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1、外贸英文函电外贸英文函电第九章第九章 装运装运Chapter NineRevisionObjectiveWarming-UpRelated KnowledgeSample Letter 22 23,24 25,26 27 ExercisesObjectivesUpon completion of this chapter, you will: be able to define such terms as mode of transportation, partial shipment, and transshipment. be able to give shipping instructi

2、on and shipping advice. be able to contact the shipping company for booking shipping space or chartering a ship. ReturnWarming-Up Shipment, one of the indispensable terms of sales contract, signifies the sellers fulfillment of the obligation to make delivery of the goods. Warming-Up In practice, shi

3、pment involves such procedures as clearing the goods through the customs, booking shipping space or chartering a ship, completing shipping documents, dispatching shipping advice. Warming-Up There are three parties involved in the movement of goods: the consignor or the shipper (who sends goods), the

4、 carrier (who carries the goods), and the consignee (who receives the goods at the destination). Warming-Up Phrases frequently used date of shipment date of deliveryport of loading (port of shipment)Port of discharge (port of destination)装运日期交货日期装货港(装运港)卸货港(目的港)Warming-UpTransshipmentPartial shipmen

5、tShipping marksfreightReturn1. 转船转船 2. 分批装运分批装运3. 唛头唛头 4. 运费运费Related KnowledgeRoad Freight Rail FreightAir FreightMicro-bridge ReturnRoad Freight The road freight and rail freight are commonly used in the cross-border deliveries. Road Freight About 50% to 80% of cross-border deliveries are complete

6、d using road freight. Generally, a transit distance within 1,000 kilometers using road freight is competitive compared to rail and air freight.ReturnRail Freight Rail freight is popular in multimodal transport and transshipment. It is widely used in land-bridges. Rail Freight Large shippers, who hav

7、e rail sidings at their facility, may arrange directly with the rail carrier to let them to pick up the rail cars and move cars to the port of export for loading on the vessel.ReturnAir Freight Most air cargoes are carried on passenger airliner. About 80% to 90% of air cargoes are transported by IAT

8、A (International Air Transport Association) members. (IATA国际航空运输协会 ) Air freight is often used for high value but low volume cargo. Air Freight Air freighters like the Boeing 747-400F can carry loads weighing up to 110.67 metric tons. The air container permits cargo transport linking air, land and o

9、cean freight without intermediate reloading. ReturnMICROBRIDGE ReturnLetter Twenty-twomake/effect shipmentS.S.due to/ scheduled toavailablefreightmake/effect shipmentThe shipment will be effected within one month after receipt of the L/C.We will effect shipment as soon as possible once the goods are

10、 ready.装船将在收到信用证以后的一个月内执行。一旦货物备妥,我们将立即装运。make/effect shipment请立即开立信用证以便于我们能及时装运。PleaseopenanL/Cimmediatelysothatwecaneffectshipmentimmediately.Returns.s.steam ship (s.s.)(s/s)motor vessel (m.v.)(m/v)请用东风号轮装运。Pleaseshipthegoodsbys.s.DONGFENG.Returndue to S.s.PrinceisduetosailtomorrowandarriveatLiverp

11、oolonoraboutOct.1withtransshipmentatSingapore. Return这艘船预计在9月10日能抵达目的港纽约。王子号预计将在明天启航,大约在10月1日左右抵达利物浦,并在新家坡转船。Thisshipisduetoarriveattheportofdestination-NewYork-onSep.10.availablean L/C available by draft at sightWe regret that these goods are not available at present.Please ship the subject goods b

12、y the first available steamer.Return凭即期汇票付款的信用证(即期信用证)我们很遗憾目前不能供应此货物。请用第一艘可订到舱位的船装运标题项下货物。freightPleasequotethefreightfor2000metrictonsofcoalfromShanghai,ChinatoNewYork,U.S. 根据合同,运费由买方支付。Return请报从中国上海运往美国纽约的2000公吨煤的运费。Accordingtothecontract,thefreightisforthebuyersaccount.Letter Twenty-three Twenty-

13、fourbook shipping spacedepartcontainer/palletextend tolotLetter Twenty-threeWe serve more than 12,000 locations in 140 countries around the world. APL deploys 450,000 containers and chassis worldwide a company at the heart of international trade. Shipping ProcedureAfteryourorderisplaced,youwillrecei


15、nd.Othershippingoptionsareavailable,pleasecontactusforinformation.Forinternationalorders,wewillcontactyouwithshippingoptions.book shipping spaceWe have booked shipping space on s.s. Dongfeng which is due to sail to your port on or about July 2.我们已在东风号轮上订到舱位,预计在7月2号左右驶向你方港口。请尽快开信用证以便我们可以订到舱位。Pleaseop

