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1、该部分包含三种题型:词汇题、语法题、情景对话题。出题方式为多项选择题multiple choice)1、词汇题熟练掌握根本要求的4795个单词,700个短语,最好到达较高要求的6395个单词,1200个短语。测试词义辨析固定搭配习惯用语2、语法题调查根底语法知识:词类冠词、代词、描画词和副词等谓语动词的时态、语态非谓语动词包括独立主格构造虚拟语气复合句名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句倒装句3、情景对话提供一定的语境,调查口语交际才干以多项选择方式补全对话15道题每题1分10钟时间词汇题:思索选项在句子上下文的含义留意词语本身用法上的特点,留意词或词组意义之间的细微差别及词的固定搭配等陌生词,可以

2、从词的构词法即前缀,词干,后缀来确定词义,有时还可以从语感上读起来能否照射来做出选择。语法构造题:明确所考的语法内容回想该项语法要点并做出选择如:做时态考题时,首先要看句中所提供的时间状语或已给的谓语动词的时态进展比较;假设要求用非谓语动词,那么要先思索其在句中的语法功能,即作什么句子成分,还应思索到它与谓语动词、逻辑主语和其他词类之间的搭配关系等。词汇题词汇题31.D32.C33.A34.C36.D37.A40.B语法题35.B38.C39.C41.D42.A43.B情景对话题44.B45.D一、词汇二、语法一、前一、前缀:1.表示否表示否认意意义的前的前缀1)纯否否认前前缀dis- , d

3、ishonest, dislikein-, ig-, il-, im-, ir-: incapable, inability, ignoble, impossible, immoral, illegal, irregularne-, n-, none, neither, nevernon-, nonsenseneg-, neglectun- , unable, unemployment2)表示表示错误错误的意的意义义male-, mal-, malfunction, maladjustment(失失调调)mis-, mistake, misleadpseudo-, pseudonym(假名假名

4、), pseudoscience3)表示反表示反动动作的意思作的意思de-, defend, demodulation(解解调调)dis-, disarm, disconnectun-, unload, uncover4)表示相反,相互表示相反,相互对对立意思立意思anti-, ant- antiknock( 防震防震), antiforeign,(排排外的外的)contra-, contre-, contro-, contradiction, controflow(逆流逆流)counter-, counterreaction, counterbalanceob-, oc-, of-, op-

5、, object, oppose, occupywith-, withdraw, withstand2. 表示空表示空间间位置,方向关系的前位置,方向关系的前缀缀1)a- 表示表示“在在之上,之上,“向向aboard, aside,2)by- 表示表示“附近,附近,临临近,近,边侧边侧bypath, bypass(弯路弯路)3)circum-, circu-, 表示表示“周周围围,环绕环绕,回,回转转circumstance, circuit4)de-, 表示表示“在下,向下在下,向下descend, degrade5)en-, 表示表示“在内,在内,进进入入encage, enbed(上床上

6、床)6)ex-, ec-, es-, 表示表示“外部,外外部,外exit, eclipse, expand, export7)extra-, 表示“额外extraction 提取8)fore- 表示“在前面forehead, foreground9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内,背于inland, invade, inside, import10)inter-, intel-, 表示“在间,相互international, interaction, internet11)intro-, 表示“向内,在内,内侧introduce, introduce12)medi-,

7、 med-, mid-, 表示“中,中间Mediterranean, midposition13)out-, 表示“在上面,在外部,在外outline, outside, outward14)over-, 表示“在上面,在外部,向上overlook, overhead, overboard15)post-, 表示“向后,在后边,次postscript(附言),16)pre-, 表示在前在前面prefix, preface, preposition17)pro-, 表示“在前,向前progress, proceed,18)sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, s

8、ur-, sus-, 表示“在下面,下subway, submarine, suffix, suppress, supplement19)super-, sur-, 表示“在.之上superficial, surface, superstructure20)trans-, 表示“移上,转上,在那一边translate, transform, transoceanic21)under-, 表示“在.下面,下的underline, underground, underwater22)up-, 表示“向上,向上面,在上upward, uphold, uphill(上坡)7. 表示分表示分别别,分开意

9、思的前,分开意思的前缀缀1)a- ab-, abs-,表示表示“分分别别,分开,分开 away, apart, abstract, (adj.笼统笼统的,的,v.摘摘录录), abstain (弃弃权权)2)de- 表示表示“离去,离去,处处去去depart, decolour,3)dis-, di-, dif-, 表示表示“分分别别,分开,分开 divorce, disarm(缴缴械械)4)ex-, e-, 表示表示“分开,分分开,分别别: expel, exclude, expatriate(驱驱出国外出国外)5)for- 表示表示“分开,脱离分开,脱离forget, forgive11.

