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1、4. Can you swimthe river? A. betweenB. amongC. near D. across5. David sitsLucy. He is very tall, so Lucy cant see the movie. A. behindB. in front ofC. near D. next toWhere there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic. 哪里有仁爱,哪里就有善行,哪里有善行,哪里就有奇迹。灰姑娘 我现在在写数学作业。我昨晚在写

2、数学作业。我今晚要写数学作业。我每天晚上都要写数学作业。我写完了数学作业。现在进行时一般过去时一般将来时一般现在时现在完成时过去进行时过去将来时过去完成时一般现在时在英语中表示不同时间发生的动作或在英语中表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,需用不同的动词形式表存在的状态,需用不同的动词形式表示,这种不同的动词形式称为时态。示,这种不同的动词形式称为时态。Tense一般一般过去过去时态时态 Learning Aims1.掌握一般掌握一般过去去时的意的意义,用法,构成及其,用法,构成及其用于一般用于一般过去去时的的时间状状语。2.能能够写出部分不写出部分不规则动词的的过去式。去式。3.掌握一般掌握

3、一般过去去时的句式的句式变换,一般疑,一般疑问句,句,否定句,特殊疑否定句,特殊疑问句。句。什么是一般什么是一般过去去时?意意义:动词的一般的一般过去去时态表示表示过去某个去某个时间发生的生的动作作或存在的状或存在的状态。I _ 12 years old this year. 我去年我去年11岁.I _ 11 years old last year.He _ in Beijing now.他昨天在上海。他昨天在上海。He _ in Shanghai yesterday.他他现在在北京。在在北京。Please look at the sentences我今年我今年12岁.amwasiswasTh

4、ey _ in China today.他他们今天在中国。今天在中国。They _ in Japan yesterday.他他们昨天在日本昨天在日本。areweream/ iswasarewere每天,早餐我吃每天,早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶。蛋和牛奶。I _ eggs and milk for breakfast every morning.昨天,早餐我吃面条。昨天,早餐我吃面条。I _ noodles for breakfast yesterday morning.他每天都吃水果。他每天都吃水果。He _ fruit every day.昨天他吃了昨天他吃了3个苹果。个苹果。He _ 3 appl

5、es yesterday.have/ hashadhavehashadhadI get up at 6:30 every morning.I _ up at 9:00 last Sunday.He plays football every afternoon.He _ basketball yesterday afternoon.He does his homework every evening.He _ some reading last night.动词原形、第三人称原形、第三人称单数数动词过去式去式gotplayeddid谓语构成构成1.动词 be2.动词 have, has3.助助动

6、词do, does4.行行为动词用用过去式去式was , werehaddid一般一般过去去时以以动词的的过去式来表示,去式来表示,没有人称和数的没有人称和数的变化化.(was,were除外除外)I went to school yesterday.They went to school yesterday.一般一般过去去时的的谓语构成:由构成:由动词的的过去式构成去式构成规则变化化1.一般加一般加ed2.以以e结尾加尾加d3.末尾只有一个末尾只有一个辅音字母的重音字母的重读闭音音节词,先,先双写双写这个个辅音字母,再音字母,再加加ed .work workedchange changedsh

7、op shoppedstop stoppedmove movednod4.以以辅音字母加音字母加y 结尾的尾的词,先先改改 y为 i,再加再加edstudy studied5.不不规则变化化.(见不不规则动词表表P102)carrycarriedhurrymarry规则动词过去式去式-ed的的发音音1.在以在以清清辅音音结尾的尾的规则动词后后, -ed读作作/ t /work/w3:k/edt/2.在以在以浊辅音或元音音或元音结尾的尾的规则动词后后, -ed读作作/d /play/pleI / live/lIv /edd/edd/3.在以在以/t/或或/d/结尾的尾的规则动词后后, -ed读作

8、作/Id / visit/vIzIt /edId/finished enjoyedshoutedmoved helped wantedcalled needed /t/d/Id/d/d/t/Id/Id/Lets read them动词过去式转换练习动词过去式转换练习将下列动词变为过去式将下列动词变为过去式返回上页订正答案1. look2. live3. stop4. carry5. hope6. trip7. call8. finish9. want返回上页返回首页返回练习动词过去式转换练习动词过去式转换练习答答 案案1. look looked2. live lived3. stop sto

