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1、(3)Unit5 I. ObjectivesII. Suggested Teaching PlanIII. Background InformationIV. Class PresentationPreview翻蛇妄耶衫辑份护氮急痹镜合衡茵脖债凸剃寸氯姨钞店氧邯溉弟锨蓝摊魂世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Preview This is the first unit of Book Three. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to use attitude wo

2、rds and phrases and will do some practical exercises. In the Reading and Writing section, the writers bring forward a topic very important to our lives our attitude. As the writer of Text A tells us through a story about his friend Jerry, attitude is more important than anything else. Text B contain

3、s a list of four characteristics about happy and positive people. And in Text C, the writer illustrates how one can choose a positive attitude through his own personal experience.prev.腰芯撰千系桓刚枢挣龋市漆孔榨泌悲扔厌须汗萄谨坷溜途葡星豢垃涨芬遣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)I. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the

4、students are expected to be able to master the basic language and skills to use attitude words and phrases;1.understand the main idea of Text A, Text B and Text C, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts;2.3. know how

5、 to use the subjunctive mood (2);4.know how to write a rsum;5.use the reading skill of scanning.Obj.寒袱预铰滓誊唆但疚饮屈中癌眉倔苯掸幅摘译砌崔绦挣患臃豢附封表皮撰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.1II. Suggested Teaching PlanSuggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 5Time Contents Plan 1) The Language for Happy Antic

6、ipationA.The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the students have some idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows: 2 periodsPreviewListening and SpeakingGive a brief lead-in talk on happy anticipations so as to de

7、fine them;徘嫩瞬犯权类医邢底皑诅膘阴畏拨挂札到翱釜篡纱砸馏佑庶宾村裤碗砾氛世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.2B. Have the students listen to Ex.1 (2-3 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words;C. Ask one student to read aloud the talk to check the fillings;D. Tell class good news in any aspect and ask studen

8、ts to express their happy anticipations using the language presented in Ex.1.Time Contents Plan 禄鸥来秃抒玖援踌碌芍遗骂甜界吝盟物慎静剖割碧荆麓俺腥盯楔秀耪引选世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.32) Expressing Happy AnticipationGo through the new words and phrases for the conversation in Ex.3;A.B.Have the students list

9、en to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with missing words;C.Ask students to answer the questions about the conversation;D.Now have them look for the language used to express happy anticipation in the conversation;Time Contents Plan E. Next, students can role-play the conversation.洋腕缎妙决置

10、额恿卖揭抗芒移越乔瞬璃茎险膛别全昼普哑接禽吨垮伴遣国世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.4Time Contents Plan 3) Follow-up Practice (Be Selective)Go through the words and expressions from the wedding invitation in Ex.6 and have the students do questioning exercises as guided after reading it. Note: One thing can be

11、expressed in many forms. Listen to the conversation in Ex.7, do the exercises in it, and ask some students to speak out their questions. Note: One thing can be expressed in many forms. Listen to the recording of Ex.8 and ask the students to respond by translating orally the Chinese messages into Eng

12、lish.A.B.C.奄酷讹博收元拒载粟掩淌辜缩坊狞耻篇光胰宅孤莫隔咙戍炽剁颗惊坠申轻世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Time Contents Plan Assign the students to do Ex.4, Ex.5, Ex.9 and Ex.10 as their homework before they come to class next time. The teacher tells them how to do these exercises and presents any topic-elated expression

13、s on the chalkboard in advance, which can be used when the students make preparation for presentation.D.s.t.p.5痴蜡字颇脯粉米骇刚照伞末揭迹逼长沁辉冷猾规平杀假揽临失癌部刑灰筋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.53 periods Review of the listening and speaking skills the students have learnedThe teacher begins with the as

14、signment mainly to have a review of the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous unit. The teacher asks some students to act out the conversation in Ex.4 and Ex.5 of the Listening and Speaking section, and invites a few students to tell class their messages based on th

15、e picture in Ex.9 or present their opinions on the topic of “Which counts for more, IQ or EQ?” orally. Then, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.)Time Contents Plan 归元溜砌氟迷誓搏崖卤钞庆造师霹旭绒颖烟逮焉据钝浴术斩苔莹番份缎径世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三

16、册第五单元(3)s.t.p.61) StarterAfter a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacherA. gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter; Time Contents Plan Text A & text-related exercises B. asks some students to answer the questions. (10 minutes)2) Text AA. The teacher le

17、ts the students answer the text-related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some帝铡敏荒刮睫哮珊舆寇爸翟响奏和蚜铂糜琐年日锥潭还明托村缸门光宰撮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.7B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as

18、 the students homework according to the students different levels of English (one period).1 period Grammar Review 1) Grammar ReviewThe teacher talks about the use of absolute construction, and at the same time, asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class.Time Contents Plan difficult sente

19、nces and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods);漱沁联驱囤疤酋颜腻沽炭估憎步隧谣碌清绍心借叫惕渍凄繁借崩喂窝不剂世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.8Practical Writing2) Practical WritingThe teacher tells as well as shows the students how to reply to an inquiry by

20、doing Ex.12 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex.13 as their homework.Time Contents Plan 忘懊吉泽责胞皱犬仗巍赦蒜陡帜医溅隆捂诬核谓合桐兢哨秦募踏痪乏涤百世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.92 periods Text B, Text C & text-related exercises 1) Text BWhile discussing the text with the students, th

21、e teacher calls on the students to pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text, asking the students to answer the questions about the text. Ex.15 and Ex.16 can be done either in class or after class.2) Text CThis text should be read by the students themselves as their homework or as

22、 fast-reading in class.Time Contents Plan 您命拄考方豪链炸喻凸替虐诲率链嫉秽朱桥崇讣慷蹦权精洞乡雨览硕聋隐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)s.t.p.10Basic Reading Skills3) Basic Reading SkillsThe teacher tells the students how to use the reading skill of skimming, and asks them to do the exercises in Basic Reading Skills.Tim

23、e Contents Plan 驻辩巩眯瑶鄙揪钓茨簿鲍烙喜抗恬礁疗埂今讯赊眷淌联搁触佑煮刃证蔚淆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)III. Background InformationBINaziJews孰胞铂坪硼伺哇崖位铲位爵撩匡屿虑遗吊镣报凤磨抑叠寿晃恶鼓莲拟湾惧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)BI-NaziNazi Germany experienced political and economic crises after its defeat in World War I (1914-1

24、918). A democratic government had replaced the monarchy that ruled the country. But the nation suffered from severe inflation and unemployment after the war ended. Many Germans lacked faith in the new government and began to turn to political groups that called for extreme changes. One of these orga

25、nizations was the German Workers Party, a small discussion group in Munich. Hitler joined this group in 1919 and quickly gained control. He changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party in 1920. Nazi stands for the first word in the German name of the party. (From the 1998 World Bo

26、ok)亢帕螟约过枉尉彬蛊都凝骸惰驴樟教麻首标腻塔贡淳痊侈吕屁概耙蜂仑锦世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)BI-jewsJews Jews are the descendants of an ancient people called the Hebrews. During Biblical times, the Hebrews who came to be called Israelites lived in what is now Israel. But their country fell to a series of conquerors,

27、 and the Jews scattered throughout the world. By the A.D. 700s, they had established communities as far west as Spain and as far east as China. The Jews have had great influence on history. They produced the Hebrew Bible, which, with its belief in one God and its moral teachings, became a cornerston

28、e of two world religions, Christianity and Islam. But Jewish history has been full of tragedy. The Jews were a minority group almost everywhere they settled, and they often suffered persecution. During World War II (1939-1945), about 6 million Jews died in the Nazi campaign of mass murder known as t

29、he Holocaust. (From the 1998 World Book)苫窿伤阉邮纫艇羽盗菇英耘苹埔请邯世蓬亿密小卢冕生攘偏饯佰睛撩咏药世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Class Presentation. Class PresentationListening & SpeakingReading & Writing季温扦瞎故撵掘婶慈钟币顺鸯屉援撒泪遂眩吻渗乏桓传纸帘尸诅仍碾件鲸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)LSListening & SpeakingFollow-up Practic

30、eThe Language for Happy AnticipationUsing Attitude Words and Phrases废忧脓仔亿皿齐泽少痈腐乌谨蚂帆脱得正蟹琳兢规骗沧对图蕾遥秃迟炔捐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)LS_The Language -mainThe Language for Happy AnticipationYou are going to listen to an instructor talking about attitude words and phrases. Listen carefully and

31、 fill in the blanks with the missing words.Your instructor will give your class some good news in a number of ways. Respond to it using the language you have picked up in Exercise 1.擞执坍朔界抡窃层载赃誊耿步妇芹设由较汛契之哲琢凌至煎搜谣机镀漳叔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Follow-up Practice-listFollow-up PracticeRead

32、 the following words which may be new to you Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.Listen and, during the timed paused, translate orally into English the Chinese sentences in each of the following three short

33、 conversations.Take a close look at the picture below. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentation to tell the class what you think it means.Have a discussion on the topic given below.Read aloud the above notice in class. Then act out the role of a guide who is informing

34、his/her tourists about environmental protection.犬布牺裹荔镁焕垂鸦快秧帜萤演借哮原叫淌补却侥搭一屉搓李徐丰窟敦蛇世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) I am looking forward to . I am expecting to . I cant deny my keen anticipation of . Im longing to .The Language for_1 All of us expect desirable things, and so experience happy a

35、nticipation . Happy anticipation is usually practical: clearly something worthwhile is coming . So I can perceive it in the distance and expect to it finally. In view of that happy moment, I just cant wait to have fulfilled. The anticipation is happy, and Im all eager . Happy anticipation can be noi

36、sy. Use the following language to express your happy anticipation:You are going to listen to an instructor talking about attitude words and phrases. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.The Language for Happy AnticipationInstructor:in expectation_seeing herpropose to her_my

37、 way_my expectation _meet_throughout our work and personal lives_her acceptance_receive her quick reply_饮统银财读颖寓背殷绍渴丛闽褂额瞻送亿狂投美揣提翠隔玩配可巡贴擞沽世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)The Language for_2 The first thing Im going to do when I see her is . It will be really great to . I can hardly wait to mar

38、ry her. Itll be fun . Just think of all the things well be able to see and do!give this present to her_take her out for dinner_seeing her friends_垮蒙凳稀等钉讥鸯弦己炒甥呈未峨霹酬庶丰脐冲谦坡挫仅动更翰骋姐俗崖世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)The languaage for_3Your instructor will give your class some good news in a numbe

39、r of ways. Respond to it using the language you have picked up in Exercise 1.淬拾钢意埃特速贬宜径荐材苹孵舶重玫幕斯排泌踢泻锯仗磐叭赖山区钧神世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Using_1Expressing Happy Anticipation Before you listen to the upcoming conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.

40、 on the spot 在在现场anticipate 期望期望spontaneous 自自发的的Just think! 请想想!想想!哟沼掘泉钟访妊挎禁腋膳同盼亦津葱臃孤乐镣讥膏萧谱第夸藤滔马棒左惟世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Using_2 Li Ming : Tell you what, Gong Li is coming to our school! Wang Ying: I didnt know that. You know, shes . Li Ming: Oh really? I like the way , too. Wang

41、 Ying: Whats she doing here? Li Ming: They say shed like to with college students.Wang Ying: You mean well have a face-to-face talk with her, is that so? Li Ming: . Wang Ying: Im longing to meet her. It will be really great to ask her some questions right on the spot. Li Ming: I must say such a spon

42、taneous situation, too. Wang Ying: How about being there early we can get good seats? Li Ming: Good idea!Wang Ying: , a famous movie star is coming to our school next week! Li Ming: Surely its going to be wonderful.Wang Ying: to see her.Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with th

43、e missing words.my favorite Chinese movie starshe acts_so that have a talk _Im anticipating _Just thinkExactly_I can hardly wait _拎媚护艰牌肇乏捷约沛门匣溺迂朴媚猾公啦缉慧肪尸记媚帚竣圈映矣靛羹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Using_3Now listen to the above conversation again and answer the following questions.1. What is t

44、he news for Wang Ying?Her favorite movie star is coming to their school.2. What will the actress do on campus?She will have a face-to-face talk with college students.3. What is Wang Yings response to the news?She is longing to see the movie star.4. Is Li Ming going there, too?Yes. He will go togethe

45、r with Wang Ying.5. Why do they plan to go there early?To get good seats.灾户讯瑰资埋吠绕镣床崎盎牟复介照莱咯逊歉捣眺歧胰翘赤娶怜脾戚挨赖世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.Follow-up1Follow-up Practicedecaying 压紧 nutrient 营养物养物erosion 侵侵蚀 deadly 致命的致命的soil 土壤土壤

46、diseased 有病有病decaying 腐腐烂的的 孽痢灿瞥域笨波嚏茧沈屎掌胃彭所躬研窟捡茎遇乡知澄检嫉烙殴证诡拌您世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) WANT TO HELP? You can play a major role in protecting the forest. Stay on paved walkways to prevent compaction and erosion of the soil. Dont collect wood or plants from the forest floor. Decaying pl

47、ant material provides necessary nutrients that strengthen old trees and give young trees a fighting change to survive. You can help prevent the spread of deadly tree diseases to new areas by not collecting and transporting diseased wood from the forest back to your home.Read the following notice on

48、a public bulletin board(布告布告栏) silently while listening to the recording.Follow-up2声迷衰撂磷族貌吝顶捏娶思汁毯扔爆款搐仍瞎抉项崎伍茸墅很节钩钦桨仰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Follow-up3Read aloud the above notice in class. Then act out the role of a guide who is informing his/her tourists about environmental protectio

49、n.各屁陌潞刹茎健箩粳头姚艰闭摧盛频驻顾缕恬陀嘻书晚吼风嘿弹软冰岔绍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Follow_up4Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.request the honor of your presence 敬敬请光光临Unitarian 一位一位论派的派的Universalist 普救派者普救派者Jr. = junior小小Blvd. = boulevard 林阴大道林阴大道Philadelphia 费城城(美国美国宾夕法尼夕法尼亚

50、州州 东南部港市南部港市)篷具才壁悍蔫贵筒绝胜咬诣眯先斩粘绑烩开痰纽獭醋棵虑菲撵蓖鬃氛熔剩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Mr. and Mrs. David Wei Chenrequest the honor of your presenceat the marriage of their daughterAnn Qing ChentoRobert Lewis Shepherdon Saturday, the twenty-first of MayTwo thousand and fiveAt two oclock in the aftern

51、oonUnitarian and Universalist Church202 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaRead the following wedding invitation for information.Follow_up5爱鳖讳市活荐链怜镐蠕障啃纱锚皂雁垮幌迪尖竖筋潍绅舆赫在右斡珐乖忍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Follow_up6Ask three questions of your partner, who is reading the we

52、dding invitation for information (write down your questions if necessary).Question 1 about the hosts:a. Tell me whos inviting us to the wedding?b. Whos inviting us to the wedding?c. Who does the wedding invitation come from?Question 2 about the time:a. When is the wedding?b. When is the wedding goin

53、g to take place?Question 3 about the possibility of subletting:a. Where is the wedding?b. Where is the wedding going to be held? Act out the above short conversation in class.鬃你怔颁厉炳对斡戚阜乒详溢特嫉卢津旬区曾捎丁启镜宪抛矫枣绣也谷砍世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Follow_up7Read the following words and expressions w

54、hich may be new to you.forum 论坛global 全球的全球的 keynote speaker 主要主要发言人言人Its a shame = Its a pity流杉疼哲图牵搓耕啃嗅梭淆知简叉说蝶戚恭陌缩窑误趣孽箱茹闹颠桔绩讫世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Listen twice to the taped conversation below between a professor and a student whose role you are supposed to play. First, put down y

55、our questions for the professor during the timed pauses. Second, ask your questions out loud.Follow-up8 Student: How many times have you been to China, Prof. Rice?Prof. Rice: Let me see, its my third trip to this country. Student:Prof. Rice: Two years ago. Student:Prof. Rice: My plan is to stay for

56、a week. I came here to attend a forum on the global economy. Student:Prof. Rice: Oh, yes. Im invited to the forum as the keynote speaker. Student: Are you? I wonder if youll have any chance to do some sightseeing in the city.When did you come for the first time?Are you going to give a presentation?_

57、How long are you going to stay here this time?_Prof. Rice: Actually, its a shame I wont. Ive got a busy schedule this time. Maybe next time. Student: Have a nice stay here.Prof. Rice: Thank you. Act out the above conversation in class.Act out the above conversation in class.悄赢怪途拜诅拌辅潞颈拯壬慢闹腕亿津疗姿喧段帖啼拍赂

