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1、76.Because he was short of money. 77.wanted it/wanted to get it/was eager for it78.She wouldnt mind 79.The girl and those two balloons80.The author sent happiness to the strangers by helping them buy beautiful balloons.1relevant adj. 有关的;切题的有关的;切题的relevance n. 关联,贴切,中肯关联,贴切,中肯irrelevant adj. 无关的;不切题

2、的无关的;不切题的be relevant to 与与有关有关a relevant suggestion/question/point 相关的相关的提提议/问题/观点点即学即练即学即练1(1)These theories _ directly _ the practice.这些理论与实践是有直接关系的这些理论与实践是有直接关系的。(2)Do you have the _ experience?你有相关的你有相关的经验吗?arerelevant to relevant2adjust vt.调整;调节调整;调节 vi. 适应适应adjustable adj. 可调节的可调节的adjustment n

3、. 调节;调整调节;调整adjust sth. 整理整理/整整顿/安排某物安排某物/某事某事adjust sth./oneself to sth. 使适使适应新新环境等境等即学即练即学即练2(1)She _ the seat _ the height of her child.她调节坐椅以她调节坐椅以适合她孩子的身高适合她孩子的身高。(2)It took several seconds for his eyes to _ the dark.几秒几秒钟以后他的眼睛才以后他的眼睛才适适应了黑暗了黑暗。(3)You will quickly _ the student life.你很快就会适你很快就

4、会适应学生生活的学生生活的。adjustedtoadjust toadjust yourself to(1)用用adjust的适当形式填空的适当形式填空Moving to the city has been a difficult _for us.My parents had trouble to living in an apartment.The height of the bicycle seat is .adjustment adjusting adjustable 3participate vi. 参与;参加参与;参加participation n. 参与参与participant

5、n. 参加者;参与者参加者;参与者participate in sth. 参与参与(某活某活动)participate in sth. with sb. 同某人参与某事同某人参与某事1)She actively _politics.她积极参与政治活动她积极参与政治活动。(2)All the _ in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.所有参加所有参加辩论的的人都有机会人都有机会发言言。(3)Union leaders called for the active _ of all members in the day of protest.

6、工会工会领袖袖们号召在抗号召在抗议那天全体会那天全体会员积极加极加。participated inparticipantsparticipation(1)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空They expected him to participate_ the ceremony.You may well participate us our gains.We want more participation the decisionmaking.in with in in 4Otherwise adv. 用别的方法;其他方面;否则,不然用别的方法;其他方面;否则,不然 adj. 另外的,

7、不那样的另外的,不那样的conj.否则,不然常放在祈使句后,否则,不然常放在祈使句后,相当于相当于 or或或 or else。otherwise 可与虚可与虚拟语气气连用用。and otherwise 等等等等but otherwise 然而在然而在别的方面却的方面却or otherwise 或其他方面;或没有;否或其他方面;或没有;否则即学即练即学即练4(1)He is slow, but _ he is a good worker.他虽慢他虽慢,但在其他方面却是个好工人但在其他方面却是个好工人。(2)Listen to your parents; _ you will regret.听你父

8、母的听你父母的话,要不然你会后悔的要不然你会后悔的。 (3)You reminded me; otherwise I _.你提醒了我你提醒了我,要不然我会忘要不然我会忘记的的。otherwiseotherwisewould have forgotten5donate vt. 捐赠;赠送捐赠;赠送donation n. 捐款,赠送,捐赠捐款,赠送,捐赠(物物)donate sth. to sb./sth. 向向捐捐赠某物某物donate sth. to do sth. 为了做某事而捐了做某事而捐赠某物某物make a donation to charity 向慈善事向慈善事业捐捐赠collect

9、 donations (for) (为)募捐募捐receive a donation 收到捐收到捐赠即学即练即学即练5(1)He _ a large sum _ relief organizations.他向救济组他向救济组织捐了巨款织捐了巨款。(2)_ is glorious.献血光荣献血光荣。(3)The work of the charity is funded by _. 这家慈善机构工作所需要的家慈善机构工作所需要的资金是人金是人们自愿自愿捐捐赠的的。donatedtoDonating bloodvoluntary donationsvoluntary adj. 自愿的,志愿的,无偿