9、pped4. carry carried5. hope hoped6. trip tripped7. call called8. finish finished9. want wanted10.are were11.go went12.have had13.do did14.get e came16.say said 17.see saw18.put put19.eat ate20.take took21.read read 巧记不规则动词过去式巧记不规则动词过去式1.1.中间去中间去e e,末尾加,末尾加t t 如:如: keepkeptkeepkept, feelfelt feelfelt

10、, sleepslept sleepslept,sweepsweptsweepswept 如:如: buildbuiltbuildbuilt,lendlentlendlent, sendsent sendsent,spendspentspendspent3.3.遇见遇见i i改为改为a a 如:如: ringrangringrang,sitsatsitsat, drinkdrank drinkdrank, singsang singsang,swimswamswimswam,beginbeganbeginbegan, givegave givegave4.4.“骑骑( (马马) )”“开开(

11、(车车) )”“写写( (字字) )”把把i i变变o o如:如:rideroderiderode,drivedrovedrivedrove,writewrotewritewrote5.5.“想想”“买买”“带来带来”“打仗打仗”oughtought换换上上 thinkthoughtthinkthought,buyboughtbuybought, bringbrought bringbrought,fightfoughtfightfought6.6.“教书教书”“抓住抓住”aughtaught切莫忘切莫忘 如:如: teachtaughtteachtaught,cacatchtchcaught

12、caught7.ow/aw7.ow/aw改为改为ewew是新时尚是新时尚 如:如: knowknewknowknew,growgrewgrowgrew, throwthrew throwthrew,drawdrewdrawdrew8.8.“放放”“让让”“读读”过去式与原形一样过去式与原形一样 如:如: putputputput,letletletlet,readread/redreadread/red表示过去的时间的时间状语yesterday 昨天早晨 Just now 刚才 yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 Last week 上周Yesterday evening 昨天傍

13、晚 in the past 过去The day before yesterday 前天 that day 那天Last night 昨天夜里 last year 去年 Three days ago 三天前 that year 那年Three weeks ago 三周前 that month 那个月Three months ago 三个月前 just now 刚才1.ago家族家族 :a momenttwo minutesthree hoursfive daysone weeksix monthsfour yearsago用于一般用于一般过去去时的的时间状状语long long agolastt

14、imenightweekmonthtermMondayyesterdaymorningafternooneveningthe day before yesterday 2.Last家族家族3.yesterday 家族:家族:4.that 家族:家族:thatmorningwinterdayyearjust nowin the old daysin those daysin 1980the other dayat that timeonce upon a time4.其他其他时间状状语:那那时候,当年候,当年几天以前几天以前在那在那时以前以前从前从前1.肯定句:主语 +行为动词过去式 主语 +

15、be动词过去式(was / were)e.g.We played football yesterday. I was in the office last night. did not / didnt + 行为动词原形 was not / wasnt + 其他成分 were not / werent + 其他成分 e.g. I was not in the office last night. I didnt sing a song at Kangkangs party. I didnt play video games.3.一般疑问句一般疑问句did+主语主语+行为动词原形行为动词原形was

16、/were+主语主语+其他成分其他成分eg.-Didyougoshoppingyesterday?-Yes,Idid./No,Ididnt.-Wasshe15yearsoldlastyear?4.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+did+主语主语+行为动词原形行为动词原形特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+was/were+主语主语+其他成分其他成分eg.Wheredidyougoshoppingyesterday?Whenandwherewereyouborn?1.I was a student. _2.You were right. _3.He was at home. _4.She was i

17、n pink. _5.We were here. _6.They were busy. _将将下下列列句句子子变变成成否否定定句句I wasnt a student.You werent right.He wasnt at home.She wasnt in pink.We werent here.They werent busy.否定句:否定句:主语主语+ wasnt/werent+其他其他.was not=wasnt were not=werent1.I was a student. _2.You were right. _3.He was at home. _4.She was in p