58、担湍臂嗡朔帛乾世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Listen and, during the timed pauses, translate orally into English the Chinese sentences in each of the following three short conversations.1. A Male Voice: When in Rome, do as the Romans do! This is China, so I would urge you to drink a cup of Maotai

59、Liquor. This is the most famous liquor in the country. Now lets drink to the signing of our contract! You: 啊啊, , 我希望你不要生气我希望你不要生气( (to be offended) ),因,因为个人的原因,个人的原因, 我不能喝酒我不能喝酒( (alcoholic beverages) )。我当然想和你。我当然想和你为我我们的合的合 同干一杯同干一杯( (in a toast) ),我能不能以可,我能不能以可乐代酒?代酒?KEY Well, I dont want you to b

60、e offended, but for personal reasons I can not drink alcoholic beverages. I certainly want to join you in a toast to our contract. May I use a Coke?Follow-up10吓怜柬楚缕疤狠替镰聪惋欲蓄捎现英载房号曹动瓶矩经旺削暴窥耐较吩隔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)You can take the Number 3 bus right here and then change at Shopping

61、 Center Street for the Number 8. That takes you right there. Its nice to see those beautiful models walk down the runway in gorgeous clothing. But to be frank, I dont think those clothes are practical for everyday wear.2.A Female Voice: I love to go to fashion shows. They give you some idea about wh

62、at kinds of clothes are coming into fashion and what are going out. You: 那些漂亮的模特儿穿着那些漂亮的模特儿穿着艳丽的的( (gorgeous) )衣服在舞台衣服在舞台( (runway) )上上 走确走确实很好看。不很好看。不过坦率地坦率地说,我,我觉得那些衣服日常穿并不得那些衣服日常穿并不实际。3. A Male Voice: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I get the bus to the University City? You: 你可在你可在这里坐里坐3 3路公共汽路公

63、共汽车,然后在,然后在购物中心街物中心街换乘乘8 8路公共汽路公共汽 车,一直到那里。,一直到那里。KEY Follow-up11Act out the above conversations in class.KEY 宁七履楼澄阶赫榷孪巷宵组付徐舱鳞锗忻扁拭苗延雾塌营扁湍从版露七紫世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Take a close look at the picture below. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentation to te

64、ll the class what you think it means.Follow-up12Outstanding and Standing Out Suggested Presentation:便勺投疯猩剑邓才朋喳逆艺苹窘故蓄尉氓藩篙踊泳报空栓肃廷谆穴疤阴哪世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Suggested Presentation: Which causes success, IQ or EQ? The answer is both. But which contributes most? The picture gives us th

65、e response to this question. It shows a person with a high EQ standing higher than all the rest of the high IQ people. As the only person with a high EQ, he stands out and seems like a winner. The picture is trying to tell us that EQ factors weigh more in success than IQ factors do. In short, the il

66、lustration conveys the clear message that EQ is more important than IQ. Human beings are social animals. We live in a social environment, so we feel emotions. We depend upon our human relationships, and so we must also be responsible for these emotions. Factors such as good interpersonal skills, sel

67、f-motivation, mood management and impulse control make it more likely for us to succeed. To become a winner, we have to develop such qualities. These are EQ qualities, not IQ ones. The message the picture conveys can have an important impact on the way we view education. The development of EQ cannot

68、 be neglected in education. Without it we have only dry brainpower - not living, breathing intelligence.Follow-up13纫侯帧干屎哺艺奈屿劝苇虫汲釜虫晓涡搜兄揉夜疤昼粱埔铅宦认劣蔫汐进世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Have a discussion on the topic given below.Which counts for more, IQ or EQ?Follow-up14莽寐摇司给幌蹿险矽耪跺膛哟埠拆娱鸳拄酣勒押伊箔撅矽梆

69、脐舞惊眠涨孤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Reading & WritingReading & WritingText AText BText CA Sweet Love StoryHungry for Your Love (1) Hungry for Your Love (2)Text A Exercises Text B Exercises Comprehension of the Text Basic Reading Skills Grammar ReviewPractical Writing 币钎甚秽劈挑用肩逊默靴番即虐如缮毙荚啪佛煽

70、钾掺育箱砚蝇宁教蜕经查世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text B Exercises Answer the following questions.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Text B Exercises _main个驻让颅库剪摘诈五诛先浦

71、琵檄酸悟铬劝拎侍铸微囚淖汾闸蜡冯饺蜜强零世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Grammar Review独立结构独立结构(Absolute Construction)Use the proper forms of the words given to complete the following sentences.Grammar Review_main官捣风斗译诽兢彦抨刚挫浴盼半乎腔戮撂呵肯沟宇彩毯讶窗挑问爽题湍作世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)StarterPeople understand l

72、ove in their own ways. Read the following situations and decide which one is the most romantic. Love is _ .Text AText A_Starter11. a violin playing for you under the bedroom window2. a stranger stopping you in the street with a bouquet of flowers3. a couple of 86 and 87 celebrating their diamond wed

73、ding anniversary4. a card and chocolates received on Valentines Day5. hearing someone saying “I love you” regularly6. a marriage proposal when one knows the other is dyingNow read Text A and see how the young man and woman in the story understand love.净夷查秆边醚唾睬皆矿狰碰捉俯崎醚涸闺毖铡慕傻升哄览愁筒讶旺垮努只世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第

74、五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text AText A_p1CH Author UnknownA Sweet Love Story 1 This is one of the most touching and purest love stories Ive read in a while. From the very beginning, Jessicas family objected strongly to her dating her boy friend Edgar. They said that the boys family background didnt m

75、atch hers and that she would suffer for the rest of her life if she were to marry him. Due to the pressure from her family, the two youngsters quarreled from time to time. Though Jessica loved Edgar deeply, she always asked him: “How deep is your love for me?” As Edgar was not good with words, Jessi

76、ca felt very upset when Edgar remained silent whenever she asked the question. Because of this, Jessica often vented her anger on Edgar while the latter only endured it in silence. ?NN234符翰竞宽饶聚豢骸蚕硕兽围祟波党缕久编通经只该卸登四圣龄纫覆糜附饲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) After a couple of years, Edgar finally

77、graduated and decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to Jessica: “Im not very good with words but all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, Ill try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?”

78、?Text A_p2CH The girl agreed, and through Edgars determined efforts, Jessicas family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. So, before Edgar went abroad, they got engaged.Text A56渣瑚回糊嫡荒疗禾宿黎湃周蜗迷秋赞软吗执穿斥泽炼踌眨阎喻酉佰峨村拷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) Soon Jessica began to work in a lo

79、cal factory whereas Edgar was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails and phone calls. Though it was hard, they both bathed in each others affection. One day, while Jessica was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control. When she woke up, she sa

80、w her parents beside her bed. Jessica realized that she was badly injured. Seeing her mum cry, she wanted to comfort her. But she realized that she could not utter a single word anymore. All that could come out of her throat was just a sigh. She had lost her voice Jessicas doctor told her parents th

81、at the impact on her brain had caused her inability to use her voice. Though she could hear everything, Jessica knew that she would never be able to use her voice as she used to she broke down. During her stay in hospital, she cried, silently, not because she didnt want other people to hear her cry,

82、 but because nobody would ever hear her voice thereafter. Text A_p3?CHText A789绍宪掌孟啪曙抹秆类戎桌吾怔蚜本琢稼鬼绿矣帕白亥佐擂渴错蓟药塔漂露世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) Two months later, Jessica was discharged from hospital. Upon reaching home, everything seemed to be the same, but whenever she saw the light signal

83、ing a phone call in the sitting room and someone in the family went to pick up the receiver, she felt as if something had pierced her heart. She did not want Edgar to know her condition, nor did she want to be a burden to him in the future, so she wrote a letter to him saying that she didnt wish to

84、keep their relationship any longer. After that, she sent the engagement ring back to him. However, Edgar could never agree to her decision and sent millions of letters to her. Seeing their daughter in a very miserable condition, Jessicas parents bought a new house away from their hometown and moved

85、there with their beloved daughter, hoping that she could eventually forget everything and be happy. In her completely new environment, Jessica learnt sign language and started a new life. One day, Jessicas friend came to see her and told her that Edgar was back. She asked her friend not to let him k

86、now what happened to her. Since then, there wasnt any news of him.Text A_p4?CHText A1011121314郊捧雅铲楔陛奖留瞩阅杂刮畸彰务帜与果莫矗鞘去线肘薯编供检饱球骡符世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text AText A_p5?CH A year passed and her friend came again with an envelope, containing an invitation card for Edgars wedding. Jessic

87、a was shattered. When she opened the folded card, she saw her name on it. “Whats going on?” she asked herself, feeling puzzled, and wrote these words on a slip of paper, asking for an answer. Just then, she saw Edgar walking toward her, wearing the smile that she was so familiar with He used sign la

88、nguage to tell her, “Ive spent a year learning sign language. I want you to know that Ive never forgotten our promise. Let me be your husband, your dearest friend and your voice. I Love You.” With that, he slipped the ring back on her finger. Jessicas back shook while she wept silently on Edgars sho

89、ulder. Slowly yet affectionately, she rose from Edgars shoulder and told him in sign language: “I love you, too.” (758 words)1516 催斡仗框萧衔猿誊胺铁屑峨檬蕴梅囚恨斋忧纬帘永硷羽禁汛椎殿狞参砌驹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)1) Why did Jessicas family object to her dating Edgar?2) Briefly describe the relationship betwee

90、n Jessica and Edgar.They thought Edgars family background didnt match theirs.They loved each other deeply but sometimes quarreled because of the pressure from Jessicas family.Text A_p1Q3) How did Edgar respond to Jessicas occasional anger?He endured it silently.隐薛些冰门划善肌缩龙蒋忘乏廊疑腿仔射事优峻芭拧稼溢芦窘毅跪益僳偿世纪大学实用

91、英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)一个甜美的爱情故事一个甜美的爱情故事 佚名佚名 这是我最近一段是我最近一段时间以来以来读到的最感人、最到的最感人、最纯洁的的爱情故事之一。情故事之一。 从一开始,杰西卡的家人就从一开始,杰西卡的家人就坚决反决反对她和男友埃德加她和男友埃德加约会。他会。他们说那男孩的家庭出那男孩的家庭出身配不上她,身配不上她,还说杰西卡要是嫁杰西卡要是嫁给他,下半他,下半辈子定会吃苦。子定会吃苦。 由于来自杰西卡家庭的由于来自杰西卡家庭的压力,两个年力,两个年轻人不人不时发生争吵。生争吵。虽然杰西卡深深地然杰西卡深深地爱着埃着埃德加,但她德加

92、,但她总是是问他:他:“你你对我的我的爱到底有多深?到底有多深?” 由于埃德加不善言辞,所以每当杰西卡由于埃德加不善言辞,所以每当杰西卡问这个个问题时他他总是沉默不是沉默不语,这让杰西卡杰西卡感到非常沮感到非常沮丧。因此,杰西卡常常。因此,杰西卡常常对埃德加埃德加发泄怒气,而他却只是默默地忍受着。泄怒气,而他却只是默默地忍受着。Chinese Version Text A_p1T鼠丢钨嚼哎锹德敛碗奴鬃册锁码茂替渣剔讯鸦阔淳滔启玲尊滁拨烟里丛茵世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_touching touching /QFN/: a. t

93、hat makes one touched; moving 动人的;感人的动人的;感人的e.g. a touching storya touching sceneT动人的故事动人的故事T感人的一幕感人的一幕 Language Points 减腹嘿唾眯妮理棉痞狄棵樱墨趋净梢辛扒熔擎垢拖绦棱们障巷耳安委绊撼世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_jessicaLanguage Points Jessica /dV/: 杰西卡(女子名)杰西卡(女子名) 卯拼滴捐宾呐花到匆腥糟蜗铺俄揭汲窒质劳炬臂奈简竣揍袱眩珠睛蛇荚佬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三

94、册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_edgarLanguage Points Edgar /d/: 埃德加(男子名)埃德加(男子名) 蔷领粹攒锭炕坊枫帛雄己绝糯擦砚料浮印霖约凶谊舌譬喻钳剃房窒乎稍贤世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) in a while: in a period of time 在一段时间里在一段时间里Text AS_In a.e.g. Thats the best suggestion weve had in a while. I want to use the vacation to lear

95、n the subjects that I havent studied in a while.那是我们这段时间里听到的最好的建议。那是我们这段时间里听到的最好的建议。T我想用假期学习一些我前段时间没学的课程。我想用假期学习一些我前段时间没学的课程。TLanguage Points 金涟申窖趾蓑缅植咀眷额戍赃雅孝厄汉最逼恨轿枕撼篇枚掠伐艘沸狐怔贴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)They said that the boys family background didnt match hers and that she would have to

96、 suffer for the rest of her life if she were to marry him. 他他们说那男孩的家庭出身配不上她,那男孩的家庭出身配不上她,还说杰西卡要是嫁杰西卡要是嫁给他,下半他,下半辈子定会吃苦。子定会吃苦。 动词saidsaid有两个有两个thatthat从句,第二个从句,第二个thatthat从句是虚从句是虚拟语气,表示气,表示对将来的推将来的推测。Text A_They said that the Language Points 搭榷为碟姐锣羽抒村幼炮舜撬嗽祷膛巍耸强狡逞竿洽衫颜业铂啃蹬式蕾啸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语

97、综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_background background /band/: n. part of a view, scene or description that forms a setting for the chief objects, people, etc.; persons family experience and education 背景;出身背景;经历;学历背景;出身背景;经历;学历e.g. family backgroundcultural backgroundbackground music家庭背景家庭背景T文化背景文化背景T背景音乐背景音乐

98、TLanguage Points 哀泽抖措肯蘑康戎忻特料捷瘸即胜姿贪卵磋焚璃颜饶戴惟盲佣妊透机增戳世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_youngsterLanguage Points youngster /jQN/: n. young person 年轻人年轻人 崇罪龟订漱枣呵吱裸寻滦搅纬矮寸暂假挝毖浮氧护势邑才袋者缸垒触违遵世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)from time to time: now and then; occasionally 不时;偶尔不时;偶尔Text A_

99、from timee.g. They visit us from time to time every month or two.He looked out of the window from time to time, as if he was expecting someone. 他时不时朝窗外望去,好像在等什么人。他时不时朝窗外望去,好像在等什么人。TT他们偶尔来看望我们他们偶尔来看望我们每一两个月来一次吧。每一两个月来一次吧。Language Points 膜级酮娄帆德书钡衬磷汽峭汽像枚擞胀沧搀愤缮谊彻腰甫以掠显嘛穗假汽世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第

100、三册第五单元(3)Text A_vent vent / vent/: vt. allow (ones anger, etc.) to burst out 发泄(怒气等)发泄(怒气等)e.g. vent ones feelingsvent ones opinionvent ones dislike of sth. 吐露情感?吐露情感?T发表意见。发表意见。T发泄对某事的厌恶。发泄对某事的厌恶。TLanguage Points 邻啦趟兜搁脂挫考错扇经睬搜刀放饯音酵堰洪暂解青赁聊诵织墙拧某鉴表世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_angerL

101、anguage Points anger /N /: n. strong feeling of displeasure and hostility 怒气,怒火,愤怒怒气,怒火,愤怒 澈擂氏柄蔑秸讣嗣饺蹭声剔勘财腊龟耘制撞罩景锚竭粳宙塘赘寒畦何淋评世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Yes.Text A_p2_Q5) What did Edgar do after he and Jessica got engaged? He went abroad for further study.4) Did Jessicas parents finally a

102、gree to let them marry?流旱瞒滤岂腻夏小澄享田层互诊鼎曼扔哼赖费斩肢审陌废达荡池以涨棕幌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Chinese Version 几几年年之之后后,埃埃德德加加终终于于毕毕业业并并决决定定去去国国外外深深造造。临临走走之之前前,他他向向杰杰西西卡卡求求婚婚:“我我不不太太会会说说话话,但但我我只只知知道道我我爱爱你你。如如果果你你允允许许的的话话,我我愿愿用用我我的的余余生生照照顾顾你你。至至于于你的家人,我会尽最大的努力去说服他们。你愿意嫁给我吗?你的家人,我会尽最大的努力去说服他们。你愿意嫁给我吗

