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1、1一、概 述 在句子中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句。宾语从句一般由下面一些词引导。1.that引导2.whether/if引导3.连接代词who whom whose what which4.连接副词when why where how。21that属于从属连接词,在宾语从句中没有实际意义,属于从属连接词,在宾语从句中没有实际意义,只是起引导从语的作用。只是起引导从语的作用。 1)作动词的宾语从句)作动词的宾语从句vWeallknow(that)successcallsforhardwork.v我们都知道成功需要付出艰辛的劳动。vWeknew(that)hehadmadeamistake.v我

2、们知道他犯了一个错误。2)在某些)在某些be+形容词的结构后面也可以跟形容词的结构后面也可以跟that引导的引导的宾语从句。宾语从句。 如如sure, certain, glad, pleased, happy, afraid, surprised, sorry等。等。vIamsurethatIhavepostedtheletter.v我的确把那封信寄了。vIamafraidthatyouareright.v恐怕你是对的。3【要点拓展要点拓展】一般说来引导宾语从句的that可以省略。如果有多个that引导的宾语从句,第一个that可以省略,其他一般不省略。vIknow(that)youarer

3、ight.我知道你是对的。vThedoctortoldme(that)Ishouldtakemorewaterandthatthingswouldgetbetterverysoon医生告诉我要多喝水,情况很快就会好转。42whether /if在做在做“是否是否”解时引导宾语从句,常解时引导宾语从句,常放在动词放在动词know,ask,care,wonder,find out等等之后。在口语中常用之后。在口语中常用if。 whether /if在宾语从句中在宾语从句中不作任何成分,但含有不作任何成分,但含有“是否是否”的含义,在句子中的含义,在句子中不可省略。不可省略。vIdontknowwh


5、planttreesonSaturdayornot.他不知道他们周六是否会去植树。vWhether引导的宾语从句可以置于句首。WhethertheywilljoininthepicnicIdontcare.他们是否参加野餐,我不在乎。v在不定式前只用whether。Imjustwonderingwhethertostayforanotherhour.我不知道是否要再等一个小时。63由连接代词引导的宾语从句由连接代词引导的宾语从句 who whom whose what whichlDoyouknowwhosechildheis?你知道他是谁的孩子吗?lDoyourememberwhatyous

6、houlddonext?你记得你接下来应该做什么吗?lIwanttoknowwhichmedicinehehastaken.我要知道他服了哪种药。lPleasetellmewhocalledmejustnow.请告诉我刚才谁打电话给我。lIdontknowwhomtheyarespeakingto.我不知道他的在跟谁讲话。7【要点拓展要点拓展】v连接代词一般指疑问,但what除了指疑问之外,也可指陈述。vIdontbelievewhatyousaid.我不相信你所说的话。84、由连接副词引导的宾语从句、由连接副词引导的宾语从句when why where howvHeaskedmewheret






12、疑问句Idontthinkitsyourfault,isit?164混合宾语从句当宾语从句的引导词是who,which,what,when,where,how,why等时,不按正常语序安排,讲这类引导词置于句首。这时主句中的谓语动词常是think,believe,expect,guessWhodoyouthinkTomwillinvitetotheparty?你认为汤姆会邀请谁来参加聚会?17宾语从句应掌握的要点宾语从句应掌握的要点 1在四种类型的宾语从句中必须用陈述句的语序,即主语+谓语动词+其它成分,句末用句号;但主句为疑问句时,句末用问号。2在带有宾语从句的复合句中,要注意主句和从句的时





17、ught22宾语从句专项训练vPrepaidbyJenniferHu231 1(2013(2013盐城盐城) )Excuse me.Could you tell me_Excuse me.Could you tell me_?It will leave at 4It will leave at 4:00 p00 pm.m.A Ahow will you go to Shanghaihow will you go to ShanghaiB Bhow you will go to Shanghaihow you will go to ShanghaiC Cwhen will the bus lea

18、ve for Shanghaiwhen will the bus leave for ShanghaiD Dwhen the bus will leave for Shanghaiwhen the bus will leave for Shanghai24【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。由答语本题考查宾语从句。由答语“它将在下午它将在下午4 4点点离开。离开。”知上句是询问时间,排除知上句是询问时间,排除A A、B B两项;又因两项;又因宾语从句要用陈述语序,故选宾语从句要用陈述语序,故选D D。【答案答案】D D252 2(2013(2013温州温州) )JackJack,could you

19、tell me_could you tell me_?Sure.In the post office on Green Road.Sure.In the post office on Green Road.A Awhere you bought the stampswhere you bought the stampsB Bwhere did you buy the stampswhere did you buy the stampsC Cwhen you bought the stampswhen you bought the stampsD Dwhen did you buy the st

