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1、金华十校金华十校2012学年高二期末答案学年高二期末答案21-40 BDBDA BCADC DBBDA DCBAC4160 CCDDA CBADB CBCAD ADBBD61-80 BCDBD BDDBA CBCDB DDCAB 8185 CFEABProof reading 1.way后去掉后去掉 to 2. aan 3. while-when 4. triestried 5. fell后加后加 off 6. badbadly 7. howwhat 8. reached-arrived 9. policemanpolicemen 10. she-he3班班 (44.7分)分)6班班 (44.

2、1分)分)504人人 冯奔畅冯奔畅 应亦周应亦周 施卓越施卓越 麻思佳麻思佳3人人 平子煜平子煜 李晓阳李晓阳 胡雪茹胡雪茹4813人人9人人466人人11人人4410人人4人人426人人5人人401人人8人人以下以下5人人4人人 21.a field 一块空地一块空地 in the fields 在天地里;在天地里; 22. one = a house 25.I didnt see the dustbin .(时间是刚才)时间是刚才)-Could you answer the question?-Sorry. I _(listen). 31. can 表表“有时会有时会”Most of th

3、e time, she is easygoing, but she can be stubborn. 34.consequently 结果;从而;因此结果;从而;因此The meeting was well-organized and turned out well /fine. wasnt listening Cloze 44. on this particular day 就在某一天就在某一天 49.transport sth. to Sp. 运输;运送运输;运送 (deliver) 56.part n. 零部件零部件 57.offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 提供

4、提供 provide sb with sth =provide sth for sb supply sb with sth =supply sth to sb 58.take vt. 接受;拿走接受;拿走 receive vt. 收到;接收;收到;接收;Passage B 67题:题:It is suggested in Para 1 & 2 that_. D.the author cares much about his future. (答案切合文章主题;讲的是作者的感受)答案切合文章主题;讲的是作者的感受)混淆选项混淆选项A内容本身就错误,应该是内容本身就错误,应该是drop out.(

5、stopping attending college 中断上学)中断上学)69题:审题要清楚(题:审题要清楚(NOT)Stay hungry, stay foolish. Staying foolish means that no matter how much youve learned, you are still a fool. There is always more to explore.Passage C 71. enduring adj. =everlasting adj.持久的持久的 74.Couples having babies _.A.are lucky because

6、they can have a whole nights sleep. 这是与文章里句子很相似的一句这是与文章里句子很相似的一句话,但有出入。(往往不是答案)话,但有出入。(往往不是答案) Couples with babies are lucky to get a whole nights sleep or a three-day vacation.D. get happiness from their devotion. (painful happiness) 从对比的细节中概括出结论。从对比的细节中概括出结论。 bachelor n. single man 单身汉单身汉 liberate

7、 v. 解放;释放;使解放;释放;使解脱解脱 pointless adj.Passage D79.He made it very clear when we were discussing marriage that if I had any doubts about anything, I should not hesitate to leave him.理解划线句子含义不是凭空推断或主观臆断。而是理解划线句子含义不是凭空推断或主观臆断。而是根据文章的情景设定基础上去概括。根据文章的情景设定基础上去概括。He immediately wondered whether I was marryi

8、ng his daughter in order to remain in the United States. As is shown in the picture above, a boy is shouting at his dad, who looks upset, not knowing what to do with his son. It seems that they dont get along well with each other. (描述图画、点明现象)(描述图画、点明现象) Nowadays, many families with teenagers face su

9、ch a problem, which is extremely bad for the growth of a child and the harmony of a family. For example, quarrels can often be seen when parents attempt to prevent their children doing what is not suitable to their opinion, such as playing computer games, because the kid is unwilling to do it as tol

10、d. What has caused the frequent conflicts between them? There can be many reasons, of which , I think a lack of understanding and communication is the most important one. It is inevitable that disagreement between parents and kids will appear. However, if we learn to communicate with each other peacefully and equally, a harmonious relationship can be easily born.(详细或举例描写这种现象、谈谈原因和对策)(详细或举例描写这种现象、谈谈原因和对策)Homework 1.复习复习Units 1-2 M 4 1)读词汇;记重点词组搭配读词汇;记重点词组搭配 2)读笔记;记本单元语法)读笔记;记本单元语法 3)早自修熟读课文。)早自修熟读课文。2.完成练习题完成练习题units1-2 (上交)上交)



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