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1、1Part One: Lead-in Part Two: About the AuthorPart Three: Language StudyPart Four: Text AppreciationPart Five: ExtensionCONTENTS2Part I Lead-in1. Picture Description2. Discussion and Quotations on Thinking 3 Please describe the following pictures in detail and depict their symbolic meaning in your ow

2、n words. Goddess VenusGoddess Venus Picture Description4Rodins ThinkerRodins ThinkerThe LeopardThe Leopard5Discussion about thinking1. Well-known classification: Affective thinking Rational thinking2. Explanation of thinking from the text proper Grade-three thinking Grade-two thinking Grade-one thin

3、king 6I think so, because they all say so!Its not true. What you said is self-contradictory.Look! I dont care what everybody says. Here is the truth.Which grade of thinker will say the below? 7Grade-threeGrade-twoGrade-onenatureproportion behaviorconsequenceSummary8Grade-threeGrade-twoGrade-onenatur

4、eprejudiced,ignorant,hypocriticalmocking,satirical,cynicalmoral,logical,truth-seekingproportion 9/10fewerfewestbehaviorstampede,group togetherwithdraw,lag behindstick to truth,dare to loseconsequencedangerousdestructiveconstructive & creativeSummary of the three levels of thinking9 “Intelligence is

5、something we are born with. Thinking is a skill that must be learned.” Edward de Bono“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” SocratesQuotations on Thinking“Nurture your mind with great thoughts.” Benjamin Disraeli10“What is the hardest task in the world? To think.” Ralph Waldo

6、 Emerson“We think too small. Like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.” Mao Zedong “Learning without thought is labor lost. Confucius11Part II About the AuthorWilliam Golding191119932. w

7、inner of 1983 Nobel Prize in literature 1. a British novelist and poet 3. masterpiece: Lord of the Flies (蝇王)(蝇王)(1954)5. going to Oxford University (Brasenose College) in 1930, studying natural sciences and English language, later changing into literature4. the features of Goldings novel: the intri

8、nsic cruelty of man 6. having received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II in 198812Part III Language Study 13acquaintancen. a. (CN) a person whom one knows b. (UN) knowledge or information about sth. or someoneacquaintanceship n.acquaint v. (with)to come to know personally; to make familiar; to in

9、form;Examples:She has become merely a nodding acquaintance.Few of my acquaintances like kiwi.The guide has some acquaintance with Italian.He has a wide acquaintanceship among all sorts of people.点头之交点头之交认识的人认识的人懂一点意大利语懂一点意大利语交往甚广交往甚广Translation 14Examples:l Let me acquaint you with my family.l You m

10、ust acquaint yourself with your new duties.l Please acquaint us with your plans.be (become, get) acquainted with I am already acquainted with the facts.make sb.s acquaintance (make the acquaintance of sb.) So pleased to have made your acquaintance.结识某人结识某人15anguish v. (vi.) to feel or suffer anguish

11、 n. agonizing physical or mental pain anguished a.suffering, agony, distress, grief, misery, pain, sorrow, tormentSynonymsbulge v. to curve outward; to swell up; to stick out n. a. a protruding part; an outward curve or swelling b. a sudden, usually temporary increase in number or quantityExamples:

12、His pocket was bulging with sweets. The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.Examples:She was in anguish over her missing child.anguished cries16confer a. to bestow (e.g. an honor) 授予授予 b. (vi.) to meet in order to deliberate together or compare views 协商协商Examples: The government conferred

13、 a medal on the hero.Diplomas were conferred on members of graduating class.The engineers and technicians are still conferring on the unexpected accident.confer sth. on sb. (授予)授予)confer with sb. on /about sth.awardSynonymaward sth. to sb.award sb. sth.17contemplatev. a. to look at attentively and t

14、houghtfully b. to consider carefully and at length; c. to have in mind as an intention or possibilitySynonymsconsiderpondermeditatedeliberatebrood overExamples:She stood contemplating her figure in the mirror.The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant.She is contempl

15、ating a trip to Europe, but she hasnt planned it yet.18 Word formationa. contemptible 可鄙的,卑劣的可鄙的,卑劣的 contemptuous 藐视的,傲慢的,轻视的藐视的,傲慢的,轻视的 n. scorn; a feeling that sb. or sth. is not important and does not deserve any respect contemptHe was utterly contemptuous of her efforts.他完全蔑视她的努力。他完全蔑视她的努力。Evasi