103、?” 杰杰西西卡卡答答应应了了。她她的的家家人人最最后后也也被被埃埃德德加加的的不不懈懈努努力力打打动动,同同意意让让他他们们结结婚婚。就就这样,在埃德加出国之前,两人订婚了。这样,在埃德加出国之前,两人订婚了。Text A_p2_T涝垂疮邱缓游欲城砰蔬遮哑拎序魂沤账台胃玻怨岂节挑卵业舟齐蹄猩藉菩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_latter latter / : 1. a. of the second of two parts, things (mentioned) 后者的;后一半的后者的;后一半的e.g. the latte

104、r halfOf the pig and the cow, the latter animal is more valuable.后一半后一半T猪和牛相比,后者更有价值。猪和牛相比,后者更有价值。T 2. n. the second of two things or people already mentioned (两者中的)后者(两者中的)后者 e.g. If you compare the former and the latter, youll see the difference. One day he came to see grandma with some flowers. T

105、he latter was sitting in the garden.如果你把前者和后者比较一下,就能发现区别。如果你把前者和后者比较一下,就能发现区别。T一天,他带着一些花来看奶奶。奶奶正坐在花园里。一天,他带着一些花来看奶奶。奶奶正坐在花园里。TLanguage Points 妥派骸苫誊梧昌愁著块越骄增睛鳞吮衰存不伤易睦殷体绳虑届鞘苟帕韶舀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_in silencein silence: silently; without speaking or making a noise 沉默地;无声地;安

106、静地沉默地;无声地;安静地 e.g. I repeated the question, but she just stared at me in silence.They exchanged a surprised look in silence. 他们默默地交换了一下吃惊的眼神。他们默默地交换了一下吃惊的眼神。T我把问题重复了一遍,但她只是默默地盯着我。我把问题重复了一遍,但她只是默默地盯着我。TLanguage Points 兆注依吾基岳玄粒奋朗逗音逻酿位泻腿考鱼医龟茨庸筛舷盯度脏酮瞥仰铡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_fur

107、ther further /fT/: vt. help the progress or development of (sth.); promote 助长,促进,推动助长,促进,推动 e.g. further the economic reform further cooperation between the two countries 推动经济改革推动经济改革促进两国的合作促进两国的合作TTLanguage Points 弟饶犬滴维纺锻撞备补惦淳娩脐颠驴勋购使奢洁攻赣墓绰蹲亦恿偶芋敲将世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_overs

108、eas overseas /viz/: ad. across the sea; abroad 到海外;在国外到海外;在国外e.g. He stayed overseas for five years.We plan to travel overseas this summer. 他在国外呆了他在国外呆了5年。年。T今年夏天我们计划去国外旅行。今年夏天我们计划去国外旅行。TLanguage Points 审钮镐砰热蕴钮锄妇孰敏卤辊兔胯昌疆懒巴逼星质稳贤拂斯淘辱缆锌直筐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_propose propose /

109、ppz/: v. put forward for consideration, discussion, or adoption; suggest; suggest or offer marriage (to sb.), esp. formally 提议提议, , 建议建议; (; (尤指正式地尤指正式地)()(向某人向某人) )求婚求婚e.g. I propose that we eat pizza for dinner. John proposed to Susan in a romantic way. 我提议晚饭吃比萨饼。我提议晚饭吃比萨饼。T约翰以一种浪漫的方式向苏珊求婚。约翰以一种浪漫

110、的方式向苏珊求婚。TLanguage Points 绝辞社斟缓吱裕理春诽踌浑妮辙抒垒艾愁慌咽助浊朴涯政搞左握士印屑仓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_talk round: talk round: persuade (sb.) to accept or agree to sth. 说服说服 e.g. Hes one of those headstrong people who are hard to talk round.You dont have to talk me round to your view. 他是那种一意孤行、很难

111、被说服的人。他是那种一意孤行、很难被说服的人。T你不必说服我接受你的观点。你不必说服我接受你的观点。TLanguage Points 芽察肇腻伶铆叙过姓踢匿瑟居饵妙揉忧欠盲亮梦汗鳞挽傣饭乔箔他燎勒冠世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_give ingive in: yield in an argument or fight. 让步;屈服让步;屈服e.g. He wont give in to your request easily. The enemies were forced to give in.他不会轻易向你们的请求让步的。他

112、不会轻易向你们的请求让步的。T敌人被迫投降。敌人被迫投降。TLanguage Points 挫呵糊拈疵发屡舒厦邑陕惩剿蒲趣征恨弟究努壳兜攻始坚去溯卒屉岔俐定世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_abroad abroad /bCd/: ad. in or to a foreign country or countries; away from ones own country 在国外;到国外在国外;到国外 e.g. The Browns usually travel abroad in summer. a rush of going a

113、broad 布朗一家通常在夏天去国外旅行。布朗一家通常在夏天去国外旅行。T出国热出国热TLanguage Points 凉戊梗客戌返隔够虾个馏冠逝宰瑰唐龚消或被辑郭羚祁烹碑瞎烧爱雕挫供世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) engage /ndV/: vt. bind by a promise of marriage 使订婚使订婚 e.g. Mary is engaged to Tom. The engaged couple are high-school sweethearts. 玛丽与汤姆订婚了。玛丽与汤姆订婚了。T订婚的这一对在他们上高中时就是

114、恋人。订婚的这一对在他们上高中时就是恋人。TLanguage Points TextA_enage彪撰春遵棍燃式恩血碧苏三炼债筒沸迎愚紊毯犀则事愉状薄祥肯服梭金钉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_whereas whereas /hwz/: conj. but on the contrary; while 然而;而然而;而e.g. They spend all their money on their house, whereas we prefer to spend ours on traveling. One student a

115、rrived on time, whereas the others came late. 他们把所有的钱花在房子上,可是我们宁愿花钱去旅游。他们把所有的钱花在房子上,可是我们宁愿花钱去旅游。T一位学生准时到达,而其他人却都迟到了。一位学生准时到达,而其他人却都迟到了。TLanguage Points 酮恳佬蹬捐手社建降兑栋同推藐宛争拄凑帜纪曹散搭疑售偏宿幼竞息泵视世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_emailLanguage Points email /i/: n. = electronic mail 电子邮件电子邮件 钦深胶慨梦就

116、纶戒续吝卖限搭训账靛犬瞄坝镶秸倚屿塌猎氏肤毅锡萄帘袱世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_affection affection /fFn/: n. feeling of fondness; love 喜爱;爱喜爱;爱e.g. Her affection for them was clear in the way she spoke.You are ever in my affections. 她对他们的爱从她说话的口吻中清楚地流露出来。她对他们的爱从她说话的口吻中清楚地流露出来。T我永远爱你。我永远爱你。TLanguage Point

117、s 绣如申代遭乱配蚌钮船活航坝粪羌零砖纺釜恤觅庚仿鞭后命挂哈戮桐鞘沮世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_knock downknock down: strike (sb.) to the ground or the floor 击倒;撞倒击倒;撞倒e.g. He knocked his opponent down with a heavy blowThe old man was knocked down by a bus.他一记重拳将对手击倒在地。他一记重拳将对手击倒在地。T老人被一辆公共汽车撞倒。老人被一辆公共汽车撞倒。TLangu

118、age Points 虹派能躺苟舍群崔糜冷刑滤页贼句互关退匈帝顶廷哉砍俯钎拜想花蔷皖灿世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) utter /Q/: vt. make (a sound or sounds) with the mouth or voice; say or speak 发出发出( (声音声音) );说;讲;说;讲 e.g. I was so shocked that I couldnt utter a word.She knew that her son was uttering a lie.我震惊得一个字都说不出来。我震惊得一个字都说不

119、出来。T她知道她的儿子在说谎。她知道她的儿子在说谎。TText A_ utter Language Points 罩粒呸阳快砰褪偶秀驶锤辟续跺鳖恿撞忱德收光实尝拆呕芒峨泪蓬岗毛抑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P3_Q6) What happened to Jessica one day when she was on her way to work and what was the consequence?She was knocked down by a car and lost her voice as a result.7

120、) What had made Jessica unable to speak?The impact on her brain.源嫌镜短鲍鄙琼碾揖锋襟凡掀霞单箔雪剪敢每矗芝锡冲忌筒袁工摆嘻硫浸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P3_TChinese Version 不不久久杰杰西西卡卡便便开开始始在在当当地地的的一一家家工工厂厂上上班班了了,而而埃埃德德加加则则在在国国外外继继续续他他的的学学业业。他他们们通过电子邮件和电话传递他们的爱。虽然很艰难,但两人都沉浸于彼此的爱之中。通过电子邮件和电话传递他们的爱。虽然很艰难,但两人都沉浸

121、于彼此的爱之中。 有有一一天天,杰杰西西卡卡在在上上班班的的路路上上被被一一辆辆失失控控的的汽汽车车撞撞倒倒。她她醒醒过过来来时时,只只见见父父母母陪陪在在床床边边。杰杰西西卡卡意意识识到到自自己己受受了了重重伤伤。她她看看到到妈妈妈妈哭哭个个不不停停,想想安安慰慰她她一一下下。可可是是她她突突然然发发现现,自己一个字也说不出来了。喉咙里能发出来的声音只是一声叹息。她失声了自己一个字也说不出来了。喉咙里能发出来的声音只是一声叹息。她失声了 医医生生告告诉诉杰杰西西卡卡的的父父母母,孩孩子子大大脑脑受受到到的的撞撞击击使使她她丧丧失失了了发发声声能能力力。虽虽然然什什么么都都听听得得见见,杰杰西

122、西卡卡知知道道自自己己再再也也不不能能像像从从前前那那样样开开口口说说话话了了。她她整整个个人人都都垮垮了了。住住院院期期间间,杰杰西西卡卡经经常常默默默默地地哭哭泣泣,这这倒倒不不是是因因为为她她不不想想让让别别人人听听见见她她哭哭,而而是是因因为为再再也也没没有有人人能能听听见见她她的声音了。的声音了。滨切嫩评畜冉援领沪奏俭搞压于嫌痈厅榜抠糕仪兢镍凋氟拭于税术矢望苹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_throat throat /W/: n. passage in the neck through which food passe

123、s to the stomach and air passes to the lungs 咽喉,喉咙;嗓子咽喉,喉咙;嗓子 e.g. My colds always start with a sore throat.He cleared his throat and started speaking.我每次感冒总是喉咙先痛。我每次感冒总是喉咙先痛。T他清清嗓子开始讲话。他清清嗓子开始讲话。TLanguage Points 茁腮抵棱鸭阴牟各耽令乙京火肺拯挣穴铂汲腾披馁侮晌隋村沛浪耙式盔误世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_impact

124、impact /p/: n. great influence or effect 影响;作用影响;作用 e.g. the impact of Einstein on modern physicsThe car was totally destroyed by the impact of the crash.爱因斯坦对现代物理学的影响爱因斯坦对现代物理学的影响撞车的冲击力把汽车彻底毁掉了。撞车的冲击力把汽车彻底毁掉了。TTLanguage Points 晋采胆腮豁祸拌枷枫洗业精寿措徘官篙红偷节当龄列凉钒脆翟碍蛆斡朱吏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3

125、)Text A_inability inability /nb/: n. lack of power or ability; being unable 无力无力;无能无能;不能不能e.g. I apologize for my inability to follow your advice.The doctor felt upset at his inability to save his patient. 很抱歉我无法听从你的劝告。很抱歉我无法听从你的劝告。T那位医生为没能救活病人而难过。那位医生为没能救活病人而难过。TLanguage Points 氢堂难吸静赤陷拾娥悄荚罗拳戈蚂煽显寸熄吾

126、凯贱铝靳回楷福钎功湍箭脑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_break down break down: lose control of ones feelings; (of sb. s health) become very bad; collapse 感情失去控制感情失去控制; (健康等健康等)变得衰弱变得衰弱;垮掉垮掉,崩溃崩溃e.g. Hes already nervous now. A little more pressure might cause him to break down.His health broke do

127、wn out of excessive drinking. 他已经够紧张的了。再多一点压力就可能会使他精神崩溃了。他已经够紧张的了。再多一点压力就可能会使他精神崩溃了。T饮酒过度使他的身体垮掉了。饮酒过度使他的身体垮掉了。TLanguage Points 喷佣坯鲸橱庄寡泛虾尿姥寸吱逆脚壳乳厘卢缆咕奔比袖油扦罗耽犬核扣外世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_thereafter thereafter /TBf/: ad. after that 之后,以后之后,以后e.g. He went abroad in 1990 and I hear

128、d nothing from him thereafter.他他19901990年出国,此后我再也没有他的消息了。年出国,此后我再也没有他的消息了。TLanguage Points 胖铺乘修询色蔑淘喉荫狭整善淳尹仲评翁衣壬戍房埃抨楞坟昔猿韶锈叫象世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_ discharge discharge /dFBdV/: vt. give permission for (sb.) to leave a place 允许允许( (某人某人) )离开离开e.g. be discharged from hospitalTh

129、e company discharged 20 employees to cut costs.He was discharged after having served eleven months in jail.出院回家出院回家T为减少开支公司解雇了为减少开支公司解雇了2020名员工。名员工。T在坐了在坐了1111个月的牢后他获释出狱了。个月的牢后他获释出狱了。TLanguage Points 罚女掣缩肥否囤遮揖盈厦厌琳鸦坯朝到待门瘫盎烤甩保傻校容愁否桃狼竞世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_ receiverLanguage Po

130、ints receiver /iv/ :n. part of a telephone that receives the incoming sound and is held to the ear 电话听筒电话听筒 杰医凑撕垫减被尉掉夏限配浑挨鸦喊筋逗漳羊移舅屈宋蛊吭筐衡抄笨妻榴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_pierce pierce /p/: vt. (of sharp-pointed instruments) go into or through (尖物、利器)刺入;刺穿(尖物、利器)刺入;刺穿 e.g. She dec

131、ided to have her ears pierced.A loud scream pierced the silence.她决定穿耳孔。她决定穿耳孔。T一声尖叫划破了寂静。一声尖叫划破了寂静。TLanguage Points 兢甜名次蠕敌忠茁撵煽肠葡讣熊时乌原州讲培沉吏呢肄伊摆违都玫沙断兴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_ relationship relationship /FnFp/: n. close friendship between two people (两人间的)亲密关系(两人间的)亲密关系e.g. form

132、a friendly relationshipa business relationship with someone建立友好的关系建立友好的关系T与某人的生意关系与某人的生意关系TLanguage Points 盅丘屏笨畸硅兽棕怜慰懂洋诌冬评馁披铡阿逞坚巾星娠埂微臀豁输吁拂嚣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_ miserable miserable /zb/: a. very unhappy and sad; (of life, conditions, etc.) very poor 痛苦的;悲惨的痛苦的;悲惨的e.g. a mi

133、serable life He felt miserable at having failed the exam. Who can live on such a miserable salary?悲惨的生活悲惨的生活T考试不及格令他感觉很痛苦。考试不及格令他感觉很痛苦。T谁能靠这少得可怜的薪水过日子?谁能靠这少得可怜的薪水过日子?TLanguage Points 鳞贯忘热卜巴校灿翱以切婴诗郊挡脚耘静氟春坷瘴马拜柿玉倍均统摆衫惑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_S_beloved beloved /bQvd/: a. much lov

134、ed 深爱的;心爱的深爱的;心爱的e.g. my beloved hometown her beloved pet我心爱的家乡我心爱的家乡T她深爱的宠物她深爱的宠物TLanguage Points 攒迫黍晶纲斗破岂瘁呻嘉洁比窿障搔抱祁棺诅组伤铂柯劝名诵粕货糠烂靛世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_invitation invitation /nvFn/: n. inviting or being invited 邀请邀请 e.g. Thank you for the invitation and Id be glad to come.

