高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 2 English around the world课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 2 English around the world基础知识落实基础知识落实F词汇梳理1._ adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的_ n. 军官;警官2._ n. 航行;航海3._ adj. 本国的;本地的_ n. 本地人;本国人4._ adv. 实际上;事实上_ adj. 实际的5._ vt. 以为根据_ n. 基部;基地;基础_ adj. 基础的;基本的6._ adj. 逐渐的;逐步的_ adv. 逐渐地; 逐步地7._ n. 词汇;词汇量;词表8._ n. 拼写;拼法_ vt. 用字母拼;拼写9._ n. 本身;本体;身份_ vt. 识别;鉴别_ n. 鉴定;辨别10._ adj.

2、 较后的;(两者中)后者的11._ adj. 流利的;流畅的_ adv. 流利地;流畅地_ n. 流利;流畅12._ adj. 频繁的;常见的_ adv. 常常;频繁地13._ n. 使用;用法;词语惯用法_ n. 用途;v. 使用_ adj. 有用的_ adj. 无用的14._ n. & vt. 命令;指令;掌握_ n. 指挥官15._ n. & vt. 请求;要求16._ n. 表达;表示;词语_ vt. 表达;表示17._ n. 口音;强调;重音18._ n. 闪电19._ adv. 直接;挺直_ adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的20._ n. 街区;块;石块自我校对1. official

3、; officer 2. voyage 3. native; native 4. actually; actual 5. base; base; basic 6. gradual; gradually 7. vocabulary 8. spelling; spell 9. identity; identify; identification 10. latter 11. fluent; fluently; fluency 12. frequent; frequently 13. usage; use; useful; useless 14. command; commander 15. req

4、uest 16. expression; express 17. accent 18. lightning 19. straight; straight 20. blockF短语回顾1._ 因为;由于2._ 走进;上来;提出3._ 现在;目前4._ 利用;使用5._ 例如;像这种的6._ 扮演一个角色;参与7._ 不仅仅是;不只是8._ 信不信由你9._ 以作为的基础10._ 标准英语自我校对1. because of 2. come up 3. at present 4. make use of 5. such as 6. play a part (in) 7. more than 8. b

5、elieve it or not 9. base . on . 10. standard EnglishF句型翻译1. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present._2. 为什么不坐地铁?_自我校对1. 当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。2. Why not go by Underground?F语法剖析1. The hostess said to me, “Please sit down.”The hostess asked me to sit down.2. Father said

6、, “Dont make so much noise, boys.”Father told the boys not to make so much noise.重点知识探究重点知识探究F重点词语1. more than one 不止一个(谓语动词用单数)More than one question was raised at the meeting. 会上提出了不止一个问题。More persons than one have been shot in the battle. 战斗中被击毙者不止一人。知识拓展more than + num. 超过;多于more than + n. 不仅仅是;

7、不只是more than + adj. / adv. 非常;十分more+ adj. / n. + than+ adj. / n. 与其说倒不如说no more than + num.=only 仅仅not more than + num.=at most 至多;不超过探究练习(1)Im _ _ pleased to deliver goods to your home. 我非常乐意为您送货上门。(2)Dont be too hard on him. He is _ misled _ stupid. 不要对他太苛刻。与其说他愚蠢,倒不如说他被误导了。(3)It took her _ _ _ _

8、 to get there. 到达那里花了她不止一个小时。(4)He caught _ _ _ six fish. 他捕的鱼不超过6条。(5)He is _ _ a novelist. He is a poet as well. 他不仅仅是一位小说家,他还是一位诗人。答案 (1)more than (2)more; than (3)more than one hour (4)not more than (5)more than2. because of 因为;由于She walked slowly because of her bad leg. 她走得很慢是因为腿有毛病。He was angr

9、y because of what you had said. 因为你说的话他生气了。知识拓展because of “因为”,后接名词、代词或动名词,作状语。常用于口语中。due to “由于”,作表语或状语,不可置于句首。owing to “由于;因为”,作状语。thanks to “多亏;由于”,作状语,常用于指某件好事发生的原因。on account of “因为;由于”,作状语。探究练习(1)The driver was seriously injured in the accident _ careless driving.A. because B. because ofC. for

10、 D. as解析 四个选项均可表示原因,只有B项because of后可接名词、代词或动名词;其他选项都是连词。答案 B(2)The great success of this programme has been largely _ the support given by the local businessmen. A. due to B. because ofC. thanks to D. on account of解析 四个选项均为“因为;由于”之意,B、C、D三项常作状语,A项既可作状语又可作表语。答案 A3. come up 走进;上来;(植物)长出;发芽;(太阳等)升起;(困难