10、 表示数量关系的前表示数量关系的前缀缀1)表示表示“单单一,一,“一一mono-, monotone(单调单调),monopoly(垄垄断断)uni-, un-, uniform, unicellular(单细单细胞胞)2)表示表示“二,两,双二,两,双ambi-, ambiguous, amphibian(两栖两栖类类)bi-, bicycle, di-, dioxide(二氧化碳二氧化碳),3)表示表示“十十deca, deco-, dec- deci-, decade, decimals4)表示表示百,百分子一百,百分子一hecto-, hect-, hectometer,centi-,

11、 centimeter5)表示表示千,千分子一千,千分子一 kilo-, kilometer6)表示万,万分子一myria-, myri-, myriametremega-, meg-, megabytemicro-, microvolt (微伏特)7)表示许多,复,多数multi-, mult-, multipmetre (万用表)poly-, polysyllable,8)表示“半,一半hemi-, hemispheresemi-, semiconductor, semitransparent二、后二、后缀1. 名名词后后缀(1) 具有某种具有某种职业或或动作的人作的人 1)-an, -a

12、in, 表示表示地方的人,知地方的人,知晓的人的人American, historian, 2)-al, 表示表示具有具有职务的人的人 principal, 3)-ant,-ent, 表示表示者者 merchant, agent, servant, student, 4)-ar, 表示表示的人的人 scholar, liar, peddler 5)-ard, -art, 表示表示做做的人的人coward, laggard, braggart(夸夸张者者)6)-arian, 表示表示派派别的人,的人, 主主义的人的人humanitarian, vegetarian7)-ary, 表示从事的人 s

13、ecretary, missionary8)-ant, 表示具有职责的人 candidate, graduate9)-ator, 表示做的人 educator, speculator(投机者)10)-crat, 表示某种政体,主义的支持者 democrat, bureaucrat11)-ee, 表示动作接受者 employee, examinee12)-eer, 表示从事于人 engineer, volunteer13)-er, 表示从事某种职业的人, 某地域,地方的人 banker, observer, Londoner, villager14)-ese, 表示 国人,.地方的人Japane

14、se, Cantonese15)-ess, 表示阴性人称名词, actress, hostess, manageress16)-eur, 表示家 amateur, littrateur17)-ian, 表示地方人,信仰.教的人,从事职业的人Christian, physician(内科医生),musician18)-ician, 表示知晓者, 家,electrician, magician, technician19)-icist, 表示家, .者, .能手physicist, phoneticist, technicist20)-ic, 表示者,师 mechanic, critic21)-i

15、e, 表示爱,指小 dearie, auntie, lassie(小姑娘)22)-ier, 表示从事职业 cavalier, clothier, brazier(黄铜匠)23)-ine, ian, 表示阴性人称 heroine, ballerina24)-ist, 表示从事研讨者,信仰主义者 pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist25)-ive, 表示动作者,行为者 native, captive26)-logist, 表示学家,研讨者 biologist, geologist(地质学家)27)-or, 表示者 author, doctor,

16、operator,28)-ster, 表示做.事情的人youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster29)-yer, 表示 从事职业者 lawyer(2) 构成,具有构成,具有笼统笼统名名词词的含的含义义1)-acy, 表示表示性性质质,形状,境遇,形状,境遇 accuracy, diplomacy2)-age, 表示表示形状,行形状,行为为,身份及其,身份及其结结果,果,总总称称 courage, storage, marriage3)-al,a) 表示表示事物的事物的动动作,作,过过程程refusal, arrival, survival, denial, approva

17、lb) 表示表示详细详细的事物的事物manual, signal, editorial, journal4)-ance, -ence表示表示性性质质,情况,行,情况,行为为,过过程,程,总总量,量,程度程度 endurance, importance, diligence, difference, obedience5)-ancy, -ency, 表示表示性性质质,形状,行,形状,行为为,过过程程 frequency, urgency, efficiency,6)-bility, 表示表示动动作,性作,性质质,形状,形状 possibility, feasibility,7)-craft, 表

