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1、Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf ? -Would you mind closing the door ?Revision:_Of course not./ Not at all.I will do it right away ._Sorry, but I dont think it is cold in the room . lWhat did you get your mother for Mothers Day last Sunday ?Lead-in lIts my mothers birthday soon. What should I get

2、my mom for her birthday ? What/How about ? scarflHow/What about + n./ v. ing ? 怎么样?lWhy dont you + v. 为什么不呢 ?lWhy not + v. 为什么不呢 ?Make suggestions:Possible Answers:lThats/Theyre too expensive/cheap/boring/ personal.lThats/Theyre not interesting/creative/special/ cheap enough. lThat sounds good.lThat

3、s a good idea.lGreat!/Good idea!lOKIll get it/them.lHe/Shell like that.Brainstorm : l1. How about (getting her) a scarf ?l2. What about (getting her) a scarf ?l3. Why dont you get her a scarf ?l4. Why not get her a scarf ? dictionaryWhy dont you?tennis ballWhy not + v. CD Why dont you? camera Why no

4、t + v.bicycleflowerswatchWarming up exercises : 1.给某人买某物给某人买某物 2.太无聊太无聊 3.不够有不够有 创意创意 4.不够特别不够特别 5 怎么样怎么样 6. 7. 8 整理床铺整理床铺 9 叠衣服叠衣服 10 做饭做饭 11 给我打电话给我打电话 12 扫地扫地 13 倒垃倒垃圾圾 cleaning the yard not playing basketball moving your bike turning down the music Would you mind lNo ,not at all lSorry ,Ill do i

5、t right away .lSorry, well go and play in the park givemeacalldothedishesDrills:Would you mind. ?Could you please (not) . ?talkonamobilephonequietlyinpublicWhy not /Why dont you ?What how about doing. ?turndownthemusicCompare giftsWhat do you think of these gifts?CheapExpensiveBoringInterestingcamer

6、aWhat should I get mom for her birthday? Fill in the chart.expensivecheapboring What things do they talk about? What do they think of them?scarf dictionarycameratennis ballPairworkA: What should I get my mom for her birthday?B: How about a scarf?A: No, thats too boring.Listening Listen. Who is the p

7、erson shopping for in each conversation?Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 TeacherSisterFriendConversation 1Conversation 2 Conversation 3suggestion 1a CDcomment 1not special enoughsuggestion 2comment 2Listen again and write the suggestions and comments in the chart below.flowersgood ideaa

8、necklacetoo personala calendarsounds gooda soccer ballnot creative enougha photo albumShell like thatWhat should I get my father?Task 1: Gift list Have you received a lot of gifts? How do you like it? Make a list.What WhoWhyHowwatchfatherget good grades beautifulTask 2: Hanselgifts for my family and

9、 friendspeoplegiftscommentsThe new year is coming. would you like to choose gifts for your family and friends? Make a plan and make money for the plan.Task 3: Survey Amy asked her classmates what presents they like. What presents do your classmates like?Task 4: What should I get them?a 16-year old g

10、irla 10-year-old boysuggestion 1an English booka basketballcomment 1English is very important.Most of the boys like sports.suggestion 2a dressa game boycomment 2Girls like beautiful clothes.A lot of boys like playing game boy.suggestion 3chocolatea dictionarycomment 3Most of the girls like eating it

11、.Its helpful for his study.a 16-year old girla 10-year-old boysuggestion 1comment 1suggestion 2comment 2suggestion 3comment 3GRAMMARInthisUnit8,wewilllearnhowtousethefollowingdrillsofsuggestions:Whydontyoudo.?Whynotdo?Whathowaboutdoing?raisemoneyforthemThatsoundsgoodgivemeagoodhaircutThatsagoodidea.

