(江苏专用)2018版高考英语大一轮复习 第三部分 写作增分攻略 九 让写作浑然一体的衔接与过渡课件 牛津译林版

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1、学案九让写作浑然一体的衔接与过渡写作运用探究衔接与过渡是高考英语书面表达的重要评分标准之一,因此,在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接词是非常必要的。常用的连接(过渡)词主要有:一、表示起始关系的过渡词above all, to begin/start with, first of all, now, nowadays, at present, currently, recently, generally speaking, according to, with the development of.等。高考佳句To start with,I have been learnin

2、g and speaking Mandarin for about 17 years.(2015四川,满分作文)首先,我学说普通话已经大约17年了。【即时演练】完成句子1._ the Internet,computers play an important role in peoples life. 随着因特网的发展,计算机在人们的生活中起着重要作用。2._,the more you practise,the more skillfully you can write in English. 总的来说,你练习越多,用英语写作就越熟练。答案1.With the development of2.G

3、enerally speaking二、表示时间顺序的过渡词first(ly),then,later,in the end,finally,at last,after that, afterwards, since then, immediately, suddenly,meanwhile等。高考佳句Firstly,people may feel forced when asked to do things that they dont want to.(2016江苏,满分作文)首先,当被要求做他们不想的事情的时候人们是可能感到是被迫的。Secondly, Id like to share my

4、 books with others as well.(2015重庆,满分作文)其次,我也喜欢与别人分享我的书籍。【即时演练】完成短文3._,I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place._ I wiped the dust off all the furniture._,I swept and mopped the floors. 首先,我把所有的书籍、报纸和其他的散落在屋子里的东西收集起来放好,然后我扫去所有家具上的灰尘,之后我扫地、拖地。

5、答案Firstly;Then;After that三、表示并列关系的过渡词and,or,also,as well as,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,either.or.,not.but.等。高考佳句By doing so,I can not only share good ideas with others, but also learn to express myself clearly.(2015浙江,书面表达)通过这样做,我不仅能与其他人分享好的观点,而且学会了清晰地表达自己。She finally earned respect of them,who

6、 eventually became confident as well as well-behaved.(2015广东,满分作文)她最后赢得了他们的尊重,他们最终变得自信,表现也不错。【即时演练】翻译句子4.努力学习,你就会升入重点大学。 _5.游泳不但对身体有好处,而且能培养我们的坚强意志。 _答案4.Work hard,and you will be admitted to a key university.5.Swimming not only benefits our health,but also helps us have a strong will.四、表示转折关系的过渡词bu

7、t,yet,however,while,otherwise,on the contrary等。高考佳句However, as a proverb goes, “Every coin has two sides.”(2016江苏,满分作文)然而,正如谚语所说,“每个硬币都有两面”。On the contrary,the volunteers always claim that they are tired of the life on earth,so they are eager to experience the future life on the Mars.(广东高考满分作文)相反,这些

8、志愿者说,他们厌倦了地球上的生活,因此他们渴望体验未来火星上的生活。【即时演练】翻译句子6.然而,使你最惊讶的是下述新的功能。 _7.相反,智能手机不仅占用我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康造成极大的危害。 _答案6.However,what amazes you most is the following new function.7.On the contrary,smart phones not only take up our valuable time,but also do great harm to our health.五、表示因果关系的过渡词because,as,since,f

9、or,thanks to,due to,as a result of,so,therefore,as a result/consequence等。高考佳句The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong,so you dont have to worry so much.(安徽高考满分作文)真相是每个人都会有事情看上去要变得糟糕的时刻,所以你不必过分担心。As a consequence,children become so reliant on their paren

10、ts that they have no independent thought or creative ideas.(福建高考书面表达)结果,孩子们变得太依赖于父母,以至于他们没有独立的思想和创造性的想法。【即时演练】翻译句子8.多亏医生的及时治疗,他获救了。 _9.因此,我建议应该给我们更多的时间用于体育运动和睡眠。 _答案8.Thanks to the doctors timely treatment,he was saved.9.Therefore,I suggest we be given more time for sports and sleep.六、表示条件关系的过渡词if,u

11、nless,in case of,as/so long as,on condition that等。高考佳句Ill be glad if you can consider my recommendation.(浙江高考满分作文)若你们能考虑一下我的建议,我将很高兴。As long as we stick to our dreams,we will become a winner sooner or later.(湖南高考满分作文)只要坚持梦想,我们迟早会成为赢家。【即时演练】翻译句子10.只要你不灰心,就一定会成功。 _11.如果我们忽视我们的未来,就像图画中的这个人一样,我们就会以失败告终。

