。可以表示预先安排的计

27、划或约定。(2)be to do还还可可以以表表示示说说话话人人的的意意图图、职职责责、义义务务、命命令令等等情感意义。情感意义。There is to be a concert on Sunday evening. 周周日日晚晚上上将将有有一一场音乐会。场音乐会。Youre to return the book before Saturday. 你必须周六之前还上这本书。你必须周六之前还上这本书。她将于下个月结婚。她将于下个月结婚。She is to be married next month. 看电视之前你得先做完作业。看电视之前你得先做完作业。You are to do your hom

28、ework before you watch TV. In a room above the store, where a party _, some workers were busily setting the tables. A. was to be heldB. has been heldC. will be heldD. is being held【解解析析】选选A。在在商商店店上上面面的的那那个个房房间间里里要要举举行行一一个个聚聚会会,一一些些工工人人正正在在忙忙着着摆摆放放桌桌子子。由由句句中中的的“some workers were busily. . . ”可可知知是是一一

29、个个过过去去的的时时间间,所所以以排排除除C、D;由由句句意意可可知知这这次次聚聚会会还还没没有有进进行行,应应该该用用过过去去将将来来时时,排排除除B;英英语中的语中的be to do可用来表示可用来表示“安排好的将来动作安排好的将来动作”。1. occupationWhat do you imagine will be your future occupation? (P25)(occupation n. 职业,工作职业,工作 )你能想像一下你未来的职业是什么吗?你能想像一下你未来的职业是什么吗?You still have four-year occupation of this far

30、m. (occupation n. 占有占有 )对于这个农场,你还有四年的占有期。对于这个农场,你还有四年的占有期。The bed seemed to occupy most of the room. 床似乎占去了大半个屋子。床似乎占去了大半个屋子。Linda was occupied with the work of redecorating her house. 琳达忙于重新装修她的房子。琳达忙于重新装修她的房子。She occupied herself with routine office tasks. 她忙于办公室的日常工作。她忙于办公室的日常工作。occupy vt. 意为:意为:

31、 占用,占领,使忙于,忙着占用,占领,使忙于,忙着be occupied (in) doing sth. 意为:意为: 忙着做某事忙着做某事occupy oneself with/in sth. 意为:意为: 从事于,忙于,专心于从事于,忙于,专心于There are so many graduates every year that it is hard to find a suitable _. A. occupationB. concentrationC. admissionD. information【解解析析】选选A。句句意意:每每年年都都有有那那么么多多的的毕毕业业生生毕毕业业因因

32、此此很很难难找找到到合合适适的的工工作作(occupation)。concentration专专心心,专专注注;admission进入进入(权权),承认;,承认;information信息,通知。信息,通知。During the whole summer holiday, Tony was occupied _ his study. A. onB. forC. withD. to【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:在在他他的的整整个个暑暑假假里里,托托尼尼一一直直忙忙着着学学习习。be occupied in doing sth. =be occupied with sth. 忙忙着着做做某事。某事

33、。What are you going to _ yourself with now that youve retired? A. arrangeB. settleC. prepareD. occupy【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词用用法法。句句意意:既既然然你你已已经经退退休休了了,你你打打算算从从事事什什么么呢呢?occupy oneself in/with. . . 忙忙于于,从从事于事于。2. assistYoull find your colleagues very eager to assist you. . . (P26)你会发现你的同事很乐意协助你你会发现你的同事很乐意协

34、助你He assisted us to establish a new company. =He assisted us in establishing a new company. 他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。assist及物动词,意为:及物动词,意为: 帮助,援助,协助帮助,援助,协助assist sb. to do sth. =assist sb. in doing sth. =assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事We have requested that the government get involved, but w

