新编英语教程 Unit 9 Who killed Benny Paret

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1、Unit 9 Who killed Benny Paret?Benny Paret was a prizefighter (职业拳击手). 1. Who was Benny Paret?Warm-up Questions2. Please list all the possible causes of the death of a prizefighter during a boxing match.his health his opponent his doctorhis lack of skillhis coach his assistantthe fight manager the re

2、fereethe audienceBackground Information1. About the writer The lifelong concerns of Norman Cousins writer, editor, citizendiplomat, promoter of holistic healing, and unflagging optimist were large indeed: w orld peace, w orld governance, justice, human freedom, the human impact on the environment, a

3、nd health and wholeness. His primary platformNorman Cousins: Editor and Writer (1915-1990)for promoting his views was as editor of Saturday Review for the better part of forty years. The article “Who Killed Benny Paret?” first appeared in Saturday Review on 5th May, 1962. He was also the author of a

4、 dozen books and hundreds of essays and editorials. Background Information2. About Benny ParetBenny Paret was a boxer born in Santa Clara, Cuba on March 14, 1937. Known in boxing as Benny the “Kid” Paret, he won the welterweight title for the first time in 1960, but lost it seven months later when E

5、mileGriffith knocked him out. He died in New York City on April 3, 1962 as a result of injuries sustained in a televised title bout with Emile Griffith for the welterweight championship.Background Information3. About boxing The rules which now govern professional boxing were issued by the British Bo

6、ard of Control in 1929. Fifteen rounds of 3 minutes duration are fought, with a minute interval betweeneach. The bout is won by a blow to the chin, heart, or solar plexus which knocks out the opponent for not less than 10 second or a boxer may win on “points”, which are scored for the number of blow

7、s orThe Rules of a Boxing MatchBackground Informationstyle of fighting. The winner of each round is given 5 points. Points are scored for clean hits with the closed glove of either hand, and for skilful defensive work. Each boxer has a second whose duty is to look after him between rounds, cooling h

8、im with a towel, sponging his face, and giving him advice it is an old boxing saying that a good second is half the battle.Background Information4. Boxing termsarenabout竞技场一场比赛canvasclean hit(拳击台上的) 帆布遵守规则的一击count out(裁判员数到十时被击倒运动员仍未起立)宣告失败dancedodge 依靠步法进行躲闪而很少主动进攻躲闪feint 佯攻,虚晃fight 一场拳击比赛fight man

9、ager 拳击运动员的经理 (boxing) glovesjab拳击手套猛击(对手)knockout 由于一方被击倒而比赛结束mouthpiece(橡皮或塑料制的)护齿,或称作(拳击员用的)橡皮咬口parry格挡,以手臂挡开来拳prizefight 职业拳击比赛mauler 击伤对手的拳击运动员prizefight 职业拳击比赛Background Informationprizefight promoter 拳击承办人referee裁判ring round拳击台回合(boxers) second (拳击运动员的)助手prizefighter职业拳击运动员slugger猛击者weave 不断移

10、动身体以迷惑对方或避开来拳Debate Topic: Should Boxing Be Banned? Arguments for reference:PROS:1.Boxing is a very dangerous sport. Every year both amateur and professional boxers die in matches or afterwards as a result of injuries. Banning boxing would mean an end to needless deaths, injuries and brain-damage.2.

11、 Boxing is unlike any other sport. The aim of boxing is to hurt the other man. The sport appeals to the worst and most violent parts of human nature. Such a savage sport should have no place in modern society.3.Many boxers are exploited. Often those around the boxer do very well at his expense. This

12、 gives them a reason to make the fighter take more fights, even if that would be dangerous. 4.Boxing makes violence look cool. The money and fame a few champion boxers get for hitting people sends the wrong message to young people.1. The government should not ban something adults choose to do unless

13、 it clearly affects other people. In boxing, it is the boxer who takes the risk and who will pay the price, no one else. Other sports are also dangerous, for example horse-riding, skiing or parachuting should we ban those too?2. All sport is about testing the human body and reaction against others.