16、on of ones duty is contemptible.逃避职责乃可鄙之事。逃避职责乃可鄙之事。Example: I feel nothing but contempt for such dishonest behavior.19exaltv. a. to raise in rank, character, or status b. to glorify, praise, or honorexalted a. excited; noble; exaggerated20BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby I.Sentence ParaphraseII. Wr

17、iting DeviceIII. Further Understanding1.Theme2.Structure3.More Questions Part VI Text Appreciation 21BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 1Iwasnotintegrated,Iwas,ifanything,disintegrated.(Para.4)Forming a part of a harmonious groupThe direct opposite of “integrated”, and therefore me

18、ans some kind of trouble maker. This is not the the way the word is normally used.on the contrary22BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 2Themusculargentlemancontemplatedthehindquartersoftheleopardinendlessgloom.(Para.9)To think for a long time in order to understand better ina gloomy

19、 mannerThe author expressed the boys viewing of the image of Thinker in a humorous way to show that the thinking doesnt make any sense to him.23BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby The teachers glasses caught the light and therefore the boy could not see the teachers eyes. He could not have any eye cont

20、act. He could have any communication with him. The implied meaning of this sentence is that they could not communicate, not because of this but because of the teachers lack of understanding of the boy.Sentence Paraphrase 3Hisspectaclescaughtthelightsothatyoucouldseenothinghumanbehindthem.Therewasnop

21、ossibilityofcommunication.(Para.9)To have the light shine on it brightly and suddenly24BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Question: How are the three statuettes described by the boy? Scanthetextandlistouttherelatedinformation.VenusLeopardRodinsThinkernaked with nothing but a bath towel; no arms; in an

22、 unfortunate positioncrouching; nakednaked, muscular, who sat, looking down; his chin on his fist and elbow on his kneefrozen in panic, worrying about the towelbusying being beautifulready to spring down at the top drawer from the cupboardutterly miserable; contemplate the hindquarters of the leopar

23、d in endless gloombusybeingnaturalnotmiserable,animage of pure thought25BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 4Ononeoccasionheheadmasterleapedtohisfeet,reachedupandputRodinsmasterpieceonthedeskbeforeme.(Para.13)to jump upto move a hand or arm upward in order to touch, hold, or pick up

24、 sth. Three parallel verb phrases are used to describe the sequence of his actions.Moreexamplestoonesfeet26BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby to leap to ones feetto rise to ones feetto struggle to ones feetto stagger to ones feetto help sb. to ones feetto pull sb. to his feet一跃而起一跃而起站起身来站起身来挣扎着站起来挣扎着站

25、起来蹒跚而立蹒跚而立扶某人站起来扶某人站起来把某人拉起来把某人拉起来27BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 5Naturehadendowedtherestofthehumanracewithasixthsenseandleftmeout.(Para.15)Akeenintuitive(直觉的)power.Heretheauthormeanstheabilitytothink.Toprovidesb.withanaturalqualityortalentEverybody, except me, are born with

26、the ability to think.28BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Note the humorous effect achieved through the use of the exaggeration and formal style.Sentence Paraphrase 6Thefreshairhadtostrugglewithdifficultytofinditswaytohischestbecausehewasunaccustomedtothis.HewouldstaggerorbethrownoffbalanceUnabletodoa


28、Lesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing Devices 1It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis. Youcouldhearthewind,trappedinhischestandstrugglingwithalltheunnaturalimpediments.Hisbodywouldreelwithshockandhisfacegowhiteattheunaccustomedvisitation.Hewouldstaggerbacktohisde

29、skandcollapsethere,uselessfortherestofthemorning.(Para.19)Hyperbole (夸张)(夸张)30BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 7Mr.Houghtonwasgiventohigh-mindedmonologuesaboutthegoodlife,sexlessandfullofduty.(Para.20)Tobehabituallyinclinedtodo(sth.):e.g.Heismuchgiventoblowinghisowntrumpet.Shewas

30、giventohastydecision.ahighlymoralspeechObviously in Mr. Houghtons clean life, there is no place for alcoholic drink, sex, and other worldly pleasures. This is, of course, ironical.31BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby The author is ridiculing the contradiction between his high moral tone and the workin