12、 _答案10.As long as you dont lose heart,youre sure to succeed.11.If we neglect our future,well end up in failure as what happens to the man in the picture.七、表示递进关系的过渡词whats more, furthermore, moreover, besides, whats worse,still less,to make matters worse,worse still,on (the) one hand.on the other han

13、d.,for one thing.for another.等。高考佳句In addition,the Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient,regardless of time and space.(2016江苏,书面表达)另外,因特网会使得调查和投票方便、简单,不受时间与空间的限制。Whats more,Im outgoing and warm-hearted.另外,我性格外向且待人热心。(2015陕西,满分作文)On one hand,I can earn some money by doing it to help

14、 my parents,and on the other hand,I can gain some experience from it,which will do good to my future life.(山东高考满分作文)一方面,我能通过做这样的事赚些钱来帮助父母,另一方面,我能从中获得一些经验,这会对我将来的生活有益。【即时演练】完成句子12._,our class also organize a variety of activities to enrich our spare time. 另外,我们班还组织了各种各样的活动来丰富我们的业余时间。13._,if we spend

15、too much time on phones,we will lose the communication skills we need in the future. 更糟的是,如果我们在电话上花费过多的时间,我们会失去将来需要的交际技能。答案12.Besides/Whats more/In addition/Moreover/Furthermore 13.Worse still/To make matters worse八、表示列举事实的过渡词such as,for example/instance,take.for example,that is to say,as follows,in

16、 other words等。高考佳句They are of different shapes,such as diamonds,butterflies,flowers and birds.(新课标全国满分作文)它们形状各异,诸如像钻石、蝴蝶、花、鸟。In fact,Chinese has never stopped taking words from other languages,say,“ganbu” or “minzhu” from Japanese.(江苏高考满分作文)事实上,汉语从来就没有停止过从别的语言中录入一些单词,比如,日语中的“ganbu”或“minzhu”。【即时演练】完成

17、句子14._,it is one of the oldest cities in the world. 就拿北京来说吧,它是世界上最古老的都市之一。15._,if you want to succeed,you have to believe in yourself. 也就是说,如果你想成功,必须相信自己。答案14.Take Beijing for example15.That is to say九、表示观点的过渡词in my opinion,in my view,in my point of view,as far as I am concerned,as for me,personally

18、,I think.等。高考佳句As far as I am concerned,they stand for love,friendship and unity.(新课标全国满分作文)以我看来,他们代表爱、友谊和团结。I think the picture conveys a message that everyone has his or her advantages.(北京高考满分作文)我认为这幅画传达了这样的信息:人人都有自己的优点。【即时演练】翻译句子16.就我而言,我喜欢财富,但我更看重健康。 _17.按照我的观点,人们不应该在公共场所抽烟。 _答案16.As far as I am

19、 concerned,I love wealth,but I value health more.17.In my opinion,people shall not smoke in public places.十、表示总结的过渡词in short,in brief,in conclusion,in a/one word,to sum up,all in all,on the whole,in general,generally speaking等。高考佳句In a word,my life will be much richer and more colorful.(新课标大纲全国满分作文)

20、总之,我的生活将会更加丰富多彩。All in all,traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.(山东高考满分作文)总的来说,旅游是充实自己、准备迎接新的挑战的最好的选择。【即时演练】完成句子18._,a good citizen should observe traffic regulations. 总之,一个好市民应该遵守交通规则。19._,I find a bike more enjoyable than a motorcycle. 总的来说,我发现自行车

21、比摩托车更令人喜欢。答案18.In a word/In conclusion/In short/In brief/To sum up19.On the whole/In general单句跟踪演练用方框内的过渡词完成下面的短文second,so,as a result,despite,on (the) one hand,whats worse,instead of,in a word,on the other hand,as is well-known1._,online shopping is becoming more and more popular in our daily life.

22、2._,online shopping has many advantages.First,online shopping makes it easier for us to buy things.3._ searching a crowded store,we just need to watch the computer screen and choose the things we like.4._,it is much faster for us to do shopping.We dont have to spend a lot of time going to shops.Thir

23、d,we can see a lot of goods shown on the computer screen at the same time.5._, online shopping also has many disadvantages.The pictures of goods shown on the computer screen are not always what they are.6._,we can be cheated easily.7._,we cannot see the things in detail.8._, 9._ the disadvantages of online shopping, I think it is an advanced way to do shopping.10._ we should develop it.答案1.As is well-known2.On the one hand 3.Instead of4.Second5.On the other hand 6.As a result7.Whats worse8.In a word 9.despite10.So



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