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1、Literature is the Essence of Life 文学是人生的精髓文学是人生的精髓1.Philosophy is life etherealized 哲学是气化的人生(气体,汽)哲学是气化的人生(气体,汽) 2.Poetry is life distilled 诗是蒸馏的人生(液体,水)诗是蒸馏的人生(液体,水) 3. Fiction or novel is life Crystallized 小说是固体化的人生(固体,冰)小说是固体化的人生(固体,冰) All from all sorts of impure things containing water 均从各种含水的不

2、纯物质中得来。均从各种含水的不纯物质中得来。 4. Drama is life exploded. 戏剧是爆炸的人生戏剧是爆炸的人生 Literature is the Re-presentation of Life. 文学是人生的表现。文学是人生的表现。1.TheWordsUsedinPoetryThou = You 的主格Thee = You 的宾格Thy = YourThine = Your 用在元音前 Methink = It seems to meHie = go quicklyPleasance = EnjoymentForsooth = No doubtQuoth = SaidP

3、erchance = By chance Mead = Meadow2.WesternWindAnonymous15thcenturyWesternwindwhenwiltthoublow,Thesmallraindowncanrain?Christ,ifmylovewereinmyarmsAndIinmybedagain!n西风n无名氏15世纪n西风啊,您什么时候开始吹刮,n绵绵的细雨什么时候降下来?n啊,但愿我的爱人在我怀里,n让我们同床共枕重相爱!3.Western wind when wilt thou blow, 西风何日刮?西风何日刮? The small rain down ca

4、n rain? 细雨何时下?细雨何时下? Christ, if my love were in my arms 但愿吾爱在,但愿吾爱在, And I in my bed again! 相拥重欢眠。相拥重欢眠。 (胡宗锋 译)4. The Red Wheelbrrow 红色手推车红色手推车WillianCarlosWilliams威廉卡洛斯威廉姆斯Somuchdepends那么多东西Upon依靠Aredwheel一辆红色Barrow手推车Glazedwithrain雨水淋得它Water晶亮Besidethewhite旁边是一群Chickens.白鸡5.The Red Wheelbarrow By

5、 W. C. WilliamsnSo much dependsnUponnA red wheelnBarrownGlazed with rainnWaternBeside the whitenChickens.n 雨洗红手车 油油焕光彩。车旁走白鸡, 此境有诗在。 -张悦光 译6. 感感 觉觉 A Feeling顾城byGuCheng天是灰色的Theskyisashgray,路是灰色的Theroadisashgray,楼是灰色的Thebulidingsareashgray,雨是灰色的Therainisashgray.在一片死灰之中Intheashofdeath走过两个孩子Twochildren

6、passby:一个鲜红Oneinbrightred,一个淡绿Oneinlightgreen.7.满纸荒唐言,满纸荒唐言, Pages full of fantastic talk一把辛酸泪!一把辛酸泪! Penned with bitter tears;都云作者痴,都云作者痴, All men call the author mad,谁解其中味谁解其中味? None his message hears. 红楼梦 第一回 杨宪益英译8. New Friends and Old Friends 朋朋 友友Make new friends, but keep the old; 结识新友,勿忘老友结识

7、新友,勿忘老友Those are silver, these are gold. 新友银,老友金新友银,老友金New-made friendship, like new wine, 新友如新酒新友如新酒 ,Age will mellow and refine. 时光荏苒变醇厚。时光荏苒变醇厚。Friendships that have stood the test- 经历岁月和变迁,经历岁月和变迁,Time and change-are surely best; 友情才为最牢靠。友情才为最牢靠。 Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray; 额头可皱发可白,额头可皱发可白

8、,Friendship never knows decay. 友情永不会苍白。友情永不会苍白。9.For mid old friends, tried and true, 老友情谊经锤炼老友情谊经锤炼 Once more we our youth renew. 返老还童乐中间。返老还童乐中间。 But old friends, alas! May die; 老友总归要离去,老友总归要离去, New friends must their place supply. 新友替补属自然。新友替补属自然。Cherish friendship in your breast- 心中珍惜朋友情,心中珍惜朋友情