14、Boxing does this in the most simple and direct way possible. There is no point trying to deny our human nature man is an aggressive animal and sports provide a safe outlet for that aggression. CONS:3. Boxing offers a way out of poverty for working-class boys. Isnt it better for children to want to b

15、e boxers when they grow up than drug dealers and gangsters?4. Those in charge of boxing work have to make sure that its as safe as possible. Both professional and amateur fights are run under very strict rules to make the risks as small as possible. 5. Making boxing illegal would just drive it “unde

16、rground”. It would still go on, because men would still want to fight and others would still be prepared to pay to see them. Once boxing is underground, it cannot be regulated and fights will become much more dangerous. Boxing is much safer when it is legal but regulated.Global reading ScanningParas

17、. 1-2Before you read the text, go over the following incomplete sentences first. After reading the text, fill in the blanks with relevant information.The writer had an interview with Mike Jacobs, who was Number One in the boxing world. prizefight promoter_Paras. 3-5The only important element in succ

18、essful boxing promoting is . People come out to see . to please the crowd_ the knockout_Paras. 6-8Benny Paret was killed in . The direct cause of his death was .Para. 9 The prime responsibility for Parets death lies with . the ring_a massive hemorrhagein the brain_the people who pay to see a man hur

19、t_Para. 10 The blame should be put on . the prevailing mores that regard prizefighting as a perfectly proper enterprise and vehicle of entertainmentScanning_ _True or False1.A prizefight audience is likely to get crazy about the boxers skills of defensive or offensive work.2. The most important thin

20、g in successful promoting is how to please the crowd. F( )T( )3. According to the writer, the investigators have already looked into every possible cause of the boxers death.4.The writer does not think the referee should take the responsibility.5.The boxing audience is affected by the social customs

21、 that prizefight helps make both fortune and fun.F( )T( )T( )Word Comprehension1. The word sometime in the phrase “sometime about 1935 or 1936” means:A. now and thenB. at some uncertain time in the pastC. former D. sometimesB_2. We discussed the only important element in successful promoting. Elemen

22、t means: A. reasonB. roleC. factorD. essential partC_3. The sentence “One is adroit at feinting” means:A. One is an expert in boxing.B. One is good at giving punches.C. One is very quick at losing consciousness.D. One is skilful in pretending to attack. D_4. Mike Jacobs said evenly. Evenly means: _A

23、. unchanginglyB. smoothlyC. calmlyD. equallyC6. Another question had to do with the role of the examining doctors. The phrase in italics means:A. was related to (or concerned) B. involvedC. was aboutD. must deal withA_5. The sentence “They are kidding themselves” means:_A. They are deceiving themsel

24、ves. B. They are playing practical jokes on themselves.C. They are pretending in a playful manner.D. They are acting like children.A8. “To produce a massive hemorrhage in the brain” means:C_A. to cause bleeding in the brainB. to bring about bleeding in the brainC. to make the brain lose a lot of blo

25、odD. to bring out blood from the brain7. Governor Rockefeller appointed a committee to assess the responsibility. Appointed means: _A. choseB. set up C. electedD. fixedB detailed reading We dont have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth. Article1-2.1_W_promoter1L.1 promot

26、er: n. C a person whose job is to promote events, activities, goods, etc.a promoter of peace / sexual equality他是包括环保在内的诸多事业的倡导者。他是包括环保在内的诸多事业的倡导者。He was a promoter of causes including environmental protection.promote: vt. 1. to support or encourage somethinga boxing / rock concert promoterArticle1-2

27、_S_There was2Paraphrase this sentence.There was nothing in Mr. Jacobs appearance and manner that would attract public attention, but when he talked about prizefights, he was not ordinary any more. He looked like a giant who spoke in an authoritative and powerful manner, a manner Napoleon would adopt

