(全国版)2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 Unit 2 Cloning课件 新人教版选修8

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1、Unit 2Cloning.情景默写1_(商业的)hunters attracted them to small clearings with grain,waited until pigeons had settled to feed.(2014全国卷)2I think this is simply because people are naturally _(保守的)and do not like change.(2014安徽卷)3Christmas is drawing near.Lets go and buy some _ (装饰) to make our house and Chri

2、stmas tree more beautiful.Commercialconservativedecorations4My father _ (禁止) me to play computer games unless I finish all my homework.5Dr Johnson _ (从事) the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary last year.6The way my brother talked to mother _ (打扰) me.7The wellknown scientist always sa

3、ys that he _ (归功于) all his success to the support of his family.8All the new employees are asked to learn about the rules and _ (规则) of the company and they must obey them.9Traffic accidents happen _ (不时) on this road.forbidsundertookbotheredowesregulationsfrom time to time10Mountain Tai _ its beaut

4、y _ (使刻骨铭心) and she decided to visit it again next year.11The doctor did all he could to _ (让他苏醒过来)12His parents tried to persuade him not to give up his wellpaid job,but their efforts were _ (白费力气)13We _(一定会) meet with difficulties in carrying out this research.14Li Feng won the first prize in the

5、national English competition. Oh,really? Im glad that her efforts at last _ (取得好结果)15I have told her about our plan,and she is _ (支持) it.16He was _ (沮丧) because he was scolded.struckinto her heartbring him back to lifein vainare bound topaid offin favour ofcast down.词性转换1I didnt say that I wanted to

6、 buy it but _ (mere) asked for the price.2His explanation was not _ (reason),so all of us didnt accept it.3Jackie Chan enjoys great _(popular) both in Hong Kong and inland.4The teacher often _ the students papers in time,and his _help them greatly.(correct)5The evidence is slowly _,but this does not

7、 mean that the _ is undesirable.(accumulate)6Dont _ that you are a princess and stop living in _ any more.(assume)7Nowadays few people can _ the temptation of money,whoever is _ to it is bound to achieve a lot in their life.(resist)merelyreasonablepopularitycorrectscorrectionsaccumulatingaccumulatio

8、nassumeassumptionsresistresistant8He _ from the post as a manager.After his _,he settled down in a remote village.(retire)9Grey decided to move to the countryside and his mother made no _to it while his father _ to it.(object)10From the appearance,we can not tell the _ between the twins,though they

9、always have some _ ideas.As for this phenomenon,ideas _ among many people.(differ)11The _ date of the party has escaped me but I know _ who took part in it.(exact)retiredretirementobjectionobjecteddifferencesdifferentdifferexactexactly1句型公式:并列连词while她很勤奋,而他很懒。She is very diligent,_2句型公式:分词作状语孩子们又激动又

10、欣喜地跑到了前面。The children rushed to the front,_while he is lazyexcited and delighted3句型公式:with复合结构所有工作都完成了,她有时间去购物了。_,she had time to go shopping.4句型公式:that引导的表语从句我的建议是,如果明天下雨,我们最好去图书馆。_ we had better go to the library.With all the work finishedMy suggestion is that if it rains tomorrow1forbid vt.(forba

11、de/forbad,forbidden)禁止;不准高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空In some Middle Eastern countries,exposing your flesh _ (forbid),especially if you are a woman.The regulations forbid _(smoke)in the room.is forbiddensmokingMy parents forbade me _ falling in love with any boy when I was in high school.The heavy rain forba

12、de us _(go)out,so we had to stay at home aimlessly.根据提示改写练习1 _,so we had to stay at home aimlessly.(改为被动语态)2 _ (改为过去分词作状语)3 _(改为独立主格结构)fromto goWe were forbidden to go outForbidden to go out,we had to stay at home aimlessly.The heavy rain forbidding us to go out,we had to stay at home aimlessly.状元笔状

13、元笔记记全全记记牢牢2owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于;应感谢高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空/微写作I owe _ to the doctor that I am still alive.Owing _ the bad weather,the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.他把他的成功归功于努力工作和实践。_ittoHe owes his success to hard work and practice.状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢(1)owe sb an apology该向某人道歉owe sb a favour 欠某人

14、一个人情owe sb sth owe sth to sb 欠某人某物(2)owe.to. 把归功于owe it to sb that. 多亏某人(3)owing to 因为;由于3bother vt.打扰 vi.操心 n烦扰;令人烦恼的事或人高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空/一句多译You dont bother _(get)dinner for me today,Ill eat out.He is really _ bother,for he is always putting others to bother.一直没有对他讲真话,这让我很苦恼。1 _ have told him t

15、he truth.2 _ I havent told him the truth.3 Not having told him the truth _to getaIt bothers me not toIt bothers me thatput me to bother状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢(1)bother sb with/about sth为某事打扰或麻烦某人bother to do sth费心做某事It bothers sb that/to do sth 使某人苦恼的是(2)put sb to any bother 给某人添乱【点津】 bother作“麻烦;困难”讲时,是不可数名词