9、,New is good, but old is best; 新友不错老友佳。新友不错老友佳。Make new friends, but keep the old; 结识新友,勿忘老友,结识新友,勿忘老友,Those are silver, these are gold. 新友银,老友金。新友银,老友金。 (胡宗锋 译)10.How Old Are You 贵庚贵庚ByH.S.FritschAgeisaqualityofmind.年龄是心态,Ifyouhaveleftyourdreamsbehind,如若梦已了,Ifhopeiscold,幻想无,Ifyounolongerlookahead,不

10、前瞻,Ifyourambitionsfirearedead-抱负死Thenyouareold.那才称为老。Butiffromlifeyoutakethebest,若人生精华尽享,Andifinlifeyoukeepthejest,生之趣长存,Ifloveyouhold;心中有爱意Nomatterhowtheyearsgoby,任时光飞逝Nomatterhowthebirthdaysfly-任光阴荏苒Youarenotold.但人生不老。 ( 胡宗锋 译)11. Chance 偶偶 然然 ByXuZhimo徐志摩Iamacloudinthesky,我是天空里的一片云。Achanceshadowo

11、nthewaveofyourheart.偶尔投影在你的波心Dontbesurprised,你不必讶异,Ortooelated:更无须欢喜InaninstantIshallvanishwithouttrace.在转瞬间消灭了踪影。Wemeetontheseaofdarknight,你我相逢在黑夜的海上,Youonyourway,Ionmine,你有你的,我有我的方向;Rememberifyouwill,你记得也好,Or,betterstill,forget最好你忘掉,Thelightexchangedinthisencounter.在这交会时互放的亮光。12.If by Life You Wer

12、e Deceived 假如生活欺骗了你假如生活欺骗了你 Pushkin普希金Ifbylifeyouweredeceived,假如生活欺骗了你,Dontbedismal,dontbewild!不要忧郁,也不要愤慨!Inthedayofgrief,bemild,不顺心时暂且克制自己,Merrydayswillcome,believe.相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。Heartislivingintomorrow;我们的心儿憧憬着未来,Presentisdejectedhere;现今总是令人悲哀:Inamoment,passessorrow;一切都是暂时的,转瞬即逝,Thatwhichpasseswill

13、bedear.而那失去的将变得可爱。(乌兰汗译)13. Im Nobody 我是无名之辈,你是谁我是无名之辈,你是谁 EmilyDickinson狄金森Imnobody,whoareyou?我是无名之辈,你是谁?Areyounobodytoo?你,也是,无名之辈?Thentheresapairofus.这就有了我们一对!可是别声张!Donttelltheydbanishus,youknow.你知道,他们会大肆张扬!Howdrearytobesomebody,做个,显要人物,好不无聊!Howpubliclikeafrog像个青蛙,向仰慕的泥沼TotellyournamethelivelongJu

14、ne在整个六月,把个人的姓名Toanadmiringbog.聒噪何等招摇!(江枫译)14.In a Station of the Metro 地铁车站地铁车站 By Ezra Pound庞德Theapparitionofthesefacesinthecrowd;人群中这些脸庞的隐现;Petalsonawet,blackbough.湿漉漉、黑黝黝的树枝上的花瓣。(裘小龙译)梦幻众中面貌梦幻众中貌黝湿枝上疏花黝湿枝上花(周钰良译)(胡宗锋改译)15.一代人一代人 A Generation顾城byGuCheng黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,Nightgavemedarkeyes,我却用它寻找光明。Iuset

15、hemtofindthelight.16.Slowly 意迟迟意迟迟MaryColeridge玛丽柯尔律治Heavyismyheart,我心儿多沉郁,Darkarethineeyes.你眼光多暗淡。ThouandImustpart你和我得分离Erethesunrise.在太阳升起前。Erethesunrise在太阳升起前ThouandImustpart.你和我得分离。Darkarethineeyes,你眼光多暗淡,Heavyismyheart.我心儿多沉郁。-黄杲炘译17.To Wait An Hour -Is Long 等待一小时,太久等待一小时,太久 By Emily Dickinson