28、 when he inspected a battle. Article1-2_W_promoterv2政府致力于倡导公共交通的发展和使用。政府致力于倡导公共交通的发展和使用。The Government is committed to promoting the development and use of public transport.The young army officer is promoted to the rank of captain.2. (usually passive) to move someone to a job at a higher levelKindne

29、ss promotes peace.牛奶促进健康。牛奶促进健康。Milk promotes health.In 2007 they were promoted to the First Division.20072007年,他们晋升为甲级队。年,他们晋升为甲级队。Article1-2_W_promoter3These products are aggressively promoted and marketed.3. to attract peoples attention to a product or event, for example by advertising你有什么好办法来推销这

30、种产品吗你有什么好办法来推销这种产品吗? Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?A big advertising campaign is being held to promote a new kind of toothpaste.L.2 fledgling: adj. new and lacking experiencea fledgling enterprise / republic / writer她不过是一名初出茅庐的流行歌星。她不过是一名初出茅庐的流行歌星。She was just a fledg

31、ling pop star.The current economic climate is particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.Article1-2.1_W_beat1L.2 beat: n. C 1. a particular news source that a reporter is responsible for coveringThe local authorities decided to remove the reporter from the White House beat.这位年青的新闻记者负责采访社会安全消息。这

32、位年青的新闻记者负责采访社会安全消息。This fledgling newspaper reporter is on the social security beat.2. (usually singular) the usual path followed by someone on duty (esp. a policeman)Bob has worked as an officer on this particular beat for 20 years.这名警察每天在规定值巡路线上巡逻。这名警察每天在规定值巡路线上巡逻。The cop walks his beat daily.Para

33、phrase this sentence. I found I was given different kinds of assignments, ranging in variety from ship news to sports reporting. L. 3 I found myself on varied assignments, all the way from ship news to sports reporting.Article1-2.1_W_all the wayL.3 all the way (from / down / across / through): it is

34、 used to refer to the extent to which an action has been completedDid you really swim all the way across the channel?钢笔的价钱从钢笔的价钱从5美元到美元到500美元不等。美元不等。Prices of pens vary all the way from 5 dollars to 500 dollars.He comes all the way from Beijing just to say “happy birthday” to his girlfriend.人们从附近城市一

35、路过来观看这场职业拳击赛。人们从附近城市一路过来观看这场职业拳击赛。People came all the way from the neighboring cities to watch the prizefight.Article1-2.1_W_blandL.6 bland: adj. lacking a strong taste or character or lacking in interest or energyI find chicken a little bland.你的饮食应该保持清淡。你的饮食应该保持清淡。You should keep a bland diet.The p

36、rincipal made a few bland comments about the value of education.She had pleasant but rather bland features. 她很可爱,但长相平平。她很可爱,但长相平平。L.6 colossus: n. C (其复数形式为colossuses或者colossi) (literary) someone or something that is very large or impressive莫扎特是作曲家中的巨匠。莫扎特是作曲家中的巨匠。Mozart is a colossus among composer

37、s.the Colossus of RhodesShe has been described as the creative colossus of the literary world.希腊罗德斯城的太阳神阿波罗巨型雕塑像(世界七大奇迹之一,高希腊罗德斯城的太阳神阿波罗巨型雕塑像(世界七大奇迹之一,高150英尺以上)英尺以上)An intellectual colossus like Leonardo comes along only once in a generation.Why did the writer compare Mr. Jacobs speaking manner to t

38、hat of Napoleon? When Napoleon inspected a battle, he became the embodiment of power and authority. When Mr. Jacobs spoke about prizefights, he was no longer mild-mannered and gentle-looking. Instead, he had the authoritative tone and commanding voice of Napoleon, the famous French military leader.L

