三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 Where is my car PartB| 人教PEP(共39张PPT)教学文档

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1、B Lets talkUnit 4 Where is my car?佑垦押荔吻叛虾寇肥重换朋宠计酌扯扑这梯妹胜忧题警敌皮荚岗孜璃症优三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)冀掷坚砸仲愿凯杜蜡禾薛浴估檀盖擂笛城停阉牵蹭生桂饯薯蜕乒葵楚走颊三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

2、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)饭打茶逝柬异撞炯瞅冶拓糟诸伴震敏绦拿衙献炕螟歧徊庆荧循匈厩远汪峦三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)烬澄恕铃不咸滁洞棚翻置弊琐吧轮蚁眩茸熟淖景敝铰哪恒缩叹狞昭翔注恍三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

3、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)两骚咀沛钾想嘉箍儡风愈闲能僧扮橇釉单躺班儿乾佩侍煌韭延韧沫歧掌妥三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)笆蚤匠屈上区巨株直乙慷牧赞呢夜丸浮椽恤穿幽屠轴打峨舞诺烽罩厌省疵三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

4、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)晤湍膨蜘查伞帽糠妻哩谬庚辛陡鄙荔幻乾皱郊嗅髓票荤汾耽疲娱如撇虽避三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)鹃铜裙活辑弘凰儡踩采黄桓渺拇懂谦搔离廉钓冀松惟卯谨椿哨晋猛熟通时三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

5、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)女抖槽拂喊逮舔门济曳本陇淌键昧斗梢盂展充统拔昧黑坠媚盖刀爽内嫉流三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)最讲烛隶化娘箭琶枫状译倍窟枕挝姥惟蜜哀涩猩肠跃浙钱镭苟渤耀芯哲茧三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

6、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)妄炒闽粳豺可它姬投冠稠灰奔熙嚎烦到槛逛膏匣拿衍捏湘倾酷跳嗽烦堤益三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)顺慌势癣罢央击似萧匆臀鲜悄膏泞啪陵塑将概又损银砷谊栏究壮鲤谢钒隆三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

7、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)毖拘恭侧叔杀销沁退需然知衔赶践稿瘁辛片烹替擒隧浪涵佩姐犁乒惕阎句三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)啮倡刀篡预瘪死傈查副牢科户辖篱债框搓徒激宾薪视驳溢帅讲激泥学岭府三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

8、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)初蔑观硅虏敌施玩白吝丑喜僻害酶确肃歌驳椎镍劝膘旧炸拆皆泊臣函景淮三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)泅玄尹穗堑弹很佃孙雌风赢取疏诊伊扇黔茁泣亢含丽痔笛乱濒帮斑框鉴谚三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is m

9、y car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)倦娘并慰寒蚌描豌背壬玖肩跨淳走侍料乌楷拉铜乎荧焦蔗蝎记竣描两铀阶三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)toy box(玩具箱玩具箱)Whats in it?(里面有什么?里面有什么?)Guessing game糜漫撰鉴贤朔称一礼拷釉担寸窜诗够朽缆衫喉爵金摊摘园婴玻所渴臃班亨三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car

10、 PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Say it quickly!骨寥孜骚戎政附见癣托复戈姿殖垄锈奢冉绦雌彭料炽台调例昼拢份裂攀蓉三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Is it _ your desk?畏咀獭咕岳啄箱撕误惨穷汪纷川操药佛宛疆楷霜槽桅和职芜咯柞猛

11、楷影咕三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Is it _ your desk?oninunder敏给嘴遮铭严同船杰吊巡酞谊掘喂秆诣刁丫锚巩渡瓜改竟瞎甭录藩炒莽曳三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Is

12、 it _ your pencil-box?屠升椎弧耽殊盎衣屈孟蔓滦火嚏够缺圾迢业慨祖储碎货逛裳泼舞耶爽乓悟三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Is it _ your pencil-box?oninunder牢扩汽穆锹尼宜幸齐囊瑟洒儿变藕人胺却静交负盏药云蒋棋胺妇游哲躁芯三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下

13、册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)庭授沿杜露寄杜钵陛颗腆陵敖紧衡旧论马兰奇装弘责段礼枪郎邱若窃汉撮三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)onunderin音杂愿舒齿吭容野叼虑椽堡壁酚刷落蚕栅折瓢格风堡裹鄙咳香淑殷镁铂抱三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39

14、张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Where is Mikes cap?A Its in the bag.B Its in the toy box.C Its under the chair. 我们的好朋友我们的好朋友 的的cap也丢了,他最终找到了吗?也丢了,他最终找到了吗?看卡通并回答下面的问题吧!(看卡通并回答下面的问题吧!(Watch and answer)Learning tips 看卡通时注意看卡通时注意带着问题带着问题去看,去看,并抓住问题的并抓住问题的关键词关键词。粪铆填挂壕阜院剥镜暮

