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1、【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n本单元重点知识:n1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意n2. 词组n1) the final exam 期末考试 n2) prepare for 为作准备 n3) have to 不得不 n4) take off 起飞 n5) soon after 不久 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n6) have the final exam 进行期末考试 n7) play the guitar 弹吉它 n8) Im afraid you cant 恐怕你不能 n9)

2、by plane / air 乘飞机 n10) on a flight 坐飞机 n11) take ones seat 坐在某人的座位上 n12) leave the passage 留出走道 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n13) get through 通过 n14) put on 穿上,戴上 n15) for a while/ moment / minute 一会儿 n16) put up your hands / raise your hand 举手n17) buy me a notebook 给我买一个笔记本 n18) right

3、now 现在,马上 n19) be quiet / keep quiet 保持安静 n20) seem new 似乎很新鲜 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n21) wear school uniform 穿校服n22) make no noise 不要吵n23) respect all your teachers 尊敬你们的老师n24) both and 两者都. n25) electronic dictionaries 电子词典n26) laptop computers 笔记本电脑【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight

4、课件 北京课改版 课件n27) get into a fight or quarrel 参与打架斗殴n28) use any dirty language 说脏话n29) pay for 付款n30) in advance 提前n31) out of school 校外【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n3. 句型n1) Can I use the earphone in class? 在课上我能用耳机吗?n2) May I have a look at your pictures? 我可以看一下你的照片吗?n3) Dont talk loudl

5、y in the classroom. 教室里不要大声说话。n4) The children are going to have the final exam. 孩子们不久要举行期末考试。n5) May I help you? 要我帮忙吗?/ 您需要点什么? n6) Could you take your seat right now? 你马上坐到你的座位上去好吗?【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n7) Can I keep my bag with me? 我可以拿着我的包吗?n8) Well serve you cookies and dri

6、nks soon after the plane takes off. n飞机起飞不久我们会为您提供饼干和饮料。 n9) Please wait until the plane takes off. 请等到飞机起飞。n10) You can put on the earphones to listen. 你可以戴上耳机听。n11) You can turn on the light right above your seat if you like. n如果你愿意你可以把你座位正上方的灯打开。n12) May I have my own choice of the food and drink

7、? 我可以吃我自己选的食物和饮料吗?【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n13) Could you be quiet for a while? 安静一会儿好吗?n14) She has a lot of work to do. 她有好多事情要做。n15) This is the first time for her to be on a flight. 这是她第一次坐飞机。n16) Everything seems new and exciting to her.在她看来一切都很新鲜和令人兴奋。n17) If you want to ask an

8、y questions in class, you have to raise your hand first. n如果你课上想问问题,你得先举手。【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n4. 语法n1)在英语的交流中,征求对方允许时常用的句型:nCan I do sth. ? nCould I do sth. ? nMay I do sth. ? 例如:nCan/ Could / May I help you, sir? nCan / Could / May I use your bike? n其中could 表示语气更有礼貌。【最新】七年级英语下

9、册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n2)允许对方做某事时要用:nYes, you can. / Yes, of course. / Sure. / Certainly.n不允许时要用:nSorry. Im afraid you cant. nNo, you cant. 这句话有些生硬,态度比较强硬n本单元中出现的从句有:时间状语从句和条件状语从句. 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n3)时间状语从句:nWell serve you cookies and drinks soon after the plane tak

10、es off. n飞机起飞不久我们会为您提供饼干和饮料。n4)条件状语从句:nIf you need any help, you may just press the button here to ring the call-bell. 如果你需要任何帮助,可以按一下这里的呼叫铃按钮。【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n本单元重点知识讲解:n1. 交际功能句:n1). 征求对方允许时常用的句型nCan I do sth. ? nCould I do sth. ? nMay I do sth. ? 例如:nCan/ Could / May I he

11、lp you, sir? nCan / Could / May I use your bike?【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n2). 允许对方做某事时要用:nYes, you can. / Yes, of course. / Sure. / Certainly.n不允许时要用:nSorry. Im afraid you cant. nNo, you cant.【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n2. Can I go to bed a bit late tonight? 今天我能晚睡会儿吗?n

12、 a bit late 晚一点 n 知识拓展:n a bit cold n a bit hungryn a bit tiredn a bit thirstyn a bit of milkn a bit of watern a bit of time【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n3. I dont feel sleepy at all. 我根本就不感觉困。n feel sleepy 感觉困n 知识链接n feel tiredn feel boredn feel interested in n feel welln feel happyn no

13、tat all 根本不/没有n I dont like mutton at alln There isnt any milk in the bottle at all. n She hasnt finished her homework at all. 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n典型例题:n 根据中英文提示完成下列各句 我们根本就没看过那部电影。n We _ the film _. n 他根本就不会弹吉它。n He_. n 经过长时间的走路,他感觉特别累。n He _ after walking a long way. n 我想休息了,

14、我感觉有点困。n I want to _, I _. 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n4. You dont have to go to school tomorrow. n have to do sth. 不得不做某事n Its too late. I have to go home at once. n Do you have to finish your work first?n We dont have to cook dinner, we can go to the restaurant together. 【最新】七年级英语下册

15、Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n5. It is the first time for her to be on a flight. 这是她第一次坐飞机。n It is the first time for sb. to do sth. 这是某人第一次做某事n 例如:n It is the first time for me to visit the Great Wall. n It is the first time for her to come to Tianan men Square. n be on a flight 坐飞机 同义词:take a plan

16、e【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n6. Everything seems new and exciting to her. 对于她来说一切好像都很新鲜而且刺激。n seem + adj. 好像. n 例如:n seem strangen seem interestingn seem young 【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件n7. Sit down and leave the passage for those behind you to get through. n leave the passage 留出走道n 例如:n leave some foodn leave some homeworkn leave some porridgen get through 通过【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit10 On a flight课件 北京课改版 课件



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