39、. 5 There was nothing spectacular in Mr. Jacobs manner or appearance; but when he spoke about prizefights, he was no longer a bland little man but a colossus who sounded the way Napoleon must have sounded when he reviewed a battle.Why does the writer mention his interview with Mike Jacobs in the fir

40、st part before he comments on the death of Benny Paret in the second part?Mike Jacobs was Number One in the boxing world. As the writers view coincides with that of Jacobs, by citing Jacobs words, the writer gives greater weight to his own opinion about Parets death and makes it more convincing.L.7

41、You knew you were listening to Number One.Paraphrase this sentence.You knew you were listening to the most authoritative promoter in the boxing world. What does it refer to?It refers to whatever Mr. Jacobs said which seemed true simply because Mr. Jacobs, the A-1 prizefight promoter, said it. L.8 Hi

42、s saying something made it true.What does the sentence mean?It means “Mr. Jacobs saw nothing mysterious in boxing”.L.10 So far as he was concerned, there was no mystery to it.L.11 arena: n. C 1. a large area that is surrounded by seats, used for sports or entertainmenta sports arenaThe bull was led

43、into the arena.2. a place or scene where forces contend or events unfoldWomen are entering the political arena in larger numbers. After 30 years in the political arena, our local member of parliament is retiring next year.一个公司必须能在当今国际舞台中竞争。一个公司必须能在当今国际舞台中竞争。A business must be able to compete in toda

44、ys international arena.Article3-5_W_adroitL.11 adroit: adj. very skilful and quick in the way you think or move an adroit reaction / answer / movement of the handJohn is adroit at flattering others. The general managers adroit handling of the financial crisis was very impressive.他很善于找借口。他很善于找借口。He i

45、s adroit at making excuses.What is the meaning of the phrase “who dont pack dynamite in their fists”? Dynamite is a powerful explosive. An explosion of dynamite brings about damage, ruin and death. “Men who dont pack dynamite in their fists” are boxers who are skilful at the sport, but who do not ki

46、ll their opponents. L.12 but who dont pack dynamite in their fists and you wind up counting your empty seats.L.13 What is the implied meaning of “and you wind up counting your empty seats”? It means the end result (of hiring boxing artists) is that you have few spectators, because boxing fans are no

47、t interested in watching boxing artists. What feeling does the writer wish to arouse when he writes this sentence?The writer wants to create a feeling of terror and extreme dread. L.13 wind up: 1. bring or come to an end; concludeHe wound up his business and personal affairs before joining the army.

48、He wound up his speech with a quotation.咱们散会吧,天不早了。咱们散会吧,天不早了。Lets wind up the meeting; its getting late.2. bring to a state of great tension; exciteDont get so wound up; theres nothing to get excited or nervous about!演出前她很紧张。演出前她很紧张。She was all wound up before the performance.What feeling does the

49、clause “fellows who could hit with the force of a baseball bat” give you? A baseball bat is usually made of one piece of solid hardwood and a baseball is a horsehide-covered hard ball. In playing baseball, the batter has to hit the ball very hard. When the prizefighter is compared to a batter, he is

50、 sure to give his opponent a knockout. By using “fellows who could hit with the force of a baseball bat”, the writer gives us a feeling of horror at such power. L.14 fellows who could hit with the force of a baseball bat.Article3-5_W_ literally1L.15 literally: adv.1. it is used to emphasize that a s

51、tatement is really true although it may seem surprising or exaggeratedThe Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people.When I told him the news he literally exploded. 我确实身无分文了。我确实身无分文了。I am literally penniless.天底下还真有人连开水都不会烧。天底下还真有人连开水都不会烧。There are people in the world who literally do

52、 not know how to boil water.The cold that winter literally froze us stiff.2. if you translate something literally, you translate each word separately in a way that does not sound natural谚语不可能都逐字直译。谚语不可能都逐字直译。It is impossible to translate all proverbs literally.L.21 coma: n. a state of deep unconscio