16、To wait an Hour-is long- 等待一小时,太久等待一小时,太久 If Love be just beyond- 如果爱,恰巧在那以后如果爱,恰巧在那以后 To wait Eternity- is short- 等待一万年,不长等待一万年,不长 If love rewards the end- 如果,终于有爱作为报偿如果,终于有爱作为报偿18.Auguries of Innocence 天真的预言天真的预言ByWilliamBlake布莱克ToseeaworldinagrainofSand一沙一世界,AndaHeaveninaWildFlower,一花一天空;HoldInfi

17、nityinthepalmofyourhand掌内包无限,AndEternityinanhour.片刻现永恒。 19.断章断章 Fragment 卞之琳BianZhi-lin你站在桥上看风景,Youwatchedthesightfromabridge,看风景人在楼上看你。Asasightseerwatchedyoufromatower明月装饰了你的窗子,Themoonadornsyourwindow,你装饰了别人的梦。Andyouadornanothersdream.(王佐良英译)20. 题都城南庄题都城南庄 Written In a Village South of the Capital(

18、唐)崔护CuiHu去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。人面不知何处去,n桃花依旧笑春风。Thisverydaylastyear,ou,atthisveryplace,Aprettyfaceoutshonetheflowersofpeachtrees.IdonotknowtodaywhereshinestheprettyfaceOnlytheprettyflowersstillsmileinvernalbreeze.nEnglishTranslationbyXuYuanZhongn(许渊冲英译)21.Song 歌歌ByChristinaGeorginaRossetti罗塞蒂WhenIamdead,m


20、Singon,asifinpain:我更罔若闻。Anddreamingthroughthetwilight梦中见微光,Thatdothnotrisenorset,不浮亦不沉,HaplyImayremember,时或忆及此,Andhaplymayforget偶或忘于心。(周宜乃译)22.My Hearts in the Highland 我的心呀在高原我的心呀在高原ByRobertBurns罗伯特彭斯MyheartsintheHighlands,myheartisnothere;我的心呀在高原,这儿没有我的心,MyheartsintheHighlandsa-chasingthedeer;我的心呀



23、Highlandsa-chasingthedeer;我的心呀在高原,追赶着鹿群,Chasingthewilddeer,andfollowingtheroe,追赶着野鹿,跟踪着小鹿,MyheartsintheHighlandswhereverIgo.我的心呀在高原,别处没有我的心。23.心葬心葬 Burial In the Heart桑恒昌SangHengchang女儿出生的那一夜,Thenightmydaughterwasborn是我一生中最长的一夜。Wasthelongestoneofmylife.母亲谢世的那一夜,Thenightmymotherdied是我一生中最短的一夜。Wasthes


25、ethesturdyfencearoundhergraveyard.24.春春 晓晓 Spring Morning 孟浩然孟浩然 Meng Haoran 春眠不觉晓,春眠不觉晓,This spring morning in bed Im lying, 处处闻啼鸟。处处闻啼鸟。 Not to awake till birds are crying. 夜来风雨声,夜来风雨声,After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少?花落知多少?How many are the fallen flowers25.TheWordsUsedinPoetryDamsel = M

26、aidenBefide = HappenWeal = Well-beingBard = PoetVale = ValleyFoe = EnemyWoe = SorrowValiant = BraveForlorn = LonelyWarrior = FighterYonder = Over there26.TheWordsUsedinPoetryBehold = SeeSunder = BreakSwine = PigsSwain = PeasantMain = SeaLowly = HumbleIngrate = UngratefulMute = SilentFond = FoolishRe

27、ckless = CarelessDoleful = sorrowfulArtless = InnocentHapless = UnluckyHaply = PerhapsAnon = At once27.TheWordsUsedinPoetryErst = FormerlyQuit = leaveWax = GrowSojourn = LodgeTarry = RemainWrought = WorkedFare = walkClad = ClothedWilt = WillShalt = ShallCanst = CanDost = DoDidst = DidEre = BeforeAlb

28、eit = Although28.Just as the sweet-apple reddens on the high branch,High on the highest, and the apple pickers missed it,Or rather did not miss it, dare not reach it. Sappho恰似一个红熟的苹果高悬在枝头,恰似一个红熟的苹果高悬在枝头,高高的挂在树梢,摘果人已把它遗忘,高高的挂在树梢,摘果人已把它遗忘,不,可不是遗忘,而是无人敢去攀折。不,可不是遗忘,而是无人敢去攀折。29.HAD I KNOWN THAT THE FIRST