35、e also need assistance from ordinary people. 我们已经要求政府参与,但我们同样需要普通大众的协助。我们已经要求政府参与,但我们同样需要普通大众的协助。A horse is a four-legged assistant to man. 马是人的四足助手。马是人的四足助手。assistance n. 帮助,援助,协助帮助,援助,协助ask for/need sb. s assistance 请求请求/需要某人的帮助需要某人的帮助 ,与其,与其对应的是:对应的是:give/lend/offer assistance to sb. 给某人以援助给某人以援助

36、assistant n. 助手,助理,图书管理员助手,助理,图书管理员他帮父亲清洗新车了。他帮父亲清洗新车了。He assisted his father to clean the new car. He assisted his father in cleaning the new car. He gave/lent/offered his assistance to his father in cleaning the new car. He asked us to _ them in carrying out their plan. A. persistB. provideC. assi

37、stD. agree【解析【解析】选选C。考查动词辨析。句意:他要求我们帮助他们。考查动词辨析。句意:他要求我们帮助他们贯彻那个计划。贯彻那个计划。assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事,此用帮助某人做某事,此用法相当于法相当于help sb. in doing sth. ;persist in在某方面坚持下去;在某方面坚持下去;provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供某事物;向某人提供某事物;agree to do sth. 同同意去做某事,不能直接跟人作宾语。意去做某事,不能直接跟人作宾语。Are you Mr. Greens new _? A. a

38、ssociationB. assistanceC. assistantD. assist【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:你你是是格格林林先先生生的的新新助助手手(assistant)吗吗? association n. 联联系系,协协会会;assistance n. 帮帮助助,援援助助;assist vt. 帮助,协助。帮助,协助。3. acquireOnly if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. (P26)你只有提出许多不同问题之后才能获得你需要知道的

39、信息。你只有提出许多不同问题之后才能获得你需要知道的信息。He did all he could to acquire a good knowledge of English. 他竭尽所能学好英语。他竭尽所能学好英语。Acquirement of singing ability is the most important activity for her. 对她来讲,演唱能力的获得是最重要的活动。对她来讲,演唱能力的获得是最重要的活动。acquire及物动词,意为:及物动词,意为: 获得,取得,学会获得,取得,学会acquire a knowledge of 获得获得的知识的知识acquire

40、ment n. 获得,学识,技能,学到的东西获得,学识,技能,学到的东西One of the most important things in education is to let students _ positive emotions and experience in the process of their learning. 2012玉溪高二检测玉溪高二检测A. require B. acquireC. demandD. clarify【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:教教育育中中最最重重要要的的一一件件事事就就是是让让学学生生获获得得积积极极的的情情感感及及学学习习过过程程中中的的经

41、经验验。require要要求求,acquire 获得,获得,demand要求,要求,clarify澄清事实。澄清事实。If a child is brought up in isolation away from human beings, he does not _ language. A. inquireB. requireC. acquireD. request【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:如如果果一一个个孩孩子子在在与与人人类类隔隔绝绝的的环环境境下下长长大大,他他就就不不会会获获得得语语言言。acquire 获获得得(语语言言,知知识识等等);inquire询问,查询;询问,查询

42、;require要求;要求;request请求。请求。4. assess That means you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it. (P26)那那就就是是说说,当当人人们们还还没没有有说说出出全全部部的的真真相相时时,你你必必须须能能够够做做出判断,然后去发现它。出判断,然后去发现它。How can you assess your students? 你你如如何何评评估估学学生生们们 (的的成成绩绩)?They assessed t

43、he value of the house at over one million dollars. 他们估计这所房子的价值超过一百万美元。他们估计这所房子的价值超过一百万美元。assess vt. 评估;评定评估;评定assess sth. at+钱钱 估算估算/估定某物为估定某物为Its difficult to make an assessment of the effects of these changes. 这些改变的效果难以评价。这些改变的效果难以评价。 assessment n. 评价;评定评价;评定 make an assessment of 评估评估/评价评价The ass

44、essor made an assessment of the old-fashioned house, which was assessed at 1, 500, 000 yuan. 估价员评估了这座老式房子,房价估定为估价员评估了这座老式房子,房价估定为150万元。万元。The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving. 由这个委员会评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。由这个委员会评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。 After the flood, they assessed the loss at 10 million yuan

