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1、Module 4 A Social Survey-My neighborhoodLanguage pointsBy Karen第一页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。1.Sixteen-year-old Zhang Hua lives in the 2.south of China, in the city of Guangzhou.sixteen-year-old (合成形容词作合成形容词作前置定语前置定语)sixteen years old (形容词短语作形容词短语作后置定语后置定语或或表语表语) )(1) We have a ten-meter-long table.(2)=We have

2、 a table ten meters long.=We have a table ten meters in length.(2) The table is ten meters long/high. = The table is ten meters in length.The table is ten meters in height.复合形容词的构成复合形容词的构成:数词数词单位词单数单位词单数形容词形容词第二页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。 Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held

3、 next week. A. 800-meter-long B. 800-meters-long C. 800 meter long D. 800 meters lengthA第三页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。2. The house is two storeys high and is made of local stone. story pl. stories storey pl. storeysis made of local stone.story/storeyfloorThe two-storey-high houseThe house of two storeys第四页,编辑于

4、星期六:五点 五十八分。be made of 由由制成制成 (能看出原料能看出原料) be made from由由制成制成 ( 看不出原料看不出原料) be made in 在在制造制造 be made by 由由制造制造 be made out of 由由改制成改制成 be made into 被制作成被制作成be made up of 由由组成组成第五页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。(1) 这张木头椅子看起来很硬这张木头椅子看起来很硬, 但坐起来很舒但坐起来很舒(2)服。服。 (3)The chair _looks hard, but it(4)is _ (5)(2) 纸是木头制成的纸是

5、木头制成的, 也就是说也就是说, 木头可以用木头可以用(6)来造纸来造纸. (7)Paper _ . That is to say, (8)_.made of wood comfortable to sit made from woodwood can be made into paper 第六页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。(3) 这台彩电在中国制造。这台彩电在中国制造。The color TV is made in China. (4) 大多数风筝由手工制成而不是机器。大多数风筝由手工制成而不是机器。Most of the kites are made by hand not

6、 by machine. (5) 一支足球队由一支足球队由11名队员组成。名队员组成。A football team is made up of 11 members. 第七页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。3. Its been six years since we last saw each other.自从我们上次见面已经有自从我们上次见面已经有6年了。年了。 It is /has been +一段时间一段时间+since 从句(谓从句(谓语动词为语动词为延续性动词延续性动词的过去时态)的过去时态) 自从不做自从不做至今已有(时间)了。至今已有(时间)了。 1) 路西有五年不住这儿了。路

7、西有五年不住这儿了。 Its five years since Lucy lived in China. 2) 她父亲有她父亲有10年不吸烟了。年不吸烟了。 Its ten years since her father smoked.第八页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。1)It has been three years since my brother came back from America.2)我哥哥从美国回来已经三年了。我哥哥从美国回来已经三年了。2) 她丈夫去世她丈夫去世2年了。年了。Its two years since her husband died.Note:It is

8、/has been +一段时间一段时间+since 从句从句(谓语动词为谓语动词为瞬间动词瞬间动词的过去时态的过去时态) 自从做自从做至今已有至今已有时间了。时间了。第九页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。4. this is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 这是我第一次来你的家乡。这是我第一次来你的家乡。 表示表示“这是某人第几次做某事这是某人第几次做某事” 常常常常用用“This /It is the first /second/last time (that) ”这个句型。这个句型。that 常省略。常省略。主句用主句用一般现在时一般现在

9、时, 从句用现在完成时。从句用现在完成时。主句用主句用一般过去时一般过去时 , 从句用过去完成时。从句用过去完成时。第十页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。1)昨晚的电影怎么样昨晚的电影怎么样? 噢,棒极了!这是我第一次看魔幻电噢,棒极了!这是我第一次看魔幻电影。影。1)2) 这是这位教授最后一次给我们做报告。这是这位教授最后一次给我们做报告。This is the last time the professor has given us a talk.How do you find the film last night?Oh, wonderful! It was the first time

10、 I had seen a fantasy film. 翻译下列句子:翻译下列句子:第十一页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。5. This is one of the most attractive places Ive been to. 被形容词被形容词最高级最高级所修饰的名词后的定所修饰的名词后的定语从句中,一般用语从句中,一般用完成时态完成时态。她是我见过的最美丽的姑娘她是我见过的最美丽的姑娘 She is the most beautiful girl Ive seen.这是我所吃过的最美味的食物。这是我所吃过的最美味的食物。 This is the most delicious fo