11、等)发生;出现;(问题等)被提到;被讨论Why dont you come up to Scotland for a few days? 为什么不来苏格兰住几天呢?The seeds havent come up yet. 种子还未发芽。The sun was coming up by the time I finished the essay. 我完成那篇文章的时候,太阳正冉冉升起。Sorry I cant go with you something has suddenly come up. 对不起,我不能跟你一起去了我突然有急事。A lot of new questions came u

12、p at the meeting. 会上许多新问题被提了出来。知识拓展come up with 想出;提出;找到;产生come about 发生come across 偶遇;偶然发现;穿过(路、桥)come along 一起去;加把劲;进展;进步come on 赶快;加油;出场come out 出版;出来;结果是come to 苏醒;总计;谈到探究练习(1)(2011全国)I can _ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean.A. come up with B. put up withC. turn to D. stick

13、 to(2)(2011天津)She _ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.A. turned down B. dealt withC. took after D. came across(3)_, surely someone can find the answer.(4)Someone had better _ a solution fast.(5)A second edition will _ next year.(6)How is your work _?答案 (1

14、)解析 考查动词词组辨析。句意:我可以容忍房间里不整齐,但是我讨厌房间里脏。put up with“容忍;忍受”,符合句意。come up with“想出(办法)”;turn to“转向;求助于”;stick to“坚持”,都不符合句意。答案 B(2)解析 考查动词词组辨析。句意:昨天在商场购物的时候她偶然碰见她的一个老朋友。come across“(偶然)遇见;碰见”,符合句意。turn down“拒绝”;deal with“处理”;take after“相像”,均不符合句意。答案 D(3)Come along / Come on (4)come up with (5)come out (6

15、)coming along4. make use of 利用;使用He made use of his free time to learn French. 他利用闲暇时间学法语。We must make full use of our natural resources.我们要充分利用我们的自然资源。知识拓展make good / full use of 充分利用put sth. to (good) use (好好)利用be (of) no use 没有用its no use doing sth. 做某事没用come into use 开始使用go out of use 不再被使用be in

16、 use (机器、场所等)在使用中out of use (机器、场所等)不再使用探究练习(1)New printing techniques have recently _ _ _. 新的印刷技术最近已投入使用。(2)_ _ _ crying over spilt milk. 木已成舟,哭也无用。(3)Shell be able to _ her languages _ _ _ in her new job. 她在新工作中应该能够好好运用她会的各种语言。(4)I wondered if this book might be _ _ to you. 我不知道这本书对你是否有用。(5)All th

17、e machines are _ _ at the moment. 眼下所有的机器都在用着。答案 (1)come into use (2)Its no use (3)put; to good use (4)of use (5)in use5. such as例如;像这样的I visited several cities, such as New York, Chicago and Boston. 我游览过几个城市,像纽约、芝加哥、波士顿等。Reference books, such as dictionaries and handbooks, are not allowed to be tak

18、en out of the reading room. 参考书,比如词典和手册,是不允许拿出阅览室的。知识拓展for example 用来列举同类中的一个为例,可以是一个句子,也可以是一个单词或词组。在句中的位置较灵活,可位于句首、句中或句尾。such as 用来列举同类中的几个,但不是全部。后面通常跟名词,也可以是介词短语、不定式等。such . as . 意思是“像那样的”,其中as为介词,不能同etc.和and so on连用。探究练习(1)_ men _ Edison, Einstein and Lincoln are great men.(2)Many great men have

19、risen from poverty, _, Lincoln and Edison.(3)_,a bicycle driven by electricity can avoid pollution.答案 (1)Such; as (2)such as (3)For example6. command C 命令;指令;U 掌握 vt. 命令;指挥;支配Im at your command what would you like me to do? 我听从您的吩咐您要我做什么?The army is under the kings command. 军队由国王直接统率。Applicants will

20、 be expected to have a good command of English.申请人必须精通英语。He commanded his men to start the work at once.他下令手下马上开工。He commanded the work on the building (should) stop.他下令那栋大楼必须停建。知识梳理at ones command 听候某人的吩咐under ones command 由某人指挥have a good command of 掌握;精通command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事command that

21、sb. (should) do . 命令探究练习(1)In order to have a good _ of English, he went to Australia for further study.A. master B. commandC. need D. direction解析 have a good command of 为固定结构,意为“掌握;精通”,符合句意。答案 B(2)The commander commanded that all the soldiers _ fighting before dark.A. didnt stop B. wouldnt stopC. d

22、arent stop D. not stop解析 command后所接宾语从句应用虚拟语气,形式为“should + 动词原形”或直接使用动词原形。答案 D7. request C (正式或礼貌的)请求;要求 vt. 请求;要求They made a request for further aid.他们要求再给一些帮助。He was there at his managers request.他按照经理的请求到了那里。He ignored the neighbours requests that he (should) make less noise. 他无视邻居要他别那样吵闹的要求。I re