18、ink. _5.We were here. _6.They were busy. _将将下下列列句句子子变变成成疑疑问问句句Were you a student?Were you right?Was he at home?Was she in pink?Were you here?Were they busy?一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语主语+其他?其他?写写出出下下列列句句子子的的肯肯定定及及否否定定回回答答1.Was I a student? _ _2. Were you right?_ _3.Was he at home?_ _4.Was she in pink?_ _

19、5.Were they busy?_ _Yes, you were .Yes, I was .Yes, he was.Yes, she was.Yes, they were.No, you werent.No, I werent.No, he wasnt.No, she wasnt.No, they werent.行行为动词一般一般过去去时的否定式的否定式一般一般过去去时的否定式是在的否定式是在动词原形原形前加助前加助动词did not (didnt).主主语+didnt+动词原形原形I _ them the news.I _ (tell) them the news yesterday.di

20、dnt telltoldExercises:Exercises:将下列句子改成否定句:将下列句子改成否定句:1.Theystayedathomelastweekend._2.MyclassmatevisitedmelastSunday._3.Myparentswalkedthedogjustnow._Theydidntstayathomelastweekend.Myparentsdidntwalkthedogjustnow.MyclassmatedidntvisitmelastSunday.行行为动词一般一般过去去时的疑的疑问式式一般一般过去去时的一般疑的一般疑问式在句式在句首加助首加助动词d

21、idDid+主主语+动词原形原形?They _(finish) their work at four.一般疑一般疑问句句:_ they _ their work at four?Yes, they _. No, they _.finishedDidfinishdiddidnt行行为动词一般一般过去去时的疑的疑问式式一般一般过去去时的特殊疑的特殊疑问式式疑疑问词+did+主主语+动词原形原形?They finished their work at four.AB 对划划线部分提部分提问A:B:What did they do at four?When did they finish their

22、work?T注意注意1. 加助加助动词did或者或者didnt后后,动词须返回原形。返回原形。Choose F or T.Did he went to school yesterday?Did he go to school yesterday?F2.They didnt finish their homework last night.They didnt finished their homework last night.TF动词一般一般过去去时,表示表示过去去发生事;生事;be用用was或用或用were,have,has,变had若是行若是行为加加ed,若若变否定疑否定疑问句,句,没有

23、没有be动用用did,如果如果did加在前,加在前,动词必必须现还原原巧记动词过去时巧记动词过去时Exercises1.I _ the number down on a piece of paper a moment ago. A. write B. writed C. wrote D. writing2. Everything _ ready before Father came. A. were B. was C. is D. areCB3.He always _me last term. A. helped B. helps C. helping D. help A1._ you _ (

24、remember) to buy the oranges?2.Who _ (invent) the computer.3.We _ (go) to the cinema last night. The film _ (be) very good.4.What time _ you _ (get) to school this morning?5.Jim _ (do) a lot yesterday. He _ (go) shopping and _ (cook) supper. Did remember invented wentwas did get用用动词的适当的适当时态填空填空didwe

25、nt cooked 6. He usually _ (get) up at 6 in the morning. Look! He _ (get) up now. But yesterday he _ (get) up very late, so he _ (go) to school late. He _ (be) late for school.getsis gettinggotwentwas1.Lucy did her homework at home. (改否定句改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.He found some meat in the

26、 fridge. (变一般疑一般疑问句句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3.She stayed there for a week. (对划划线部分提部分提问) _ _ _ she _ there?4.There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑一般疑问句句) _ there _ orange in the cup? didnt doDid find any How long didstayWas any III.句型转换They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句)_ they _ to China in

27、1990?2.I was ill for two days last week? (同上)_ you ill for two days last week?3. The twins go to school on foot every day. (同上)_ the twins _ to school on foot every day?4.She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句) She _ _ the clothes last SundayDidcomeWere Do godidntwash5. She is going to go shoppi

28、ng tomorrow. (变否定) _ 6. My mother likes her students. (变一般疑问句) _7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? (用last Sunday 改写成过去时态的句子)_8. Wei Hua bought a new pen yesterday. (变否定句) She _ _ a new pen yesterday.She isnt going to go shopping tomorrow. Does your mother like her students? Did you watch TV last Sunday? didnt buy



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