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1、工业城市里高耸的烟囱,空气污染22021/3/11河道里堆满了人们的生活垃圾,水污染32021/3/11美丽的“西湖水”42021/3/11取水口因黄河的水污染停止取水。华夏的母亲河?52021/3/112009年8月25日,印度博帕尔的一名小女孩蹲在雨中。雨水渗透含有碳化物的地表,进入地下水系,当地3万多名群众遭受着地下水污染的威胁。62021/3/11杀戮不曾停止72021/3/112010年3月25日,云南。当地居民在“污水池”中取水。干旱+水污染=?82021/3/112010年8月7日,甘肃舟曲特大泥石流92021/3/11北京,人们堵在路上。102021/3/11I. Backgr

2、ound Information112021/3/11Barry Commoner (1917- )(born May 28, 1917) is an American biologist, college professor, and eco-socialist. He was also editor of Science Illustrated(科学画报)magazine.122021/3/11Commoner was born in Brooklyn. He received his bachelors degree in zoology from Columbia University

3、(1937) and his masters and doctoral degrees from Harvard University(1938, 1941).After serving in the US Navy during WWII, he moved to St. Louis where became a professor of plant physiology at Washington University. He taught there for 34 years and during this period, in 1966, he founded the Center f

4、or the Biology of Natural Systems to study “the science of the total environment”.132021/3/11In the late 1950s, Commoner became well-known for his opposition to nuclear testing. He went on to write several books about the negative ecological effects of above-ground nuclear testing.His 1971 book The

5、Closing Circle suggested a left-wing, eco-socialist response to the limits to growth thesis, postulating that capitalist technologies were chiefly responsible for environmental degradation(恶化), as opposed to population pressures.142021/3/11He believed that technological, and above all social develop

6、ment would lead to a natural decrease in both population growth and environmental damage.Commoner criticized Ronald Reagan and George Bush for regulating pollution and not preventing it.152021/3/11Science and Survival. 1966.The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology. 1971.The Poverty of Power:

7、Energy and the Economic Crisis. 1976.The Politics of Energy. 1979.Making Peace With the Planet. 1990.162021/3/11Three Mile Island (1979) 三里岛事件三里岛事件172021/3/11The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979, was the most seriou

8、s in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating history, even though it led to no deaths or injuries to plant workers or members of the nearby community.182021/3/11But it brought about sweeping changes involving emergency response planning, reactor operator training, human factors engineering, ra

9、diation protection, and many other areas of nuclear power plant operations. It also caused the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to tighten and heighten its regulatory oversight(疏忽). 192021/3/111979年3月28日凌晨4时,美国宾夕法尼亚州的三里岛核电站第二组反应堆的操作室里,红灯闪亮,汽笛报警,涡轮机停转,堆心压力和温度骤然升高。2小时后,大量放射性物质溢出。6天以后,堆心温度才开始下降,蒸气泡消失

10、-引起氢爆炸的威胁免除了。100吨铀燃料虽然没有熔化,但有60的铀棒受到损坏,反应堆最终陷于瘫痪。事故发生后,全美震惊,核电站附近约20万居民撤出这一地区。在过去的30年间,三里岛事件成为不再进行新核能建筑开发的理由,全部核能的开发速度也大大放缓。 202021/3/11The Chernobyl Disaster(1986)乌克兰切尔诺贝利核电站事故史上最严重的核反应事故发生地。1986年4月26日,乌克兰切尔诺贝利核反应堆爆炸,核反应炉熔毁,大量辐射能排放到大气中,导致原子尘污染。污染还扩散到了西部国家,从当时的苏联到接近欧洲,数以万计的儿童被诊断为甲状腺癌,核反应爆炸区近20英里范围至今

11、仍被封锁。4号反应堆被人们用巨大的石棺密封起来,这是个漫长的核退散过程。212021/3/11On April 25-26th, 1986, the Worlds worst nuclear power accident occurred at Chernobyl in the former USSR (now Ukraine). The Chernobyl nuclear power plant located 80 miles north of Kiev had 4 reactors(核反应堆) and while testing reactor number 4 numerous saf