29、 WAS THE LAST我若知道第一杯是最后一杯我若知道第一杯是最后一杯Had I known that the first was the lastI should have kept it longer.Had I known that the last was the first I should have drunk it stronger.Cup, it was your fault,Lip was not the liar.No, lip, it was yours,Bliss was most to blame. -By EmilyDickinson 我若知道第一杯是最后一杯我

30、若知道第一杯是最后一杯我一定久久不饮,我一定久久不饮,我若知道第一杯是最后一杯我若知道第一杯是最后一杯我一定一口饮尽。我一定一口饮尽。杯啊,这是你的过错,杯啊,这是你的过错,嘴唇并没有骗我。嘴唇并没有骗我。不,嘴唇,那是你的,不,嘴唇,那是你的,欢乐应负最大罪责。欢乐应负最大罪责。30. TO WAIT AN HOUR IS LONGTo wait an hour is long If Love be just beyond To wait Eternity is short If love reward the end Emily Dickinson等待一小时,太久等待一小时,太久如果爱,恰

31、巧在那以后如果爱,恰巧在那以后等待一万年,不长等待一万年,不长如果,终于有爱作为报偿如果,终于有爱作为报偿31.I.A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Love Poems 爱情是人际关系中最重要的一种,无论在哪一爱情是人际关系中最重要的一种,无论在哪一种文学中,它都占有最重要的地位,以致与死亡一种文学中,它都占有最重要的地位,以致与死亡一起,被称为文学的两大永恒主题。起,被称为文学的两大永恒主题。 中西诗歌中爱情表现的不同,与有无宗教传统中西诗歌中爱情表现的不同,与有无宗教传统具有密切的关系。西方的宗教传统使人们相信,人具有密切的关系。西方的

32、宗教传统使人们相信,人生并不终止于死亡,即使在死亡以后,也还有另一生并不终止于死亡,即使在死亡以后,也还有另一个世界在等着他们,如果他们在人世表现得足够好个世界在等着他们,如果他们在人世表现得足够好的话,他们有希望进入天国,那是一个比人世更好的话,他们有希望进入天国,那是一个比人世更好的地方。的地方。 中西欢爱诗有许多共同的基点:即表现青年男中西欢爱诗有许多共同的基点:即表现青年男女欢乐幸福的爱情生活。女欢乐幸福的爱情生活。 中西欢爱诗主要的区别有中西欢爱诗主要的区别有以下几点:以下几点: 32.PartingI娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。春风十里扬州路,卷

33、上珠帘总不如。春风十里扬州路,卷上珠帘总不如。She is slender and graceful and not yet fourteen,Like a cardamom at the tip of a new spray.The vernal wind uprolls the pearly window-screen,Her face outshines those on the splendid three-mile away. 1.中国欢爱诗始终遵循中国欢爱诗始终遵循“爱而不淫爱而不淫”的原则,即写欢爱而不过分,意的原则,即写欢爱而不过分,意到笔随,适可而止。到笔随,适可而止。 因此

34、,中国欢爱诗大多用以形传情、借景抒情、因此,中国欢爱诗大多用以形传情、借景抒情、比兴手法、含蓄蕴籍的手法描写欢爱,如唐代著名诗人杜牧的比兴手法、含蓄蕴籍的手法描写欢爱,如唐代著名诗人杜牧的赠赠别二首别二首其一:其一:33. II多情却似总无情,唯觉樽前笑不成。多情却似总无情,唯觉樽前笑不成。蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。Though deep in love, we seem not in love in the least,Only feeling we cannot smile at farewell feast.The candle has a wick

35、 just as we have a heart,All night long it sheds tears for us before we part.34.Sonnets From the Portuguese43How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the l

36、evel of every daysMost quiet need, by sun and candlelight.I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详我究竟怎样爱你?让我细数端详我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、广度和高度,我爱你直到我灵魂所及的深度、广度和高度,我在视力不及之处我在视力不及之处摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。摸索着存在的极致和美的理想。我爱你像最朴素的日常需要一样,我爱你像最朴素的日常需要一样,就像不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。就像不自觉地需要阳光和蜡烛。我自由地爱你,像人们选择正义之路,我自由地爱你,像人们选