53、usness, usually caused by a serious head injury or by drugs 他两个月以来一直昏迷不醒。他两个月以来一直昏迷不醒。Hes been in a coma for the past two months.She went into a deep coma after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.Paraphrase this sentence. In the twelfth round he fell to the floor, didnt stand up when the referee c

54、ounted the seconds from one to ten, and never regained consciousness. L. 20 In the twelfth round he went down, was counted out, and never came out of the coma.L.22 a flurry of: a series of (things that happen suddenly)大厅外面有一阵骚动。大厅外面有一阵骚动。There was a flurry of activity outside the hall.A flurry of wi

55、nd upset the small boat.The decision raised a flurry of objections.A flurry of excitement went among the audience as Michael Jordan arrived.What does this sentence mean?It means that the Paret fight resulted in a great deal of fervent public interest and several investigations. L.22 The Paret fight

56、produced a flurry of investigations.L.23 assess: vt. to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作。我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作。We tried to assess his suitability for the job.We need to assess whether the project is worth doing.Our agent will assess the value of your p

57、roperty.Article6-7_S_One question 1What does the writer mean by “all three probes”?“Probe” is a journalistic term used especially in newspapers to mean a “thorough and careful examination or investigation”. By “all three probes”, the writer means the thorough investigation into the death of Benny Pa

58、ret made by the three organizations, namely, the special committee appointed by Governor Rockefeller, the New York State Boxing Commission, and the District Attorneys office. L.25 One question that was solemnly studied in all three probes concerned the action of the referee.Paraphrase the sentence.I

59、n the careful investigation and thorough and serious examination by the three organizations, one question was found to be of common concern the action of the referee. L.27 certify: v. to declare something is true / correct after some kind of test 他证明那是他儿子的手迹。他证明那是他儿子的手迹。He certified that it was his

60、sons handwriting.The doctor certified the person insane after careful examination.Sign here to certify that this statement is correct.This is to certify that Melinda Ryan has successfully completed her studies required by the graduate school and therefore granted the degree of MA.certificate: n. an

61、official document or record which states that the facts written on it are trueShe holds a certificate that she worked here as a typist from 2003 to 2007.Collocation:certificate of appointment委任证书委任证书marriage certificate结婚证结婚证birth certificate出生证明出生证明certificate of deposit存款单存款单certificate of merit奖状

62、奖状certificate of registration注册执照注册执照L.29 recuperate: v. (formal) to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc. 她病后正在渐渐复元。她病后正在渐渐复元。She is recuperating from illness.She spent a month in the country recuperating from / after the operation.Hes recuperating from major h

63、eart surgery.L.30 look into: 1. examine; inspect; investigateA committee was set up to look into the companys account. Mr. Anderson was looking into the possibility of buying a house.警方正在调查这件事。警方正在调查这件事。The police are looking into the matter.政府将研究如何降低失业率。政府将研究如何降低失业率。The government will look into ho

64、w to reduce unemployment.Article8_S_Benny Paret1Why does the writer go into elaborate details to describe the human brain in Paragraph 8?The writer is trying to tell us:1) The brain is the most important part of the human body, so it is foul play to hit the prizefighter hard on the head. 2) The brai

65、n is well-protected and so some blows on the head do not cost a prizefighter his life. Benny Paret was killed because of a massive hemorrhage in the brain, which showed he was hit extremely violently on the head by his opponent just to please the crowd. L.30 Benny Paret was killed because the human

66、fist delivers enough impact, when directed against the head, to produce a massive hemorrhage in the brain.Article8_S_Benny Paret23) The human brain is the most delicate mechanism in creation, yet it is precisely this intricate machinery that is the source of evil thoughts. It is where the most under

67、hand means and the dirtiest dealings of doing something are worked out. L.34 exquisitely: adv.Their house is exquisitely (beautifully) furnished.The furnishings show exquisite taste.exquisite: adj. very beautiful; delicateThe Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.She peeled it with exquisite

