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1、Unit-3-The-library-Unit-3-The-library-cardcard大学英语精读第五册大学英语精读第五册Pre-reading discussionvDo you often go to the school or city library?vWhat books do you like to read?vHow did you benefit from reading? The Benefits of Reading Readinggoesbeyondbeingmerelyimportant.Itisanessentialelementinbroadeningourk

2、nowledgeandunderstandingoftheworldaroundus.Itallowsustorisetohigherlevelsofcreativityandintelligence.Readingalsoenablespeopleofallagestoparticipateinapastimewhichsurpassesexpectations.The Tips of ReadingMake a time-lineLeave yourself time.Think about authorship and ownershipCoordinate with other tex

3、ts.Take notes.Know what you are readingTips The Tips of Reading Leave yourself timeThemostimportantruleforactuallygettingsomethingoutofthereadingistoleaveyourselftimenotonlytoreadthetext,buttothinkaboutit,andtoaskquestionsaboutit.Planahead,budgetacoupleofhours,andifonlytakes30minutestoread,usetheres

4、tofthetimetoconsiderthetext,torereadparts,toposequestions,ortocompareitwithothertexts.Take notesTherearemanystylesoftakingnotes.Notesshouldservetwopurposes:theyshouldallowyoutorememberwhatyoureadwithouthavingtorereadthewholething,andtheyshouldserveasabasisfordiscussionandforyourownwriting. The Tips

5、of Reading Know what you are readingYoureadabookandthinkaboutitatthesametime.Donotsimplypassyoureyesoverthetextandpronounceitread,butsitdownbeforethetextandanswersomepreliminaryquestions;figureoutwhatitis,whywerereadingit,thenreadit.Alwaysfamiliarizeyourselfwiththetextbeforeyoubegin.Make a time-line

6、Makeatimelineforyourself.Infact,makeseveral.Someissueswillclusteraroundsmalltimeperiods,otherswillbeempty.Someissuesmightneedtobeonseparatetimelines.Usethetimelineasanaidtomemory,notasawayofmakingarguments. The Tips of Reading Think about authorship and ownershipWhenyoulearnmoreabouttheseissues,andy

7、ouwillbepresentedwithmoreandmoretextsmeanttodemonstratedifferentissues.Begintoaskyourself:Whatisthelegalstatusofthisbook?Doesthebookrefertoitsownstatusasanobject?Isthebookvaluable?Whatmakesitso?Coordinate with other textsDonotreadeachtextinisolation.Gobackandforthbetweentexts.Sometextshavebeencarefu

8、llyselectedinordertoproducesurprisingcomparisonsandconnections.Donotlosefaith,becausethereisalwaysapartyinyourtext,youjustneedtofindit.ContentsThere is no royal road to learning. About the writer1 The characters involved2 Basic event3 Conclusion5About the writerRichard Wright was born near Natchez,

9、Mississippi, in 1908. As a child he lived in Memphis, Tennessee, then in an orphanage, and with various relatives. He left home at fifteen and returned to Memphis for two years to work, and in 1934 went to Chicago, where in 1935, he began to work on the Federal Writers Project. He published Uncle To

10、ms Children in 1938 and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in the following year. The novels Native Son and Black Boy earned worldwide fame for him. After the Second World War, he went to live in Paris with his wife and daughters, remaining there until his death in 1960. About the writerUncleTomsCh


12、rshipfromnative-born,whiteProtestantU.S.citizens,theKKKhasalsobeenanti-Semiticandanti-Catholic,andhasopposedtheimmigrationofallthoseitdoesnotviewasraciallypure.vOthernamesforthegrouphavebeenWhiteBrotherhood,HeroesofAmerica,ConstitutionalUnionGuards,andInvisibleEmpire.vIrish Catholicisatermusedtodesc

13、ribepeoplewhoarebothCatholicandIrish(orofIrishdescent).vDivisionsbetweenIrishCatholicsandIrishProtestants(boththosewhowouldeventuallybecalledtheProtestantAscendancyandthoseProtestantsofmorehumblesocietalposition)haveplayedamajorroleinthehistoryofIrelandfromtheReformationtoTheTroubles.The characters

14、involvedHenryLouisMencken(1880-1956),Americanjournalistandauthor。Ofhisbooks,Menckenisbestknownforhismonumentalstudy,The American Language,rankedasoneofthetop100influentialbooksintheUnitedStates.Healsowroteonreligion,ethics,politics,literature,women,andbabycare.Happy Days,Newspaper DaysandHeathen Day

15、sprovideaglimpseintolifeinBaltimoreandAmericainthelate19thandearly20thcenturies.The characters involvedBlack BoyH.L.MenckenSo-calledPopeloverLibrarianMemphisCommercialAppeal商业呼声报 Want to find out about MenckenWant to ask someone for helpAsk Mr. Falk a favorForge a note and have books finallyHe can n