23、quested him to come an hour earlier. 我请他早一个小时来。I requested a loan from the bank. 我请求银行贷款。知识梳理make a request for sth. 要求at sb.s request 应某人要求make a request that sb. (should) do sth.要求request + that sb. (should) do sth. 请求request sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事request sth. of / from sb. 向某人请求某事探究练习(1)He put in

24、 a special _ for an extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding.A. request B. demandC. inquiry D. proposal解析 句意:他又额外申请了一天的假期,为的是能够参加女儿的婚礼。request“请求”;demand“要求”;inquiry“询问”;proposal“建议”。答案 A(2)The workers made a request that the manager _ his decision.A. should reconsider B. rec

25、onsideredC. would reconsider D. were reconsidering解析 make a request that .“要求”,该句型中,request后的同位语从句使用虚拟语气,即:should+动词原形。答案 A(3)All I request _ you is that you should be confident of winning the post.A. for B. atC. on D. of解析 句意:我对你的全部要求是,你要对获取这个职位有信心。request sth. of sb. “向某人要求/请求某物”,所构成的定语从句修饰all, al

26、l后省略了关系代词that。答案 D8. play a part in在中起作用;在中担任角色Telephones are playing an important part in our daily life. 电话在我们日常生活中起着重要的作用。The part that he played in the movement was very great. 他在那次运动中所起的作用是很大的。He played the part of Hamlet in that film.在那部电影中他扮演哈姆雷特这一角色。知识拓展play an important part / role in 在中起重要

27、作用play the leading part / role 起主要作用;起带头作用play the part / role of sb. (在剧中)扮演某人探究练习(1)The role that our army _ in the earthquake rescue work is very important.A. acted B. playedC. made D. did解析 句意:在地震救助工作中我们的部队所起的作用非常重要。play a role in“在中起作用”,该短语中的role在题干中用作先行词,后接that引导的定语从句。答案 B(2)Exercising is know

28、n to most people in the part _ in losing weight. A. to have played B. to playC. to be played D. to be playing解析 句意:多数人知道锻炼在减肥方面所起的作用。part与后面的非谓语部分构成被动关系,故选择C项。play a part in意为“在方面起作用”。答案 C9. recognize vt. 辨认出Nobody recognized how urgent the situation was. 谁也没意识到形势有多么紧急。He is recognized to be their n

29、atural leader. 人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。Drugs were not recognized as a problem then. 当时还没有把毒品看成严重问题。知识梳理recognize ones voice 辨出某人的声音recognize + that / wh-clause 承认recognize sb. to be 承认为recognize . as 承认/认定为探究练习(1)Annie _ the man who had stolen her laptop on the train, and reported him to the police immediate

30、ly.A. confirmed B. recognizedC. identified D. realized解析 句意:安妮认出了在火车上偷走她笔记本电脑的那个人,立即报了警。confirm“证实”;recognize“辨认出”;identify“识别”;realize“意识到”。答案 B(2) Oh, its you! I _ you. Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses.A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognizedC. havent recognized D. dont recognize

31、解析 考查动词时态。由“its you”推知,现在已认出对方,但刚才未认出,所以选用过去时态。答案 A(3)(2010辽宁)Alexander tried to get his work _ in the medical circles.A. to recognize B. recognizingC. recognize D. recognied解析 考查非谓语动词。题干中含有“get sth. done”结构,表示“使某事被做”。句意:亚历山大试图使他的工作被医学界认可。his work与recognize为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词作宾补。故选D项。答案 D10. direction

32、 C 方向;方位;指示;说明书(用复数);U 指导;指挥He drove his car in the direction of Chicago.他把车子开向芝加哥。She has a poor sense of direction. 她的方向感很差。Lets stop and ask for directions.咱们停下来问路吧。We did the work under his direction.我们在他的指导下工作。Follow the directions for the use of the medicine.请遵照此药的使用说明。知识梳理in the direction of

33、朝方向from all directions 从四面八方in the opposite direction 向相反的方向have a sense of direction 有方向感under ones direction 在某人指导下follow ones directions 听从某人指示探究练习(1)I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was, she had run back in the direction _ she had come.A. of which B.