18、示表示工工艺艺,技巧,技巧 woodcraft, handicraft, statecraft 治国策治国策 8)-cracy, 表示“统治,支配 bureaucracy(官僚), democracy9)-cy, 表示“性质,形状,职位,级别 bankruptcy(破产),supremacy10)-dom, 表示“等级,领域,形状 freedom, kingdom, wisdom11)-ery, -ry, 表示“行为,形状,习性 bravery, bribery, rivalry12)-ety, 表示“性质,形状 variety, dubiety(疑心)13)-faction, -factur

19、e, 表示“作成,化,作用 satisfaction, manufacture14)-hood, 表示“资历,身份, 年纪,形状 childhood, manhood, falsehood15)-ice, 表示行为,性质,形状 notice, justice, service16)-ine, 表示带有笼统概念 medicine, discipline, famine 17)-ing, 表示“动作的过程,结果 building, writing, learning18)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition, 表示“行为的过程,结果,情况 action, solut

20、ion, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction19)-ise, 表示“性质,形状 exercise, merchandise(商业)20)-ism, 表示“制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为 socialism, criticism, colloquialism(口语体), heroism21)-ity, 表示性质,形状,程度 purity, reality, ability, calamity22)-ment, 表示行为,形状,过程,手段及其结果 treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argu

21、ment23)-mony, 表示动作的结果,形状 ceremony, testimony24)-ness, 表示性质,形状,程度 goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness25)-or, -our, 表示动作,性质,形状 favor, error,26)-osity, 表示动作,形状 curiosity27)-ship, 表示情况,性质,技巧,技艺及身份,职业 hardship, membership, friendship三、三、词根根1) aer, ar, 含含义是是“空气,大气空气,大气 aeroplane, aerial, 2) ag, ac

22、t, ig, 含含义是是“做,做,动作作 active, agent, reaction, 3) alt, 含含义是是“高,高, altitude, 4) alter, altern, altr, 含含义是是“其它,其它,变卦卦 alternate, 5) bio, bi, bion, 含含义是是“生物,生命生物,生命 biology, bionics(仿生学仿生学) 6) brev, bri, brief, 含含义是是“短短 brief, abbreviation, abridge(节略略) 7) cap, capt, cept, cip, 含含义是是“取,取,获 capture, exce

23、pt, concept, capacity8) ced, ceed, cess, 含义是“行,退让 proceed, succeed, excess(过度) 9) centr, centr, 含义是“中心 concentrate, eccentric(偏心的) 10) clain, clam, 含义是“呼喊 claim, proclaim, exclaim 11) clos, clud, 含义是“闭合 conclude, enclose, include 12) col, cult, 含义是“耕耘 colony, cultivate, agriculture 13) cor, cord, 含义

24、是“心 cordial, record, accord 14) curr, cur, cour, 含义是“跑,动作 current, occur, concurrence(同时发生) 15) dic, dict, 含义是“说,示 dictate, edit, indicate, predict16) doc, doct, 含义是“教 doctor, document17) duc, duct含义是“引导,传导 introduce, produce, conduct, deduct( 推论) 18) fact, fac, fect, dic, dit, 含义是“做,发明 factory, eff

25、ect, profit, faculty, perfect 19) fend, fens, 含义是“打,击 defence, offence 20) fer, 含义是“搬运,移转 ferry, transfer, defer(迟延) 21) fin, finit, 含义是“终,极 final, finish, confine 22) firm, 含义是“巩固 firm, confirm, affirm(断定) 23) fix, 含义是“固定 prefix, affix(附加) 24) flect, flex, 含义是“弯曲 flexible, reflex 25) flor, flour, f

26、lower, 含义是“花 flower, flourish 一、冠词二、描画词和副词三、虚拟语气四、定语从句五、同位语从句六、主语从句七、表语从句八、倒装句九、状语从句1. 不定冠词的用法冠词本身不能单独运用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,协助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词,另一种是不定冠词,还有一种是零冠词。不定冠词a an与数词one 同源,是一个的意思。a用于辅音音素前,普通读作e,而an那么用于元音音素前,普通读做en。1 表示一个,意为one;指某人或某物,意为a certain。2 代表一类人或物。3 组成词组或成语,如a little / a few / a l

27、ot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try /keep an eye on / all of a sudden等。2. 定冠词的用法 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有那这个的意思,但意义较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。1特指双方都明白的人或物。 2上文提到过的人或事。3指世上独一