12、ety procedures were disregarded. At 1:23 am the chain reaction in the reactor became out of control creating explosions and a fireball which blew off the reactors heavy steel and concrete lid.222021/3/11The Chernobyl accident killed more than 30 people immediately, and as a result of the high radiat

13、ion levels in the surrounding 20-mile radius(半径), 13500 people had to be evacuated(撤离,疏散). 232021/3/11800年:专家称消除切尔诺贝利核泄事故漏后遗症需800年; 9.3万人:20年前的切尔诺贝利核电站事故造成致癌死亡人数约为9.3万人左右; 27万人:27万人因切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故患上癌症,其中致死9.3万人; 34万人:核泄漏事故发生后,前苏联立即疏散了11万多人,随后数年,又从污染严重地区搬迁了23万人,前后共疏散34万余人; 242021/3/111984年12月2日深夜,联合碳化物公司

14、(Union Carbide)位于印度博帕尔的杀虫剂制造厂发生事故,45吨有毒化学成分从设备中泄露出来。数小时内上千人因此丧命。在接下来的数月时间里,又有1.5万人中毒身亡,近50万人不同程度受影响。受影响的人当中大多数人失明、器官坏死或是有其他身体故障。受污染区域中出生的婴儿,大多数也存在不同程度的问题和生理缺陷。1989年联合碳化物公司赔偿5亿美元给受害者们,这笔赔偿金都不够受害人10年的治疗费用。博帕尔仍是全球工业泄露灾难的重症区。What happened in Bhopal(印度博帕尔印度博帕尔)?252021/3/11On the night of Dec. 2nd and 3rd

15、, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, began leaking 27 tons of the deadly gas. None of the six safety systems designed to contain such a leak were operational, allowing the gas to spread throughout the city of Bhopal. Half a million people were exposed to(暴露于,接触到)the gas and 20,000 have di

16、ed to date as a result of their exposure. 262021/3/11More than 120,000 people still suffer from ailments caused by the accident and the subsequent pollution at the plant site. These ailments include blindness, extreme difficulty in breathing, and gynecological(妇科的) disorders. The site has never been

17、 properly cleaned up and it continues to poison the residents of Bhopal. 272021/3/11II. About the Essay282021/3/11Making Peace With the Planet is a 1990 book by Barry Commoner. Commoner argues that, despite billions of dollars spent to save the environment, America is still in a deep environmental c

18、risis. The book argues that environmental pollution can be prevented only through fundamental redesign of the way we produce goods.292021/3/111. Everything is Connected to Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all.2. Everything Must Go Somewhe

19、re. There is no “waste” in nature and there is no “away” to which things can be thrown.302021/3/113. Nature Knows Best. Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is, says Commoner, “likely to be detrimental to that system.”4. There Is No Such Thin

20、g as a Free Lunch. Exploitation of nature will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless forms.312021/3/11OutlinePart 1 (para.1):introduction-themewhy the two worlds are at war1st law of the ecosphere - man-made object and surroundingthe closed cyclical process of ecosphe

21、re & the linear process of technospherePart 2 (para.2-5): Part 3 (para.6-9): Part 4 (para.10-11): 322021/3/11Part 5 (para.12-14):the consistent and harmonious nature of ecosphere & the rapid change and variation of technosphere the consequences of failure of the ecosphere and the techno-spherethe da

22、nger for us to take sidesPart 6 (para.15-16): Part 7 (para.17-21): Part 8 (para.22-23): the concluding part332021/3/11III. Detailed Study of the Essay342021/3/111. even droughts, floods, and heat waves may become unwitting acts of man. (Para. 2) What people do may unintentionally cause droughts, flo

23、ods and heat waves.352021/3/112. Like the Creation, the portending global events are cosmic. (Para. 3) Like the Creation of the universe, events that happen in this world may have vast effects, especially on the relationship between the planet Earth and the sun.362021/3/113. Sorcerers Apprentice (Pa