34、by whichC. in which D. from which解析 根据句意“她向她来的那个方向跑去”应选择D项。“介词 + which”中介词的选择依据从句中的come,而非先行词direction。答案 D(2)We finished the experiment _ the direction of our teacher.A. in B. fromC. under D. to解析 under the direction of sb. “在某人的指导下”。答案 C11. present vt. 赠送;提出;提交;呈现;描述;介绍 adj. 出席的;目前的 n. 礼物On his re

35、tirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。They presented flowers to their teacher. 他们献花给老师。The team is presenting its report to the board on Tuesday. 该工作组将在星期二向董事会提出报告。There were 160 people present at the conference. 有160人出席会议。Present at the meeting were the l

36、eading members of the departments concerned.出席会议的有各有关部门的负责人。知识梳理(1)present sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb. 向某人颁发某物;授予某人某物present sth. to sb. 向某人提交某物(2)be present at the meeting 出席会议the people present 在场的人们(作后置定语)in the present situation 在当前形势下(作前置定语)at the present time / at present 目前探究练习All the

37、 people _ at yesterdays meeting said it was a great success.A. present B. thankfulC. interested D. important解析 句意:所有出席昨天会议的人都说会议很成功。present“出席的;到场的”;thankful“感激的”;interested“有感兴趣的”;important“重要的”。答案 A12. base vt. 以为根据;以为基础 n. 基部;基地;基础This play is based on a true story. 这出戏以一个真实故事为基础。You should base

38、your conclusion on careful research. 你应该把结论建立在认真研究的基础上。This provides a good base for the development of new techniques. 这为新技术的发展提供了良好的基础。Employers are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex. 雇主不允许有性别歧视。知识梳理base sth. on / upon sth. 把建立在某种基础上be based on sth. 以为基础on the basis of 在的基础上;根据探究练习Ad

39、vertisements _ on these facts have been printed in newspapers and magazines but have not helped much.A. having based B. basingC. based D. to be based解析 句意:根据这些情况拟定的广告词登载在报纸和杂志上,但是效果不大。由advertisements和base的逻辑关系可知,此处应选择base的被动式,故排除A、B项;根据题干中的时态可知,表示的是已经发生的事,故选择C项。答案 CF重点句型Why not go by Underground? 为什

40、么不坐地铁?Why not do .? “为什么不?”(用于提出建议,等于Why dont you .?)Why not keep in touch with him by e-mail? 为什么不用电子邮件与他保持联系呢?Why not make your own Christmas cards instead of buying them? 为什么不自己做圣诞贺卡而要去买呢?知识拓展Why not? 干嘛不?(表示同意某建议或想法)Why on earth .? 到底为什么?(用于惊异地问某事为何发生)Why me / her? 为什么是我/她?探究练习(1) Its a long tim

41、e since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend?A. Why not visit B. Why not to visitC. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit解析 考查句型结构。“Why not do .?”为固定句型,意为“为什么不?”,用于提出建议,等于“Why dont you .?”故选择A项。答案 A(2) The floor is dirty. Can you clean it? _ I do it all the time.A. Dont mention it. B. Why you?C. Not sur

42、e. D. Why me?解析 由I do it all the time. 可知,回答者表示不要让我做了,我一直在做。why me?“为什么是我呀?”符合文意。答案 DF语言知识巩固一、单词拼写1. Youll have a better knowledge of methods of solving the _ (国际)problems.2. Its on the sixth floor Lets take the _ (电梯).3. Stores of grain are _(频繁地)attacked by pests. 4. These two countries have diffe

43、rent _ (文化).5. The _(词汇表)used in the course book is printed at the back.6. All the natives can not speak the _(官方的)language in their country.7. What dialect is spoken in the _ (西北)US?8. Articles of a low _(标准)will not be accepted.9. He speaks with a strong southern _ (口音).10. The tall tree was struc

44、k by _(闪电)last night.答案 1. international 2. elevator / lift 3. frequently 4. cultures 5. vocabulary 6. official 7. northwestern 8. standard 9. accent 10. lightning二、用所给短语的适当形式填空11. The song is _ an old folk song.12. Well _ this chance to serve the people better.13. Ms. Hellman is busy _. Can she rin

45、g you later?14. The U.N. _ international relations.15. He _ to me and asked for my advice.because of; come up; make use of; such as; play an important role in; based on; at present; make a request16. He can speak several languages, _ Spanish, French and Japanese.17. She was thirsty and _ some water.

46、18. He was absent from the meeting _ illness.答案 11. based on 12. make use of 13. at present 14. plays an important role in 15. came up 16. such as 17. made a request for 18. because of三、句子翻译19. 警察命令他不要把车停放在公共场所。(command)_20. 请您不要在餐厅里吸烟。(request)_21. 与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勤奋。(more . than .)_22. 公元450年至1150年间在英

47、国所说的英语,更多地是以德语为基础的,而我们现在所说的英语则不是。(be based on)_23. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。 (no such)_24. 然而,在电视机和收音机里,你也会听出人们在说话时的差异。(the way)_答案 19. The policeman commanded that he shouldnt park his car in public places. / The policeman commanded him not to park his car in public places.20. You are requested not to s

48、moke in the restaurant.21. He is more diligent than clever.22. The English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was based more on German than the English we speak at present.23. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.24. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.



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