28、物二的事物。 4与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar 美圆; the fox 狐狸;或与描画词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。5用在序数词和描画词最高级,及描画词only,very,same等前面。6与复数名词连用,指整个群体。例如: They are the teachers of this school.指全体教师 They are teachers of this school. 指部分教师7表示一切,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前。例如: She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂。8用在某些

29、由普通名词构成的国家称号、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前。9用在表示乐器的名词之前。10 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。例如: the Greens 格林一家人 或格林夫妇11 用在惯用语中。例如:in the day, in the morning afternoon,evening,the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday,the next morning,in the sky water,field,countryin the dark,in the rain,in the distance,in the middle of,in

30、 the end,on the whole,by the way,go to the theatre3. 零冠词的用法 1 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England,Mary。2泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词。例如: They are teachers. 他们是教师。3笼统名词表示普通概念时,通常不加冠词。例如: Failure is the mother of success.失败乃胜利之母。4物质名词表示普通概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需求加定冠词。5在季节、月份、节日、 假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词。6在称谓或表示官衔,职位的名词前不加

31、冠词。 The guards took the American to General Lee. 士兵们把这个美国人送到李将军那里。7在三餐、球类运动和文娱运动的称号前,不加冠词,如have breakfast,play chess。 8当两个或两个以上名词并用时,常省去冠词。 I cant write without pen or pencil.没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。9当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词,如by bus,by train。 10有些个体名词不用冠词,如school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,

32、class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义。 11不用冠词的序数词; a. 序数词前有物主代词时。 b. 序数词作副词。He came first in the race. 他跑步得了第一。 c. 在固定词组中,如atthefirst, first of all, from first to last等。4、 冠词与描画词+名词构造 1 两个描画词都有冠词,表示两个不同的人或物。 He raises a black and a white cat.他养了一只黑猫和一只白猫。The black and the white cats are h

33、ers.这只黑猫和白猫都是他的。2 如后一个描画词无冠词,那么指一人或一物。He raises a black and white cat. 他养了一只花猫。5、 冠词位置 1 不定冠词位置不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。留意:a. 位于such,what,many,half等描画词之后。 I have never seen such an animal. 我从来没见过这样的动物。 Many a man is fit for the job. 许多人适宜这岗位。b. 当名词前的描画词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough修饰时,不定冠词应放在描画词之后。例如

34、: It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. 我从未这么高兴过。 So short a time 如此短的时间 Too long a distance 间隔太远了c. quite,rather与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。但当rather,quite 前仍有描画词,不定冠词放其前后均可,如:rather a cold day/a rather cold day。d. 在as,though 引导的退让状语从句中,当表语为描画词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放描画词后。例如: Brave a man though he is,he trembles at

35、the sight of snakes. 他虽然英勇,可见到蛇还是发抖。2 定冠词位置 定冠词通常位于名词或名词修饰语前,但放在all, both,double,half,twice,three times等词之后,名词之前。例如: All the students in the class went out.班里的一切学生都出去了。1.表语描画词: well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等2.多个描画词修饰名词的顺序: 限定词-数词-描画词-大小,长短,外形,新旧,颜色-出处-资料性质-类别-名词。年龄,外形,

36、大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家。普通与被修饰描画词关系亲密的描画词接近名词;假设几个描画词的重要性差不多,音节少的描画词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照:限定词+数量词序数词在前,基数词在后+性状描画词+大小、长短、高低等形体+新旧+颜色+国籍+资料+名词,例如:a small round tablea tall gray building a dirty old brown shirt a famous German medical schoolan expensive Japanese sports car those three beautiful large square

37、 old brown wood table。3. 副词的位置1 在动词之前。2 在be动词、助动词之后。 3 多个助动词时,副词普通放在第一个助动词后。留意: a. 大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提早,以使句子平衡。例如: We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.我们清楚地看到前面有奇异的光。 b. 方式副词well,badly,hard等只放在句尾。He speaks English well. 他英语说得好。4. 副词的陈列顺序:1 时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。2 方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,

38、并用and或but等连词衔接。例如:Please write slowly and carefully. 请写得慢一些,仔细一些3 多个不同副词陈列:程度+地点+方式+时间副词。留意:副词very 可以修饰描画词,但不能修饰动词。分类分类虚拟语气分为真实条件从句和非真实条件虚拟语气分为真实条件从句和非真实条件从句两从句两种。非真实条件从句所表示的假设是不能种。非真实条件从句所表示的假设是不能够或不够或不大能够发生或实现的,句中条件从句和主大能够发生或实现的,句中条件从句和主句都需句都需用虚拟语气。用虚拟语气。与如今与如今现实相反:相反:例如:例如:If I were a bird, I wou