24、ra. 3) It is the English name of a poem by Goethe(歌德), written in 1797. The poem is a ballad in fourteen stanzas.The poem begins as an old sorcerer departs his workshop, leaving his apprentice with chores to perform. Tired of fetching water by pail, the apprentice enchants(对施魔法) a broom to do the wo

25、rk for him-using magic he is not yet fully trained in. 372021/3/11The floor is soon awash with water, and the apprentice realizes that he cannot stop the broom because he does not know how. He splits it in two with an axe, but each of the pieces becomes a new broom and takes up a pail and continues

26、fetching water, now at twice the speed. When all seems lost, the old sorcerer returns, quickly breaks the spell and saves the day. The poem finishes with the old sorcerers statement that powerful spirits should only be called by the master himself.382021/3/114. But this image, now thrust before us i

27、n is misleading. (Para. 4) The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in; such image lulls us into complacency.392021/3/115. The technosphere has becomegovern the ecosphere. (Para. 5) Human activities have taken place ove

28、r such large areas and with such intensity that they have already caused disastrous effects on ecology.402021/3/116. Indeed, in the evolutionary sense, it fitted properly into the preexisting system. (Para. 6) The fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes precedi

29、ng it and the processes following it in the ecological system. 412021/3/117. A car, for example, imposes itselfbeing defined by it. (Para. 7) A car does not respond to its environment but insists on its own needs being met. 422021/3/118. Yield rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer ap

30、plication(Para. 9) The farmers applied more and more chemical fertilizer, but production did not increase at the same rate.432021/3/119. their waste is flushed into the sewer systemat a treatment plant(Para. 11) People, after digestion, excrete the waste which is flushed into the sewer system. The s

31、ewage gets to a treatment plant which modifies it, but it is still waste after being processed. The waste does not reenter the life cycle but disturbs the natural processes wherever it is dumped.442021/3/1110. Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative(Para. 12) If the ecosystems are not

32、 upset by outside intrusion, they will remain the same with very little change.to be free to do as one wishes452021/3/1111. In contrast to the ecosphere, change and variation. (Para. 13) The characteristics of the objects and materials in the technosphere are rapid change and great variety.462021/3/

33、1112. Model T Ford (Para. 13) In the 1920s. Henry Ford adapted the assembly line and the conveyor belt to car production and turned out cars of a standardized model, the famous Model T Ford. 472021/3/11By 1925 he was producing a car every 10 seconds and the Model T could be bought for only $290. Hen

34、ry Ford gave the American people the first mass-produced car.HenryFord与ModelT482021/3/1113. Nylon, for example, unlike, is not biodegradable-that is, there is nothat can break it down . (Para. 13) 翻:例如尼龙,它不会像纤维素那样的天然聚合物一样可以进行生物分解-也就是说,在现存的有机生物中还没有发现哪种酶可以分解尼龙。492021/3/1114. Regarded only as a failure

35、that destroy the plant. (Para. 15) If you regard the disaster at Chernobyl as a technical matter, then the disaster can be seen as the destruction of the nuclear plant by a fire.502021/3/1115. In the technosphere, debts are repaid from within and, canceled. (Para. 16) In the economic field, debts ar

36、e repaid with the production of goods. In this sense, they are repaid within the system. Debts are required to be repaid, unless they are canceled.512021/3/1116. But this is done at the cost of understanding. (Para. 18) If we take sides in the war of the two worlds, we are doing so at the risk of fa

37、iling to have a clear understanding of the nature and cause of the war. Thus, we loss the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis.at the loss or expense of522021/3/1117. The purpose is less a lament overcan be prevented.(Para. 23)The purpose is not to find a culprit(引起不良后果事物的原因) for th

38、e damage that has been inflicted on the environment but to find a way to avoid future damage.532021/3/1118. It is not so much a battle cayfor making peace with the planet.(Para. 23)The purpose is not to support the ecosphere or the technosphere but to find a way to end the war and allow peaceful accommodation to the needs of the natural order.542021/3/11个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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