135、 Sue mailed the invitations six weeks before the wedding.谢谢你的邀请,我很乐意前往。谢谢你的邀请,我很乐意前往。T苏在婚礼前苏在婚礼前6个星期就寄出了请柬。个星期就寄出了请柬。TLanguage Points 知肝戌纫甜邢阳泅暴鹃总居漠怕锋聚缩命增朋泣厚抬乔晃咐琢徒娃纵父近世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) fold /fd/ vt. bend or turn (sth.) so that one part of it lies on another 折叠,对折折叠,对折e.g. fold

136、ing chairfold the paper in half. 折叠椅折叠椅T把纸对折一下。把纸对折一下。TText A_ fold Language Points 虏轩累赚葡福佬焉片层膜染侗构振式杉垦很斑茅舷躲臃性穿份潦葡戏垮封世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P4_Q 8) How did Jessica feel after the accident?She felt very upset.9) What did Jessica do to Edgar and why?She wrote a letter and sent

137、the engagement ring back to Edgar to end their relationship because she didnt want to be a burden to him.10) What did Jessica do when she moved to a new house away from her hometown?She learned sign language and started a new life.11) What did Jessicas friend tell her one day and what did Jessica as

138、k her friend to do?Her friend told her that Edgar was back but Jessica asked her friend not to tell Edgar about her condition.氧楷纯恩磁甘含短箕僚椭待样骤议洪莹使缄聪境朱痢肥骄智混趾锨徊厩猜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P4_TChinese Version 两两个个月月后后,杰杰西西卡卡出出院院回回到到家家中中。每每样样东东西西看看上上去去都都跟跟过过去去一一样样,可可只只要要看看到到客客厅厅里里电电话

139、话机机上上的的指指示示灯灯亮亮起起来来,家家里里某某个个人人走走过过去去提提起起听听筒筒,杰杰西西卡卡就就感感到到像像是是有有什什么么东东西西刺刺穿穿了了她她的的心心。她她不不想想让让埃埃德德加加知知道道自自己己的的状状况况,也也不不想想在在以以后后成成为为他他的的一一个个负负担担,于于是是她她便便写写了了一一封封信信告诉他,说她不愿再继续保持他们的关系。告诉他,说她不愿再继续保持他们的关系。 然然后后,杰杰西西卡卡把把订订婚婚戒戒指指寄寄还还给给了了他他。然然而而,埃埃德德加加说说什什么么也也不不同同意意杰杰西西卡卡的的决决定定,接接连连不断地给她寄了很多信。不断地给她寄了很多信。 杰杰西西

140、卡卡的的父父母母眼眼见见女女儿儿痛痛苦苦不不堪堪,于于是是在在离离他他们们家家乡乡很很远远的的地地方方买买了了一一幢幢新新房房子子,和和心心爱爱的女儿搬了过去。他们希望杰西卡可以最终忘记一切,开开心心地生活下去。的女儿搬了过去。他们希望杰西卡可以最终忘记一切,开开心心地生活下去。 在全新的环境里,杰西卡学会了手语,开始了新的生活。在全新的环境里,杰西卡学会了手语,开始了新的生活。 一一天天,杰杰西西卡卡的的一一个个朋朋友友来来看看她她,告告诉诉她她埃埃德德加加回回来来了了。杰杰西西卡卡让让朋朋友友不不要要把把发发生生在在自自己己身上的一切告诉埃德加。从此之后便没了埃德加的消息。身上的一切告诉埃

141、德加。从此之后便没了埃德加的消息。瓷疟迈断寅霸墙骑窝涝序茅磁迈螟贷帝塔垄质短爬锨宋沂榴孜殴炙波拦佐世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_affectionately affectionately /fFn/: ad. in a way that shows love; lovingly 充满深情地;温柔亲切地充满深情地;温柔亲切地e.g. She smiled affectionately.The family welcomed me affectionately. 她亲切地微笑着。她亲切地微笑着。T全家人都亲切地欢迎我。全家人都亲切地

142、欢迎我。TLanguage Points 薛傈日炬劈苛疆笺听宝墓众采雹拄蚌仑腻走医册饥党枕盗渴根林踌硬牧线世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P5_Q12) Whose name was on the invitation card for Edgars wedding?Jessicas name.13) What had Edgar been doing since he came back? Hed been learning sign language.治渝芍烃存组怔皿梅盂淖搜而食朽襄赞厕汲吨赡纪舟涩饥撕掳睹厦倾砸飞世纪大学实用

143、英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A_P5_TChinese Version 一一年年过过去去了了。杰杰西西卡卡的的朋朋友友又又来来了了,带带给给她她一一个个信信封封。信信封封里里是是一一张张参参加加埃埃德德加加婚婚礼礼的的请请帖帖。杰杰西西卡卡大大为为震震惊惊。她她打打开开对对折折的的请请帖帖,却却看看到到自自己己的的名名字字在在上上面面。“这这是是怎怎么么回回事事?”她她问问自自己己,感感到到很很疑疑惑惑。她她在在纸纸条条上上写写下下这这几几个个字字,要要求求她她的的朋朋友友回回答答。就就在在这这时时,她看见埃德加朝她走了过来,脸上带着她曾那么

144、熟悉的微笑她看见埃德加朝她走了过来,脸上带着她曾那么熟悉的微笑 埃埃德德加加打打着着手手语语对对她她说说,“我我用用一一年年的的时时间间学学会会了了手手语语。我我想想让让你你知知道道,我我从从未未忘忘记记过过我我们们的的誓誓言言。请请让让我我成成为为你你的的丈丈夫夫、你你最最亲亲爱爱的的朋朋友友和和你你的的声声音音吧吧。我我爱爱你你。”说说罢罢他他把把戒戒指指重重又又戴戴到到杰杰西西卡卡的的手手指指上上。杰杰西西卡卡靠靠在在埃埃德德加加的的肩肩头头默默默默地地流流着着泪泪,后后背背不住地颤动着。终于,她缓缓而深情地抬起头,用手语告诉埃德加:不住地颤动着。终于,她缓缓而深情地抬起头,用手语告诉埃

145、德加:“我也爱你。我也爱你。”止约语萍簿赚旱埔家译孜烘免寅韧瑟肤你汤刮缕赴叮醋啸榔善潦鞍铣众素世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text A Exercises Reading AloudUnderstanding the TextReading AnalysisVocabularyStructureTranslationText A Exercises.list Cloze属彰笋宣慌截哗仆羌抵哺玛哩苏扭酿疼没虫愈故垂柴调强揉芦湃涟遮陡栏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)StructureCompl

146、ete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English using “feel as if.”Rewrite the sentences by using the infinitive.Text A Exercises. Structure_list龋乒薪救领蹬绥糙汕寂居条幢舅终朴菏瓶疗庞个粪才勺骨络裙鸳嫁递征馏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Vocabulary.mainVocabularyFill in the blanks with t

147、he words given below. Change the forms where necessary.Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.值土向单与翠孕卡磺誓犬碰丧诞疙瞅缀刺总馏耳壮招丧韶尼照薯祟替听穴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Understanding the Text.mainUnderstanding the TextAnswer the following questionsTopics

148、for Discussion.谈洼盔蹿珠高犊篆扩嫩慌匀燃习肘恫歹绵牺抒闽瘫健拭阎桔麓峡骄豹儿珊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Read the following paragraph until you have learned them by heart.After a couple of years, Edgar finally graduated and decided to further his studies overseas. Before leaving, he proposed to Jessica: “Im not very

149、 good with words but all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, Ill try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?”The girl agreed, and through Edgars determined efforts, Jessicas family finally gave in and agreed to let t

150、hem get married. So, before Edgar went abroad, they got engaged.Soon Jessica began to work in a local factory whereas Edgar was overseas, continuing his studies. They sent their love through emails and phone calls. Though it was hard, they both bathed in each others affection.Read the followingReadi

151、ng Aloud椅亦腔筐莱价党特贞侄琉抠敞吟泄晓榜控资冀澡汉硝悍铝嗣怀校春切廖碑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Answer the following questionsUnderstandling-AnswerWhy did Jessicas family object to her dating Edgar?Briefly describe the relationship between Jessica and Edgar.How did Edgar respond to Jessicas occasional anger?Did Je

152、ssicas parents finally agreed to let them marry?What did Edgar do after he and Jessica got engaged?What happened to Jessica one day when she was on her way to work and what was the consequence?What made Jessica unable to speak?How did Jessica feel after the accident?What did Jessica do about her eng

153、agement and why?What did Jessica do when she moved to a new house away from her hometown?What did Jessicas friend tell her one day and what did Jessica ask her friend to do?Whose name was on the invitation card for Edgars wedding?What had Edgar been doing since he came back?Understanding the Text1.

154、2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 揽然汐韧罗贿偏谐雄峦侨填蹦勉禹邮同彝积晾痛咱盈漫屡隧罢讫乳喝婶禽世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Topics-2Topics for Discussion.1. “This is one of the most touching and purest love stories Ive read in a while.” Why do you think the love between Jessica and Edgar is pure?2. In your opi

155、nion, what are some characteristics of true love?搏惩崇鬃喳外菲平招重上僻屑膳售耙竹肉敷缺瞒痞虽岸图最抓刚疲孰促占世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) Introduction Paragraph (s) Main Idea Details1Read Text A again and complete the following table.It is one of the most and love stories.Jessica loved Edgar against her parents bu

156、t sometimes vented her anger on him due to , while Edgar just the problems silently.touching _objection _Read text-1purest_2-45-7The relationship between Jessica and Edgar before Edgar graduated family pressures _endured _The relationship between Jessica and Edgar after Edgar graduatedAfter graduati

157、on, Edgar proposed to Jessica and managed to get her parents , so they were before Edgar went abroad to .permission _engaged _study _Reading Analysis像帐估宇番湍末阵韵何揣帘启乙廷甜群绚埂维皿婶巡滦涯沫瑟配羚恿履嘲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)One day on her way to work, Jessica was by a car and lost her . Not wanting to

158、 be a to Edgar, she wrote to him as well as returned the to end their relationship. But Edgar didnt her decision.One year later, Edgar came to Jessica and asked her to . Having spent that year learning sign language, he told her in , “I love you,” to which she responded, “I love you, too.” Read text

159、-2 Jessicas accident and her action to end her relationship with Edgar Paragraph (s) Main Idea Details8-11knocked down _voice _engagement ring _burden _agree to _marry him _12-14Jessicas new life without EdgarJessica moved away from , learned and started a new life. Knowing Edgar was back, she asked

160、 her friend to keep the news of from him.her hometown _sign language _her accident _15-16The reunion of Jessica and Edgar.sign language _Now retell the story by using the information in the table you have completed.吏胃刽慎铜锥劣侥烂寺淖秆同韧灯尸咸鸣恋胡妥啃椿霍老摘隋曙朔默话侠世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Fill in the

161、blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in1-1background anger match latter overseas proposeengage discharge relationship miserable invitation fold1. Some of the patients were from hospital because the bed were needed by other people.2. When goes beyond you

162、r control, it does harm to both your mental and physical health.3. I have done some tests for the two programs and the was almost always faster.4. They had been together for two years, but both of them felt the wasnt really going anywhere.5. Did you know that Johns daughter has got to Marys son?6. O

163、ur society is made up of people from many different cultural . backgrounds_discharged_angerlatter_relationship_engaged_Vocabulary民咙睬殖村萨封克唁曹迷力休翰汰手夕惫丫瑶佩胞村升靴徽朝吟聊肚堕名世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Vocabulary-Fill in1-2Most of the country is expecting heavy rain as the wet weather continues.Jess

164、ica invited us to her wedding last week, but we havent received the written yet. The place didnt quite my expectation of what it would be like.He his arms and gazed angrily at those who were not listening.Many more people in China travel for their holiday now than used to be the case.The most romant

165、ic idea I came up with was to to her on a gondola(凤尾船尾船) in Venice.propose_miserable_ invitation_match_folded_overseas_7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. background anger match latter overseas proposeengage discharge relationship miserable invitation fold拨淡十扔莹崇仆吱昂竭耀萝帆阉瞪验工驭茄姐伶刷搏菌俩荔另代窍照及克世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语

166、综合教程第三册第五单元(3)from time to timeFill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.Vocabulary-Fill in2-1give in due to knock down agree toin silence talk round go abroad from time to timebreak down from the very beginning1. Losing her job was a terrible blow to her;

167、 she but refused to be put on medication(药物治物治疗).2. Though they ended their relationship a year ago, she still thinks of him .3. , my parents strongly objected to my going to Australia.4. Last night a drunk driver and killed two students near our campus.5. The salesman finally my terms(条件条件) and too

168、k 20% off the original price.broke down _agreed to_From the very beginning_knocked down _咕难契梦哲宫了屁腕饱丙缴怔陋情亢径翔锐恳洒侦驱沫振惺道篮吱芹僚员世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Vocabulary-Fill in2-26. Do you think you can your parents to lending us some money?7. The 100metre champion lost the gold medal this time

169、lack of practice.8. If our boss gets enough requests from us, he might have to eventually.9. Night swallows the land; hour after hour goes by except for the sounds of crickets chirping(蟋蟀的叫声蟋蟀的叫声).10.Youll be successful here. Theres no need to to seek your fortune.due to_ give in _ in silence _go ab

170、road _talkround_give in due to knock down agree toin silence talk round go abroad from time to timebreak down from the very beginning裹未熟麦眯莲庇淫晾朵蛀耽醒嫌洪扯拌瀑妇颅岿哲泳股篙珐覆负谚喇谤蠕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English using “fe

171、el as if.”Structure-complete1-11. Its true that youve lost a large amount of money, but you dont have to (觉得似乎自己是得似乎自己是 世界上最不幸的人)世界上最不幸的人)feel as if you were the most unfortunate person in the world._2.The praise from his teacher made the boy (觉得仿佛自己成就了一得仿佛自己成就了一桩伟大的事)大的事)feel as if he had accomplis

172、hed agreat deed._3. When I met Jessica for the first time, I (觉得仿佛已得仿佛已认识她多年了)她多年了)felt as if I had known her for years._4.Ill switch on the electricity now. Do you (有没有(有没有针扎皮肤的感扎皮肤的感觉)feel as if some needles were piercing your skin?_Structure赖垂指态遥健靶次宦价恰绊偶翁钥词蕉贯庚曼鸳赋汛豪慎肄升灯讣提鹿赣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实

173、用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Rewrite the sentences by using the infinitive.Structure-complete2-1Model:Her request was that her friend shouldnt let him know what happened to her.She asked her friend not to let him know what happened to her.Fathers advice was that I shouldnt leave to tomorrow what ought to be don

174、e today.Father advised me .That incident taught him a lesson that he shouldnt judge a person by appearance.That incident taught him .Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned that nobody should touch it.Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned everybody .The kid was begging that his parents w

175、ouldnt send him to boarding school(寄宿学校寄宿学校).The kid was begging his parents .2.1.not to leave to tomorrow what ought to be done today_not to judge a person by appearance_3.not to touch it_4.not to send him to boarding school_怎赎簧唤永萄享掷笆旋绿新筹明洪倪亦机盼驳烧谓慧绕脚胜恋呈辰耸致爆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)

176、A group of professional people asked a group of 4 to 8 year-olds to think about the question, “What does love mean?” The (1) they got were broader and deeper (2) anyone could have imagined. “When someone loves you, the (3) they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their (4)

177、 .” (Billy, age 4) “Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries (5) making them give you any of (6) .” (Chrissy, age 6) “Love is when my mommy makes coffee (7) my daddy and she takes a sip(呷呷) (8) giving it to him, to make (9) the taste is OK.” (Danny, age 7) “Love is

178、when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he (10) it every day.” (Noelle, age 7) “Love is when mommy gives daddy the (11) piece of chicken.” (Elaine, age 5) “You really shouldnt say I love you (12) you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.” (Jessica, age 8)Fill in each of the foll

179、owing blanks with an appropriate word.answers_than_way_unless_mouth_without_theirs_ for_ before_sure _wears_best_Structure_clozeCloze眩诗泞嫌抠锦萄惩龚求刺管蕊曳馅夯能赂窒揖乾娠颖妥沟蛤伟懊希拟对完世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Tr1Translate the following sentences into English.1.我我刚收到一封收到一封电子子邮件,信中杰西卡表露了件,信中杰西卡表露了对与她与她亲爱

180、的男友的男友结束关系的后悔之情束关系的后悔之情 (regret)。I just received an email in which Jessica expressed her regret of ending the relationship with her beloved boyfriend.2. 2. 失去家人使她崩失去家人使她崩溃了,了,这一悲惨的事件一直影响着她的余生。一悲惨的事件一直影响着她的余生。She broke down at the loss of her family, and the impact of this miserable incident remained

181、 for the rest of her life.3. 父母都反父母都反对我出国深造。我不知道是我出国深造。我不知道是该让步步还是尽力是尽力说服他服他们。Both my parents object to my going abroad to further my studies. I wonder if I should give in or try to talk them round._Translation溅卡憋逆负湖衅紊椿白科穆泉柳装顶框庙限排涛氏英牌憨求暖岿牛馒恐违世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Tr24. 埃德加不善言辞,所以每

182、当杰西卡埃德加不善言辞,所以每当杰西卡对他他发泄怒气泄怒气时,他只是默默地忍受着。,他只是默默地忍受着。Edgar was not good with words, so whenever Jessica vented her anger on him, he only endured it in silence.5. 5. 欢快的背景音快的背景音乐与他的心情与他的心情( (mood) )很相称,因很相称,因为他他刚刚与心与心爱的女友的女友订了婚。了婚。The cheerful background music matches his mood very well, for hes just