39、ld fly to you. 假假设我是只我是只鸟,我就会,我就会飞到他身到他身边去。去。 If it were not for their help, we should be in a very difficult position. 假假设不是他不是他们的的协助,我助,我们就会就会处于一个于一个非常困非常困难的境地。的境地。从句从句主句主句动词的一般过去式(be用werewould/should/could/might+动词原形与与过去去现实相反相反 例如:例如:If we had started earlier, we should not have missed the train.

40、 假假设我我们早一点早一点动身的身的话,就不会,就不会误车了。了。 If she hadnt been ill, she might have come. 假假设她不是病了,能她不是病了,能够会来的。会来的。从句从句主句主句had +动词过去分词would/should/could/might +had +动词过去分词与未来与未来现实相反相反 例如:例如: If Professor Li should have time tomorrow, we could ask him some questions. 假假设李教授明天有空的李教授明天有空的话,我,我们可以可以问他点他点问题。 If the

41、re should be no air, there would be no living things. 假假设没有空气,就不会有生物。没有空气,就不会有生物。主句主句从句从句1.动词过去式2.were +to +动词原形3.should +动词原形would/should/could/might+动词原形通常情况下通常情况下,在非真在非真实条件句中主句和从句的条件句中主句和从句的谓语动词所指所指时间是一致的是一致的, 但有但有时也能也能够指不指不同的同的时间,这时要根据上下文的意思采用不同的要根据上下文的意思采用不同的谓语动词方式方式. If I were you, I would hav

42、e taken his advice. (从句指如今, 主句指过去)。 换成我是他,我就会听从他的建议。 If I had taken my raincoat with me this morning, I would not be wet now. (从句指过去,主句指如今)。 假设我今天早上带了雨衣,如今就不会被淋湿了。 If we hadnt been working hard in the past few years, things wouldnt be going so smoothly. (从句指过去,主句指如今)。 假设过去几年里不努力任务,如今的情况就不会如此顺利了。 If

43、the weather had been more favorable, the crops would be growing still better.(从句指过去,主句指如今)。 假设当时的天气更好点,如今的庄稼就会长得更好。 If we had not got everything ready by now, we should be having a more terrible time tomorrow. (从句指如今,主句指未来) 假设如今一切还没预备好,明天情况就更糟了。有有时假假设的情况并不以条件从句表示出来的情况并不以条件从句表示出来,二是二是暗含在上下文中暗含在上下文中,比

44、如比如经过介介词短短语来表示。来表示。这些介些介词常是:常是:but for, without, otherwise等。等。 But for your advice, I could not have done it so successfully. 假设不是听了他的建议,我就不会做的如此胜利。 The change could not have taken place without the open-door policy. 没有开放的政策,就不会有如此大的变化。 I was so busy then, Otherwise, I would have told him the answer

45、. 我当时很忙,否那么,我就会把答案通知他的。四、虚四、虚拟语气在某些从句中的运用气在某些从句中的运用1、wish后后宾语从句中虚从句中虚拟语气的用法气的用法1对如今情况的虚如今情况的虚拟与如今的与如今的现实相反:从句用相反:从句用过去式去式 I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around. 但愿我的家但愿我的家乡四季如春。四季如春。 I wish I were a bird.(wish, were) 但愿我是只小但愿我是只小鸟。 2对过去情况的虚拟和过去的现实相反:宾语从句的谓语用过去完成时 He wishes he hadn

46、t lost the chance.他真希望没有失去时机。3对未来情况的虚拟(表示未来的客观愿望):从句动词would/should/could/might + 动词原形“ I wish it would stop raining 我希望雨能停顿。(现实上雨还在下着呢) I wish you would be quiet.(would + be)我希望他安静一些。(现实上那家伙还在吵着呢)2、suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request, desire, insist 等动词后的宾语从句. Should +动词原形,should 可以省略。

47、 They demanded that the aggressor troops (should) be withdrawn immediately. 他们要求侵略者立刻撤离。 I propose that we (should) set a deadline for handing in the plan. 我提议应该制定一个交方案的最后期限。 3、it is desired, its suggested, its requested, it was ordered that, it was proposed that, it is necessary that, it is importa

48、nt that, it has been decided that 等之后的主等之后的主语语从句。从句。Should +动词动词原形,原形,should 可以省略。可以省略。 It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once. 有必要立刻派他前往。 Its required that Mr. Lee (should) give a performance at the party. 要求李先生在晚会上出个节目。 Its desired that we (should) get everything ready by tonight.