37、择正义之路,35.I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to useIn my old grief, and with my childhoods faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,I shall but love t

38、hee better after death. Elizabeth Barrett Browning我纯洁地爱你,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。我纯洁地爱你,像人们躲避称赞颂扬。我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲痛里我爱你用的是我在昔日的悲痛里用过的那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。用过的那种激情,以及童年的忠诚。我爱你用的爱,我本以为早已失去我爱你用的爱,我本以为早已失去(与我失去的圣徒一同);我爱你用笑容、(与我失去的圣徒一同);我爱你用笑容、眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许,眼泪、呼吸和生命!只要上帝允许,在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。在死后我爱你将只会更加深情。 36.上邪上邪The Pledge上邪!上邪! Oh

39、Heaven high!我欲与君相知,我欲与君相知, I will love him长命无决衰,长命无决衰, forever till I die,山无陵,山无陵, Till mountains crumble,江水为竭,江水为竭,Rivers run dry,冬雷震震,冬雷震震,In winter thunder rumble,夏雨雪,夏雨雪,In summer snow fall far and nigh,天地合,天地合,And the earth mingle with the sky,乃敢与君绝!乃敢与君绝! Not till then will my love die. 37.O M

40、y Luves Like A Red, Red Rose 卿若红玫瑰卿若红玫瑰Robert Burns 彭斯彭斯O my luves like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in June:O my luves like the melodie Thats sweetly playd in tune.As fair art thou, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a the seas gang dry.卿若红玫瑰卿若红玫瑰,新绽在

41、六月新绽在六月,更若旋律曲更若旋律曲,嘹亮声和谐嘹亮声和谐.汝颜美若斯汝颜美若斯,我深弥爱之我深弥爱之,情爱永不变情爱永不变,直至海枯时直至海枯时.38.Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi the sun:I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o life shall run. 海水尽枯竭海水尽枯竭, 岩石皆蚀摧岩石皆蚀摧,此生一息存此生一息存, 相爱永不隳相爱永不隳. (周宜乃译周宜乃译)39.2. 中国欢爱诗往往受封建礼教的约束,故欲言又止,吞吞吐吐,不中

42、国欢爱诗往往受封建礼教的约束,故欲言又止,吞吞吐吐,不敢在诗中说出自己心里的爱。如著名诗人陆游的词作敢在诗中说出自己心里的爱。如著名诗人陆游的词作钗头凤钗头凤: 钗头凤钗头凤红酥手,红酥手,黄藤酒,黄藤酒,满城春色宫墙柳;满城春色宫墙柳;东风恶,东风恶,欢情薄。欢情薄。一杯愁绪,一杯愁绪,几年离索。几年离索。错错!错错!错错!Phoenix HairpinPink hands so fine,Gold-branded wine,Spring paints green willows palace walls cannot confine.East wind unfair,Happy times

43、 rare.In my heart sad thoughts throng;Weve severed for years long.Wrong, wrong, wrong!40.春如旧,春如旧,人空瘦,人空瘦,泪痕红浥鲛绡透。泪痕红浥鲛绡透。桃花落,桃花落,闲池阁。闲池阁。山盟虽在,山盟虽在,锦书难托。锦书难托。莫莫!莫莫!莫莫!Spring is as green, In vain shes lean,Her silk scarf soaked with tears and red with stains unclean.Peach blossoms fallNear deserted ha

44、ll.Our oath is still there.Lo!No word to her can go.No, no, no!41. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love多情的牧羊人致他的情人多情的牧羊人致他的情人Christopher MarloweCome live with me and be my love,And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves,hills,and fields,Woods,or steepy mountain yields.And we will sit up

45、on the rocks,Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,By shallow rivers to whose fallsMelodious birds sing madrigals.做我的伴侣吧永不分离;做我的伴侣吧永不分离;青山绿野绕幽溪,青山绿野绕幽溪,巍巍峰峦插云霄,巍巍峰峦插云霄,赏心悦目多逍遥!赏心悦目多逍遥!咱俩偎依岩石上,咱俩偎依岩石上,观赏牧童饲羊群;观赏牧童饲羊群;清溪潺清溪潺 潺脉脉流,潺脉脉流,鸟鸣嘤嘤为伴奏。鸟鸣嘤嘤为伴奏。42.And I will make thee beds of rosesAnd a thousan