31、g of his genes which compels him to turn his head toward young girls.Sentence Paraphrase 8Yetinthemiddleofthesemonologues,ifagirlpassedthewindow,hisneckwouldturnofitselfandhewouldwatchheroutofsight.Inthisinstance,heseemedtomerulednotbythoughtbutbyaninvisibleandirresistiblespringinhisneck.(Para.20)To

32、turnbyitself;toturnonitsownParallelstructureoftwoprepositionalphrasestoshowthecontrastMetaphor:hissexualimpulse32BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing Devices 2Metaphor (暗喻)(暗喻)It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implie

33、d rather than stated. Heseemstomerulednotbythoughtbutbyaninvisibleandirresistiblespringinhisneck.(Para.20)Ittooktheswimmersomedistancefromtheshoreandlefthimthere,outofhisdepth.(Para.29)33BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing DevicesMetonymy (转喻)(转喻)Inmetonymy,anideaisevokedornamedbymeansoftermdes

34、ignatingsomeassociatednotion.“It”standsfor“thought”ingrammar,butactuallyreferstoMr.Houghton,anditisvulgartorefertoagirlasaskirt.Itwilllectureondisinterestedpuritywhileitsneckisbeingremorselesslytwistedtowardaskirt.(Para.23)Mr.HoughtonMoreexamplesgirls34 Democracy favors the Democracy favors the vote

35、 vote rather than the rather than the bulletbullet. . (Vote=election, bullet=military solutions)(Vote=election, bullet=military solutions) “Political power grows out of “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gunthe barrel of a gun.” .”(Mao Zedong refers it to the military revolution)(Mao Zedo

36、ng refers it to the military revolution) Bill Gates Bill Gates is the king of operating systems worldwide. is the king of operating systems worldwide.(Bill Gates = Microsoft)(Bill Gates = Microsoft) The The penpen is mightier than the is mightier than the swordsword. . (pen = writer; sword = fighter

37、) (pen = writer; sword = fighter)35BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 9Technically,itisaboutasproficientasmostbusinessmensgolf,ashonestasmostpoliticiansintentions,orascoherentasmostbooksthatgetwritten.(Para.23)orderly,logical,andconsistentrelationofpartsThis ironical sentence shows

38、 that the author not only considers those people incompetent, dishonest and incoherent, but also despises most businessmen, distrust most politicians and dislikes most publications.36BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing Devices 3Irony (反语)(反语)Irony is the expression of ones meaning by using lang

39、uage that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.Technically,itisaboutasproficientasmostbusinessmensgolf,ashonestasmostpoliticiansintentions,orascoherentasmostbooksthatgetwritten.(Para.23)Mr.Houghtonwasgiventohigh-mindedmonologuesaboutthegoodlife,sexlessandfullofd

40、uty.(Para.20)37BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 10I no longer consider the way grade-three thinkers think unimportant because they account for nine-tenths of the people and therefore have great power. Now I know that ignorance, prejudice and hypocrisy are very powerful enemies.In

41、olongerdismisslightlyamentalprocess.(Para.24)38BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby The author thinks that it is probably human nature to enjoy agreement because it seems to bring peace, security, comfort and harmony.Sentence Paraphrase 11Acrowdofgrade-thinkers,allshoutingthesamething,allwarmingtheirhan

42、datthefireoftheirownprejudicesManenjoysagreementascowswillgrazeallthesamewayonthesideofahill.(Para.24)allfeelingverycontentandhappybecausetheysharethesameprejudicesSimile:enjoythepeaceful,safeandharmoniousenvironment39BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing Devices 4Simile (明喻)(明喻)It makes a compar

43、ison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison, words like “as”, “as. as”, “as if” and “like” are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Manenjoysagreementascowswillgrazeallthesamewayonthesideofahill.(Para.24

44、)Theyallcametumblingdownlikesomanyrottenapplesoffatree.(Para.31)40BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 12Grade-twothinkersdonotstampedeeasily,thoughoftentheyfallintotheotherfaultandlagbehind.Grade-twothinkingisawithdrawal,witheyesandearsopen.Itdestroyswithouthavingthepowertocreate.(P

