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1、Period IIIUnit 3Is this your pencil?1. Memorize the words and phrases on page 11.2. Learn to write a notice about Lost and Found.3. Train writing skill.Whats this? 这是什么?是什么?Its a computer. 是一台是一台电脑。How do you spell it? 请拼写出来。请拼写出来。C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R .Revision A:Excuse me, Mary .Is this your book?B:Yes,

2、_ _.A:Mary,is this your pencil?B:No,it _.It,s _pencil.A:What,s this _ English?B:_ _ eraser.A:_ do you spell eraser?B:_.itisisn,this(her,your)inIt,sanHowE-R-A-S-E-R根据上下文提示补全下列句子。根据上下文提示补全下列句子。Exercise New Words call 打电话打电话at 在在(里面或附近);(里面或附近); 在在(点、刻);以(点、刻);以in 在在里面里面the 表示特指的人、物、事或群体表示特指的人、物、事或群体lo

3、st 遗失遗失found 找回找回lost and found 失物招领失物招领please (祈使句中用作请求的客套话)请(祈使句中用作请求的客套话)请school 学校学校a set of 一套;一副一套;一副of (属于)(属于)的的New Words 3aRead the bulletin board notices and circle the words from 1a. 阅读公告牌上的布告。圈出活动阅读公告牌上的布告。圈出活动1a中出现的词语中出现的词语。Is this your watch? Call Alan at 495-3539.Alan,Is that your com

4、puter game in the lost and found case? NickFound: Notebook.Is this your notebook?Please call Mary.Phone #235-0285.Lost:My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call 685-6034.Lost 寻物启事寻物启事你知道如何写你知道如何写寻物启事寻物启事吗?吗?寻物启事寻物启事共包括四部分共包括四部分: : 1. 1. 标题标题2. 2. 丢失的东西丢失的东西3. 3. 失者的姓名失者的姓名4. 4. 联系电话联系电话Lost:My b

5、ackpack.My name is Helen.Please call 532-7138.Found 失物招领失物招领 如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢? 你需要写Found, 分五部分:1. 标题2. 拾到的东西3. 询问某物是不是失者的4. 联系人5. 联系电话FoundWatch.Is this your watch?Please call Mike.Phone# 648-5012.at 529-6403. Call David A set of keys. Found:142 3Put these pieces in order to make a message. Wri

6、te numbers in the boxes. 将下列碎片排序将下列碎片排序并组成一条信息。将数字写在方格中。并组成一条信息。将数字写在方格中。3bToday, I found a black jacket in my classroom. I want (想想要要) to write (写写) a found notice. But I dont know how to write. Please help me. My name is Eric. My phone number is 6856030.Could you please help Eric write a found not

7、ice?你能帮?你能帮Eric写一则失物招领启示吗?写一则失物招领启示吗?Exercise Model:Found: Jacket.Is this your jacket?Please call Eric.Phone # 6856030. FIRST NAME: MaryLAST NAME: CooperTELEPHONE NUMBER: 535-2375This is Marys school ID card. She lost it. Can you help her to write a lost notice? Could you please help Mary write a lo

8、st notice?你能帮?你能帮Eric写一则失物招领启示吗?写一则失物招领启示吗?Exercise Lost:My school ID card.My name is Mary Cooper.Please call 535-2375.4 Draw a picture on the board. The other students guess what it is.画一幅图。其他学生猜画一幅图。其他学生猜画的是什么。画的是什么。Whats this?Is it a watch?1Check the words you know.backpack notebookbaseballcomput

9、er gamepenrulerpencil caseringwatchSELF CHECK在你认识的词语前打勾。在你认识的词语前打勾。dictionarybookeraserkeypencil3Look at the picture and write the conversations. 看图写对话。看图写对话。Is this/ Is that?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.1 Is this your backpack? No, it isnt.234情景演示情景演示SummarySentences: Whats this /that in English? Its a

10、 /an How do you spell it? Is this /that your? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Summary寻物启事共包括四部分: 1. 标题2. 丢失的东西3. 失者的姓名4. 联系电话How to write bulletin board message:Lost: the title.the lost thing. the persons name.the telephone number.Found: the title.the thing. Ask if the thing belongs to the owner.the people

11、 who the owner should call.the telephone number. SummaryHow to write bulletin board message:Found分五部分:1. 标题2. 拾到的东西3. 询问某物是不是失者的4. 联系人5. 联系电话重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词1.dacr_ 2.rsaere_ 3.bsaealbl_ 4.eky_ 5.yctnidorai_ 6.rleur_7.cakbpakc_ 8.ipcnel_ 9.atcwh_ 10.ignr_carderaserbaseballkeydictiona

12、ryrulerbackpackpencilwatchringExercise 用用am, is 完成句子完成句子1.This _ my watch._ that your watch?2.What _ that?It_ a nice book.3.I _ Sonia. This _ my mum.4.His name _ John.isIsisisamisisExercise 1. Its her a pen. ( ) A B C D2. Thats a English dictionary. ( ) A B C D3. What do you spell book? ( ) A B C D4

13、. What is you last name? ( ) A B C D5. Is it your ruler? Yes, its. ( ) A B C DCBanHowACyourDit is找出句中错误并改正。找出句中错误并改正。Exercise A: Whats your_?B: _ name is Jim.A: Whats your _ name?B: _ Smith.A: How do you _ it?B: S-M-I-T-H.A: _ this your ring?B: No, it _. Its Bens ring. Please _ him. His _ _ is 79984

14、80.nameMylastItsspellIsisntcallphone number根据上下文完成下列对话。Exercise 按要求转换句型。按要求转换句型。1.This is a pen. (变为一般疑问句)2.Is this your pen? (肯定回答)3.How do you spell “ruler”? (回答)4.Can you spell “ruler”? (回答)5.Is that her pen? (否定回答)Is this a pen?Yes, it is.R-U-L-E-R.Yes, R-U-L-E-R, ruler.No, it isnt.Exercise 根据汉语

15、提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.这是你的钢笔吗这是你的钢笔吗? 是的是的,它是。它是。 _ _ your _? Yes ,_ is.2.那是他的尺子吗那是他的尺子吗?不不,不是。那是我的尺子。不是。那是我的尺子。 Is _ _ruler? _, it_. _ _ ruler.3.这个东西用英语怎么说这个东西用英语怎么说? 这是字典。这是字典。 _ this _ _? Its _ _.4.你怎么拼写棒球你怎么拼写棒球? _ _ you _ ”baseball”?Is thispenitthat hisNoisntIts myWhatsin Englisha dictionaryHow dospellExercise Homework假设你丢了一本字典,在学校看到假设你丢了一本字典,在学校看到了一个相应的了一个相应的found notice,于是就,于是就去认领。请利用本单元所学的句型去认领。请利用本单元所学的句型写个认领时的对话,并把这个写个认领时的对话,并把这个found notice 给设计出来给设计出来。



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