11、od Ive ever eaten. 第十二页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Since Since adv.adv. 副词副词副词副词 后不接从句或词语。后不接从句或词语。后不接从句或词语。后不接从句或词语。They left town and They left town and havent beenhavent been here here sincesince. .prep.prep. 介词介词介词介词 与表示过去某一时间点的词语连用。与表示过去某一时间点的词语连用。与表示过去某一时间点的词语连用。与表示过去某一时间点的词语连用。They They have beenhave bee

12、n friends friends sincesince childhood. childhood.conj.conj. 连词连词连词连词 引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时。引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时。引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时。引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时。He He hasnt beenhasnt been home home sincesince he graduated. he graduated.since thensince then 自从那时;至今自从那时;至今自从那时;至今自从那时;至今ever sinceever since 从那以后;一直从那以后;一直从那以后;一直

13、从那以后;一直from then onfrom then on 从那以后从那以后从那以后从那以后与现在完成时连用与现在完成时连用 与一般过去时连用与一般过去时连用第十三页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。How long _ at this job? Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D. will you be employed B第十四页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 1.It _ six years _ we last _ each

14、other .自从上次见面已经六年了。自从上次见面已经六年了。2. This is _your homework. 这是我第一次参观你的家乡。这是我第一次参观你的家乡。3. This is one of _I _.这是我去过的最吸引人的地方之一。这是我去过的最吸引人的地方之一。the most attractive placeshave been tohas beensincesawthe first time that I have visited 第十五页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。6. I feel very fortunate living here.(paragraph5)生活在

15、这里我感到很幸运。生活在这里我感到很幸运。sb feel fortunate (in) doing sth某人因有机会做某事而感到幸运。某人因有机会做某事而感到幸运。能和你一起工作我感到幸运。能和你一起工作我感到幸运。I feel fortunate (in) working with you.联系:类似用法联系:类似用法have difficulty (in) doing be busy (in) doingbusy oneself (in) doing spend -(in) doing 第十六页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。7. Now were leaving the busines

16、s district and approaching the harbor. 现在现在, 我我们正离开商业区向海港们正离开商业区向海港靠近靠近。 approach v. 接近,靠近接近,靠近Our new teaching building is approaching completion . 我们的新教学楼就要完工了。我们的新教学楼就要完工了。 第十七页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。 那个可怜的小男孩走近我向我要吃那个可怜的小男孩走近我向我要吃.The poor little boy approached me for food. 圣诞节就要到了。圣诞节就要到了。 Christmas D

17、ay is approaching.第十八页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。approach (n.)(U)接近、靠近接近、靠近我们一靠近,鸟全都受惊飞走了。我们一靠近,鸟全都受惊飞走了。Our approach frightened the birds.(C ) 方法、步骤方法、步骤化学老师用了新的方法来教我们实验。化学老师用了新的方法来教我们实验。Our chemistry teacher used a new approach to teaching us experiments.(C ) 通道、入口通道、入口进入这栋房子要经过一条小路。进入这栋房子要经过一条小路。The approac

18、happroach to the house was by a minor road.第十九页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。8. They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings. Put up (1) 建造建造 (房屋),搭起(帐篷)房屋),搭起(帐篷) eg. 在以前盖庙宇的地方在以前盖庙宇的地方,一家新的电影院将会被建一家新的电影院将会被建造。造。A new theatre will be put up where there used to be a temple. (2) 举起,升起举起,升起 eg. 为了吸引老师的注意力,他举起了手。为了

19、吸引老师的注意力,他举起了手。He put up his hand to catch the teachers attention.第二十页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。(3) 挂起,张贴(布告等)挂起,张贴(布告等)eg. 新的通知被张贴起来了。新的通知被张贴起来了。A new notice has been put up on the board. (4) 住宿,留宿住宿,留宿eg. 我们今晚将在旅馆留宿。我们今晚将在旅馆留宿。Well put up at a hotel for the night.第二十一页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。put away put backput do

20、wnput offput output onput an end to把收起来把收起来放回原处放回原处写下;记下写下;记下推迟;拖延推迟;拖延扑灭(火);伸出扑灭(火);伸出穿上穿上使结束使结束第二十二页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _ the books when youve finished with them. A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put offC第二十三页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。9. So they tell

21、 me. (1).“So+主谓主谓”结构表示对前文提到的事或物的肯结构表示对前文提到的事或物的肯定或同意,该句的主语与前面提到的定或同意,该句的主语与前面提到的主语一致主语一致。(2).“So+助动词助动词+主语主语”结构表示前文提到的情况结构表示前文提到的情况也适合于其他人或物也适合于其他人或物.例如:例如:-David has made great progress recently. -_ and _. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have youC. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so