20、ampswhen did you buy the stamps26【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句的用法。首先,宾语从句本题考查宾语从句的用法。首先,宾语从句要使用陈述语序,而要使用陈述语序,而B B、D D两项使用了疑问语序,故两项使用了疑问语序,故排除。又根据答语排除。又根据答语“In the post office on Green In the post office on Green Road.Road.”可知上句是询问地点,故选可知上句是询问地点,故选A A。【答案答案】A A273 3(2013(2013扬州扬州) )I cant find Mary.Wheres she?I can

21、t find Mary.Wheres she?SorrySorry,I dont know _.I dont know _.A Awhere has she been Bwhere has she been Bwhere she has beenwhere she has beenC Cwhere has she gone Dwhere has she gone Dwhere she has gonewhere she has gone28【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句要使用陈述语本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句要使用陈述语序,故排除序,故排除A A、C C两项;由语境知答语为两项;由语境知

22、答语为“对不起,对不起,我不知道她到哪儿去了我不知道她到哪儿去了”,需用,需用have/has gone tohave/has gone to结构。故选结构。故选D D。【答案答案】D D294 4(2013(2013广州广州)I cant remember _I put the book)I cant remember _I put the book,and and I need it for my homework now.I need it for my homework now. A Awhere Bwhere Bhow how C Cwhat Dwhat Dwhywhy30【解析解析

23、】本题考查宾语从句的引导词。句意是本题考查宾语从句的引导词。句意是“我现我现在需要那本书做作业,我不记得把它放在哪里了。在需要那本书做作业,我不记得把它放在哪里了。”表示地点要用表示地点要用wherewhere,故选,故选A A。【答案答案】A A315 5(2013(2013十堰十堰) )Can you tell me_Can you tell me_?His home is quite far away from the officeHis home is quite far away from the office,I think.I think.A Awhen he got up Bw

24、hen he got up Bwhere he workswhere he worksC Cwhy he bought the car Dwhy he bought the car Dhow he likes his jobhow he likes his job32【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。由答语本题考查宾语从句。由答语“我认为他的家我认为他的家离办公室相当远。离办公室相当远。”知上句是询问他买车的原因,知上句是询问他买车的原因,故选故选C C。【答案答案】C C336 6(2013(2013临沂临沂)The policeman asked the small girl _.)The p

25、oliceman asked the small girl _.A Awhy she was crying why she was crying B Bwhy was she cryingwhy was she cryingC Cwhy she is crying why she is crying D Dwhy is she cryingwhy is she crying34【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句要用陈述语序,故排除故排除B B、D D两项;主句用了一般过去时,宾语从句两项;主句用了一般过去时,宾语从句要用相应的过去时态,故选要用相应的

26、过去时态,故选A A。【答案答案】A A357 7(2013(2013苏州苏州)Dont wait for people to be friendly)Dont wait for people to be friendly,show show them _a friendly person you are.them _a friendly person you are. A Awhat Bwhat BHowHow C Cwhen Dwhen Dwherewhere36【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句的引导词。由句意本题考查宾语从句的引导词。由句意“向他向他们表明你是多么友好的一个人们表明你是多么友

27、好的一个人”可知可知show themshow them后的后的宾语从句是一个感叹句,空格后是名词短语宾语从句是一个感叹句,空格后是名词短语a a friendly personfriendly person,故用,故用whatwhat引导。引导。【答案答案】A A378 8(2013(2013河北河北)Jenny is on holiday now.I wonder _.)Jenny is on holiday now.I wonder _.A Awhen she will come backwhen she will come backB Bwhen she came backwhen s

28、he came backC Cwhen will she come backwhen will she come backD Dwhen did she come backwhen did she come back38【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句的时态及语序。由上句本题考查宾语从句的时态及语序。由上句“詹妮现在正在度假詹妮现在正在度假”可知可知“回来回来”的动作还未发生,的动作还未发生,故宾语从句要用一般将来时,排除故宾语从句要用一般将来时,排除B B、D D两项;宾语两项;宾语从句要用陈述语序,因此从句要用陈述语序,因此C C项也错误。项也错误。【答案答案】A A399 9(2013(20

29、13铜仁铜仁) )Can you tell me _Can you tell me _?I lost my MP3 player.I lost my MP3 player.A Awhats the matter with youwhats the matter with youB Bwhat the matter is with youwhat the matter is with youC Cwhat the matter you iswhat the matter you isD Dwhat the matter with you arewhat the matter with you a

30、re40【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。本题考查宾语从句。Whats the matter Whats the matter with.with.?是固定句型,意为?是固定句型,意为“怎么了?怎么了?”其本其本身就是一个陈述语序。其他选项为错误表达。故选身就是一个陈述语序。其他选项为错误表达。故选A A。【答案答案】A A411010(2013(2013河南河南)I didnt see Laura at the party last )I didnt see Laura at the party last night.Do you know _night.Do you know _?A Awhy