45、ara.25)togeteasilyfrightenedandrunwiththecrowdtogototheotherextreme,thatistoacttooslowlyandlagbehinddetachment:(冷漠)asfromsocialoremotionalinvolvement;refusingtobepartofthecrowd.41BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 13toomuchattentionorexcitementtounimportantthingstoreplacepay,reward

46、It made me watch people shouting in joy and support of the King and wonder what this senseless excitement was all about although I did not have anything good to replace this exciting or intoxicating patriotism. But I did get something out of it.objectcomplementItsetmewatchingthecrowdscheeringHisMaje

47、stytheKingandaskingmyselfwhatallthefusswasabout,withoutgivingmeanythingpositivetoputintheplaceofthatheadypatriotism.Buttherewerecompensations.(Para.25)42BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 14SheclaimedthattheBiblewasliterallyinspired.IcounteredbysayingthattheCatholicsbelievedintheli

48、teralinspirationofSaintJeromesVulgateandthetwobooksweredifferent.Argumentflagged.(Para.26)AtruehistoricalrecordTheLatintranslationoftheBible,usedinarevisedformastheRomanCatholicauthorizedversiontobecomedull“Both Methodists and Catholics believed that their Books are a true record of the Gods divine

49、plan.” The author used this example to defy Ruths illogical opinion, therefore the argument became dull because Ruth didnt know how to respond to it. 43BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 15Thatwastooeasy,saidIrestivelysincethereweremoreRomanCatholicsthanMethodistsanyway;(Para.27)re

50、stlessly,difficulttocontrolonesemotionHere, the author pointed out Ruths logical error. The number of people who hold a view is no proof of its validity.44BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Note the authors description of the contrasting combination of his intimate action and strong defiant expression

51、s, which eventually made Ruth withdraw and give up as a grade-two thinker.Sentence Paraphrase 16IwouldbetontheBuddhists;Iamsure,theyaregreaterinnumberMorethanshecouldacceptorbearIfweweretalkingaboutthenumberofpeoplewhobelieveinthisIslidmyarmaroundherwaistandmurmuredthatifwewerecountingheads,theBuddh

52、istsweretheboysformymoney.Shefled.ThecombinationofmearmandthosecountlessBuddhistswastoomuchforher.(Para.27)45BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Writing Devices 5Synecdoche (提喻)(提喻)To be continued on the next page.Synecdoche can be included in metonymy, and it refers to the substitution of the part for

53、 the whole or of the whole for the part.Ifwewerecountingheads,theBuddhistsweretheboysformymoney.(Para.27)(head=person)Therearetwomouthstofeedinmyfamily.(mouth=person)Godblessthehandsthatpreparedthisfood.(hand=person)46BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 17Iwasgiventhethirddegreetofi

54、ndoutwhathadhappened.IlostRuthandgainedanundeservedreputationasapotentiallibertine.(Para.28)TobeseverelyquestionedorinterrogatedThe author lost his girlfriend and won a bad name even as a grade-two thinker, satisfying himself by finding out deficiencies but not seeking for the truth. Note the effect

55、 of the authors self-mockery. 47BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 18tomakeonefellproudofonesabilityandclevernesstobeinthewaterthatistoodeepforyoutostandinandbreatheThe author uses this metaphor to express the idea that grade-two thinking has its limitations. It does not have anyth

56、ing positive to offer.Tofindoutthedeficienciesofourelderssatisfiestheyoungegobutdoesnotmakeforpersonalsecurity.Ittooktheswimmersomedistancefromtheshoreandlefthimthere,outofhisdepth.(Para.29)48BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 19Icameupintheendwithwhatmustalwaysremainthejustificati

57、onforgrade-onethinking.Idevisedacoherentsystemforliving.Itwasamoralsystem,whichwaswhollylogical.(Para.31)According to the author, grade-one thinking must be based on a coherent and logical system for living, in other words, a moral system, without which you cannot prove yourself to be a grade-one th

58、inker. Judging by the context, this system probably refers to ones world outlook and basic political beliefs and moral principles.49BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 20repeatedWhat had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. My grade-two thinking frightened away many of my acq

59、uaintances.ItwasRuthalloveragain.Ihadsomeverygoodfriendswhostoodbyme,andstilldo.Butmyacquaintancesvanished,takingthegirlswiththem.(Para.32)50BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby In those prewar days when many people were fully worked up to a political frenzy, it was very dangerous to voice different opi