183、got engaged to his beloved girlfriend.6. 系系统不不时发出刺耳的噪音,表明它无法出刺耳的噪音,表明它无法(inability)正常运正常运转。From time to time the system would utter a piercing noise indicating its inability to run properly._炊鳃赠伤哇姻廷沦痞属腔亩谜婚纲碍腾窟镭美廉跌煌费起纠则嘛湍铝黍弓世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)GR1Grammar Review独立独立结构构(Absolute Co

184、nstruction) 分分词短短语作状作状语时,一般没有自己的主,一般没有自己的主语,其,其逻辑上的主上的主语是整个句子的主是整个句子的主语,但有,但有时分分词短短语可以有自己的主可以有自己的主语,由名,由名词或代或代词表示,放在分表示,放在分词短短语之前,它之前,它们之之间存在存在逻辑上的主上的主谓关关系。系。这种种结构叫分构叫分词独立独立结构,在句中作状构,在句中作状语,表示,表示时间、原因、条件或伴随情况等,、原因、条件或伴随情况等,这种种结构构一般用于一般用于书面面语。用法用法 例句例句1. V-ing1. V-ing短短语与其独立的主与其独立的主语构成独立构成独立结构用作状构用作状

185、语,置于句首或句置于句首或句末,偶末,偶尔也置也置于句中,表示于句中,表示时间、原因、原因、条件或伴随情条件或伴随情况等。况等。John being ill, we had to put off the meeting.约翰生病了,我翰生病了,我们不得不推不得不推迟了会了会议。On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather permitting.如果天气好的如果天气好的话,星期六晚上便在花园里招待客人。,星期六晚上便在花园里招待客人。Their room was on the fifth floor, its

186、 window overlooking the playground.他他们的房的房间在五楼,从窗口可以看到操在五楼,从窗口可以看到操场。孺樊伸伏评潦抵铡捐嘎灌桂翟眨诞首印荚沪隅势巫立睡撂遵属赠睦专野讶世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)GR2用用 法法 例例 句句2. V-ed短短语与与其独立的主其独立的主语构构成独立成独立结构用作构用作状状语,置于句首,置于句首或句末,偶或句末,偶尔也也置于句中,表示置于句中,表示时间、原因、条、原因、条件或伴随情况等。件或伴随情况等。The task completed, we went home.任任务完成

187、了,我完成了,我们就回家了。就回家了。All their savings gone, they started looking for jobs.因因为他他们所有的所有的积蓄都花光了,所以他蓄都花光了,所以他们开始找工作了。开始找工作了。She gazed, hands clasped to her breast.她凝她凝视着,双手着,双手紧握在胸前。握在胸前。His wife gone, he doesnt get out very much.他妻子他妻子过世了,他很少出世了,他很少出门。蜀骗浩叹姨填暂拉谊青堕政衬柄搽椅屏灾抡婴袜辈法彬则供瓢呼照斌捐酣世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世

188、纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)GR3用用 法法 例例 句句3. 有有时在分在分词独立独立结构之前构之前带有一个有一个介介词with,其意,其意义相同,文体相同,文体较为口口语化一些。在化一些。在V-ing分分词独立独立结构构前也有用前也有用with-out的。的。On my way out of the room, with tear-streaked makeup running down my neck, I gave Mom and Dad my real name and phone number (Unit 6 B, Book 2)离开房离开房间时,我,我脸上化装用的油彩

189、被泪水浸湿,上化装用的油彩被泪水浸湿,顺颈而下,我而下,我给孩子的父母留下了我的真名和孩子的父母留下了我的真名和电话号号码George stood silently with his arms folded.乔治双臂交叉,静静地站在那儿。治双臂交叉,静静地站在那儿。With Louise living in Spain, we dont see her often.因因为路易路易丝住在西班牙,我住在西班牙,我们就不常看到她了。就不常看到她了。I cant do my homework with all this noise going on.这声音声音这么吵,我没法做作么吵,我没法做作业。Sh

190、e came back with a basket filled with apples.她她带着着满满一一篮子苹果回来了。子苹果回来了。Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window.他是悄悄地从窗口溜走的,没有一个人注意到。他是悄悄地从窗口溜走的,没有一个人注意到。堑赫甜始诱瘴玩孝桨背脐云常肾蘑她历屈型胆根涪归冻停懦挺捻捡免哥悟世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)GR5Use the proper forms of the words given to complete the fo

191、llowing sentences. 1. Nobody (have) any more to say, the meeting was closed. 2. Hands (hold) high, the dancers circled(旋旋转) to the right. 3. With Peter (work) in Birmingham, and Lucy (travel) most of he week, the house seems pretty empty. 4. All other things (be) equal, schools where parents are hig

192、hly involved are more likely to run effectively. 5. You cant expect them to sit still for that long, children (be) what they are. 6. He climbed through the window without anybody (see) him. 7. The meeting could take place as soon as today, weather (permit). 8. She keeps herself to herself(离群索居离群索居).

193、 All things (consider), she would be better married. 9. She was starting to get excited with the holidays (approach).10. We couldnt get into the shop with so many people (crowd) around the entrance(入口入口). having_held_crowding_working_traveling_ being _being_seeing_permitting_considered_approaching_愈

194、碴碉夫柄棕契督铀断梦孤陵庶咨宜读祷堂宾堰蛾掺骨吮需呛颗算矫兜又世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Practical Writing_mainPractical Writing Replies to InquiriesRead the following reply to an inquiry and answer the questions that follow.Write a reply to the following inquiry.吃碌昔切栏薯纪辉殴豁色音昼渠班乌县艘粒熟蔷玖戎捕漓氧咋拯俗湖毁缅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪

195、大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)PW1Practical Writing When you receive an inquiry letter, determine whether you have both the information and the authority to respond. If you are the right person in your organization to respond, answer the letter as promptly as you can, and be sure to answer every question asked

196、. How long and detailed your response should be depends on the nature and the information provided in the letter about the writer. Even if the writer has asked a question that seems silly or one to which the answer is obvious, answer it as completely as you can, and always be courteous. You may tact

197、fully point out that the reader has omitted or misunderstood something. If you have received a letter that you feel you cannot answer, find out who can and forward the letter to that person. Notify the letter writer that you have forwarded the letter, as shown below: Dear, Thank you for inquiring ab

198、outReplies to Inquiries裙棺吗俐从戴嫌暇省抢友捍大遁妒侣睁虎蹲劫蜡猴工浪晓柞弊氮挨仑岁堰世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)PW2 Because I cannot answer your specific questions, I have forwarded your letter to He/She should be able to answer the questions you have raised. The person who responds to the inquiry should state in t

199、he first paragraph of the letter that although the inquiry was addressed to you, it is being answered by someone else because he or she is better qualified to respond. For your reference, here are some useful expressions to respond to an inquiry letter: Thank you for your letter of 4th February, inq

200、uiring about In reply to your inquiry of 1st February, we have pleasure in enclosing full details of With your reference to your inquiry of 1st February, we are pleased to send you our latest catalogue. Thank you for your letter of 8th March. We have pleasure in sending you our lat-est catalogue.忙变祥

201、葱任箍窝慌寺堑疡叔输疡芜凝衍言帕凛死凰汹副或践肮榆拷拨展往世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)PW3Read the following reply to an inquiry and answer the questions that follow.Dear Ms. Parsons, Thank you for your letter of 4th October, inquiring about our range of plastic travel goods. Were pleased to send you our latest cata

202、logue and export price list. All prices quoted are FOB (free on board, 装装运运港港船船上上交交货) London Payment is by bankers draft against documents. We have dispatched to you, under separate cover, samples of our document wallets. The overnight bags are made of the same quality plastic. The cost of overprint

203、ing the name of your company on the wallets or bags is included in the price of each article. The minimum order for any article is 200 pieces. We feel sure that you will be impressed by our samples, and look forward to supplying your requirements.Yours faithfully,Jane E. MetcalfJane E. MetcalfSales

204、ManagerTravel Goods Division追矛叔依赠叛频预眠砌街种未抖慌倘攘抡椽闹褒抱堂帛溃坪填乔击咎欺惨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)PW41.What did Jane E. Metcalf send to Ms. Parsons company? 2. How should Ms. Parsons company pay for its orders? 3. What is included in the price of the articles?The latest catalogue, export price li

205、st and, under separate cover, samples of the document wallets.By bankers draft against documents.The cost of overprinting the name of the company on the wallets or bags.宫缘屠掌二用捧遗怠压咽涕桅徊亭芭招奄埋捆疮淬斩优昌荚想穗拉箩叉尸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)PW5Write a reply to the following inquiry.Dear Sir, I have

206、 seen your advertisement in todays The Independent, and am interested in your 7-day tour to South Africa. I would like to receive full details of these tours at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully,Wu JiangWu JiangSuggested Answer:淄沥哺栈情哆健蜒肤寸趟犬肖房垮琢谬躺叙碱菠症桑缕基谋洒烙蛹福辟芋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教

207、程第三册第五单元(3)PW6Suggested Answer:Dear Mr. Wu Jiang,In reply to your inquiry of 4th October, were pleased to enclose full details of our 7-day tour to South Africa. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to making reservations for you on the tou

208、r of your choice. Yours sincerely,Raymond SmithRaymond SmithSales DepartmentEnc.1 箕篡侄脸杰瑚皿职代霍币瓷辽厄妄辉桓铀持梦姆醋走归咒脯捶嚏余芬沧铝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text B Hungry for Your Love By Herman and Roma Rosenblat (As told to Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.) 1 It is cold, so bitter cold, on this dark, winte

209、r day in 1942. But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp. I stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening. I am just a young boy. I should be playing with friends; I should be going to school; I should be looking forward to a fut

210、ure, to growing up and marrying, and having a family of my own. But those dreams are for the living, and I am no longer one of them. Instead, I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews. Wil

211、l I still be alive tomorrow? Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight?TextB_P1?CHN坞妨磺塘萍酸淖年旗彼割椭遣叛燃纤胆桂勋呆拱瓤逛本鲜赂鞘竖臂为页毯世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text B Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, trying to keep my body warm. I am hungry, but I have been hungry for longer than I

212、want to remember. I am always hungry. Edible food seems like a dream. Each day, as more of us disappear, the happy past seems like a mere dream, and I sink deeper and deeper into despair.TextB_P2?CH 3 Suddenly, I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire. She stops and lo

213、oks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot figure out why I am here. I want to look away, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, but I cannot tear my eyes from hers. N2姆派睫仗水甫溉今刀捅岩毅兰卸健挨晾玄焚汁摸剖关哇祸洲掠笼撅哎唁脆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元

214、(3)Text B Then she reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a red apple. A beautiful, shiny red apple. Oh, how long has it been since I saw one! She looks cautiously to the left and to the right, and then with a smile of triumph, quickly throws the apple over the fence. I run to pick it up, holding it

215、 in my trembling, frozen fingers. In my world of death, this apple is an expression of life, of love. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.TextB_P3?CH4挡润攘试贺损稚妙票帐裁契燥嚷区魂芋讥醉谤骨矿易谤颈眠梧辱蠕族叹湛世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text B TextB_P4?CHThe next day, I cannot help

216、myself I am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence. Am I crazy for hoping she will come again? Of course. But in here, I cling to any tiny scrap of hope. She has given me hope and I must hold tightly to it. And again, she comes. And again, she brings me an apple, flinging it over the fen

217、ce with that same sweet smile.This time I catch it, and hold it up for her to see. Her eyes twinkle. Does she pity me? Perhaps. I do not care, though. I am just too happy to gaze at her. And for the first time in so long, I feel my heart move with emotion. 567减蜘瓷毅二篙肘笨朽叭鳞按涸粮庸各篓汽洒痒疥拈曼削宿榨家俞予颜百氧世纪大学实用英语

218、综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text B TextB_P5For seven months, we meet like this. Sometimes we exchange a few words. Sometimes, just an apple. But she is feeding more than my belly, this angel from heaven. She is feeding my soul. And somehow, I know I am feeding hers as well.One day, I hear frigh

219、tening news: we are being shipped to another camp. This could mean the end for me. And it definitely means the end for me and my friend.The next day when I greet her, my heart is breaking, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said: “Do not bring me an apple tomorrow,” I tell her. “I am being

220、 sent to another camp. We will never see each other again.” Turning before I lose all control, I run away from the fence. I cannot bear to look back. If I did, I know she would see me standing there, with tears streaming down my face.?CH8910匣肤胆条雪尺捶突涡频及腮阁柴澈藻众妆霄腺栅付链寝霸邢辟勤矢朔榜兄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语

221、综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P6Months pass and the nightmare continues. But the memory of this girl sustains me through the terror, the pain, the hopelessness. Over and over in my mind, I see her face, her kind eyes, I hear her gentle words, I taste those apples.And then one day, just like that, the nightmar

222、e is over. The war has ended. Those of us who are still alive are freed. I have lost everything that was precious to me, including my family. But I still have the memory of this girl, a memory I carry in my heart for it gives me the will to go on as I move to America to start a new life. (759 words)

223、 (To be continued) NCHText B 1112藉雀孜痴马眷酪伶菲英伪璃女魄窥励乡购场纤蛇始姻矫股睫耸钳徽甜诌堆世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_Proper Names Proper Names Herman Rosenblat /hn znb/ 赫尔曼赫尔曼罗森布拉特罗森布拉特Roma Rosenblat / znb / 萝玛萝玛罗森布拉特罗森布拉特Barbara De Angelis /bBb dn / 芭芭拉芭芭拉迪安吉利斯迪安吉利斯 疯个商笛颇腹钎钱戴纂腺验腾拖漏镑们搜骸伐新咕了躲秘液匀载允涪蛙蔡世纪大学实

224、用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Ph.D. /piedi/ abbr. = Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士哲学博士 TextB_P2_LP_ph.dphilosophy /ff/ n. search for knowledge and understanding of the nature and meaning of the universe and human life 哲学哲学 Language Points 芬堵腾训召婴处硅睛厦丛腾醛鸵橱半幽寡荚码忠懒箱瞅称任挖弟杏哇泳耽世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综

225、合教程第三册第五单元(3)Nazi /nB/ n., a. (member) of the German National Socialist Party founded by Hitler ( (希特勒创建的希特勒创建的) )德国国社党的德国国社党的( (党员党员) ),纳粹党的,纳粹党的( (党员党员) );纳粹的;纳粹的 Language Points TextB_P2_LP_Nazi迁靛绣令叁镭德絮膀拎加被官岁酗赞壳武坡甭株隅冈奶田娶彝衰瘪枚鞭伴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)camp /p/ n. place where prison

226、ers or refugees are kept (囚犯)拘留营;(难民)收容营(囚犯)拘留营;(难民)收容营 TextB_P2_LP_campLanguage Points 崇稿谦驾楔逃式测车颤铬削啼虽翼季潍侍疥屹狞冯委垮想殿钎撇只绑邻稀世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Jew /dVu/ n. member of the Hebrew people or religion 犹太人;犹太教徒犹太人;犹太教徒TextB_P2_LP_jewLanguage Points 纹显哨窘酵路听墩晋渊宋弯磐氓牺孵凡奥攫幢溜毛蔷谬此仆蒜郊师桩唇帕世纪大学实用英

227、语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P2_LP_bitter bitter /b/: 1. a. tasting like strong black coffee with no sugar; not sweet; piercingly cold 有苦味的,苦的;严寒的,寒冷入骨的有苦味的,苦的;严寒的,寒冷入骨的e.g. Unsweetened chocolate is very bitter.He feels very bitter about the way he was treated.不加糖的巧克力是很苦的。不加糖的巧克力是很苦的。T别人那

228、样待他,他很不开心。别人那样待他,他很不开心。T 2. ad. piercingly; bitterly 刺骨地;苦苦地刺骨地;苦苦地e.g. It was bitter cold yesterday. 昨天刺骨的冷。昨天刺骨的冷。TLanguage Points 堵滔拐灭帖汉峙宁记言氯搪迸挠乖签馆波末浪丙夕骄驶外肇昂存事埋丙劝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_shiver shiver /Fv/: vi. tremble, esp. from cold or fear (尤指因寒冷或恐惧而)颤抖,哆嗦(尤指因寒冷或恐惧而

229、)颤抖,哆嗦e.g. The poor girl was shaking and shivering like a leaf.The noise was strange enough to make me shiver.可怜的女孩像一片树叶一样瑟瑟发抖。可怜的女孩像一片树叶一样瑟瑟发抖。T那声音古怪得令我发抖。那声音古怪得令我发抖。TLanguage Points 颈本缴玫酌男奢般投嫌取雏啪蜡日括节睡焕湛镐芹呜尝借错定泼敞息袄巧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_rag rag / n. (small irregular p

230、iece of) old cloth; s old, worn or torn clothes 破布,碎布;破布,碎布;s破旧衣服破旧衣服e.g. a beggar in ragsHe cleaned the car with an oily rag.衣衫褴褛的乞丐衣衫褴褛的乞丐T他用一块油布把汽车擦干净。他用一块油布把汽车擦干净。TLanguage Points 灼钉阵疗煌紧捞氟盖旭霖怨怖背气简窗闪捆菜戒赔梧州宇胸逆啄闽鬃蟹崖世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_disbelief disbelief /dbif/: n.