49、要求我们在今晚前把一切预备好。4、在、在suggestion, motion, proposal, order, recommendations, plan, idea 等后面引出的表等后面引出的表语语从句和同位从句和同位语语从句中。从句中。Should +动词动词原形,原形,should 可以省略。可以省略。 The order came that all villagers evacuate from the village. 要求一切村民撤离的命令下达了。 I second Xiao Lis motion that we set up a special board to tackle

50、the problem. 小李提议成立一个特别委员会处置此问题,我附议。 5、在以下句型中要用、在以下句型中要用 should +动词动词原形。如:原形。如:it is a pity, it is a shame, it is incredible, it is strange, it is no wonder。 It is a great pity that he should be so conceited. 很惋惜,他很惋惜,他这这个人竟然个人竟然这这么自大。么自大。 Its strange that she should have failed to see her own short

51、comings. 奇异的是他竟看不到本人的缺陷。奇异的是他竟看不到本人的缺陷。6、as if, as though 引起的从句,其用法同引起的从句,其用法同 wish 构成构成的的宾语宾语从句一从句一样样 I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 我清楚地我清楚地记记得得这这件事就象昨天件事就象昨天刚刚发刚刚发生的。生的。 It seems as if it were spring already 似乎如今曾似乎如今曾经经是春天的是春天的样样子了。子了。7、以、以 lest, for fear that, in case 引

52、出的从句,引出的从句,动动词词多用多用 should + 动词动词原形,表示原形,表示 “惟恐的意思。惟恐的意思。 He took an umbrella with him lest it should rain. 他他带带上雨上雨伞伞以免下雨。以免下雨。 He burned all the important documents for fear that they should fall into the enemys hands. 他把一切的重要文件全部他把一切的重要文件全部烧烧毁毁以免落入以免落入敌敌人的手人的手中。中。 Heres some money in case you sho

53、uld need it. 这这是点是点钱钱以免他用地着。以免他用地着。 8、在、在 if only 引出的感慨句中引出的感慨句中 If only I hadnt lost it! 假假设设我要不我要不丢该丢该多好!多好! If only I could see him once! 再能看到他一次再能看到他一次该该有多好!有多好! Oh, if he only knew how we miss him! 噢,希望他能知道我是多么思念他!噢,希望他能知道我是多么思念他! 9、在、在 it is high time that 之后的定之后的定语语从句中,从句中,谓谓语动词语动词常用常用过过去式表表示

54、虚去式表表示虚拟语拟语气。气。 It is time that we went (should go) to bed. 如今如今该该上床了。上床了。 Its high time that we (should) put an end to this controversy. 如今如今该该是是终终了了这场这场争争辩辩的的时时候了。候了。充任定语的句子叫定语从句。定语从句修饰的名词叫先行词(the antecedent).定语从句由关系代词: who, whom, which, 关系描画词whose 和关系副词when, where, why引导,关系词除了起衔接从句和名词的作用外,还作从句的句子

55、成分。Who的先行词是人,作定语从句的主语:This is the man who will give us a talk tomorrow.Whom的先行词是人,作定语从句的宾语:This is the man whom I talked about the other day.Which 的先行词是物,作从句的主语和宾语Here is a book which may be helpful in you English study.This is the book which I like best.上述例句都可改用that.Whose是个关系描画词,在从句中作定语。A teacher i

56、s a person whose duty is to teach.When, where, why 分别作从句的时间状语、地点状语和缘由状语。He will never forget the day when the accident took place.This was the room where we studied.Do you know the reason why he was late?非限定性定语从句:非限定性定语从句所修饰的先行词可以是名词许多是专有名词,也可以是整个主句,它对先行词不加限定,只起附加阐明作用,假设没有,也不影响句意和语法构造。非限定性定语从句和先行词书写

57、时有逗号断开。Yesterday I happened to see John, who was eager to have a talk with you. 翻译:她又迟到了,真不象话。She was late again, which was annoying.区分限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句很重要。He has a sister, who is an artist. 他有个妹妹,是个艺术家。只需一个He has a sister who is an artist. 他有个当艺术家的妹妹。还有别的在suchas, the sameas的固定搭配中,such作定语,修饰后面的名词,as是

