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1、 内内 容容1 Indradrive 与与 Ecodrive的一些显著区别的一些显著区别2 Indradrive 常见故障及处理技巧常见故障及处理技巧 All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.功率部分和控制部分功率部分和控制部分DKC驱动器是一种经济型、高集成化的驱动模块,功率部分和控制部分集成在一块主板上Indradrive驱动器的功率部分和控制部分是独

2、立的,可以独立替换和维修2DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.FirmwareDKC的Firmware是外置式的金属模块,可以通过更换硬件来改变FirmwareIndradrive的Firmware是内置式的存储单元存在于驱动器内部,通过软件改变Firmware3DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Yin

3、g* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.驱动器地址的设置驱动器地址的设置DKC驱动器的地址是通过固化软件上的旋钮开关来选择的Indradrive是通过P-0-4025参数来选择的 1, 可通过上位控制器修改P-0-4025参数 2, 可通过面板的2.1command来实现4DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights rese

4、rved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.SERCOS通讯波特率通讯波特率DKC驱动器的SERCOS波特率默认是2M,可以通过光缆通讯卡上的开关来选择的Indradrive可以通过P-0-4087参数来设定,默认是4M,并且当Indradrive与SERCOS主站相连后,其波特率是自动扫描出的,可以与MLC同步5DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights res

5、erved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Digital and analog I/OsDKC驱动器的输入输出端口配置是固定不可配的6DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights

6、 of disposal as copy of passing by us.Digital and analog I/OsIndradrive驱动器的输入输出端口配置是可配的,通过Indraworks软件7DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.组态软件组态软件DKC的组态软件是DrivetopIndradr

7、ive的组态软件是Indraworks8DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.2,Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法9DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases o

8、f trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.显示的优先权显示的优先权Warning01 AF01 F400201 C090101 E2025Error MessageCommand errorsStatus diagnostics优先级别10DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. Al

9、l rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 错误的分类错误的分类 错误代码号错误的分类 处理F2XXX不是致命的错误Like set in P-0-119,best possible decelerationF3XXX不是致命的错误相关安全功能的Like set in P-0-119,best possible decelerationF4XXX通讯错误查找通讯故障F6XXX行程范围错误Velocity command to zeroF7XXX行程范围错误相关安全功能的Velocity command to zeroF8XX

10、X致命的错误更换硬件F9XXX致命的系统错误如Watchdog,更换硬件错误代码的分类11DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F8060 过流报警 驱动器内部电流超出最大的允许电流 对策:首先检查大功率管是否被击穿,用数字式万用表二极管档检查二极管

11、是否完好,如下表L1 L2 L3L1 L2 L3 + + * * - - * * * * 750 750A1 A2 A3A1 A2 A3 L+ L+ L- L- Earth Earth 检测值检测值 + + +/- +/- .OL .OL + + + + + + + + +/- +/- - - - - - - 350 350 +/- +/- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .OL .OL + + * * - - * * * * .OL .OL + + 750 750 * * * * - - * * - - .OL .OL

12、* * + + * * * * - - * * * * + + * * 350 350 +/- +/- - - - - * * +/- +/- * * .OL .OL 400 400 * * 12DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F8060 如大

13、功率管没有问题,则驱动器的电流检测回路有问题,给予更换F2077 电流检测错误,硬件故障 驱动器实时监控电流,如超出允许范围时出现该报警 对策: 驱动器功率单元的电流霍尔传感器故障,更换HCS功率单元 控制单元CSB的电流计算回路有问题,更换CSB控制单元F8070 外部24V故障 对策: 检查24V电源和接线 13DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal a

14、s copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F8069 内部+-15V 直流出错 内部有+24V转+-15V电路,它出现故障或内部的集成芯片短路 对策: 更换HCS或CSB F2026 驱动器功率单元欠压报警 当DC bus电压值小于P-0-0114定义的值并有使能的情况下出现该报警 对策: 检查外部380V主电源,检查直流母线电压 驱动器功率单元产生不了DC,更换HCS功率单元 检查PLC时序,AbAF“bb”不能切换到”Ab”(不能整流产生直流) 检查外部380V,如确认有输入则需更换HCS功率单元 14DCCN/SVC22;

15、Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F2816 DC bus故障 对策:检查外部380V 直流母线以及外部制动电阻接线 驱动器整流单元故障,更换HCS功率部分 F2018 驱动器温度报警 对策: 降低环境温度 检查柜内冷却装置 清洗驱动器内部风扇 驱动器内部温度传感器故障

16、,更换HCS功率部分F2019 F2022 电机温度报警 (S-0-0204为温度限定参数) 对策: 检查机械是否有卡死导致电机过载发热 检查电机到驱动器的温度电缆(X6-1、2)是否松动脱落 电机温度传感器故障,更换电机 驱动器温度检测回路故障,更换HCS功率单元 15DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us

