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1、 Period Warming updietmeatvegetableseafoodfruitsnacks(零食小吃)(零食小吃)What kind of food do we eat?Food group:meat mutton kebabmuttonhamroast duckFood group:vegetablescarrottomatocabbagecucumberpeamushroombeanpepperpumpkincrabFood group:Sea foodfishshrimpFruit lemongrapeswatermelonpineapplepeachpeachstraw

2、berrypearpearsweetschocolatepotato chipsIce cream snacksmeat:mutton mutton kebab ham roast duck vegetable:carrot tomato cabbage corn cucumber pea mushroom bean pumpkin pepper eggplant seafood(海鲜): crab fish shrimpfruit :strawberry lemon grapes watermelon pineapple pear peach snacks(零食):sweets chocol

3、ate potato chips ice cream Classifythefoodsweusuallyeatenergy-givingfoods:foodsbody-buildingfoods:protectivefoods:foodstogiveyouenergy(rice,nut,oilssnacks)foodstogrowbonesandmuscle(meat,seafood,eggs,milk,cheese,tofu)foodsthatgivefibrefordigestionandhealth(vegetables&fruits)Which food contains more?E

4、xamples of foodsAnswersugarchocolate or grapescakes or bananasfatcream or ricechocolate or chickenfibrepeas or nutspork or cabbageproteinpotato crisps or hameggs or creamchocolatechocolatecakescakescreamcreamchocolatechocolatenutsnutscabbagecabbagehamhameggseggsWhatwillhappenifwedonteatahealthydiet?

5、obesityricketsscurvyToo fat!Too thin! Tom Jerryconclude:Ifwewanttobehealthy,weshouldeatabalanceddietwhichcontainsthreedifferentkindsoffoods.Theyareenergy-givingfoods,body-buildingfoodsandprotectivefoods.Discussion:Inpairsmakeupadialogueabouthealthydiet.Talkaboutthefoodonelikesordislikes,andtheotherg


7、uggestthatyouMyadviceis/wouldbeItmightbeagoodideatoModel:A: What is your favorite food ?B :My favorite food is meat. I like all kinds of meat. They are very delicious.A: Do you like fruit?B: I do not like fruit. I do not often eat fruit or vegetable.A: You are very fat now. You look more handsome/be

8、autiful if you try to lose weight.B: But what should I do ?A: You should eat more fruit and vegetable .They contain more fibre, which can help you to digest. At the same time eat less meat and take more exercise. Can you do that ?B: In order to be more handsome/beautiful, I will try my best to do it

9、.A: I believe you can do it. B: ThanksAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我一天一个苹果,医生远离我First wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富健康是人生的第一财富You are what you eat 人如其食 Eat healthily, and be healthy! Homework:Homework: Design a balanced menu for yourselves MealMain kind(s) of Main kind(s) of foodfood Reasons for your design : Reasons for your design : _._.A menu for yourself:A menu for yourself:



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