46、d fragrant posies,A cap of flowers, and a kirtleEmbroidered all with leaves of myrtle;A gown made of the finest woolWhich from our pretty lambs we pull;Fair lined slippers for the cold,With buckles of the purest gold;蔷薇花,铺新床,蔷薇花,铺新床,献万千花束芬芳;献万千花束芬芳;戴花冠,披新装,戴花冠,披新装,编自翠叶桃金娘。编自翠叶桃金娘。纯羊毛,制长袍,纯羊毛,制长袍,采自娇

47、美小羊羔;采自娇美小羊羔;镶边绣鞋多轻巧,镶边绣鞋多轻巧,纯金扣子扣得牢。纯金扣子扣得牢。43.A belt of straw and ivy buds,With coral clasps and amber studs:And if these pleasures may thee move,Come live with me and be my love.Thy silver dishes for thy meatAS precious as the gods do eat,Shall on an ivory table bePrepared each day for thee and m

48、e.The shepherds swains shall dance and singFor thy delight each May morning:If these delights thy mind may move,Then live with me and be my love. 珊瑚钩,琥珀钮,珊瑚钩,琥珀钮,麦杆青藤腰带束;麦杆青藤腰带束;要是这些你中意,要是这些你中意,做我伴侣不分离。做我伴侣不分离。银杯盘,盛佳肴,银杯盘,盛佳肴,美味只供仙女曹;美味只供仙女曹;象牙桌,摆得满,象牙桌,摆得满,每日享用你与咱。每日享用你与咱。初夏清晨饱眼福:初夏清晨饱眼福:牧人风流载歌舞;牧人

49、风流载歌舞;要是这些你中意要是这些你中意做我伴侣吧永不分离。做我伴侣吧永不分离。44.褰裳褰裳To a Seeming Lover诗经(郑风)诗经(郑风)许渊冲许渊冲 英译英译子惠思我,子惠思我,If you think me as you seem,褰裳涉溱。褰裳涉溱。Lift up your robe and cross that stream!。子不我思,子不我思,If you dont love me as you seem,岂无他人?岂无他人?Can I not find another one?狂童之狂也且!狂童之狂也且! Your foolishness is second to

50、 none.子惠思我,子惠思我,If you think of me as you seem,褰裳涉洧。褰裳涉洧。Lift up your gown and cross that stream!子不我思,子不我思,If you dont love me as you seem,岂无他士?岂无他士?Can I not find a better mate?狂童之狂也且!狂童之狂也且! Your foolishness is really great. 45.To the Virgins, To Make much of Time给少女们的忠告给少女们的忠告Gather ye rosebuds w

51、hile ye mayOld Time is still a-flying;And this same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying.The glorious lamp of heaven, the SunThe higher hes a-getting,The sooner will his race be run,And nearer hes to setting.可以采花的时候,别错过,可以采花的时候,别错过,时光老人在飞驰:时光老人在飞驰:今天还在微笑的花朵今天还在微笑的花朵明天就会枯死。明天就会枯死。太阳,那盏天上的华

52、灯,太阳,那盏天上的华灯,向上攀登的越高,向上攀登的越高,路程的终点就会越临近,路程的终点就会越临近,剩余的时光也越少。剩余的时光也越少。46.That age is best which is the first,When youth and blood are warmer;But being spent, the worse, and worstTime still succeed the former.Then be not coy, but use your time;And while ye may, go marry;For having lost but once your p

53、rime,You may forever tarryn Robert Herrick青春的年华是最最美好,青春的年华是最最美好,血气方刚,多热情;血气方刚,多热情;过了青年,那越来越不妙的过了青年,那越来越不妙的年月会陆续来临。年月会陆续来临。那么,别怕羞,抓住机缘,那么,别怕羞,抓住机缘,你们该及时结婚:你们该及时结婚:你一旦错过了少年,你一旦错过了少年,会成千古恨。会成千古恨。 47.金缕衣金缕衣The Golden Dress 杜秋娘杜秋娘Du Qiuniang 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君莫惜金缕衣,Love not your golden dress, I pray,劝君惜取少年时!劝君惜取