16、enL/Cassoonaspossiblesothatwemaybookshippingspace.departdepart-call atThis ship you named has just departed. The next available steamer will sail three days later and call at your port on or about Oct. 21.你方指定的船刚刚离开。下一个可订到舱位的船将在三天后启航,大概在十月二十一日抵达你港口。departWe can get the goods ready before the ships d

17、eparture.The expected time of departure of 1032 flight is 10:45 a.m.我们能在开船前将货备好。1032次班机预计开航时间是上午10点45分。40 feet container20 feet container10 feet containerpalletextend toBecause of the recent fire in the factory, all the stocks were destroyed. In this case, we cannot make shipment as arranged before.

18、 Please extend the date of shipment and the expiry date of L/C No. 44779 to 30 April and 15 May respectively.由于最近工厂发生火灾烧毁了全部库存,一不能按照原来安排交货。请将44779号信用证交货期和有效期分别展至4月30日和5月15日。lotThis is the only lot available and others are after it.The goods are to be shipped in three monthly lots of 20 tons each on

19、separate bills of lading. 这是能供的仅有1批货,而且还有其他客户争购。货物分三个月装运,每批20吨,提单分开。partial shipment When shipments are made on different dates and/or different ports or points of origin, but the transport documents indicate the same destination and bear the same means of conveyance for the same journey, they are n

20、ot regarded as covering partial shipments. Non-Partial Shipment The route of vessel S/S HERMANA voyage No. 8 is from Port A to Port B (both in the sellers country) and then to Port C (in the buyers country). The transit time between Port A and Port B is 2 days. Non-Partial Shipment If the seller mak

21、es two separate shipments, one from Port A and the other from Port B, two days apart under one letter of credit (L/C) to the same buyer at Port C via the same vessel S/S HERMANA voyage No. 8, such case is not a partial shipment. Letter Twenty-fiveTwenty-SixDelayTime of ShipmentShipping MarkWe serve

22、more than 12,000 locations in 140 countries around the world. APL deploys 450,000 containers and chassis worldwide a company at the heart of international trade. delayAs a result of your delay in opening L/C, we were unable to effect shipment in good time.Any delay in shipment will involve us in no

23、small difficulty.由于你们延迟开立信用证,我们未能如期装船。任何装运的延误都将给我们带来很大的困难。delayAs you have delayed opening Ls/C several times, we hope you will not delay again this time.该船系因天气恶劣而误点。这将造成15天的延误。The ships delay was due to bad weather.由于你方已有数次延误了开证,希望这次勿再耽搁。Thiswillcauseadelayofabout15days.Time of Shipment在2004年11月25日

24、以前装运 装运日期不迟于2004年7月31日最迟装运期限:2005年4月30日 tobeshippedbeforeNovember25,2004tobeshippednotlaterthanJuly31,2004thelatesttimeofshipmentisApril30,2005Time of Shipment在2004年10月和11月份装运 在2004年11月和2005年2月之间装运 tobeshippedbetweenOctober/November,2004tobeshippedfromNovember2004toFebruary2005shipping labels1.KeepD

25、ry2.Maximumstack(8)3.Donotstack4.Slinghere5.Thissideup.6.Fragile7.KeepawayfromheatmarkGoods are to be marked with our initials in a diamond(circle, triangle,etc.).Unless you advise to the contrary, we will mark the package the same as before.货物应标上我方缩写名称,外加菱形(圆形,三角型)。除非你方另有通知,我们仍将在货包上刷以前的标志。Letter Tw

26、enty-sevenShipping instructionShipping advice Before shipment, the buyers generally send their shipping requirements to the sellers, informing the packing, shipping mark, mode of transportation, etc., known as the shipping instructions. shipping instructionReturnshipping advice On the other hand, th

27、e sellers usually send a notice to the buyers immediately after the goods are loaded on board the ship, advising them of the shipment, especially under FOB or CFR terms. Such a notice is known as the shipping advice.Shipping advice Foreign importer may arrange the cargo insurance on time based on th

28、e shipping advice (if buyer is to arrange the insurance). Moreover, importer may know when to receive the goods and arrange with a customs broker for the cargo clearance. Shipping advice The shipping advice is particularly important in short-sea trades, for example within the Asian countries where the goods may arrive at the port of destination before the shipping documents, and in the ports of destination where theft and pilferage of the imported goods is rampant. Return



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