高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Period 3 Grammar同步课件 新人教版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Period 3 Grammar同步课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
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1、配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1Period 3Grammar配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修11祈使句变间接引语请观察下列句子:“Look at this example,”the teacher said to us.The teacher told us to look at that example.(课本原句)归纳总结:(1)直接引语如果是祈使句,变为间接引语时,要将祈使句中动词原形变成不定式,并在不定式的前面加上ask/tell/order等动词。构成句型:ask/tell/order sb to do sth,祈使句中的please必须省去。直接引语变间接引语(二)配人

2、教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(2)如果直接引语中的祈使句是表示请求的口气,则间接引语用动词ask/request/beg等;如果祈使句是表示命令的口气,则间接引语用动词tell/order/command;如果祈使句是否定式,则不定式前要加否定词not或never,即构成句型:ask/tell/order sb not to do sth。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1如:(1)“Hurry up,”he said.He told me to hurry up.上面(1)组句子表示要求或命令的语气。(2)“Please dont be late,”he said.He asked

3、 me not to be late.上面(2)组句子表示请求配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修12直接引语是疑问句时的转换规则(1)有些疑问句并非提出询问,而是表示请求或乞求,这种问句变间接引语时常采用ask/beg/request sb to do sth结构。He asked,“Can you give me a lift?”He asked me to give him a lift.(2)若疑问句表达的是“建议、劝告”等含义,则可采用advise sb to do sth或suggest doing sth的形式。He said,“Why dont you take a rest

4、first?”He advised me to take a rest first.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(3)特殊情况请观察下面句子:The teacher said to us,“Light travels faster than sound.”The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.He said to her,“Whats the matter with you?”He asked her what was the matter with her.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1归纳总结:(

5、1)直接引语如果是客观事实或真理、名人名言,或者是与一个具体的过去时间连用说明客观事实时,时态不变。(2)当直接引语是“Whats wrong with?/Whats the matter?/Whats the trouble?/What happened?”等特殊疑问句时,间接引语语序不变。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1根据提示,把下列句子转换成直接引语或间接引语1“Make good use of your time,”advised Mr. Lee.Mr. Lee advised us_ _good use of_time.【答案】to make;our配人教版配人教版 英语英语

6、 必修必修12“Dont look out of the window when you have classes,”our English teacher told us.Our English teacher told us_ _ _out of the window when_ _classes.【答案】not to look;we had3“Would you like to listen to my new CD?”Jim asked.Jim asked me_I would like to_ _ _new CD.【答案】if/whether;listen to his配人教版配人教

7、版 英语英语 必修必修14The guide told them not to touch the exhibits in the museum.“_ _the exhibits in the museum,”the guide told them.【答案】Dont touch5The teacher asked the students to stop talking.The teacher said to the students,“_talking.”【答案】Stop配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.把下列含直接引语的句子改写成间接引语1“Please tidy your room

8、!”he said to me.He_me_ _ _ _.【答案】asked;to tidy my room2Tom said to Betty,“You had better stay longer.”Tom_Betty_ _ _.【答案】advised;to stay longer配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13“Never forget it,”he said to me.He_me_ _forget it.【答案】told;never to4“Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?”she said to me.She_

9、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _for a visit.【答案】asked me to come up to her flat配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修15“Why not stay for a cup of tea?”Linda said to him.Linda_ _ _ _ _for a cup of tea.【答案】suggested that he should stay/suggested his staying配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1.句型转换1“I have little difficulty with English pronunciation,”said

10、 Mary.Mary said_.【答案】that she had little difficulty with English pronunciation配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修12The monitor said,“I dont agree with you on this point.”The monitor said_.【答案】that he didnt agree with me on that point3“There is nothing wrong with my car,”said Mr. Johnson.Mr. Johnson said_.【答案】that th