54、少年时!More than your thoughtful golden hours!花开堪折直须折,花开堪折直须折,Gather sweet flowers while you may,莫待无花空折枝。莫待无花空折枝。And not the twig devoid of flowers! English Translation by Xu Yuan Zhong(许渊冲(许渊冲 英译)英译)48.Forget Not Yet别忘了别忘了 The Lover Beseecheth his Mistress not to 恋人祈求薄情女Forget his Steadfast Faith and

55、True Intent 别忘了他的真情实意Thomas Wyatt托马斯 怀亚特 Forget not yet tried entent别忘了我曾对你别忘了我曾对你Of such a truth as I have meant;怀有真情,忠贞不渝怀有真情,忠贞不渝My great travail so gladly spent,苦苦追求,乐此不疲,苦苦追求,乐此不疲,Forget not yet!别忘了!别忘了!Forget not yet when first began别忘了咱俩结识别忘了咱俩结识The weary life ye know, since whan在浮生厌倦之际;在浮生厌倦

56、之际;The suit, the service, none tell can;从此迷恋你,殷勤无比从此迷恋你,殷勤无比,Forget not yet!别忘了!别忘了! 49.Forget not yet the great assays, 别忘了我百般尝试别忘了我百般尝试The cruel wrong, the scornful ways, 你却冷酷而鄙夷,你却冷酷而鄙夷,The painful patience in delays, 一味拖延,我则忍耐到底,一味拖延,我则忍耐到底,Forget not yet! 别忘了!别忘了!Forget not, yet forget not this

57、 别忘了,别忘了一点别忘了,别忘了一点How long ago hath veen, and is, 我早已和你缢绻我早已和你缢绻The mind that never meant amiss 如今痴心依然如今痴心依然Forget not yet! 别忘了!别忘了!Forget not then thine own approved, 别忘了你曾默认别忘了你曾默认The which so long hath thee so loved, 久久苦恋你的人久久苦恋你的人Whose steadfast faith yet never moved 信誓旦旦不变心信誓旦旦不变心Forget not th

58、is! 别忘了!别忘了! (孙梁(孙梁 译)译) 50.3.结婚是男女欢爱生活的升华、结晶和高峰,但在描写结婚大喜的作品结婚是男女欢爱生活的升华、结晶和高峰,但在描写结婚大喜的作品中,中国诗歌也充满了封建说教,如著名的中,中国诗歌也充满了封建说教,如著名的诗经诗经中的中的桃夭桃夭诗:诗: 桃之夭夭,桃之夭夭,Peach tree young and fresh,灼灼其华。灼灼其华。Bright bright its blossoms;之子于归,之子于归,This girls getting married,宜其室家。宜其室家。Shell do well in her home.桃之夭夭,桃之夭

59、夭,Peach tree young and fresh,有贲其实。有贲其实。Plump are its fruits,之子于归,之子于归,This girls getting married,宜其家室。宜其家室。Shell do well in her rooms.桃之夭夭,桃之夭夭,Peach tree young and fresh,其叶蓁蓁。其叶蓁蓁。Its leaves lush and full,之子于归,之子于归,This girls getting married,宜其家人。宜其家人。Shell do right by her people. 51.Just as the sw

60、eet-apple reddens on the high branch,High on the highest, and the apple pickers missed it,Or rather did not miss it, dare not reach it. Sappho恰似一个红熟的苹果高悬在枝头,恰似一个红熟的苹果高悬在枝头,高高的挂在树梢,摘果人已把它遗忘,高高的挂在树梢,摘果人已把它遗忘,不,可不是遗忘,而是无人敢去攀折。不,可不是遗忘,而是无人敢去攀折。象一棵山上的风信子,被牧人象一棵山上的风信子,被牧人用脚踏了又踏,却在地上开出紫花。用脚踏了又踏,却在地上开出紫花。 5