12、keepyouvoicedownwaitinlineNew words scarftennisballs dictionaryCDcamerabicyclecalendarphotoalbum建议建议suggestion评论评论comment私人的私人的personal特殊的特殊的special1aCheapExpensive BoringInteresting1bThatstooexpensive.Theyretoocheap.Thatstooboring,too.1Thatstooboring.2341c2aConversation1Conversation2 Conversation3T

13、eacherSisterFriend2bConversation 1 Conversation 2Conversation 3Suggestion1 a CD Comment1not special enoughSuggestion2Comment2flowersThatsagoodidea.ascarftoopersonalacalendarasoccerballnotcreativeenoughaphotoalbumShelllikethatThatsoundsgoodCommenttoopersonal.太私人化的。notspecialenough.不够独特的。Thatsagoodide

14、a.那是个好主意。notcreativeenough.不够有创意2cWords in Section Ascarf:围巾dictionary字典camera照相机suggestion建议comment评价photoalbum影集personal私人的special特殊的calendar日历FOCUSWhydontyoudo?Whynotdo?Whatabout(doing)sth.?Howabout(doing)sth.?Suggestion:Comment:Thatstooexpensive.Theyretoocheap.Thatstoopersonal.Thatsnotinterestin

15、genough.Thatsoundsgood.Thatsnotcreativeenough.IILookatthispicture,Whoisit? If he comes here, what should you do ? Use some drills of suggestions. At least five sentences.III.请你当参谋请你当参谋我打算花100元,为一个15岁的女孩和一个12岁的男孩买生日礼物,你能为我提些建议吗?请把你的建议和说明填在下列表格中。suggestionscommentsa 15-year-oldgirl.a 12-year-oldboy.1.

16、anEnglishbook2.Englishisveryimportant3. adress4.Girlslikebeautifulclothes5aphotoalbum6.Mostofthegirlsliketakingphotos7.afootball8.Mostoftheboyslikesports9.adictionary10Itshelpfulforhisstudy11.apairofsunglasses12Boysliketobecool.lWhat should I get my sister ? 我该为我的妹妹买什么呢我该为我的妹妹买什么呢?lHow/What about +

17、n.? 怎么样怎么样?lWhy dont you + v. ? 为什么为什么 不不呢呢?lWhy not + v. ? 为什么不为什么不呢呢? Grammar (语法语法)正确形式填空:正确形式填空: 1.What should I _ (get) my mom for her birthday ? 2.Why dont you _ (get) her a scarf ? 3.Why not _ (get) her a scarf ? 4.How/What about (get) her a scarf ?gettinggetgetgetNext month will be Fathers D

18、ay. What should I get my dad for Fathers Day next month ?Asking For Suggestions:Group work the best gift StudentsSuggestionsCommentsRhyme:Good, better,best,Good, better, best,Never let it rest,Till good is better, And better is best.一、补全对话A: What are you going to _Julie_ her birthday?B: I dont _.I c

19、ould get her some good fish .A: No, theyre _ . _about a dog.B: I like dogs ,but they are too difficult to _ scare_.A: Why _you buy her a snake?B: Oh ,no .thats too _.Maybe ,Ill get her something to wear.A: _about a scarf?B: good idea.getforknowboringWhat /HowtakeofdontWhat /Howscary/二、完成句子,首字母已给出。1.

20、What should I g_ my mom f_ her birthday2. The soccer B not special e_.3. -What should I get my sister? -How a_ a tennis ball?4. A scarf B not i_.5. I am going to make a s_ meal.6. I got a w_ on my tenth b_.etornoughtboutnterestingpecialatchirthdayexercises: I.请挑选合适的词填到请挑选合适的词填到“_”enoughcalendarperso

21、nalexpensivephotoalbum1.Idontwanttogetheracamera.Thatstoo_.2.“Whatsthedatetoday?”“Letmehavealookatthe_.”3.Dontaskher_question.Orshewontanswerit.4.Iwanttoputthesephotosinthe_.5.Idontlikecats.Theyarenotfriendly_.expensivecalendarpersonalphotoalbumenough When is your fathers or your mothers birthday? Do you know? What will you plan to buy? Ask for some suggestions and give comments.Thank you! Goodbye!



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