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1、Are you feeling bored? 外研版五年级上册外研版五年级上册 Module 9 Unit 1 Feelings 表情;情绪happy angry愤怒的;生气的愤怒的;生气的Lets guessbored厌烦的厌烦的sad 悲伤的悲伤的happy happy I feel happy. sad sad I feel sad. angry angry I feel angry. bored bored I feel bored. (考查一下你的课堂听讲吧!)You can say as quickly as you can! (以你最快的速度说!以你最快的速度说!)happysa

2、dboredangryfeelings feelangrytoldbettertellill眼疾口快说单词眼疾口快说单词Are you ready?规则:看图片,根据图片用Are you feeling_?填写表情单词,老师提问。Are you feeling ?Yes ,I am.happyAre you feeling ?Yes, I am.sadAre you feeling ?No,Imnot.bored 游戏规则游戏规则:学生上来从纸盒中学生上来从纸盒中抽取其中的一张带有表情的抽取其中的一张带有表情的纸条,然后进行表演,让其纸条,然后进行表演,让其他学生猜,并且用他学生猜,并且用”A

3、re you feeling ?”来进行提问。来进行提问。Lets play a gameGuessing game:What am I feeling?Yes, I am.No, Im not.(1)Are you feeling bored?(2)Do you miss your friends in China?(3)Are you feeling bored?(4) Are you feeling angry? Are you feeling ? Are you feeling ? Are you feeling ?Whats the matter?NoNoMy grandma is

4、ill in hospital.Amy : Whats the matter?Lingling:Amy: Oh, Im so sorry.Lingling: I called my mum yesterday. She told me that.Read the text by yourselves and then answer the questions(自读课文,合作(自读课文,合作学习,回答下列问题学习,回答下列问题.)1.Is Lingling feeling sad?2.Is Lingling feeling bored?3.Is Lingling feeling angry?4.

5、How is her grandma?奶奶现在怎么样了?奶奶现在怎么样了?No, she isnt.No, she isnt.No, she isnt.Her grandma is better now.重难句子讲解重难句子讲解1、My grandma is ill in hospital. 我的奶奶我的奶奶生病住院了。生病住院了。2、She told me that.( told 是是tell 过去式)过去式) 她已经告诉我了。她已经告诉我了。3、How is my grandma? 奶奶她奶奶她怎么样了怎么样了?4、Your grandma is better now. 你的奶奶现在你的奶

6、奶现在恢复健康了恢复健康了。Listen and repeat.(听录音跟读听录音跟读,)vWork in groups of 3 ,then read the text.v三人一组,分角色朗读课文Is he feeling happy? Can you answer?(能回答吗?)能回答吗?)Is she feeling sad?Yes, he is.No, she isnt.Is he feeling bored?Are they feeling angry?No, he isnt.No, they arent.Is she/he feelinghappysadangrybored ?Ye

7、s, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.1.A: Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is. 1.A: Is he feeling sad? B:Look and write.sadNo, he isnt.3. A:Is she feeling bored? B: 4. A:Is she feeling ? B: Yes, she is.No, she isnt.happy Choose and write:1,Im feeling _now, Im laughing(笑).2,Ms smart is feeling _,because Sam and Amy are arguing.3,Im feeling _now, I lost my dog.4,I want to go out to play, but its raining, so I feel_.happysadangrybored1.Read the text.2.Ask your parents how they feel and try to help them as possible as you can. (询问你父询问你父母的感受,并尽可能地帮助他们)母的感受,并尽可能地帮助他们)Homework



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