45、. 洪水之后,他们估算损失为一千万元。洪水之后,他们估算损失为一千万元。Careful assessment is made of all students work. 对全体学生的功课作出认真的评定。对全体学生的功课作出认真的评定。I am arranging for Mr. Smith, one of our inspectors, to come and _ the damage caused to the building. AattemptBassessCaccuseDappear【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意:我我正正安安排排史史密密斯斯先先生生,我

46、我们们的的一一位位检检查查员员,来来评评估估对对这这所所建建筑筑物物所所造造成成的的损损失失。assess评评估估,评评价价;符符合合语语境境。attempt尝尝试试。accuse控控告,指控。告,指控。appear出现,显得。出现,显得。A Beldon and Canfield are two seashore towns, not far apart. Both towns have many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holiday-makers and other tourists. Last August there

47、was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon. The next day, this news appeared on page two of the towns newspaper The Beldon Post: FIRE AT SEABREEZE Late last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroom. The hotel manager said that a cigarette started th

48、e fire. We say again to all our visitors: “Please dont smoke cigarettes in bed. ” This was Beldons first hotel fire for five years. The Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one: ANOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHES FIRE Last night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclot

49、hes and some furniture at the Seabreeze Hotel. An angry holiday-maker said, “An electric lamp probably started the fire. The bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotels. When I put my bedside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp. ” We are glad to tell our readers that this sort of ad

50、venture does not happen in Canfield. What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accident. There was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel last August: that is one fact. Do we know anything else? Yes, we know that firemen went to the hotel. Now what do you think of the re

51、st of the “news”? 1. Which of the following best gives the main idea of this text? A. Beldon and Canfield are both good places for tourists in summer. B. A fire broke out at night in Seabreeze Hotel last summer. C. It was not easy to find out exact truth from newspapers. D. Two newspapers gave repor

52、ts on the same matter. 【解解析析】选选C。主主旨旨大大意意题题。从从倒倒数数第第二二段段主主题题句句“It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accident. ”可可知知答案。答案。2. Which of the following are probably facts? a. The fire broke out in a bedroom at the hotel. b. A cigarette started the fire. c. An old lamp started the fire. d

53、. The fire broke out at night. e. There has never been a fire in Canfield. A. b and cB. a and dC. c and eD. a and c【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel. . . 及及两两张张报报纸纸都都报报道道了了火火灾灾是是在在晚晚上上发发生生的的,故故可可以以确确定定的的事事实实只只有有两两项项a和和d。而而其其他他选选项项都都只只是是两两份份报报纸纸的的片片面面之

54、之词词,到到底底是是真真是是假假,我我们们无无法法得知,因此答案为得知,因此答案为B。3. The Canfield Times used the headline like this in order to make its readers think _. A. hotels in Beldon often catch firesB. hotels in Beldon dont often catch firesC. this was the second fire at the Seabreeze HotelD. Beldon was a good place except that h

55、otels there are not quite safe【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。ANOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHES FIRE中中ANOTHER是是个个关关键键词词,它它暗暗示示了了Beldon宾馆频繁发生火灾。宾馆频繁发生火灾。4. The Canfield newspaper gave a report just the opposite to The Beldon Post by saying that_. A. the bedroom lamps were very old at the Seabreeze HotelB. the bedroo

56、m lights made funny noise when the fire took placeC. the firemen failed to save clothing, bedclothes and other thingsD. such accidents never happened in Canfield for the past 5 years【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。The Canfield Times 报报道道说说Last night Beldon firemen arrived just too late to save clothing, bedclo

57、thes and some furniture at the Seabreeze Hotel. ,而而The Beldon Post则则说说消消防防队队员员及及时时把把这这场场小小火火扑扑灭灭了了,(没没有有造成损失造成损失),两者报道相反。可知此题答案为,两者报道相反。可知此题答案为C。 Labrador Retrievers are known for their hunting skills and friendly dispositions(性情性情), but Beau, a black Labrador who lives in Montana, is winning acclai

