Unit 3 At the zoo A Let’s talk

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《Unit 3 At the zoo A Let’s talk》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 At the zoo A Let’s talk(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Miss Yu 这个周末要去深圳野生动物园游玩,这个周末要去深圳野生动物园游玩,Miss Yu 将将会从你们之中挑选出一些会从你们之中挑选出一些“小解说员小解说员” 来帮助来帮助Miss Yu介介绍动物园里面的小动物。同学们想跟绍动物园里面的小动物。同学们想跟Miss Yu 一起去吗一起去吗?如果同学们在这节课里踊跃发言,?如果同学们在这节课里踊跃发言,Miss Yu就会带你就会带你们一起去哦!们一起去哦!(*_*) animalcat你知道哪些动物呢?一起说一说吧!你知道哪些动物呢?一起说一说吧!dogtigerpandamonkeyelephantbirdduckbearpigUnit3

2、At the zooA Lets talk仲恺区沥林镇中心小学仲恺区沥林镇中心小学余洁莹余洁莹singLets chantLook at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the dog. It is on the log.Look at the duck. It is in the truck.Look at the bear. It is on the pear.Listen and answer: 听音,回答问题。听音,回答问题。1. What animals are at the zoo?A.Giraffe an

3、d bear. B.Monkey and bear.giraffeListen and answer: 听音,回答问题。听音,回答问题。2. Look at that giraffe. Its .A.tallB.so tallC.short and fat长颈鹿 so tallgiraffeWow! Its so tall!tall高的高的5m 4m 3m 2m 1m o-Tall, tall, tall. Its so tall.Short, short, short. Its so short.Yao Ming is so .Mr. Zhou is . shorttallPractice:

4、练习练习Listen and answer: 听音,回答问题。听音,回答问题。3. A bear! Its and .A.tallB.shortC.fatBCfat肥胖的肥胖的Fat, fat, fat. Its so fat.Look at the . Its and .pigfatPractice:练习练习shortLets describe:让我们来描述一下吧!请选择自己喜欢的图片,在小组内用所给句型跟你的组员描述它的特征。Look at that. Its.例:例:Look at that eye. Its black.Little commentator:小解说员争夺赛:小解说员争夺

5、赛大家表现得真棒!这周末大家都可以跟大家表现得真棒!这周末大家都可以跟Miss Yu去动物园参观,但去动物园参观,但Miss Yu要从你要从你们之中选出一些小解说员。请同学们在小组内动手画一画,并用所学句型介绍们之中选出一些小解说员。请同学们在小组内动手画一画,并用所学句型介绍自己画的图画。哪个组说得最好便可以光荣地当选解说员哦!加油吧!自己画的图画。哪个组说得最好便可以光荣地当选解说员哦!加油吧!Love the animals!Dont feed them at the zoo!(爱护动物爱护动物!不乱投喂不乱投喂!)Test 1.Listen and number. (听音,用阿拉伯数字

6、排序听音,用阿拉伯数字排序)( ) It is a giraffe. Its so tall.( ) It has a long nose.( ) It is a rabbit. Its short and fat.2. Listen and tick. ( “”出与你听到的句子意思相符的一项。出与你听到的句子意思相符的一项。)(1) A. The monkey is tall. B. The monkey is not tall.(2) A. The bear is tall. B. The bear is not tall.(3)A. The giraffe is fat. B. Its

7、a fat cat.(4) A. The cat is short and fat. B. Its a short and fat dog. Lets sum up:总结Word:giraffe(长颈鹿),(长颈鹿),tall(高的),(高的),short(矮的),(矮的),fat(肥胖的)。(肥胖的)。Sentence structure:Look at . Its (so).Homework: 作业作业Read the text loudly and recite it.(大声朗读(大声朗读课文并背诵。)课文并背诵。)Draw a picture about an animal and introduce them with your partners.(画一幅(画一幅动物图画并向同桌介绍。)动物图画并向同桌介绍。)



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