11、ere was nothing wrong with his car配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修14“We are doing a chemistry experiment at the moment.”the students said to their teacher.The students told their teacher_.【答案】that they were doing a chemistry experiment at the moment5“Ill try my best to finish reading the book by the end of this w

12、eek,”said a girl.A girl said_.【答案】that she would try her best to finish reading the book by the end of that week配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1语言文化该话题包括:英美英语的差别、语言学习策略、语言学习中的困难、对语言交际的看法、语言与文化、中外文化习俗等等。针对该话题,我们预测命题人员可能会从以下角度来命题:介绍中外节日或重大事件或某一组织、谈谈英语学习的体会(方法、策略、困难、心得、经历)、对英美英语差别的理解和体验、语言学习策略、语言学习与文化的关系、保护文化遗产,以及如

13、何进行有效交际等。举例如下:配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(1) 介绍中国或外国的某一节日、某一文化活动或某一重大事件。(2) 为“英美英语差别”的讲座或为“我的英语学习之路”的英语演讲写一则海报。(3) 为某报社写一篇有关英语学习方法、学习策略与学习困难等方面的调查报告。(4) 介绍实施新课程改革以来,你校师生在英语教与学方面的变化(学习方式、教学方式、教学资源、学习态度与情感等)。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1(5) 写一篇介绍英美英语差别(音标、发音、书写、语法、发展趋势)的短文。(6) 写一篇介绍中西方社交礼仪(如婚礼)的英语短文。(7) 就“语言学习中,了解文化的必要

14、性”的主题发表看法。(8)就“如何解决中学生英语学习中的困难”的主题发表看法。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1一、必备短语1enlarge ones vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量2refer to the dictionary查字典3form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯4respect others culture and custom尊重他人的文化和风俗5practice ones oral/spoken English 练习某人的英语口语6keep a diary in English 写英语日记配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1二、相关句式1.

15、 I find it hardest to learn English grammar.我觉得学习英语语法最难。2The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。3There is little/ much difference in grammar.在语法方面有一点/很大的差别。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修14It is high time for us to treasure and protect culture reli

16、cs.是我们珍惜和保护文化遗产的时候了。5Culture plays an important role in language learning.文化在语言学习中担任重要角色。 6There are several reasons why I like English best.我最喜欢英语,有几个理由。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1三、语篇模板一位美国著名教授 (professor) Mr King 将到你们学校作关于美国语言的报告。请你根据以下提示写一份通知,向同学们宣布此事。要点:1. 报告内容包括:美国英语和英国英语的不同;美国语言的发展;美国方言。2. 地点:学校礼堂。3.

17、 时间:10月7日上午9点。4. 注意事项:不要迟到;带上笔和笔记本;报告结束时可以提问题;报告结束后将进行讨论。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。开头结尾已给出不计入总句数。【范文】Attention, please!Mr King, a famous American professor, will come to give us a talk about American English. During the talk he will not only explain some of the differences between Amer

18、ican English and British English but also speak about the development of American English and American dialects.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1The report will be held on our school hall at 9:00 am on October 7th. At the end of the talk, you have a chance to come up with questions and have a discussion after the

19、 talk.Dont forget to bring your pens and notebooks and dont be late.Thats all. Thank you for your attention.配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1四、写作练笔假如你是一名高一学生,正在准备题为“Why English Is So Important”的文章。【写作内容】请根据以下提示,用英语完成该文章。1. 英语已成为世界上最重要的语言之一;2. 英语被广泛地运用于国际会议和商业中;配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修13. 约半数的报刊、书籍和超过四分之三的网上信息都是用英语写的;4.

20、 英语能增进世界人民之间的交流,促进世界和平;5. 英语能帮你了解其他国家的文化。配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。_配人教版配人教版 英语英语 必修必修1【答案】English is one of the worlds most important languages today.It is commonly used in international meetings and business all over the world.About half of the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English, too.Besides, if you know English, you can understand the people around the world better and make contributions to world peace and you can learn something about other countries culture.



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