231、lack of belief; failure to believe 不相信;怀疑不相信;怀疑 e.g. Disbelief showed on his face.They shook their heads in disbelief.他脸上露出不相信的神情。他脸上露出不相信的神情。T他们摇头表示不信。他们摇头表示不信。TLanguage Points 短胃叙暖矫配倍哪厩兼村脚斗已乘嫂硬呕凿啸晦汞负竞蕾谷摘股茨匙注臭世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P5_LP_I should I should be looking forward

232、to a future, to growing up and marrying, and having a family of my own.我我应该在憧憬未来在憧憬未来长大、大、结婚、婚、拥有自己的家庭。有自己的家庭。第二个介词第二个介词to承前,省略了承前,省略了looking forward,它的后面有三个宾语,即,它的后面有三个宾语,即growing up, marrying和和having。Language Points 褪羊说逻枪撂贸肤幼赐傅蛾肢队煞不橇黎料遣底堰疏征凡饲在搜互宰兵绷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)1) What d

233、o we know about the writer from the first paragraph?The writer is a Jewish boy struggling to survive in a Nazi concentration camp in 1942.TextB_P1_Questions腐迎先缕傍杰肯床陡剿呸奎述门渠党莆滦屿店徒傈氦惦珍离茸姓西买咋小世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_Questions8) What happens in the following months?They keep mee

234、ting each other this way, from which both find spiritual comfort.9) What breaks their friendship apart?The fact that the writer is being sent to another concentration camp. 10) What impact does the girl have on the writers mind?She leaves an unforgettable memory in the writers mind. 11) What does th

235、e writer do after the war?He moved to America to start a new life.渴斑话时仁揩女杠谐耳乳豪定仔基狞铆尤舆波习狈餐僧鲸辫拇咱丰么番余世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Chinese VersionTextB_P1_Chinese 渴望得到你的爱渴望得到你的爱 赫尔曼赫尔曼 罗森布拉特和萝玛罗森布拉特和萝玛 罗森布拉特罗森布拉特 对芭芭拉对芭芭拉 迪安吉利斯博士的口述迪安吉利斯博士的口述 1942年的一个冬日,天又黑又冷,刺骨的冷。但是在年的一个冬日,天又黑又冷,刺骨的冷。但是在这个个

236、纳粹集中粹集中营里,里,这一天与其他一天与其他任何一天都没有什么不同。我穿着任何一天都没有什么不同。我穿着单薄、薄、褴褛的衣服的衣服, , 站着站着发抖抖, , 仍然不能相信正在仍然不能相信正在发生的生的这场噩梦。我只不噩梦。我只不过是个小男孩,是个小男孩,应该和朋友和朋友们在玩耍,在玩耍,应该在学校在学校读书,应该在憧憬未来在憧憬未来长大、大、结婚、婚、拥有自己的家庭。可那些梦想只属于活着的人,而我已不再是他有自己的家庭。可那些梦想只属于活着的人,而我已不再是他们中的一中的一员。自我从家中被自我从家中被带走,和成千上万的犹太人一起被送到走,和成千上万的犹太人一起被送到这个地方来以后,我便成了

237、一个个地方来以后,我便成了一个濒临死死亡的人,每日每亡的人,每日每时只是在苟且只是在苟且偷生而已。明天我生而已。明天我还会活着会活着吗?今天夜里我会不会被送?今天夜里我会不会被送进毒气毒气室?室?檄初壁济丛谈骨塑吾买抢屈琐旺胶燕闷樊侄慰郡衰以济割掣腮捞奴脯勇憋世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_ChineseChinese Version 接下去的接下去的7 7个月,我个月,我们就就这样天天天天见面。有面。有时候我候我们交交谈几句,有几句,有时候就候就仅仅是一只苹是一只苹果。然而,她不果。然而,她不仅填填饱了我的肚子,了我的肚子,

238、这位天堂里来的天使位天堂里来的天使还慰藉着我的心灵。而我也知道我慰藉着我的心灵。而我也知道我以某种方式慰藉了她的心灵。以某种方式慰藉了她的心灵。 有一天,我听到了可怕的消息:我有一天,我听到了可怕的消息:我们将被运往另一个集中将被运往另一个集中营。这可能意味着我生命的可能意味着我生命的终结。而。而这肯定无疑地意味着我和我朋友关系的肯定无疑地意味着我和我朋友关系的终结。 第二天跟她打招呼的第二天跟她打招呼的时候,我的心都要碎了。在我候,我的心都要碎了。在我说我必我必须说的的话时,我几乎,我几乎说不出不出话来:来:“明天明天别给我我带苹果了,苹果了,”我我对她她说。“我就要被送到另一个集中我就要被

239、送到另一个集中营去了,我去了,我们再也不会再也不会见面了。面了。” 在完全失去控制之前在完全失去控制之前, , 我我转身从身从栅栏处跑开了。我不忍回跑开了。我不忍回头看,不然她一定会看看,不然她一定会看到我站在那里,泪流到我站在那里,泪流满面。面。 掌扰龟童川肥挞烩嘛返枣没购钩厄愚幻贿曳又襟扇蓖员漓吐诌纬绽饵庞追世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_Chinese 几几个个月月过过去去了了,噩噩梦梦仍仍在在继继续续。可可对对这这个个女女孩孩的的回回忆忆支支撑撑着着我我熬熬过过了了恐恐惧惧、痛痛苦苦和和绝绝望望。在在我我的的脑脑海海中

240、中,我我一一次次又又一一次次地地看看到到她她的的脸脸庞庞、她她善善良良的的眼眼睛睛;我我一一次次又又一一次次地地听听到到她她温温柔柔的话语;我一次又一次地品尝着那些苹果。的话语;我一次又一次地品尝着那些苹果。 后后来来有有一一天天, 噩噩梦梦就就那那样样结结束束了了。战战争争已已结结束束。我我们们中中间间还还活活着着的的人人又又重重获获自自由由。我我失失去去了了一一切切宝宝贵贵的的东东西西,包包括括我我的的家家人人。但但我我仍仍然然记记得得这这个个女女孩孩。这这记记忆忆我我一一直直珍珍藏藏在在心心中中,因为当我移居美国开始新的生活时,它给了我生活下去的毅力。因为当我移居美国开始新的生活时,它给

241、了我生活下去的毅力。(未完待续)(未完待续)Chinese Version帐剩瞄嫂残与捎综么吱捂搂填校筏盂僻钞刮城诛睁浩俄琉得苛殖渍嫁众裕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)no longer / not any longer: not any more 不再不再TextB_P1_LP_no longer e.g. Daddy is no longer young.I wont talk about it any longer.爸爸已不再年轻了。爸爸已不再年轻了。我不会再谈这件事了。我不会再谈这件事了。TTLanguage Points 踏务拐嗽原

242、略试喘敲托敦灿揍瑞拜沥梆筋纤颠对教买旋专难裳诗值倚疹藕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P1_LP_from day to day from day to day: every day 天天,一天又一天天天,一天又一天e.g. The weather here is unpredictable; it changes from day to day.The plants grew from day to day.这里的天气难以预料,天天都在变。这里的天气难以预料,天天都在变。T植物一天天长大。植物一天天长大。TLanguage Poi

243、nts 松澎富疆抚聚嘿铂咱吟带老贩抑擒炭哀违件香团徽顶颐剁强众佃哎甥灵曝世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) chamber /Fb/: n. room used for a special purpose (作特殊用途的)房间,屋(作特殊用途的)房间,屋TextB_P1_LP_chamber e.g. chamber musicrefrigeration chamberan operating chamber室内乐室内乐冷冻室冷冻室TT手术室手术室TLanguage Points 剑缺眩削旬锋神江课里逼厩铡焙绢稽砚腑拎努粥妙燎窗滔曲句霹食侯紫脾世

244、纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) back and forth: from one place to another and back again repeatedly 来回地;反复地来回地;反复地TextB_P1_LP_back and forthe.g. He paced back and forth. Thats what weve been arguing back and forth. 他来回踱步。他来回踱步。我们反复争论的就是这个。我们反复争论的就是这个。TTforth / fCW/: ad. forwards向前,向前方向前,向前方

245、 Language Points 页赠沙蒜占用砸紫域企箍全痘赂龄瞪刺侄帽乓萧唉驯爱稿窄粥显请狭退欢世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P1_LP_next to next to: in or into a position immediately to one side of; near/close to 紧靠紧靠旁边;贴近;靠近旁边;贴近;靠近e.g. The library is next to the post office.I was seated next to the host. 图书馆就在邮局的旁边。图书馆就在邮局的旁边。

246、T我被安排坐在主人旁边。我被安排坐在主人旁边。TLanguage Points 端禾歧便剑沉颊积壕扁晓滤嗜抒砍狭乳阅栽仆潭喧鞘涪捻踩雷涟办席晨辑世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P1_LP_barb barb /bBb/: n. point of an arrow, a fish-hook, etc. curved backwards to make it difficult to pull out 倒钩倒钩e.g. The head of the spear has a barb on it. the barbs on the fe

247、nce矛尖上有个钩子。矛尖上有个钩子。T篱笆上的刺篱笆上的刺Tbarbed /bBbd/: a. having a barb or barbs 有倒钩的,有倒刺的有倒钩的,有倒刺的 Language Points 规驮述蹭驼滓沸曳奋纷疵栅芥粳稳磕脏甜肃举温笋囚淄照痔靛绑秀各砒挚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) wire /wa/: n. (piece of) metal in the shape of a piece of string 金属丝,金属线金属丝,金属线TextB_P1_LP_wiree.g. electrical wire电线电线

248、TLanguage Points 粉尚息乓嘿验帅率误反脉罕曙饼律差棵他雇跳笆芬苑风洪哆午液就漾滓诧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P1_LP_ fencefence /fens/: n. structure of rails, stakes, wire, etc., esp. one put round a field or garden to mark a boundary or keep animals from straying 栅栏;篱笆;围墙栅栏;篱笆;围墙e.g. a bamboo fence mend the fenc

249、e竹篱笆竹篱笆T修补篱笆修补篱笆TLanguage Points 拧揪肯负陡发啼喝苫歪浩草们氰社痔韭尊殷捐契眯起呸干尖心乾斟悬允汕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)2) How does he feel when he walks next to the barbed wire fence?He feels hungry and cold.TextB_P2_Questions3) What do the girls eyes show when she sees the writer?Her eyes show sympathy and conf

250、usion as to why a young boy should be kept there.诲赡棠盆渣疵灾侈淫拼凉绳误之才椰酣疙赴诊釉勿旱改砂贷邮郑侈丘榔桃世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Chinese VersionTextB_P2_Chinese 我在带刺的铁丝栅栏旁边踱来踱去,想使我的身体暖和一些。我肚子饿了,饿了多久我在带刺的铁丝栅栏旁边踱来踱去,想使我的身体暖和一些。我肚子饿了,饿了多久连我自己都不想记住了。我一直很饿。可吃的食物就像梦一般虚幻。每一天,随着我们之连我自己都不想记住了。我一直很饿。可吃的食物就像梦一般虚幻。每一天

251、,随着我们之中越来越多的人消失不见,往日的美好时光就像一个无法重温的美梦,而我也在绝望中越中越来越多的人消失不见,往日的美好时光就像一个无法重温的美梦,而我也在绝望中越陷越深。陷越深。 突然,我注意到一个小女孩正从铁丝栅栏的另一边走过。她停下了脚步,用悲伤的目突然,我注意到一个小女孩正从铁丝栅栏的另一边走过。她停下了脚步,用悲伤的目光望着我。那种目光仿佛在说她能理解我的感受,而她也弄不明白我为什么在这儿。我想光望着我。那种目光仿佛在说她能理解我的感受,而她也弄不明白我为什么在这儿。我想转过脸去,因为这个陌生人这样看着我让我有种奇怪的羞愧感。但我无法把目光从她身上转过脸去,因为这个陌生人这样看着

252、我让我有种奇怪的羞愧感。但我无法把目光从她身上移开。移开。逮达净骡板减秒驼守孽霍鬼床驮屁牢逊凸磁傲唐织揣偶预奉屿沟谓贪契调世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) marital /: a. of marriage 婚姻的婚姻的TextB_P2_LP_marital e.g. marital relationshipmarital problems婚姻关系婚姻关系婚姻问题婚姻问题TTLanguage Points 拣哺餐潞票孵诈摔噬梢淤趣把撵蜀享氦押盎顾趋恒壤贿柔默嘿变耿褂洲茹世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元

253、(3) status /: n. Persons social, legal or professional position or rank in relation to others 地位,身份地位,身份TextB_P2_LP_status social statusNow that he was a bank manager, he wanted a car that would reflect his status. 社会地位社会地位T他既然是银行经理,他就想要一辆跟他身份相符的车。他既然是银行经理,他就想要一辆跟他身份相符的车。Te.g. Language Points 磕甚呵懊繁拯

254、锦类癸俘洁胚艾炳扁螟荚礁膛莱石摘师纠戎棘论锯邀蝇浚嘉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) edible /db/: a. fit to be eaten 可以吃的,可食用的可以吃的,可食用的TextB_P2_LP_edible e.g. edible plantsYour cooking is simply not edible. 可食用的植物可食用的植物你烧出来的东西简直不能吃。你烧出来的东西简直不能吃。TTLanguage Points 刷孰瓢逐俐汲褪苞吴课棵免奋犁眉熊咽垒孔紊忍烫话制怔苦娠晨披腮未粳世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大

255、学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P2_LP_She stops and looks at me She stops and looks at me with sad eyes, eyes that seem to say that she understands, that she, too, cannot figure out why I am here. 她停下脚步,用哀伤的眼神望着我。那种眼神仿佛是在说她能理解我的感受,而她也弄不她停下脚步,用哀伤的眼神望着我。那种眼神仿佛是在说她能理解我的感受,而她也弄不明白我为什么在这儿。明白我为什么在这儿。 Language Po

256、ints 炯伟鲸营旺鄙狙礁拢膀告爪锚庆媳急缄织她角涕披客骨代赔瘸痕讳矢猫颊世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P2_LP_figure out figure out: come to understand by thinking; discover by using arithmetic; calculate 想出;理解;明白;计算出;演算出想出;理解;明白;计算出;演算出Language Points 肋绽镑沥控晦键浙疼钎扳则龋托梧恳燎轿遣泊宴大煌皂镍与宿体通妄拂恒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第

257、五单元(3)Language Points TextB_P2_LP_pull out: pull out: take out (of a pocket, etc.); remove by pulling (从口袋等中)掏出;拉出;拔出(从口袋等中)掏出;拉出;拔出 e.g. He pulled out a ten-dollar note from his wallet.Im going to have this bad tooth pulled out.他从钱夹里抽出一张他从钱夹里抽出一张10美元的钞票。美元的钞票。我要去把这颗坏牙拔掉。我要去把这颗坏牙拔掉。TT封窘澳疟怔银盛竣恕杏援住僵呈诸

258、似匙毁休恐来歪职室曝虹李袱搪著猾斧世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P2_LP_odd odd /d/: a. strange; peculiar 奇怪的;古怪的奇怪的;古怪的e.g. See that odd man over there?Its odd that our dog seems to take a special liking to our neighbors cat.看见那边那个古怪的人了吗?看见那边那个古怪的人了吗?T真奇怪,我们家的狗似乎特别钟情于邻居家的猫。真奇怪,我们家的狗似乎特别钟情于邻居家的猫。TLang

259、uage Points 煌学碗福煞点烤辈雷夷器昂痉允耸患败牢假祥糠窗诵逝奸拟癸坡轮滔予讲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) cautiously /: ad. in a way that shows great care; carefully 十分小心地;谨慎地十分小心地;谨慎地TextB_P2_LP_cautiously e.g. She put the eggs cautiously into the basket.The official mentioned the plan cautiously, saying it was still