16、;作“令人烦恼的事物”“讨厌的人”讲时,是单数可数名词。4.object vi.反对;不赞成高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空However,others strongly object to _ (own) private cars.I have no _ (object) to the plan,so long as it would not cost too much.You should stop blaming yourself and be more _ (object) about your ability,which I feel is a sure way to pro

17、mote your confidence.owningobjectionobjective状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢(1)object to sb/sth反对;不赞成某人/某事object to doing sth 反对做某事(2)objection n. 反对;提出异议have/make/raise an objection to (doing) sth 对(做)某事提出异议或反对(3)objective adj. 客观的;真实的;宾语的5strike v打;撞击;罢工;袭击;报时 n罢工高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空Every year this time,the visito

18、rs _ (strike) by the beauty of the tourist area.The workers are coming out _ strike for higher wages._ struck me that I would have an important meeting in Shanghai the next day.are struckonIt状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢(1)it strikes sb that.某人突然想起be struck by 被打动/迷住了(2)be on strike 在罢工go on strike 举行罢工1pay off 得到

19、好结果;取得成功;偿清高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透单句语法填空/微写作Can you lend me 10 and Ill pay you _ on Friday?Youll have to pay _ your carelessness.我们的决心和耐心有了突破性的结果在考试中我们得到了满分(full marks)。_backforOur determination and patience paid off with a breakthroughwe got full marks in the exam.状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢pay for sth付某物的钱;为某事物付出代价pay

20、sb for sth 因某事给某人报酬pay back 偿还(欠款);报复;回报2in favour of赞成;支持高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透我姐姐反对我的提议,然而我弟弟却赞成。_in his favorin favourMy sister was against my suggestion while my brother was in favour of it.对比填空/微写作状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢3in good/poor condition状况很好/坏;情况很好/坏高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透完成句子My grandmother takes exercise every da

21、y,and she _ now.我奶奶每天都锻炼身体,她现在身体状况很好。You may use this computer,_ you are able to use it properly so as not to damage it.你可以使用这台电脑,条件是你能恰当地使用它,以免弄坏它。On no condition _.图书馆里绝不允许吸烟。is in good conditionon condition thatis smoking permitted in the library状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢out of condition健康状况欠佳on this conditi

22、on 在此条件下on no condition 一点也不;决不 (放在句首时,主句用部分倒装语序)on condition that. 只要;如果The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die,but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.高考必刷高考必刷题练题练透透其优点是如果发生某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来

23、,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。完成句子/句型转换_ it can not only make us happy,but also please others.微笑的优势在于它不仅仅让我们高兴,还能取悦别人。The advantage/strength of smiling is that_ there is no public transport.这个地区的不便之处就是没有公共交通工具。It is possible that one smoker in four will die of lung cancer._The disadvantage of the area is thatThe c

24、hance is that one smoker in four will die of lung cancer.状元笔状元笔记记全全记记牢牢the advantage is that.意为:其优点是;that在句中引导表语从句。(1)the chance is that.有可能(2)the problem (of.) is that. (的)问题是(3)the strength (of.) is that. (的)优势是(4)the drawback (to.) is that. (的)缺点是(5)the disadvantage (of.) is that. (的)不足是.课文语法填空1

25、_(clone) is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.2._ has two major uses.One is that gardeners use it to produce commercial quantities of plants.The other is that it is 3._ (value) for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals.However,the process of cloning

26、 is difficult to undertake.CloningItvaluableThe first successful clone,Dolly the sheep,4._ (make) the whole scientific world follow its process,though it had 5._ (many) problems than the normal sheep.On the other hand,Dollys 6._ (appear)raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on 7._ medi

27、a and public imagination.Different people have different opinions 8._ it.9._,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and 10._ it is leading us.mademoreappearancetheonHoweverwhere.课文短文改错The possibility of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals have always excited film makers.And

28、 they are not the only one.The popularity of the film Jurassic Park proves how interesting ordinary people are in the subject.It is a film in that a scientist clones several kind of extinct dinosaurs.In fact,we are long way from being able to clone extinct animals.From time to time people suggested

29、that the animals that have disappeared from the earth,can be brought back to the life through cloning.Unfortunately,based on what we know,it is possible.So dinosaurs returned to the earth is merely a dream.答案答案.单元要点微写作根据下面提示写一篇60词左右的短文介绍人们对于克隆的观点。人们在克隆技术上分歧相当大。由于克隆会对我们有益,一些人支持它的发展;然而另外一些人反对(object)研

30、发克隆,因为它会对人类造成危害。在我看来,只要所有的人承诺合理使用,克隆将会有很大的回报。【参考范文】People differ greatly in cloning technique.Some are in favor of the development of cloning,for it can benefit us while others object to developing it for the harm that it can do to human beings.In my opinion,cloning will pay off on assumption that all undertake to use properly.



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