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1、Basic Phrases P11-12.1.appropriate在合适的在合适的时间at an appropriate time 采取适当措施做某事采取适当措施做某事take appropriate measures to do sth.2.approve -disapprove赞成做某事成做某事approve of (doing) sth.3.argue argument 和某人就某事争和某人就某事争辩 argue with sb about/over sth argue sb. into/out of doing sth.说服某人去做服某人去做/不去做某事不去做某事 提出一个争提出一个

2、争论 put forward an argument4.arm 双手抱着一个婴儿双手抱着一个婴儿 carry a baby in the arms手挽手手挽手 arm in armlay down arms放下武器放下武器5.army 参军参军 join the army 服兵役服兵役 serve in the armyarmed services海陆空三军海陆空三军6. around环游世界环游世界travel around the world带领某人参观某地带领某人参观某地 show sb. around sp.go around传播传播look around东张西望东张西望EX: The

3、re are a lot of bad colds _ at the moment(going around)此刻重感冒正在蔓延。此刻重感冒正在蔓延。7. arouse arouse sb. from sleep唤醒某人唤醒某人 唤起某人的好奇心唤起某人的好奇心 arouse ones curiosity 激起食欲激起食欲 arouse the appetite8. arrange-arrangement 安排某人做某事安排某人做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.为。作出安排为。作出安排 arrange for sth.arrange books整理书籍整理书籍arran

4、ge a meeting筹备会议筹备会议EX. 我已经安排好医生我已经安排好医生给他看病。给他看病。Ive arranged for a doctor to see him.安排安排 make an arrangement for sth. EX. We must make arrangements for the wedding.9. arrest 因某事而拘捕某人因某事而拘捕某人 arrest sb for sth10.arrival arrive 当某人到达时当某人到达时 on ones arrival 到达到达 arrive at sp + 小地方小地方 arrive in sp +

5、大地方大地方 达成协议达成协议arrive at an agreement What are you arriving at? 你到底想说什么?你到底想说什么?11. art & arts一件艺术品一件艺术品 a work of art Master of Arts 【MA】文学硕士】文学硕士Master of Science 理学硕士理学硕士the fine arts 美术【总称】美术【总称】12. artificial 假笑假笑 an artificial smile 人工降雨人工降雨 artificial rain artificial silk 人造丝人造丝 假名假名a false n

6、ame13.as As you are tired, youd better rest. 既然;由于既然;由于Be so good as to come and join us.务必请来参加我们的活动。务必请来参加我们的活动。以至于;以便以至于;以便Great scientist as he was, Einstein lived a simple life.=Though he was a great scientist 虽然,尽虽然,尽管管EX 尽管他很年轻,他知道许多。尽管他很年轻,他知道许多。Young as he is, he knows a lot.同同一样一样as.as.不如不如

7、那样那样not as/so .as.as soon as (no sooner . than , hardly . when )一。就一。就 As soon as I got home, it began to rain.I had hardly got home when it began to rain. = Hardly had I got home when it began to rain. 把把认作认作consider/regard/think of/look on.as =consider(to be)Yuan Longping is considered as the most

8、 famous scientist in China.as far asWe went as far as Harbin. 远至远至As far as I know, he is good.只要只要as/so long asYou can go out as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock. 只要只要as for/to 关于,至于关于,至于 as for在语体上不如在语体上不如as to正式;前者着重话题的转正式;前者着重话题的转换,因此,它不能用于文章的开头。换,因此,它不能用于文章的开头。As to the matter, I

9、 dont believe one half of it.As for me, I have nothing to complain of. as if 他看起来就好像累坏了一般。他看起来就好像累坏了一般。 He looks as if he were tired. 14. ash 烟灰缸烟灰缸 ash trayreduce sth to ashes 把把.烧成灰烬烧成灰烬 (burn sth into ashes) 15. ashamed为做某事感到羞愧为做某事感到羞愧 be ashamed of doing 羞愧地做某事羞愧地做某事be ashamed to do be ashamed o

10、f oneself为自己感到惭愧为自己感到惭愧 16. aside把。放在一边把。放在一边 put sth. aside留出留出 set aside17. ask ask for 寻找寻找 自找麻烦自找麻烦ask for trouble Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.ask about 查问,打听查问,打听 ask after a persons health 问候健康状况问候健康状况ask for leave 请假请假 ask for a day off 请一请一天假天假ask sb a favour/a favour of

11、sb, =ask for help 请求帮助请求帮助ask too much of sb向某人索要太多向某人索要太多What do you ask of me? (require of)18. asleep fall asleep 睡着;熟睡睡着;熟睡be ( sound / fast ) asleep 睡得很熟睡得很熟My arm is asleep. 手臂发麻手臂发麻asleep&sleep&sleepysleep sleep a good sleep 睡得很好睡得很好sleepy 困乏的;贪睡的困乏的;贪睡的 19.aspectin this aspect = in this respe

12、ct 在这方面在这方面 The training programme covers every aspect of the job.20.assembleassemble a machine 装备装备 The students assembled on the ground. 集合集合 20. assign-assignmentassign sb sth=assign sth. to sb. 分配分配, 布置布置 某人某事某人某事assign sb to do sth 布置某人做某事布置某人做某事 21. assist assistant 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事assist sb to

13、do sth= assist sb with sth =assist sb. in doing sth. 22. associate association associate A with B 把把A和和B结合在一起结合在一起 , 联想到一起联想到一起The scientist didnt want to be associated with the project, and left.in association with 与。联盟与。联盟association football 英式足球英式足球Assignment 1.补充翻译补充翻译-周一交周一交2. 作文:练习册上第一课作文作文:练

14、习册上第一课作文-周一交周一交3.阅读(自己安排,至少每天一篇阅读一篇完型吧阅读(自己安排,至少每天一篇阅读一篇完型吧)-周一交周一交4. 完成综合测试卷完成综合测试卷1.补充翻译补充翻译1. 今晚我将安排车去接你。今晚我将安排车去接你。(arrange)2. 你应该考虑问题的方方面面。你应该考虑问题的方方面面。(aspect)3. 西方人总爱把中国与长城联系在一起。西方人总爱把中国与长城联系在一起。(associate)4. 事实上,在斗牛事实上,在斗牛(bullfight)中中,是物体的运动而不是物体的运动而不是颜色刺激了公牛。是颜色刺激了公牛。(notbut, arouse)5. 他们说话的神情好像是老朋友似的。(他们说话的神情好像是老朋友似的。(as if)6. 没有必要感到悲伤。只要你继续努力,不久就没有必要感到悲伤。只要你继续努力,不久就会成功的。(会成功的。(as long as)7. 为了激发他们的兴趣,那个申请人带领参了军为了激发他们的兴趣,那个申请人带领参了军的年轻人参观那些假花和艺术品。的年轻人参观那些假花和艺术品。(arouse)8. 安排那些对所做行为惭愧的人完成那些目标是安排那些对所做行为惭愧的人完成那些目标是有困难的。有困难的。(arrange)



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