61、2.A Dedication to My Wife给我妻子的献辞给我妻子的献辞To whom I own the leaping delightThat quickens my senses in our waking timeAnd the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleeping time,The breathing in unison是你给了我那种跃动的欢乐,是你给了我那种跃动的欢乐,它激发我们醒时的感觉;它激发我们醒时的感觉;是你给了我们那种支配我们睡时起憩息的节奏;是你给了我们那种支配我们睡时起憩息的节奏;一对相亲相爱的人一对相亲相

62、爱的人53.Of lovers whose bodies smell of each otherWho think the same thoughts without need of speechAnd babble the same speech without need of meaning.呼吸和谐,躯体散发着对方气息,呼吸和谐,躯体散发着对方气息,彼此无需言辞却想着同一个心思,彼此无需言辞却想着同一个心思,无需表达什么却絮叨着同样的话语。无需表达什么却絮叨着同样的话语。54.No peevish winter shall chillNo sullen tropic sun shall

63、witherThe roses in the rose-garden which is ours and ours onlyBut this dedication is for others to read:These are private words addressed to you in public.n T. S. Eliot既没有任何冬天的阴风能吹凉既没有任何冬天的阴风能吹凉也没有任何热带的酷日能晒枯也没有任何热带的酷日能晒枯我们玫瑰园中的玫瑰,这园子只属于你我我们玫瑰园中的玫瑰,这园子只属于你我但这献辞为的是给别人阅读但这献辞为的是给别人阅读 是些公开对你道出的悄悄话。是些公开对你

64、道出的悄悄话。 (黄杲炘(黄杲炘 译)译)55. A Ditty 小曲小曲My true-love have my heart, and I have his,By just exchange one for another given:I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss,There never was a better bargain driven:My true-love hath my heart, and I have his.我的忠实情人占有我的心我的忠实情人占有我的心,我也占有他的心,我也占有他的心,我们两人公平平我们两人公平平,彼此以

65、你心换我心,彼此以你心换我心,我和他的心亲密无间我和他的心亲密无间,他也不会失去我的心,他也不会失去我的心,再也没有比这更好的交换。再也没有比这更好的交换。我的忠实情人占有我的心我的忠实情人占有我的心,我也占有他的心。我也占有他的心。56.His heart in me keeps him and me in one,My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides:He loves my heart, for once it was his own,I cherish his because in me it bides:My true-love

66、hath my heart, and I have his. Philip Sidney 他的心在我体内他的心在我体内,使他和我成为一体,使他和我成为一体,我的心在他体内引导他的思想感官,我的心在他体内引导他的思想感官,他爱我的心,因为以前原是他的,他爱我的心,因为以前原是他的,我爱他的心,因为他在我的体内安眠;我爱他的心,因为他在我的体内安眠;我的忠实情人占有我的心我的忠实情人占有我的心,我也占有他的心。我也占有他的心。 (李霁野(李霁野 译)译)57.请将此诗与管夫人的致赵孟頫比较:n你侬我侬,Twixtyouandmen忒煞情多Therestoomuchemotion.n情多处,That


68、leofyou,n你泥中有我;Andinyourclay,theresalittleofme.n与你生同一个衾,Andnothingevershallussever:n死同一个椁。Livingwellsleepinthesamequilt,nAnddead,wellbeburiedtogether.n林语堂英译58.菩萨蛮菩萨蛮 Tune: Buddhist Dancers李煜LiYun花明月暗笼轻雾,Brightflowersbathedinthinmistanddimmoonlight,n今宵好向郎边去。Tisbesttimetostealouttoseemylovebonight.n刬袜


70、Last night the western breeze blew witheredleavesofftrees.n独上高楼,nImountthetowerhighandstrainmylongeye.n望尽天涯路。n晏殊蝶恋花nTune:ButterfliesInLovewithFlowersnTr.ByXuYuanChongnn60.n衣带渐宽终不悔,nIfindmygowntoolarge,butIwillnotregret;n为伊消得人憔悴。nIts worth while growing languid for mycoquette.n柳永风栖梧nTune:PhoenixPerchingonPlaneTreenTr.ByXuYuanChong61.众里寻他千百度,AthousandtimesIsearchforherinthecrowd,蓦然回首,And,suddenlyturningmyhead,那人却在灯火阑珊处。Discoverherwherethelanternlightsaredim.辛弃疾青玉案Tr.ByYangXianyi62.63.



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