31、 didnt she come Bwhy didnt she come Bwhat happenedwhat happenedC Cwhen would she arrive Dwhen would she arrive Dwhere she has beenwhere she has been42【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句的语序。宾语从句中用陈本题考查宾语从句的语序。宾语从句中用陈述语序,故排除述语序,故排除A A、C C两项;两项;D D项意为项意为“她去过哪里她去过哪里”,不符合题意;,不符合题意;B B项项“发生什么了发生什么了”符合在晚会上没符合在晚会上没有看见有看见LauraLa

32、ura而发出的疑问。故选而发出的疑问。故选B B。【答案答案】B B431111(2013(2013吉林吉林) )Could you tell me _Could you tell me _?By telling them some funny stories.By telling them some funny stories.A Awhen I can visit the childrenwhen I can visit the childrenB Bwhy the children are not happywhy the children are not happyC Cwhere t

33、he children want to gowhere the children want to goD Dhow I can cheer up the sick childrenhow I can cheer up the sick children44【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。由答语本题考查宾语从句。由答语“通过给他们讲有趣的故通过给他们讲有趣的故事事”可知,此处询问方式,故用可知,此处询问方式,故用howhow引导宾语从句。句意是引导宾语从句。句意是“你能告诉我怎样才能使这些生病的孩子们高兴起来吗?你能告诉我怎样才能使这些生病的孩子们高兴起来吗?”“”“通过给他们讲有趣的故事。通过给

34、他们讲有趣的故事。”【答案答案】D D451212(2012(2012中考变式题中考变式题)Your T)Your T shirt is so cool.Could you tell shirt is so cool.Could you tell me _me _? A Awhere you buy it Bwhere you buy it Bwhere do you buy it where do you buy it C Cwhere you bought it Dwhere you bought it Dwhere did you buy itwhere did you buy it46

35、【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序应为陈本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序应为陈述语序,可排除述语序,可排除B B,D D。由句意可判断时态应为过去。由句意可判断时态应为过去时,故选时,故选C C。【答案答案】C C471313(2012(2012中考变式题中考变式题) )Could you tell me _Could you tell me _? He is in the library.He is in the library. A Awhere Simon was Bwhere Simon was Bwhere is Simonwhere is Simon C Cwhere w

36、as Simon Dwhere was Simon Dwhere Simon iswhere Simon is48【解析解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序为陈述语序。考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序为陈述语序。此处的此处的couldcould为语气的委婉而非过去式,故选为语气的委婉而非过去式,故选D D。【答案答案】D D491414(2012(2012中考变式题中考变式题) )Could you tell me _Could you tell me _? Of course, last night.Of course, last night. A Awhen you reached Chengd

37、uwhen you reached Chengdu B Bwhen did you reach Chengduwhen did you reach Chengdu C Chow you came to Chinahow you came to China D Dhow did you come to Chinahow did you come to China50【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。本题考查宾语从句。 根据答语根据答语last nightlast night需需用引导词用引导词whenwhen;宾语从句中要用陈述语序,故答案;宾语从句中要用陈述语序,故答案选选A A。【答案答案】A

38、A511515(2012(2012中考变式题中考变式题) )David, look at the man in white over David, look at the man in white over there.Can you tell me _there.Can you tell me _? He is a doctor.He is a doctor. A Awho is he Bwho is he Bwho he iswho he is C Cwhat is he Dwhat is he Dwhat he iswhat he is52【解析解析】本题考查宾语从句。根据答语知是问职业

39、,本题考查宾语从句。根据答语知是问职业,故排除故排除A A和和B B;宾语从句用陈述语序,所以答案选;宾语从句用陈述语序,所以答案选D D。【答案答案】D D531616(2012(2012中考变式题中考变式题) )Could you tell me _ at the Could you tell me _ at the meeting?meeting? Sorry, I dont know. I didnt go to the meeting that Sorry, I dont know. I didnt go to the meeting that day.day. A Awhat do

40、es he say Bwhat does he say Bwhat he sayswhat he says C Cwhat he said Dwhat he said Dwhat did he saywhat did he say54【解析解析】考查宾语从句。宾语从句应该用陈述语序,考查宾语从句。宾语从句应该用陈述语序,因此排除因此排除A A、D D;由下句出现的时间状语;由下句出现的时间状语that daythat day可可知会议已经召开过了,故宾语从句应该用一般过去知会议已经召开过了,故宾语从句应该用一般过去时。选时。选C C。【答案答案】C C551717(2014(2014中考预测题

41、中考预测题)Everyone can play an important role in )Everyone can play an important role in the society.As members, we should try our best to do _.the society.As members, we should try our best to do _. A Awhat we should do what we should do B Bwhat should we dowhat should we do C Chow we should dohow we should do56【解析解析】考查考查whatwhat引导的宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述引导的宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序。语序。【答案答案】A A57



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