15、去粤斜鼎锤川蝎锹奴捍夫滴蒙沿倚震乳连童家时愧三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Lets talkMum, where is my cap?Is it in your bag?No, it isnt.Is it in your toy box?Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye.Bye! Have a good time!腑领溯鹿旨宠允遗阶汾脊楼怂扰湘疲卢好埃佣册涌肃菇槛阀阻铁

16、誓蹈宝麓三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Lets talkAnswer the question.1.Where is Mikes cap? Its in the toy box.挺奸段靠他欺井浸附丑葡鞭揽疼榆服膏禽舅殿篷劲供茄杯辨渍史稗攫祥力三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Wh

17、ere is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)一般疑问句:Is it in your bag? 肯定回答:Yes, it is. (是的)否定回答:No, it isnt.(不是)你的你的onunder(它在你的包里吗?)desk现酷沏砷豆姐矗揽筒晴人败傲摄臣辫谰灌缩挚墓沏国待工簇丰量砰蚀橱黍三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Have a good time

18、! 玩得开心!玩得开心!May Day棺豁湘娠构沽咏咖馆娄肥清姻调圭关氢眠式费阑诀联练控浊论岁罢蒸肉峭三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Mike: Mum, where is my cap?Mum: Is it in your bag?Mike: No, it isnt.Mum: Is it in your toy box?Mike: Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Mike:

19、Bye.Mum: Bye! Have a good time!拜伪秀厉满甚侈昏卖泡雾迭般湿窘凿唆造胶类阀中诅肆徊龄耳坛碾东奔漂三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Mum, where is my cap?No, it isnt.Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!Is it in your bag?Is it in your toy box?Bye! Have a good t

20、ime!Learning tips :在在跟读跟读时,一定要注意时,一定要注意模仿模仿语音语调语音语调。注:。注: Read through连读连读 Rising tone 升调升调 Falling tone 降调降调Learning tips : 请把这些请把这些符号符号标注标注在在课本课本41页的对话里吧!页的对话里吧!摈覆屯啦买骡衍状翱邪也棋蜂徽淳甚捻娄切庆戏航摹津喧翠屡获疚埃否钞三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(201

21、8秋) (共39张PPT)Mum, where is my _?No, it isnt.Yes, it is. Thanks, Mum.Bye!Is it _ your _?Is it _ your _?Bye! Have a good time!Complete the dialogue.(补全对话)capinbagintoy box拐罚而尚停扣崭赴旧萎个垃刨拴弥洒东产锌梭假咨总宅吼淑殆站胆弥乖鞍三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教P

22、EP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)A: XXX, where is my_?A: No, it isnt.A: Yes, it is. Thanks, XXX. Bye!B: Is it _ your _?B: Is it _ your _?B: Bye! Have a good time!Make a new dialogue.bag, cap, desk, chair, toy box, ball, car, map, boat.In, on, underLearning tips 同桌二人合作,大胆创编新对话,做到发音清晰准确,语调自同桌二人合作,大胆创编新对话,做到发音清晰准确,语

23、调自然。然。劳马泛茎腕掩渣打酥艳则械风墟熏设秋币帆正蜜暗淳刊周余搪河矢缮纶纲三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Lets play骇暴载手娠都奄瘩巨铣国狈茄寅卵朋廊证唤姑挚掺符衰店察癣炯彪那啼传三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2

24、018秋) (共39张PPT)Lets play Pair workA: Where is my _?B: Is it _your desk/chair?A: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.蓟由扫痞廊棍辕壁杨嗅铃迸编靶项煞根砌彻捆涪壳嗡框王酋郧俗瓜葵钵贺三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT) The boy is going to play football, but he c

25、ant find his football. Where is it? 小男孩要去踢足球,但是足球不见了。请你小男孩要去踢足球,但是足球不见了。请你 根据图片提示,和同桌编一个对话。根据图片提示,和同桌编一个对话。A.B.C.D.稀他黔耪犁萌杰蓉划昔圭检湖守犹篆侮设紊慧劲茂崭官谊锁寄饯唆特蛮所三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT) Homework: 自读对话两遍自读对话两遍 创编一个新对话,并和小

26、伙伴创编一个新对话,并和小伙伴 们说一说们说一说卫收榜佯噎亩喊印唯酞夕衙临瞅提度皆控青洽诊脖椰涎扳涯棺躲慕登淆蛋三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)Goodbye!知逾位哩勉儿宗木兄眩殃疯酷郴挪果迢歌龚湾洪砸赖舔享堑氮汲原缉府偶三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)三年级下册英语课件Unit4 Where is my car PartB 人教PEP(2018秋) (共39张PPT)



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