60、nions. You might lose friends or your job.Sentence Paraphrase 21Hadthegamegonetoofar?Inthoseprewardays,Istoodtoloseagreatdeal,forthesakeofahobby.(Para.33)togobeyondwhatisreasonableandacceptablehisgrade-twothinkingwhichhetakesasahobbyTobelikelytolose51BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Sentence Paraphr

61、ase 22NowyouareexpectingmetodescribehowIsawthefollyofmywaysandcamebacktothewarmnest(Para.34)Now you think I will tell you how I gradually saw my stupidity in being a grade-two thinker and therefore decided to give it up and return to the majority of grade-three thinkers.52BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a

62、Hobby Sentence Paraphrase 23Butyouwouldbewrong.Idroppedmyhobbyandturnedprofessional.(Para.35)But you guessed wrong. I did not drop my hobby of thinking ( here, we can say he might give up the hobby of grade-two thinking). Instead I went further and became a professional thinker.53Question: How did t

63、he author describe the following figures to demonstrate his analyses of different grades of thinking?Headmaster: Me, the boy: Mr. Houghton: A pious lady: Ruth: British Prime Minister:American politicians: Me, the author: 54Question: How did the author describe the following figures to demonstrate hi

64、s analyses of different grades of thinking?Headmaster: nothing human in his eyes, no possibility of communication (not understand his students)Me, the boy: delinquent, not integrated, misunderstanding the symbolic meaning of the statuettes, couldnt thinkMr. Houghton: ruined by alcohol, preaching hig

65、h-moral life but showing hypocritical and prejudiced natureA pious lady: hatred for German 55Ruth: foolish argument, illogical and fled at lastBritish Prime Minister: talking about the great benefit conferring on India by jailing Nehru and GandhiAmerican politicians: talking about peace and refusing

66、 to join the League of NationsMe, the author: not easily stampede, detect contradiction; turned into a professional thinker56BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby ThesummaryofthecharacteristicsofthethreegradesofthinkingGrade-threeGrade-twoGrade-onecharacteristicsexamplesIgnorance,hypocrisy,prejudice,self

67、-satisfied,contradictionsMr.Houghton,ninetenthofpeopleDetectingcontradictions;donotstampedeeasily;lagbehind,awithdrawal,destroybutnotcreateRuth,theauthor,(maybe)someacquaintancesTofindoutwhatistruth,basedonalogicalmoralsystemfarandfewbetween,onlyinbooksthinking57StructurePart1(Paras. 124 ) about:Par

68、t2(Paras. 2529) about:Part3(Paras. 3035)about:How the subject of thinking was first brought up to the author and his understanding of the nature of “grade-three thinking” The authors analysis of the nature of “grade-two thinking” The authors understanding of the “grade-one thinking” and his desire f

69、or it58ThemeThinking is not just for professional thinkers like philosophers. It is something all educated people should enjoy doing, and it is considered one of the most precious qualities in young scholars for the healthy mental development. 59BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Grammar1.Parallelism2

70、.The Use of Complement60BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby GrammarMore examplesI. The method of expressing ideas of equal importance in the same or similar grammatical form is called Parallelism.Parallelconstructions:listing, contrast, choice, comparisonall shouting the same thing, all warming their h

71、ands at the fire of their prejudices two absolute constructions not by thought; by an invisible and irresistible spring in his neck. two prepositional phrases To be or not to be, that is a question. two infinitive phrases Crawling down a mountain is sometimes harder than climbing up. two participle

72、phrases.61BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby 1.For further information, you can either consult an encyclopaedia or surf the Internet. two verb phrases 1.In the past ten years people, especially old people, have been concerned more about their health than about their income. two noun prepositional phra

73、ses 1.The unemployed man wanted a job rather than welfare. two nouns 1.Many things cannot be learned in the classroom, such as planning ones time, working on ones own and managing ones affairs. three participle phrases (choice)(comparison) (contrast)(listing)62BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby II. Th

74、e Use of ComplementNexttoher,crouchedthestatuetteofaleopard,readytospringdownadjectivephraseassubjectcomplementYoucouldhearthewind,trappedinhischestandstrugglingwithalltheunnaturalimpediments.pastandpresentparticiplesasobjectcomplementIttooktheswimmersomedistancefromtheshoreandlefthimthere,outofhisd

75、epth.prepositionalphraseasobjectcomplementMore examples63BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby More examples: Tired and sleepy, I went to bed. Lincoln was born a poor farmers boy and died President of the United States. People are just born what color they are. As a true friend he stood by me to the end.