10、的 voluntarily adv. 自愿地,义务地 volunteer v. 自愿做自愿做. n. 自愿者自愿者 volunteer as 自愿充当自愿充当 volunteer for 自愿承担自愿承担distribute vt.分发,分配;散发,分布分发,分配;散发,分布distribution n分发,分配,分布状态分发,分配,分布状态distributive adj.分发的,分配的,分布的分发的,分配的,分布的distributor n分发者分发者distribute sth. to/among sb.向某人分向某人分发某物某物distribute sth. over.把把撒在撒在(涂

11、在涂在)上上 把把散布在散布在.即学即练即学即练6(1)Please _ these pictures _ the children.请把把这些些图片分片分给孩子孩子们。(2)The head of the department _ the prizes _ the winners.系主任系主任为优胜者者发了了奖。 (3)The army _ itself _ the whole area.这支支军队分布在全区分布在全区。distributetodistributedamongdistributedoveroperate v. 手术;运转;工作;操作,起用手术;运转;工作;操作,起用opera

12、tion n. 手术;运转;操作手术;运转;操作operator n. 操作者;接线员操作者;接线员operate a machine 操作操作/操操纵机器机器operate a shop 开开/经营商店商店operate on sb. 给某人某人动手手术come into operation 起作用;开始生效起作用;开始生效put.into operation 实施施perform an operation on sb. 为某人某人实施手施手术即学即练即学即练7(1)This machine doesnt _.这台机器运台机器运转得不好得不好。(2)He _ the boys leg.他他给

13、这个男孩的腿部做了手个男孩的腿部做了手术。(3)They planned to _ a drinking club.他他们计划划经营一个一个饮酒俱酒俱乐部部。operate smoothlyoperated onoperate hear from sb 收到的来信 收到的消息 hear of hear about hear outbe dying to do sth. 迫切想要;渴望迫切想要;渴望 for sth. 渴望;迫切想要渴望;迫切想要考点对接考点对接三年考情调研三年考情调研突破核心单词与短语突破核心单词与短语突破重点句式与单元语法突破重点句式与单元语法My daughter is d

14、ying to get a piano. My daughter is dying for a piano. My daughter is eager/anxious to get a piano. My daughter longs for a piano. 考点对接考点对接考点对接考点对接三年考情调研三年考情调研突破核心单词与短语突破核心单词与短语突破重点句式与单元语法突破重点句式与单元语法D die away 逐渐消失逐渐消失 die down 逐渐减弱逐渐减弱 die off 相继去世相继去世 die out 完全灭绝完全灭绝 die from/of 因因而死而死由动词由动词die组成

15、的短语:组成的短语:即学即练即学即练8(1)Im _ what happened.我很想知道我很想知道发生了什么事生了什么事。(2)My daughter _ a piano.我女儿渴望得到一架我女儿渴望得到一架钢琴琴。dying to knowis dying forthe other day 不久前的一天(通常用一般过去时) some day (将来)某一天 one day (过去,将来)某一天 another day 改天 day by day 一天一天 the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday to this day 到现在 dry

16、 out (使浸水等物)完全变干 dry up (指河流,井等)干涸;使干/枯竭in need 在困难中;在危急中在困难中;在危急中according to the need 根据需要根据需要at sb.s need 在某人困在某人困难时in need of 需要需要satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需求足某人的需求There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事没有必要做某事即学即练即学即练9(1)A friend _ is a friend indeed.患患难之交才是真朋友之交才是真朋友。(2)Deeds are better than words when people are _ help.当有人需要救助的当有人需要救助的时候候,行行动胜于言于言语。 (3)The doctor told me I was _ a good rest.医生医生对我我说,我需要好好休息我需要好好休息。in needin need ofin need of



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