260、in its early stages.她小心翼翼地把蛋放进篮子里。她小心翼翼地把蛋放进篮子里。T那位官员谨慎地提到那项计划,说它仍处于酝酿阶段。那位官员谨慎地提到那项计划,说它仍处于酝酿阶段。TLanguage Points 震嚏哉翌溪准酗球茄钓肇舶偿拌咏盂御格硝描葬原迅栖纂阅缮沽嫌笋弄瘴世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P2_LP_triumph triumph /af/: n. (joy or satisfaction at) being successful or victorious 成功,胜利;(胜利或成功的)喜悦,满足成

261、功,胜利;(胜利或成功的)喜悦,满足e.g. In our moment of triumph, lets not forget those who made it all possible.It was a triumph for both the athlete and his coach. 在我们胜利的时刻,让我们不要忘记那些使胜利成为可能的人。在我们胜利的时刻,让我们不要忘记那些使胜利成为可能的人。T这是运动员和教练两个人的胜利。这是运动员和教练两个人的胜利。TLanguage Points 姑莉蠕测懊案琐筋门违肯资梭补杠胳紊酝厌肮洗竞窿鼠葛警襟冲窥舵熟屡世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册

262、第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)4) What does the girl do then?She throws a red apple to the writer across the wire fence.TextB_P3_Questions5) How significant is the apple to the writer? Its an expression of life and love.冻母榜阻拘徊典扁覆蹦沪麦奖丑暮赛忘炊蒙衣颜巷酋青酝磐为穿哇灶维华世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Chinese Vers

263、ionTextB_P3_Chinese 这这时时,她她把把手手伸伸进进口口袋袋,掏掏出出了了一一只只红红苹苹果果一一只只美美丽丽闪闪亮亮的的红红苹苹果果。噢噢!我我已已经经多多久久没没见见过过这这样样一一只只苹苹果果啦啦!她她警警惕惕地地看看看看左左边边,又又看看看看右右边边,然然后后脸脸上上露露出出胜胜利利的的微微笑笑,迅迅速速把把苹苹果果扔扔过过铁铁丝丝栅栅栏栏。我我跑跑过过去去捡捡起起苹苹果果,用用颤颤抖抖、冻冻僵僵的的手手指指拿拿着着它它。在在我我死死亡亡的的世界里,这只苹果代表了生命,代表了爱。我抬起头,正好看见小女孩消失在远处。世界里,这只苹果代表了生命,代表了爱。我抬起头,正好看

264、见小女孩消失在远处。咏掳庆搁坚匿很皇乔芝铜杠遥抿磨清横占辽倡鸿锭桥些教孤抖鹃愁贾剂汉世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) freeze /fiz/: vi. (esp. of water) change or be changed from liquid to solid by extreme cold; (of weather) be so cold that water turns to ice; be extremely cold (尤指水)冻结;结冰;(天气)变得极冷;严寒(尤指水)冻结;结冰;(天气)变得极冷;严寒TextB_P3_LP_

265、freeze e.g. The milk has frozen solid.The forecast says it will freeze tonight.牛奶已经冻住了。牛奶已经冻住了。天气预报说今晚要结冰。天气预报说今晚要结冰。TTLanguage Points 措伦听桩今消篆餐盖魔隙皮桨粉敌削捏株斩棵陋苯疗消晤决巡皿溉河厦邦世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_glance upglance up: take a quick look up 抬头看一看抬头看一看e.g. I glanced up there was t

266、he Statue of Liberty!我抬头一看我抬头一看是自由女神像!是自由女神像!TLanguage Points 搀漏逗琵隘肉泛区糠医遏晨扩蒲逐譬炒怪这舷荒余情塌锌墩匿拾檄栓挞氨世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) in time: early enough, not late 及及时,来得及来得及,不不迟 TextB_P3_LP_in timee.g. We arrived at the cinema just in time; nothing was missed.We must buy the tent this week so t

267、hat it will be in time for camping on the weekend.我们及时赶到了电影院我们及时赶到了电影院,什么都没错过。什么都没错过。T我们这个星期必须买好帐篷,这样才赶得上周末的露营。我们这个星期必须买好帐篷,这样才赶得上周末的露营。TLanguage Points 切绳保纵聊瓣扒蛙磊宿刷锹脓享般虾句敞滇噪轿喘条赌骏湿悸谜院蔓共舒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)cannot help oneself: be unable to stop oneself (doing sth.) 无法克制无法克制(自己自己)

268、 (不做某事不做某事);忍不住;忍不住(做某事做某事)TextB_P3_LP_cannot help oneselfe.g. Why did you start smoking again? Cant you help yourself? I cried and cried; I just couldnt help myself.你为什么又开始抽烟了?难道你管不住自己吗?你为什么又开始抽烟了?难道你管不住自己吗?我哭啊哭啊,就是克制不住自己。我哭啊哭啊,就是克制不住自己。TTLanguage Points 清兰嫁缅琐汲蕴奢郧利侧帧褂扼国暖心劈皿叉气壳被仕软拆毋索锨碴觅苗世纪大学实用英语综合教程

269、第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_crazy crazy /z/: a. insane; stupid; not sensible 发疯的;愚蠢的;荒唐的发疯的;愚蠢的;荒唐的e.g. a crazy ideaIm crazy about dancing.荒唐的念头荒唐的念头T我热衷于跳舞。我热衷于跳舞。TLanguage Points 景坑脏钉结楷挥助鱼喝鱼开僳法泻果赁豺荧批盛猫颊煞莲雨建艳匣呀篓抚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) cling /N/: vi. hold on tightly 紧

270、紧抓住抓住He survived by clinging onto a piece of wood.T他抓住一块木头活了下来。他抓住一块木头活了下来。e.g. cling to: hold on tightly to 紧紧抓住抓住The child clung to his mother, begging her not to leave. T孩子缠着妈妈,求她不要离开。孩子缠着妈妈,求她不要离开。e.g. TextB_P3_LP_cling Language Points 辽僳茅查毒误附檄做摄克嚷衅弛憾弥腥审尧土铂龋键廖娩夹列她辛些笆涅世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综

271、合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_ tiny tiny /an/: a. very small 极小的极小的e.g. a tiny room/insect小小的房间小小的房间/昆虫昆虫TLanguage Points 殉畴述狐讣筛沿憋仲凑渣醇瓦惭忿节冗帆愚炎谅化沂刀积登贱彬碴猖溢险世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_scrap scrap /p/: n. small piece; fragment 小块;碎片小块;碎片e.g. a scrap of meatscraps of cloth一片肉一片肉T一片片碎

272、布一片片碎布TLanguage Points 证杀励占斡丛它良念复镍秽删鲍秋歪清奉宣衙别呻盐藩介拢抛雹望农宇锁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_ fling fling /fN/: vi. throw violently ( (用力地用力地) )扔扔,掷,抛,抛e.g. He flung the empty bottle into the sea.I always fling my coat on the sofa when I come home. 他把空瓶子扔进海里。他把空瓶子扔进海里。T我回到家后总是把外套扔在沙发上

273、。我回到家后总是把外套扔在沙发上。TLanguage Points 先助乌谜榜多枷旬跌晤俱丁吮仇梨碌垛着姆芥祸班烂谭雌助豺譬狐贺能倒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_ twinkle twinkle /wN/: vi. (of a persons eyes) look bright or sparkle, esp. because one is amused (人的眼睛人的眼睛)发亮,闪光发亮,闪光e.g. The cats eyes twinkled in the dark.Do you see the twinklin

274、g stars?猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪放光。猫的眼睛在黑暗中闪闪放光。T你看到闪烁的星星了吗?你看到闪烁的星星了吗?TLanguage Points 岿馁纳婶扦盘讼强吗廷涎痘钓涤宙皋午晃熏歪围荆姜块岿掂袁抿戏沦哗择世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P3_LP_ pity pity /p/: 1. n. feeling of sorrow caused by the suffering, troubles, etc. of others同情,怜悯;可怜同情,怜悯;可怜 e.g. She felt pity towards those po

275、or people.Its a pity that you missed the concert.她同情那些穷人。她同情那些穷人。T你错过了音乐会真可惜。你错过了音乐会真可惜。T 2. vt. feel pity for 同情,怜悯;可怜同情,怜悯;可怜e.g. Anne pitied the victims of the war.I want to be a social worker because I pity those poor people.安十分同情战争的受害者。安十分同情战争的受害者。T因为我同情穷人,所以我想当个社会福利工作者。因为我同情穷人,所以我想当个社会福利工作者。TL

276、anguage Points 畜贴釜铝触广董栅拿担纫诬喝腾虱酷缎柑捞萍码乞雨梯簧橱蒸辜郸赎狂她世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) 6) Why does he come back the next day to the spot where he has met the girl? Hes hoping that she will come back again.TextB_P4_Questions 7) Does the girl come again? What does she do?Yes, she does. She brings an

277、other apple to the writer. 10) What can we do when faced with something over which we have little control?We can choose how we are going to react.芍呸障丧橡祁拄挝抬蕉蔽凸忽嚼想在簇妇攻屉膝穿饺椒疾部盘瞻鸭浚都骸世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Chinese VersionTextB_P4_Chinese 第二天,我控制不住自己第二天,我控制不住自己我在同一时间又被吸引到铁丝栅栏旁边的那个地方。我在同一

278、时间又被吸引到铁丝栅栏旁边的那个地方。我是不是疯了,竟希望她会再次出现?我当然是疯了。但在这里,任何一点小小的希望我是不是疯了,竟希望她会再次出现?我当然是疯了。但在这里,任何一点小小的希望我都要紧紧抓住。她给了我希望,我必须紧紧抓住它。我都要紧紧抓住。她给了我希望,我必须紧紧抓住它。 又一次,她来了。又一次,她给我带来了一只苹果。她用力把苹果从铁丝栅栏那边又一次,她来了。又一次,她给我带来了一只苹果。她用力把苹果从铁丝栅栏那边扔过来,脸上依旧带着那个甜美的微笑。扔过来,脸上依旧带着那个甜美的微笑。 这次我接住了苹果,并把它举起来给她看。她的双眸闪闪发亮。她是可怜我吗?或这次我接住了苹果,并把

279、它举起来给她看。她的双眸闪闪发亮。她是可怜我吗?或许是吧。但我并不介意。能目不转睛地看着她我简直太开心了。长久以来,我第一次感许是吧。但我并不介意。能目不转睛地看着她我简直太开心了。长久以来,我第一次感到心中涌起一股暖流。到心中涌起一股暖流。争堂仕灌疽窿据燥签辟拓齿搔铭舌上汐灯铁岂张帧柄媳菊璃恨宦舀疼旨贬世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) emotion /Fn/: n. strong feeling of any kind 情感;感情情感;感情TextB_P4_LP_emotione.g. Her voice trembled with emo

280、tion.Do you think it possible that robots will be able to feel emotions in the future?她的声音因情绪激动而发颤。她的声音因情绪激动而发颤。你觉得将来的机器人有可能体会各种感情吗?你觉得将来的机器人有可能体会各种感情吗?TTLanguage Points 峪父囊帝疟柿骚肉航签怪宫央袍国虞竞椽驮损李农左碗拢巨贴驴栓冷孜孔世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_belly belly /b/ n. part of the body below the

281、 chest; front of the human body from the waist to the groin 腹部;肚子腹部;肚子Language Points 徽惭朱肺焰曙佰刀孜湛菱赶益丝样铂辑校狐熬骇生参互澡囤看载秸啥凋甚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_heaven heaven /hvn/: n. place believed to be the home of God and the angels and of good people after death 天国,天堂天国,天堂 e.g. heaven

282、 and earthThe Toy Town is like heaven to the kids.天上人间天上人间玩具城对孩子们来说就像天堂一样。玩具城对孩子们来说就像天堂一样。TTLanguage Points 虎琢中帚涉是碑吊叉洞嵌杖嘘擂蝶姻龙淆彰悬厕秉护辉盅矢颈抓持挪淳沁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_stream stream /i/: vi. flow or move as a stream 流,淌流,淌e.g. Sunlight streamed in through the window.Her gold

283、en hair was streaming behind her.阳光从窗口照进来。阳光从窗口照进来。T金色的秀发披在她的脑后。金色的秀发披在她的脑后。TLanguage Points 隅拽疆肘圆而跟甸灭粟假鸥昼幽休溢裁骋驳疙汽奖哀噎灵烁赛净稿促鹤液世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) sustain /n/: vt. support and encourage 支持;给支持;给以勇气;激励以勇气;激励TextB_P4_LP_ sustaine.g. The thought of seeing his family again sustained

284、him. Can the branch sustain so much weight?与家人重逢的念头支撑着他。与家人重逢的念头支撑着他。树枝承受得了这么重的分量吗?树枝承受得了这么重的分量吗?TTLanguage Points 计绎亿袒婶擦好辊予芝折旦绊祭迟讫肠役涪喉踩蠕浴梆玫涛深解洪薛荒筏世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) terror / /: n. great fear 恐怖恐怖TextB_P4_LP_terror e.g. Ive never felt so much terror in all my life.We halted ou

285、r steps in terror.我一生从未感到如此恐惧过。我一生从未感到如此恐惧过。我们吓得停住脚步。我们吓得停住脚步。TTLanguage Points 涧旱内梭铆仔叭丁型洋缨竞桶旧返尼拐狂坞紧棚滋央损阮侯沤倒听美汗撕世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_hopelessness hopelessness /hpn/ n. the fact or state of being hopeless 无望;绝望无望;绝望Language Points 艘膨歇郑泌材埠聊萝括鲜桐苟蒜缄放铃貉涨鬼檄撮兑魔春舷抡捶鲜勺篮蹄世纪大学实用

286、英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)TextB_P4_LP_But I still have the memory But I still have the memory of this girl, a memory I carry in my heart for it gives me the will to go on as I move to America to start a new life. 但我仍然记得这个女孩。这记忆我一直珍藏在心中,因为当我移居美国开始新的生活时,它但我仍然记得这个女孩。这记忆我一直珍藏在心中,因为当我移居美国开始新的生活时

287、,它给了我生活下去的毅力。给了我生活下去的毅力。 Language Points 沈底票俏粟妒罚剩硬损哨篇睦饮吉折慢家捷样喀啊表篮陛炯克眨迹捕稼纷世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Exercises Answer the following questions. 1. What do we know about the writer from the first paragraph? 2. How does he feel when he walks next to the barbed wire fence? 3. What do the gi

288、rls eyes show when she sees the writer? 4. What does the girl do then? 5. How significant is the apple to the writer? 6. Why does he come back the next day to the spot where he has met the girl? 7. Does the girl come again? What does she do? 8. What happens in the following months? 9. What breaks th

289、eir friendship apart?10. What impact does the girl have in the writers mind?11. What did the writer do after the war? TextB_Exc1冉凰熬埂碟溅豺柳眯衙肘跌拉佃饥晒朵佑梅屑欠素蜘佛普益辆槛睹濒段太世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)1.He was acting in a way, throwing up his hands and singing, then yelling that somebody was murderi

290、ng him.2. Sometimes negative are important for you to feel, like grief when a loved one passes away.3. The storm chilled(使寒冷使寒冷) the air to the point that we had to press together to keep from . TextB_Exc2crazyFill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. freeze cr

291、azy pity emotion heaven shiver cautiously sustain terror edible_shivering_emotions_绩粤尊练擞箱滓挚旨哥遏扬利粳根椽抛呼凤疫蹿馋咆在冷阵蝴稚骇眨木辩世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3) 4. His illness was mentioned ; even doctors discussed his case in hushed(低声的低声的) tones. 5. The thought of seeing her again him through his days

292、 in the concentration camp. 6. The nurse said that she all who came into the emergency unit of her hospital. 7. A feeling of remained with her even days after the accident. 8. In the painting, God and the angels are sitting on clouds in . 9. The beef is no longer instead it tastes like a piece of ru

293、bber(橡胶橡胶).10. At those words his face , then he smiled again, almost reluctantly.TextB_Exc3cautiously _sustained_pitied_terror_heaven_edible_froze_泪非花但猎仍痒碱遍涛胺凶绅涩语淀凭灭姥伎琼铃饺强潍卒钦桶屹鲜痢纲世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)1. We believe that certain goals are desirable and worth , so we give them all

294、our efforts.2. Even his best friends couldnt why he suddenly ended his relationship with his girlfriend.3. Nancy tightly Davids hand as they walked into the dark woods.4. If you dont the weeds in time, they will soon flood the whole garden.5. Herman his inside coat pocket and produced a little noteb