76、 John wears his hair very long. Can I have this parcel weighed here? I called this robbing Peter to pay Paul. As the main eating implement, the Chinese use chopsticks every day.Subject complementsObject complements64Part V Extension1. Quiz2. Listening Lab65BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby 1.Ihadan_d

77、esiretorunaway.(resist)2.Ibelievehehasnever_explainedhowhecametobeinsuchacondition.(satisfy)3.Thesenatorwasknownforhis_.(orate)4.Anelectronicsoundsystemrepresentsthe_ofthousandsofcomponents.(integrate) Quiz irresistibleFillintheblankswiththeproperformofthegivenwords.satisfactorilyoratoryintegration6

78、6BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby 1.“Leteverynationknow,whetheritwishesuswellorill,thatweshall_,_,_,_,_toassurethesurvivalandthesuccessofliberty.”JohnF.Kennedy, Inaugural Address Listening Lab Listentotherecordingstoappreciatethesoundofparallelism.67BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby 1.“Leteverynation

79、know,whetheritwishesuswellorill,thatweshallpayanyprice,bearanyburden,meetanyhardship,supportanyfriend,opposeanyfoetoassurethesurvivalandthesuccessofliberty.”JohnF.Kennedy, Inaugural Address Listening Lab Listentotherecordingstoappreciatethesoundofparallelism.68BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Listen

80、ing Lab 2.“IvetriedtoofferleadershiptotheDemocraticPartyandtheNation.If,inmyhighmoments,Ihave_,_,_,_,_,orstirredsomeonefromapathyandindifference,orinanywayalongthewayhelpedsomebody,thenthiscampaignhasnotbeeninvain.”JesseJackson,1984 Democratic National Convention Address69BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a

81、Hobby Listening Lab 2.“IvetriedtoofferleadershiptotheDemocraticPartyandtheNation.If,inmyhighmoments,Ihavedonesomegood,offeredsomeservice,shedsomelight,healedsomewounds,rekindledsomehope,orstirredsomeonefromapathyandindifference,orinanywayalongthewayhelpedsomebody,thenthiscampaignhasnotbeeninvain.”Je

82、sseJackson,1984 Democratic National Convention Address70BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Listening Lab 3.“WehaveseenthestateofourUnionintheenduranceofrescuers,workingpastexhaustion.Weveseen_,_,_,_inEnglish,Hebrew,andArabic.”GeorgeW.Bush,9-20-01 Address to the Nation on Terrorism71BTLEWLesson 1Thinki

83、ng as a Hobby Listening Lab 3.“WehaveseenthestateofourUnionintheenduranceofrescuers,workingpastexhaustion.Weveseentheunfurlingofflags,thelightingofcandles,thegivingofblood,thesayingofprayersinEnglish,Hebrew,andArabic.”GeorgeW.Bush,9-20-01 Address to the Nation on Terrorism72BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as

84、a Hobby Listening Lab 4.“.andthatgovernment_,_,_,shallnotperishfromtheearth.”AbrahamLincoln,Gettysburg Address(heredeliveredbyJeffDaniels)To be continued on the next page.73BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby Listening Lab 4.“.andthatgovernmentofthepeople,bythepeople,forthepeople,shallnotperishfromthee

85、arth.”AbrahamLincoln,Gettysburg Address(heredeliveredbyJeffDaniels)To be continued on the next page.74BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby IV. Listening Lab 5.“_._._._._._.Wedefythem.”WilliamJenningsBryan75BTLEWLesson 1Thinking as a Hobby IV. Listening Lab 5.“Wehavepetitionedandourpetitionshavebeenscorned.Wehaveentreatedandourentreatieshavebeendisregarded.Wehavebeggedandtheyhavemockedwhenourcalamitycame.Webegnolonger.Weentreatnomore.Wepetitionnomore.Wedefythem.”WilliamJenningsBryan76



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