58、m (喝彩喝彩) for his math abilities. Owner David Madsen says if he tells Beau there are six dogs in the park and three dogs leave, and then asks him how many are left, the dog replies: “Woof, woof, woof. ”B “He counts, he adds and subtracts (减减去去), he can do some division(除除法法) and has memorized square

59、roots, ” Madsen said. Beau has achieved a degree of celebrity (名名人人)for his counting skills, becoming a star on visits to shops, restaurants and cabins in the Flathead Lake resort in Montana where the Madsen family spends summers. Madsen, a retiree of AT&T, adopted the puppy a dozen years ago and be

60、gan teaching him math basics when he showed signs of being intelligent. He taught Beau to count using dog biscuits, laying out a handful and rewarding the dog when the number of his barks corresponded to the number of treats. “He caught on that rewards were associated with the correct number of bark

61、s. Ive had dogs all my life, but this dog is different. Hes super smart, and the accuracy rate is about 85 percent of the time, ” Madsen said. “As a puppy, Beau invented games and crafted(精精巧巧地地制制作作)complex strategies to avoid capture, ” he said. Brandon Bretz, manager of Bretz RV and Marine in Miss

62、oula, Montana, said he recently watched Beau in action. “A group of us were standing there and Dave asked Beau, how many girls are here? There were two and Beau barked twice, next, Dave asked, how many boys? Beau barked five times even though there were only four guys. ” Bretz said. “Then we underst

63、ood it. Beau is a boy, and he was counting himself. That dog is on the up and up, ” he said. Bretz has booked Beau as a guest speaker for his companys annual customer appreciation barbecue. 文文章章主主要要讲讲述述了了蒙蒙大大拿拿州州的的一一只只拉拉布布拉拉多多犬犬因因为为它它的的数数学才能而成为了学才能而成为了“名人名人”。5. Whats Beau famous for? A. Hunting skil

64、ls. B. Friendly disposition. C. A guest speaker. D. Math abilities. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第一一段段. . . are known for their hunting skills and friendly dispositions, but Beau, a black Labrador who lives in Montana, is winning acclaim for his math abilities. 可知正确选项为可知正确选项为D。6. The underlined phr

65、ase “caught on” can be best replaced by _. A. became popularB. understoodC. forgotD. caught hold of【解解析析】选选B。词词义义猜猜测测题题。根根据据文文章章第第七七段段He caught on that rewards were associated with the correct number of barks. 可可知知它它知知道道奖奖励励与与正正确确的的吠吠叫叫次次数数有有关关系系。catch on流流行,理解。但此处的意思为行,理解。但此处的意思为“理解理解”。所以。所以B为正确选项。

66、为正确选项。7. Beau can do these things EXCEPT _. A. laying out a handful of biscuits B. doing some division and subtractC. inventing gamesD. crafting complex strategies 【解解析析】选选A。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章第第三三段段可可知知B正正确确。根根据第八段可知据第八段可知C、D正确。根据第六段可知正确。根据第六段可知A错误。故选错误。故选A。8. Why did the dog Beau bark five times w

67、hen Brandon Bretz tested it? A. Because there were five guys. B. Because it did it wrong. C. Because it counted itself because it is a male dog. D. Because there were only four guys. 【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据文文章章倒倒数数第第二二段段Beau is a boy, and he was counting himself. 可知可知C为正确答案。为正确答案。9. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Math abilitiesB. A Montana dog becomes local celebrity for his math skills C. A retiree adopted a puppyD. How to teach a dog count【解解析析】选选B。主主旨旨大大意意题题。文文章章主主要要讲讲述述了了蒙蒙大大拿拿州州的的一一只拉布拉多犬因为它的数学才能而成为了只拉布拉多犬因为它的数学才能而成为了“名人名人”。



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