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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Unit 6 Do you like bananas?贵阳市第一实验中学贵阳市第一实验中学 许登勇许登勇Section B 2a-3b可以为师矣。 子曰:温故而知新,Lets review!我们一起来复习chickenice-creamsaladGame: Look and sayRevisionsldstrawberrpearorangebananaappleRevisionhamburgersssssi yesZZZZiziz Yao MingFor breakfast For lunch For dinnerhe likeshe do

2、esnt likeA:What does he like for ?B:He likes, but he doesnt like.Lead-inCindy SmithSports Star Eats WellPre-readingWhat does she like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?GuessWhile-reading2bRead the magazine article and circle the food words.Read this passage again, then try to help Cindy make a diet list.

3、帮助Cindy做一个饮食清单。While-readingCindy is a volleyball starshe likesshe doesnt like1.For breakfast2.For lunch3.For dinner4.After dinnerfruitoranges and applesbananassaladhamburgerschickenice-cream1. Why(为什么为什么) does Cindy like fruit?2. Why doesnt Cindy like hamburgers?3. Why doesnt Cindy eat ice-cream? A

4、nswer the questions. she thinks it is healthy. they are not healthy. she doesnt want to be fat.Because(因为因为)BecauseBecauseWhile-reading读读写写读读写写Post-readingPost-reading读读写写读读写写 Cindy is a _ star. For breakfast, She doesnt like _, but she _oranges and _. For _, she likes salad very much. _ dinner, she

5、 likes chicken, but she _ like hamburgers, because theyre not very _. After dinner, she likes ice-cream, _ she doesnt eat it. She doesnt want to be _. Post-readingvolleyballbananasappleslunchdoesnthealthybutfatForlikesFill in the blanks.Report Show time !四人一组,调查本组成员早餐,中餐,晚餐,以及晚餐后吃什么。每个成员只调查一项内容,并用思维

6、导图的形式将其画在读写本上。最后,由其中一名组员根据思维导图进行report.Post-reading Hello, Im Mr. Xu. For breakfast, I like bread and milk. For lunch, Zhou Xingyuan likes noodles, but he doesnt like rice. For dinner, Zhang Junyi likes rice. After dinner, Liu Siyu likes oranges and apples, because she thinks they are healthy.Homeworkwriting1.听Section B 2b文章的录音,并熟读课文。2.根据调查结果以及思维导图,写出你和同伴一日三餐喜欢吃什么,不喜欢吃什么。See you !Have a nice day !Have a nice day !



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