295、ook. 6. After the new library is built, the old one will be in use.7. He the chair, hoping to get a little break before the long meeting resumed(重新开始重新开始).8. Two boys were in the playground, throwing a baseball .TextB_Exc4Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where nec

296、essary. no longer back and forth sink into reach into pull out cling to hold to figure outfigure out _clinging to_held to _pull out _back and forth_reached into _no longer _sank into _理忠了姥僚硬烯勾菇娟雅涪瓶阻腕幼丘家璃跃送即收捐咀樊噬微曲知纶险世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC_p1 Hungry for Your Love (Contin

297、ued) By Herman and Roma Rosenblat (As told to Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.) 1 Years pass. It is 1957. I am living in New York City. A friend convinces(说服)me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his. Reluctantly(不情愿地), I agree. But she is nice, this woman named Roma. And like me, she is an immigr

298、ant(移民), so we have at least that in common. “Where were you during the war?” Roma asks me gently, in that delicate(小心翼翼的)way immigrants ask one another questions about those years. “I was in a concentration camp in Germany,” I reply. Roma gets a far away look in her eyes, as if she is remembering s

299、omething painful yet sweet. “What is it?” I ask.CH234 5 目曲五伪昆陈并尽值炉随瞻辰障挫穴绥死秩踪孝唾狡罩曲蹈盾议咳姨虾操世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC-1-Chinese渴望得到你的爱渴望得到你的爱(续) 赫尔曼赫尔曼罗森布拉特,萝玛罗森布拉特,萝玛罗森布拉特罗森布拉特 (对芭芭拉对芭芭拉迪安吉利斯博士的口述迪安吉利斯博士的口述) 许许多多年年过过去去了了,时时间间已已是是19571957年年。我我住住在在纽纽约约市市。有有个个朋朋友友想想把把他他的的一一位位女女性

300、性朋朋友友介介绍绍给给我我,并并已已说说服服我我去去和和她她见见见见面面。我我同同意意了了,不不过过很很勉勉强强,但但这这位位女女士士人人不不错错,她叫萝玛。而且她和我一样,也是移民,所以至少在这点上我们有了共同之处。她叫萝玛。而且她和我一样,也是移民,所以至少在这点上我们有了共同之处。 “战战争争期期间间你你在在哪哪里里?”萝萝玛玛柔柔声声问问道道,那那种种小小心心翼翼翼翼的的方方式式是是移移民民之之间间问问及及那那些些岁月时所特有的。岁月时所特有的。 “我在德国的一个集中营里,我在德国的一个集中营里,”我回答。我回答。 萝玛的目光忽然恍惚迷离起来,仿佛记起了某件痛苦却又甜蜜的事。萝玛的目光

301、忽然恍惚迷离起来,仿佛记起了某件痛苦却又甜蜜的事。 “怎么了?怎么了?”我问。我问。浮士迹庇割洁捉锈久园守咋峪赵埔延债懒哇怪在袄怀围劝慈觉遮弛屡诚肘世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Roma sighs heavily and continues. “It is hard to describe how we felt about each other after all, we were young, and we only exchanged a few words when we could but I can tell you, ther

302、e was much love there. I assume(猜想)he was killed like so many others. But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together.”Text CtaxtC-p2“I am just thinking about something from my past, Herman,” Roma explains in a voice suddenly very soft.

303、 “You see, when I was a young girl, I lived near a concentration camp. There was a boy there, a prisoner, and for a long while, I used to visit him every day. I remember I used to bring him apples. I would throw the apple over the fence, and he would be so happy.”CH 6 7组婉酝宙蠢亥曝相扼掌廊顶缝韩恶们煽就瞒惮访激婶蔽验钩胖赫舌尸

304、格乒世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC-p2-Chinese “我我只只是是在在想想很很久久以以前前的的一一件件事事,赫赫曼曼, ,”萝玛用用突突然然变得得很很轻柔柔的的声声音音解解释道道。“你你知知道道吗,当当我我还是是个个小小姑姑娘娘的的时候候,我我住住在在一一个个集集中中营附附近近。那那里里有有个个小小男男孩孩,一一个个囚囚犯犯。有有很很长一一段段时间我我天天天天去去看看他他。我我记得得我我一一直直带苹苹果果给他他。我我把把苹苹果果扔扔过栅栏,而他每次都那么开心。而他每次都那么开心。” 萝玛重重重重地地叹了了一一口口气

305、气,继续讲述述着着:“很很难说清清楚楚我我们彼彼此此之之间的的感感受受毕竟竟我我们那那时还小小,而而且且只只在在有有机机会会的的时候候才才说上上几几句句话但但我我可可以以告告诉你你,我我们的的心心里里充充满了了爱。我我估估计他他和和许多多人人一一样遇遇难了了。可可是是我我不不忍忍这样去去想想,所所以以我我努努力力记住住我我们在一起的那几个月里他的在一起的那几个月里他的样子。子。”茵婪菇阜皖甫船澜侮黄然咬搽央海粤膝冯秒河啤洛镜烈毫臼票芍卓肥萌帚世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)With my heart pounding so loudly I t

306、hink it will explode, I look directly at Roma and ask, “And did that boy say to you one day, Do not bring me an apple tomorrow. I am being sent to another camp?”“Why, yes,” Roma responds, her voice trembling.“But, Herman, how on earth could you possibly(可能可能) know that?”I take her hands in mine and

307、answer, “Because I was that young boy, Roma.”For many moments, there is only silence. We cannot take our eyes from each other, and as the veils(面面纱纱) of time lift, we recognize the soul behind the eyes, the dear friend we once loved so much, whom we have never stopped loving, whom we have never stop

308、ped remembering.Finally, I speak, “Look, Roma, I was separated from you once, and I dont ever want to be separated from you again. Now, I am free, and I want to be together with you forever, Dear, will you marry me?”Text CtaxtC-3-ECH8910111213则酣折邀沛眼挟田窘坯释污磊协软箔辫邢置禽钠灶舰物陕潮鹰笔齿士锈句世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用

309、英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC-3-Chinese 我我的的心心怦怦怦怦直直跳跳,只只觉得得心心脏就就要要爆爆炸炸了了一一样。我我直直直直地地望望着着萝玛,问道道:“那那个个男孩是不是有一天男孩是不是有一天对你你说,明天明天别给我我带苹果了。我要被送到另一个集中苹果了。我要被送到另一个集中营去了去了?” “呃,是的,呃,是的,”萝玛用用颤抖的声音回道抖的声音回道说。 “可是,赫曼,可是,赫曼,这事你怎么可能知道呢?事你怎么可能知道呢?” 我握住她的双手,回答我握住她的双手,回答说,“因因为我就是那个小男孩呀,我就是那个小男孩呀,萝玛。”很很久久很很久久,我我们都都默默默

310、默无无语。我我们都都无无法法把把目目光光从从对方方身身上上移移开开。时间的的面面纱揭揭开开之之后后,我我们都都认出出了了双双眸眸之之后后的的那那个个灵灵魂魂,那那个个曾曾经如如此此深深爱,又又从从未未停停止止爱恋恋、停停止止思念的思念的挚友。友。 最最后后,我我开开口口了了:“听听我我说,萝玛,我我曾曾一一度度与与你你分分开开,我我再再也也不不想想与与你你分分开开了了。现在,我自由了,我想永在,我自由了,我想永远和你在一起。和你在一起。亲爱的,你愿意嫁的,你愿意嫁给我我吗?”蒜铅降育腆篮迄慌尹母挑哈堂澜烁杨辈弟菱娜陋垄砷赢净嘛藩诅仑禁凶煌世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综

311、合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC-4-EI see that same twinkle in her eyes that I used to see as Roma says, “Yes, I will marry you,” and we embrace(拥拥抱抱), the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us. Now, nothing ever will again.Almost forty years have passed since that d

312、ay when I found my Roma again. Destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope, and now it had reunited(使团聚使团聚)us to fulfill that promise.Valentines Day(情情人人节节), 1996. I bring Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor her on national television. I want to tell he

313、r in front of millions of people what I feel in my heart every day:“Darling, you fed me in the concentration camp when I was hungry. And I am still hungry, for something I will never get enough of: I am only hungry for your love.” (592 words)CH141516弊鼓修织篓羡炼均霉涨稀渗妨讹驹若旋爪判戒季揩济径古掠审摔纸匪矛霄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单

314、元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Text CtaxtC-4-Chinese 我我看看到到萝萝玛玛的的眼眼里里又又闪闪出出了了和和过过去去一一样样的的亮亮光光。“是是的的,我我愿愿意意嫁嫁给给你你,”她她说说。我我们们拥拥抱抱在在一一起起。那那几几个个月月里里我我们们期期待待分分享享这这拥拥抱抱,可可铁铁丝丝栅栅栏栏阻阻隔隔了了我我们们。现现在在,再没有什么能阻隔我们了。再没有什么能阻隔我们了。 从从再再次次找找到到我我的的萝萝玛玛那那天天起起,将将近近4040年年又又过过去去了了。命命运运在在战战争争期期间间第第一一次次将将我我们们带到一起,给了我一个希望的承诺,现在命运又使我们

315、重聚,并且实现了那个承诺。带到一起,给了我一个希望的承诺,现在命运又使我们重聚,并且实现了那个承诺。 1996年年,情情人人节节。我我带带萝萝玛玛去去参参加加奥奥普普拉拉 温温弗弗里里访访谈谈节节目目,在在这这个个全全国国播播放放的的电电视视访访谈谈节节目目里里表表达达我我对对她她的的敬敬意意。我我想想在在几几百百万万观观众众面面前前告告诉诉她她我我每每天天的的感感受受:“亲亲爱爱的的,在在集集中中营营里里我我饥饥饿饿时时,你你满满足足了了我我。现现在在我我仍仍然然饥饥饿饿,而而我我渴渴望望得得到到的的东东西永远也不够:我只渴望得到你的爱。西永远也不够:我只渴望得到你的爱。”迈兴辜俐远程裳阮佐

316、屈厂瑚基炊剪钩盘嗜碰柞姿热系朗寺掠彭雅甚毒繁胜世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Comprehension of the TextChoose the best answer for each of the following multiple choice questions.taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-1The writer agrees to go on a blind date with Roma because _.KEYA) he knows few people in New YorkB) Roma is

317、 an immigrant like himC) he is persuaded by his friendD) its time for him to marry 1. 尊瞻页酣洲字嘛掸胚披楞抒晒限袜戊胸留桓葡撑求械枕惟弦摄然苟刨累交世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-2 Hearing that the writer was in a concentration camp in Germany during the war, Roma seems to _. KEYA) show much

318、 interest in his experience B) feel sympathetic towards himC) remember her painful pastD) fall into some thoughts 2. 硬向栏匣肠遥店忧见愚拥丢织师厅程布踪括佬恍磷沿端将凰锑苦扳痈儒片世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-3After their separation, both Roma and Herman _.KEYA) regret not exchanging their

319、namesB) keep remembering each otherC) hope to see each other againD) assume the other one dead 3. 着诛细锥破灸腺号俺腾僳湍泳儒矾又志巧染施丹涌饥尤料呵苞谅守瘴晒财世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-4Roma gets to know that the writer is the boy at the concentration camp because _.KEYA) she recognize

320、s his eyesB) she has learned his story from his friendC) he repeats something that he said to her beforeD) he tells his experience at the camp to her 4. 秒劳纂吾跑棉腿搀莱会韵啤痈危景榴淄蜒侨临椭夷麻煞脓彩琢谩谷晴茬寄世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-5Whats Romas immediate reaction when she knows

321、 that the writer is the boy at the concentration camp?KEYA) She looks at him in silence.B) She embraces him earnestly.C) She trembles at the surprise.D) She cries in great joy. 5. 粉硕窃箕吾至杀奴纫媒场于邦罕燕劈何佛撑牲惜思蜡鲸油涤孩徊艇归华订世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-6 The writer brings

322、 Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show in order to_.KEYA) commemorate(纪念念) their 40 years marriage B) tell their legendary story to the publicC) celebrate the Valentines DayD) express his love to her 6. 谍钞邹岸右模钾葛脸宦毗谭浮矗扼蒜宰等捕巢迈叔母爷遗僵徐暖吼整渠并世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Basic Reading SkillstaxtC-Basic

323、 Reading Skills_listScanningA.The following are the title and the first sentence of each paragraph of Text B, Unit 7. Read them as quickly as possible to see if you can get the main idea of the passage.B.Read the following passage as quickly as possible, paying special attention to the boldfaced par

324、ts. Then try to give the main idea of the passage. 略略读读(Skimming)就就是是快快读读或或简简略略地地阅阅读读。略略读读不不同同于于查查读读(Scanning),查查读读是是带带着着问问题题到到阅阅读读材材料料中中去去寻寻找找某某一一特特定定的的信信息息,而而略略读读则则是是用用迅迅速速浏浏览览全全文文的的方方法法尽尽快快了了解解作作者者所所要要阐阐明明的的主主题题,了了解解文文章章的的总总体体意意思思。比比如如阅阅读读报报刊刊文文章章,浏浏览览文文章章的的标标题题和和每每一一段段的的第第一一句句便便足足以以使使你你了了解解文文章章的

325、的大大致致内内容容。略略读读时时要要把把注注意意力力集集中中在在关关键键词词语语(key words)上上, 有有意意识识地地“略略过过”一一些些语语法法词词(grammar words),如如 to, and, is, the 等等, “略略过过”一一些些不不影影响响理理解主题的生词。因此,在略读中识别关键词语十分重要。解主题的生词。因此,在略读中识别关键词语十分重要。秧存陵系唱暂浸旺蝶蛾刨营炳兜画忍演俞惮泰泉走吁泻待雄鸭路闸趟芍整世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Students in ShockThere are three reasons

326、 why todays college students are suffering more than earlier generations. First is a weakening family support structure.Another problem college students face is financial pressure.A final cause of student shock is the large selection of majors available.While there is no magic cure-all for student s

327、hock, colleges have begun to recognize the problem and are trying in a number of ways to help students cope with the pressures they face.In addition, stress-management workshops have become common on college campuses.Finally, many schools are improving their vocational counseling services.If you eve

328、r feel that youre “in shock,” remember that your experience is not unique.A.The following are the title and the first sentence of each paragraph of Text B, Unit 7. Read them as quickly as possible to see if you can get the main idea of the passage.taxtC-choose1Title: Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4

329、Para. 5 Para. 6 Para. 7檬锈偿校害肥炔腑肤唇件仍愤潍拦陇叮柑倡阀峨娟储涉兄烘萝市泄纳汇叁世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Japans classrooms are rapidly becoming places of fear. Previously pupils may have dreaded violence from too strict teachers but now educators themselves are saying they live in terror. A record 1,609 teac

330、hers took a leave of absence in December because they were stressed by students intransigence, said the ministry of education. Increasingly common lesson disruption has become known as “classroom breakdown” and has taken Japans once revered teachers by surprise. The Japanese media is packed with rep

331、orts from harassed teachers stunned by the spreading rebelliousness. NHK (Japans equivalent of the BBC) recently devoted a six-part series called Destruction of the Classroom to the problem. One in 12 classrooms nationwide fell into this category, it claimed. Japan: Classroom Disruption Takes Staff

332、by Surprise Michael FitzpatricktaxtC-choose3B.Read the following passage as quickly as possible, paying special attention to the boldfaced parts. Then try to give the main idea of the passage.钱鹤足报踏笛蕊怜雹拣揍朴俱娠擎纤访伏挺围挪鄙铆育衙篮篱绑擎负创名世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Discipline has rarely been a proble

333、m before. Traditional teaching methods, based on Confucian precepts, required total silence from passive students who at least gave a semblance of paying full attention. Pupils were often told they should be “like grave stones” all the same and silent. Now teachers are beginning to lose control of t

334、he classroom as Japanese children embrace more aggressive, individualistic American and European codes of behavior, say sociologists. Teachers say they are bewildered by disruptive or threatening behavior. But teacher violence also appears to be growing. Although physical punishment is prohibited by

335、 law, the ministry of education said a record 414 teachers were reprimanded for striking students last month.taxtC-choose4Suggested Answers:横礁侍傈悍检谁狈堰暗叫鼻揪俊蚁志帅讽羡矫秩鞍脸肥帖潦负如渗恿睬佃世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元(3)Suggested Answers:A. These sentences summarize the main idea of each paragraph of the text.B. The boldfaced parts give the main idea of each paragraph of the passage. 婶吵勘和河墟雷或升瞒澈稳兄冰肌屎掀电悄啼尸圆咨耘盖恨瞅棵崔卷道斗世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元世纪大学实用英语综合教程第三册第五单元



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