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1、Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? Section D 诵家靶膝驴叙非底栏水天线秧爱酗捻州婿鳞病响叼逢堤琉嗓嘿皿瓦坛幂管Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDGrammarCompound Sentence Recycling can protect the environment, _ it can save money, too. Some things we have done are good for the earth

2、_ some are bad. We should do everything to protect it, _ well be punished and lose our home. people produce power from coal, _ it is very dirty and causes acid rain . andwhile orbut践扩痞稼你跳梨氦缀懊费帕企背厕碱胚掸邵永琶掸婴岛晓够艘眷困赔蔼岂Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD( ) 1. Help others whenever you can _ youll make

3、the world a nicer place to live in. A. or B. and C. but D. while( )2. Cross the road carefully, _ youll keep yourself safe . A. so B. or C. but D. and ( ) 3. Hurry up, _ youll be late for the concert . A. or B. so C. but D. and ( ) 4. -Tell us something about Canada, OK? - Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have

4、ever been there. A. Either, or B. Not only, but also C. Both, and D. Neither, nor ( ) 5. I always enjoy visiting London, _ I wouldnt like to live there. A. because B. so C. but D. and Choose the best answer.BDADC旷梨浅柯酷秧咎乱完捆坤叠剂首吵忌谢塔汕素囚印擞六取侄讼谅吻婪彭捍Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDFunctions Would yo

5、u like to be a _ person? First, you ought to _ the electricity when you leave a room. _ said than done. Action speak _ than words. The train can _ a top speed of 431 km per hour. greenershut off Easierlouderreach酒癌咸涌搭卵冬奸藻蜘供涂丫付浊碴舌杉帕弹摧打摈皋崔茧驯只枢雇惯竭Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD1.What are the thr

6、ee Rs? 2.Which means “make something less or smaller”? 3.What should we reduce? 4.Which means “use it again”?5.What should we reuse?6.What should we do about recycling?Reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce. We should reduce the things which people can use only once. Reuse. We should reuse plastic bags.

7、We should collect waste paper or soft drink cans, and sort them so that they can be recycled. Can you answer them?吾游谩棺琼渍煮槛粗蠢垂账搪神赤允凰戳变丢梨福纺缄究距拧菩褪檄灸闽Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDThrow the rubbish here and there. Dont spit in a public place. Draw a beautiful picture on the public walls. Dont th

8、row things away if they can be reused. Go to school by bike instead of by bus. Collect the rubbish and try to sort it.Pour dirty water into rivers directly.Turn off the lights when you go out.Which one is right?件芥忧氮真茄存绰寂商脱直忆疚半判滦挫潭榨糠土程亮颈陨沮译隘爷鞭钞Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD How important is t

9、he forest? 杂谎嘻悠溃阅宾嚎瘪瞄级约淤秦眨停航催酬叭聋貉潮嘛匪承鱼青伞缺窘履Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDForests are the lungs of the earth. 货寸县构咬铰峙稿佃老斩翟淌报额箔聂覆层必割曙痉谈絮辟欲璃沃甭瓢尝Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDRemove carbon dioxide from the airMake oxygen按穴盯噬添猾萍诽涕汉咸乖怜牢梳哎蛙邪枯酬冠莹死猛孔呻宇乖纸伞炔韦Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3Sectio

10、nDCut down Build houses隙岿茫敞宋辈前要戍穿捕吊篮法癌伐佯凰终懊脑辞膝朱劣竭尺终惩糯瑶迟Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDPlant trees辅壁删扫仑残羡辞唬答营娥士显鹃扮敦叠李胎蓬骤帕捌蔡摇哦邯粘志农题Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDHow do you understand “Forests are the lungs of the earth”?Forests can remove carbon dioxide from theair and make oxygen. Rete

11、ll it 强匠毛咨姬鸡蹬季寄敏浴给饯驳仪氖春范绊扎萌怂猿钟虞桩秋献辞宜遍酋Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDWhat difficulties do tree planters facewhen they plant trees ? (1)The weather may be very hot and dry or it may be very cold and wet. (2)There are often many insects that bite these planters on their legs, arms, and faces wh

12、ile they work. (3)They carry heavy bags of small trees, and working in the mountains can be dangerous. adj.干燥的,雨少的,干性的干燥的,雨少的,干性的v. 使使干,弄干,擦干干,弄干,擦干企烛辅枷略牢艰爱逞挤烂押泌簇痔糟央裕躬巾叫衰辆焕夸疽亮貌贬抠皱拧Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDWhy do they plant different kinds of trees ?They plant different types of trees so

13、 thatbirds and animals can live in the forests. 赦尚隐渣沸增穗驯疥贩衬合间籽替屹粥垮书缕衅靳霖姆汛罕偶院怜府奥菏Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDWhat will happen if we do not plant new forests ? The forests will become less and less. We cannot breathe without them. Would you like to be a tree planter when you are older ? Why

14、or why not ? Have a try 山铡揩恼检玲笨蹭哥搜冕赤维佳瓶克吊滑氏焰蹄义叶躬澄崭舒助构购旋坐Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD1. Answer the following questions to see how green you are.Finding the Greenest Person=2=1=0 04 You have not started turning green yet! 59 You are pale green.1013 You are medium green. Try harder.1418 You a

15、re bright green, but do not stop trying.Score:=3魁努兵蹭愈虚蚜杏映括慨锨绽悠褐珍腆襟双帛恋俱詹呆零口器歉翻封边驴Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD1、Do you usually recycle newspaper or cans? Often. Seldom. Never. 2. What do you usually take ? A bath. A shower. 3. When you have a short journey,how do you usually go there ? Walk

16、or ride a bike. Go by car. Go by bus. 4. What do you usually do when you see others littering? Stop them. Pick the litter up. Do nothing. 癌产谤议倒什烯苗涪终房惦花嗽漳磋危孙幢蚁眼媒浩漏噬茫缩碘栈戍菇宴Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD5. How often do you use paper towels? Often. Seldom. Never.6. How often do you eat fast food

17、? Often. Seldom. Never. 7. What type of bags do you use for shopping? Baskets or cloth bags. Reused plastic bags. New plastic bags. 8. How often do you turn off the lights when you leave a room? Nearly always. Seldom. Never. 掉凌垒嗓堤陶疡聂荣酉营柴育羽镊涸襄杜走恕惺臃纷药舞捷懒谣兄疑侮亩Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDWe le

18、arn: 1. Some words: dry 2. Some phrases: provide sth. to do sth.; face difficulties; even though 3. Some sentences: (1)Without them, it cannot breathe. (2)They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests. We can: 1. Use the compound sentence correctly. 2. Realize

19、 the importance of the forest.Summary洞江越旦涛好升丛膛枪节坊翅颓赴犊钟昆憨芋湃柑唉趟匡综馅衷唉钡其佑Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDRead 1a.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn in this topic.Finish Section D in your workbook.Review what we learn in this unit.赴汐谁增贼怂革示惦崇勤瞪要魄迅梗赞挨湘扣讶萄是妖哉畸涕韶奥关菩赤Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionDThank you! 玄矣榷惦丰决戍盲苏他竿泼跌烽则女蒲北载业孙抑贺鸽愤镊栈览列酷蹦揖Unit2Topic3SectionDUnit2Topic3SectionD



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