22、 you haveB第二十四页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.-My God! _(的确如此的确如此)。He is interested in English, and _ (我也我也一样一样)。例如:例如:-你知道汤姆和他兄弟吵架了吗你知道汤姆和他兄弟吵架了吗?- 不知道不知道,我也不关心这个。我也不关心这个。So I did.So am I-Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?-I dont know. Ne

23、ither/Nor do I care.第二十五页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。(3). “Neither/Nor+助动词助动词+主语主语”表示前文提到表示前文提到的否定情况也适用其他人或物。的否定情况也适用其他人或物。(4).如果前文提到的情况是如果前文提到的情况是混合情况混合情况,即,即肯定句和肯定句和否定句共存或动词形式不同否定句共存或动词形式不同。那么想要表示这。那么想要表示这种情况也适用于其他人或物时,必须使用种情况也适用于其他人或物时,必须使用“It is the same with ”或或“So it is with ”我能用英语写作,但是我不会唱英文歌曲。我能用英语写作,但是

24、我不会唱英文歌曲。玛丽也是如此。玛丽也是如此。 I can write English, but I cant sing English songs. It is the same with Mary.第二十六页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。-The boy is clever and always works late into the night.-_.A. So does his little brother.B. Neither does his little brother.C. His little brother is the same.D. So it is with his

25、 little brother.D第二十七页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。1. _ my sister three times today but her line was always busy. A. Id phoned B. Ive been phoning C. Ive phoned D. I was phoning2. It is almost five years_ we worked together to fight against the criminals. A. before B. since C. after D. whenExercisesExercises第二十八

26、页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。3. Tom, the concert is beginning. Why do you look so angry? _! I had my ticket stolen. A. Terrific B. Whats the trouble C. What fun D. What a nuisance4. He has been studying French very hard so now he is able to read it _ well. A. quietly B. pretty C. rather D. generally第二十九页,编辑于星期六

27、:五点 五十八分。5. - Tom has grown taller than before recently. - _, and _. A. So he has, so have you B. So he has, so you have C. So has he, so have you D. So has he, so you have. 第三十页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。6. - It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside. - My God! _. A. So did I B. So I did C. So

28、were you D. So did you7. As I _ the little house in the forest, my heart beat faster and faster. A. approached B. waved C. bothered D. heard第三十一页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 1.他不在这家公司工作已经十年了他不在这家公司工作已经十年了.2.自从我上次见他已经有三年了自从我上次见他已经有三年了.3.那是我第一次用英语写作。那是我第一次用英语写作。4.这是我听过最美妙的歌曲。这是我听过最美妙的歌曲。5.这支医疗队由这支医疗队由1

29、0个大夫组成。个大夫组成。6.她用久窗帘做了这条裙子。她用久窗帘做了这条裙子。7.这些考试的成绩将于周五下午张贴在课室后面。这些考试的成绩将于周五下午张贴在课室后面。8.让我把这些文件收拾好。让我把这些文件收拾好。9.我很幸运,有这么好的机会跟你一起学习。我很幸运,有这么好的机会跟你一起学习。10.接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的是教堂。接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的是教堂。第三十二页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 1.他不在这家公司工作已经十年了他不在这家公司工作已经十年了.It is/has been ten years since he worked in this

30、 company.2.自从我上次见他已经有三年了自从我上次见他已经有三年了.It is/has been three years since I last met him.3.那是我第一次用英语写作。那是我第一次用英语写作。That was the first time (that) I had written in English.第三十三页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 4.这是我听过最美妙的歌曲。这是我听过最美妙的歌曲。This is the most beautiful song that I have ever heard.5.这支医疗队由这支医疗队由10个大

31、夫组成。个大夫组成。The medical team is made up of 10 doctors.6.她用旧窗帘做了这条裙子。她用旧窗帘做了这条裙子。She made the dress out of the old curtains.第三十四页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 7.这些考试的成绩将于周五下午张贴在课室后这些考试的成绩将于周五下午张贴在课室后面。面。The results of the exam will be put up at the back of the classroom on the afternoon next Friday.8.让我把

32、这些文件收拾好。让我把这些文件收拾好。Let me put the files away.第三十五页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。Translation 9.我很幸运,有这么好的机会跟你一起学习。我很幸运,有这么好的机会跟你一起学习。I am fortunate having such a good chance to study with you.10.接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的是教堂。接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的是教堂。When you approach the town, the first building you see is the church.第三十六页,编辑于星期六:五点 五十八分。



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