68、 care.他的品味和举止都很高雅。他的品味和举止都很高雅。He has exquisite tastes and manners.L.34 intricate: adj.1. very detailed in design or structureintricate patterns / designThe jade carving is exquisitely intricate.2. very complicated and difficult to understand or learnan intricate jigsaw puzzle / problem / instrument

69、/ plotPolice officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.手表的机械装置非常精密复杂,修起来很不容易。手表的机械装置非常精密复杂,修起来很不容易。The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.L. 40 in any event: at all events; whatever happensIn any event, it seems that the meeting might be cancelled. 不管怎样,我在做出最后决定前

70、会打电话给你的。不管怎样,我在做出最后决定前会打电话给你的。In any event, Ill call you before I make a final decision.In any event, you must get here no later than five oclock.L.40 futile: adj. unsuccessful or uselessAll my attempts to cheer her up proved futile. Its quite futile trying to reason with him he just wont listen.Its

71、 futile trying to persuade him to change his mind.想要说服他改变主意是办不到的。想要说服他改变主意是办不到的。Article9_W_lie withL.42 lie with (someone): be someones duty or responsibilityUnfortunately, the decision doesnt lie with our department. 有证据表明警方负有一定的责任。有证据表明警方负有一定的责任。 There is evidence to suggest that some blame lies w

72、ith the police.It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal. Article9_W_booL.43 boo: v. to express disapproval or strong disagreement, especially by saying “BOO”He sang so badly that the audience booed him.People at the back started booing loudly. 约翰一张嘴,学生们就开始向他喝倒彩。约翰一张嘴,学生们就开始向他喝倒彩。The student

73、s started booing as soon as John opened his mouth.演讲者被嘘下了台。演讲者被嘘下了台。The speaker was booed off the platform.Article9_S_No crowdParaphrase this sentence.When the crowd saw two boxers exquisitely move from side to side to avoid the opponents quick straight punch to the head, nobody would get to his fee

74、t, crying out in a shrill voice and shouting in great joy. L.45 No crowd was ever brought to its feet screaming and cheering at the sight of two men beautifully dodging and weaving out of each others jabs.Article9_S_The timeParaphrase this sentence.The time when the crowd is brought to a cheerful an

75、d excited mood is when a boxer receives hard blows over his heart and head, when his mouthpiece falls off, when blood gushes out from his nose or eyes, when he moves unsteadily from side to side under the attack, and his opponent chases him and goes on with his heavy blows and hard punches with the

76、force of an axe. L.47 The time the crowd comes alive is when a man is hit hard over the heart or the head, when his mouthpiece flies out, when blood squirts out of his nose or eyes, when he wobbles under the attack and his pursuer continues to smash at him with poleax impact.Article9_W_squirt1L.48 s

77、quirt: v.1. (usually + adverb or preposition) (to force a liquid) to flow out through a narrow opening in a fast streamHe squirted some tomato sauce on his burger.There was a leak in one of the pipes and water was squirting out all over the kitchen floor.当他咬梨子时汁水喷到了他的衬衫上。当他咬梨子时汁水喷到了他的衬衫上。Juice squir

78、ted onto his shirt as he bit into the pear.There was a leak in one of the pipes and water was squirting out all over the kitchen floor.Article10_W_ moresL. 51 mores: n. (pl.) social customs and standardsmiddle-class moresthe mores and culture of the JapaneseMores differ from place to place.社会风俗习惯随着时

79、光流逝而改变。社会风俗习惯随着时光流逝而改变。Social mores change with the passing of time.Article10_S_Put the blameParaphrase this sentence.Find out where the responsibility really lies it lies in the dominant and controlling social customs and standards that look upon prize-fighting as a completely suitable business for making money and a form of recreation.L.50 Put the blame where it belongs on the prevailing mores that regard prize-fighting as a perfectly proper enterprise and vehicle of entertainment.



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