16、ot get books from the library Weigh the personalities of the men on the jobMr. Falk gives him his cardForge more notes and his trips to the library become frequentSteeped in new moods and idesChange TextWhenWhyHowResultbackgroundofthestoryWhydidtheauthorwanttoreadbooksbyH.L.Mencken?Howdidtheauthorge



19、 did the author get those books?AUTHORDonJewuneasyandinsecure,contemptBossBaptistcannotcomprehendwhyAnIrishCatholicanobjectofhatredLendTheLibraryCardvWhywasitdifficultfortheauthortogetbooksfromthelibraryvWhydidtheauthorthinkthatDonmighttelltheotherwhitesabouthisrequestforhelp?vWhydidWrighttrustMr.Fa

20、lk?What kind of man do you think Mr. Falk is?vHelookedatme_.vMycardid_mostofthetime.vYourenottryingto_,areyou?vIts_ofyoutowanttoread.vHestaredatme_.“Dontmentionthisto_.”vIftheysuspectyou,youll_.WhydidMr.Falkwarntheauthoraboutwhenhegavehimthelibrarycard?How did he get the books?vLibrarianvTheblackboy

21、Why did the author use the term “nigger” in his forged note to the librarian?whywasthelibrariansuspiciousaboutthenote?What kind of man is Mencken?vA Book of PrefacesPrejudicesWhatwastheauthorsreactionwhenhefirstlookedatthebooksbyMencken?HowdidMenckenimpresshimaftertheauthorreadhisbookofprefaces?Howd


23、vWhathappenedwhenheattemptedtowrite?vWhatwashisnewhunger?vAmerican Mercury,monthlyliterarymagazineknownforitsoftensatiriccommentaryonAmericanlife,politics,andcustoms.Itwasfoundedin1924byH.L.MenckenandGeorgeJeanNathan.L.34:He was an Irish Catholic and was hated by the white Southerners. Many white so

24、utherners are hostile towards those who have different religion or country of origin, such as Roman Catholics and Irish.L132:While letting the hot water run over my can of pork and beans. He used this way of warning his food because his rented room most likely did not have any cooking facilities.L17

25、1:I could not read enough of them.I could never get tired of reading them.L181:The very breath of life: SomethingverynecessaryWORDS:Hearsay : sth. that is said rather than proved Examples: I never trust anything that I learn by hearsay. Its only hearsay that the chairman is going to resign.Furious :

26、 extremely angry , full of violent angerExample :He was furious to learn that his pay check had been lost.The passengers are furious at being kept waiting.She was furious with herself for not standing up for her rights.Call down : summon; invoke( sth. upon sb.)Examples:If you do that , youll be call

27、ing down the indignation of everyone upon yourself.She called down all kinds of curses on the driver who had knocked her off her bicycle.denounce: speak or write againstExamples:The council denounced the new law, calling it undemocratic.The ministers action was denounced in the newspapers.Denunciati

28、on: n. the act or fact of denouncingExamples:The candidates speech was denunciation of the existing organization of economic system. The mayors denunciation of gambling was televised yesterday evening.Contempt: a feeling that sb. or sth. is completely worthless and deserves no respectExamples:The ex

29、-con had been treated with nothing but contempt ever since he came back to his hometown.The writer held most of his critics in contempt.Out of the question : impossibleExamples:Before liberation, it was out of the question for children of poor parents to get an education.Without a passport , leaving

30、 the country is out of the question.out of question-no doubtImponderable: difficult or impossible to measure or estimateExamples:What the effect of the strike will be on the firm is imponderable.Public opinion is an imponderable factor in a political campaign.Errand: a short journey made in order to

31、 get sth. or do sth. for sb. ElseExample:Alex is not here for the moment ; he has gone on an errand for Mrs. Matfield.Peg was kept busy all morning , running errands for her mother .Stained: soiled ; spotted by wrongdoing or disgraceExamples:The tablecloth is stained where food has been spilled.The

32、great kings name was stained with acts of cruelty.Frown: make an angry , unhappy, or confused expression, moving ones eyebrows togetherExamples:Ruth saw her husband frown as he read the letter.Larry frowned at the noise coming from the boys bedroom.Frown on/ upon: disapprove of Examples:Many doctors

33、 frown upon a diet which contains a lot of fat.Even though divorce is legal it is still frowned upon.Extol: praise highly ; commendExamples:The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.The newspaper extolled the bravery of the soldiers who had fought against a force twice t

34、heir numbers.Surge up: (of a feeling) arise stronglyExamples:Uncontrollable anger surged up when he saw what had been done.As he was blamed for damage he hadnt caused,indignation surged up within him ,She poured out to her closest friend the longing that surged up from her very heart.Reading Activity结束!结束!



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