17、.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F2820 制动电阻报警 对策:减小减速度和速度命令值 更换制动电阻,增加阻值 HCS-检查外部制动电阻以及与驱动器的接线(X6-3,4) HMV-内部制动电阻故障,更换HMV电源模块 F8838 制动电阻过流 对策:减小减速度和速度命令值 更换制动电阻,增加阻值 HCS-检查外部制动电阻以及与驱动器的接线(X6-3,4) HMV-内部制动电阻故障,更换HMV 16DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of t

18、rade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法驱动器无显示 显示模块坏(这种只是存在于驱动器能正常工作状态) CSB控制单元上由于集成芯片坏而造成,更换CSB显示“LOADER” FIRMWARE错误,需要重新烧制或更换 类似于DKC显示“.”F8102 驱动器硬件和Firmware不匹配,检查Firmware版本 HCS功率单元故障,给予更换F2100 不正常的访问Flash 内存. 每一次修改参数都立刻对Flash存储,造

19、成内存溢出 对策: 将S-0-0269参数的bit0置1 使用MMC存储卡17DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法C0201 无效的参数 当切换到操作模式P4时,内部的参数被检测,有参数超出它定义的范围时 就出现该报警. 对策:查看S-0-0022

20、参数,该参数包含所有的无效参数,再更改无效参数 (02,03版固化软件) 查看S-0-0423参数,该参数包含所有的无效参数,再更改无效参数 (04版固化软件) 通常加载基本参数后,导入备份参数可以解决此问题 E8260 扭矩过载 对策:减小加速度 增大相应的限制值S-00082,S-0-0083,S-0-0092,P-0-109 优化速度环参数 增加外接制动电阻18DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications

21、. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F2074 电机当前位置超出绝对编码器监视窗口,断电时的位置与重新上电后的位置偏差太大,超过了监视窗口值P-0-0095 对策: 复位重启或者重新建立位置参考点F2008 电机类型改变 下载了一个新的参数文件到驱动器,或者驱动器第一次上电,S-0-0141(电机类型)与当前的电机不一致。 对策:直接复位即可F8078 速度环报警 原因及对策:电机动力线相序接反 速度环参数优化 由于用户自行拆装电机的编码器(对同步电机),送力士乐校整 电机

22、编码器坏,送修更换编码器 外部机械过重或卡死19DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F4001 光缆环通讯错误 光缆环通讯的同步出现错误 对策: 检查光缆、光缆卡接头 更换CSB控制单元P0或者P-1,切换不到P2,BB 光缆环通讯故障 对策: 检

23、查光缆、光缆卡接头 更换CSB控制单元20DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法21DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases o

24、f trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F8022 电机编码器信号弱 队策: 电机编码器回路故障,检查可能出现的三个地方:电机编码器,反馈线及CSB的编码器反馈口C0270 电机编码器数据读取错误 队策: 电机编码器回路故障,检查可能出现的三个地方:电机编码器,反馈线及CSB的编码器反馈口 C0285 电机的型号参数P-0-4014有误. 对策:确认电机型号及编码器的型号(P-0-4014)。检查可能出现的三个地方

25、:电机编码器,反馈线及CSB的编码器反馈口一些相关的编码器故障报警 E2074 F2076 C0210 C0220 C027122DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法R-IL PB BK模块BF亮红灯 Profibus通讯模块故障,更换通讯模块 L

26、40通讯故障 检查网线连接和交换机 用计算机Ping一下L40的IP地址,如果Ping不通,则很有可能是以太网接口故障,或者是CPU故障,更换L40L40无显示 内部芯片故障或者CPU故障,更换L4023DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Indradrive 常见故障及处理方法常见故障及处理方法F204

27、8 电机内的电池耗尽 对策:更换电机后盖内侧的蓄电池 (1): housing-screw(2): Battery connector(3): Screws for mounting the battery.(4): Battery24DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的VEP

28、 License点击Setup25DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的VEP License点击License26DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases

29、of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的VEP License点击Change license27DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的

30、何获得新的VEP License记录机器码28DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的VEP License记录VEP序列号,在VEP背面的标签上29DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, a

31、s well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的VEP License记录变量类型(4K或者1.5K)Project-Setting-OptionVEP背面的标签30DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights

32、of disposal as copy of passing by us.VEP序列号+机器码+变量类型,请将这3部分信息发送至力士乐服务部获得授权码之后,将号码输入下图白框内,点击Authorize,完成授权授权码是一串38位的数字字母组合如如如如何获得新的何获得新的License31DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passi

33、ng by us.如如如如何获得新的何获得新的License授权完成后不要忘记保存设置Start Program Files Tools Save Registry32DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying* All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, as well in cases of trade mark rights applications. All rights of disposal as copy of passing by us.Thanks for your attention 谢谢!33DCCN/SVC22; Teddy Ying*



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