58、个关系代词,代前面的名词,引出定语从句,并担任从句中的句子成分。We will give you such data as will help you in your work. I would like to use the same instrument as was used yesterday.as也可以用作关系副词,替代前面的状语,并作从句的状语。He answered with the same simplicity as she asked.在as many as的固定搭配中,第一个as是副词,修饰 many,第二个as是关系代词,引导定语从句,并作从句的主语或宾语。There

59、are as many books as are needed. 所需求的书都有了。He has as many books as I have. 他的书和我的一样多。As everyone knows, all that glisters is not gold. 上句中as everyone knows 在意义上是个状语,但在句子构造上却是个非限定性定语从句。 As是关系代词,指代整个主句,引导定语从句,并作knows的宾语。As is often the case, we have over fulfilled the production plan. 和往常一样,我们又超额完成了消费方

60、案。as作从句的主语以下习语都是这种非限定性定语从句:As is usual,As has been said beforeAs may be imaginedAs is well knownAs often happensAs will be shown in As has been pointed outAs has been explained in As we all can see非限制性定语从句常用逗号和主句隔开,可 以修饰主句中的某一个词,也可修饰整个句 子。非限制性定语从句不能用that引导,引 导非限制性定语从句的关系词不能省略。 1. Li Pings father, wh

61、o works in a factory, is an engineer.2. He tore up my photo, which made me very angry. 限制性定语从句与非限制性限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句定语从句1) 领先行词既包括人又包括物时He talked about the men and the books that attracted him.2) 先行词被any, every, only, very, all, no 修饰These are the very points that interest me.用用that的场所的场所(3) 先行词被序数词或

62、描画词最高级修饰The first step that we are to take is very difficult.(4) 先行词是指物的不定代词all, little, few, much,及everything, anything, nothingThere is still much that can be done about it(5) 先行词是whoWho that have seen him does not like him?1非限制性定语从句中 Last night , I saw a very good film, which was about the Long M

63、arch . 2介词放在关系代词之前 This is the man from whom I learnt the news.3句中出现了that,或先行词是that I have found that which I was looking for.不用不用that的场所的场所(1) 介词确实定应根据定语从句中短语的习惯性搭配:Who is the girl with whom you just shook hands (shake hands with是习惯性搭配)“介介词词关系代关系代词词用法用法(2) 介词和先行词的搭配He built a telescope through whic

64、h he could study the skies. (through which 即through the telescope)(3) 当关系代词作“动词介词固定短语的宾语时,此时固定短语中的介词不能拆开移到关系代词前。This is the watch which youre looking for(1) Situation后常用where, in which引导定语从句Can you imagine a situation where/in which you can use the word?(2) way(方式,方法)后常用in which或that或 how引导定语从句,也可省略

65、Do you know the way (in which /that /how) he worked out the problem? 几个名词后的引导词几个名词后的引导词(3) “the same名词,“such名词,“as名词后通常用as引导定语从句。I have the same dictionary as you (have).Such a book as you bought is not worth buying.同位语从句以衔接词that 引导,阐明它前面名词的详细内容。Fact, truth, dream, advice, plan, idea, hope, discussi

66、on, suggestion, thought, news, rumor, fear, doubt, belief, confidence 等词后面接同位语从句。I have an idea that he will be late.Is there any proof that the book is his?There is little possibility that they will succeed in the attempt. 同位语从句有时由疑问词引出:Now lets come to the question when he did it.引导同位语从句的such as应和

67、引导定语从句的suchas区别开:There are different forms of energy, such as heat energy, sound energy, electric energy, and chemical energy.留意:不是表时间的先行词都用when引导定从,不是表地点的先行词都用where引导定从。例如:Well visit the factory which makes radios.(which或that在定从中作主语,where不可用主语,故不可用)They still remember the happy days (which/that) th

68、ey spent in Beidaihe.(which或that在定从中作spent的宾语,when不可作宾语,故不可用)在复合句中,起主语作用的句子称为主语从句。主语从句可以由以下从属连词、衔接代词和衔接副词引导,且不能省略。从属连词:that, whether衔接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, whichever衔接副词:when, where, how, why1. 主语从句的语序要求运用陈说句语序,而非普通疑问句语序。翻译:犯人是如何逃脱的是个谜。How the prisoner escaped is a

69、mystery.2. 引导主语从句,不能用if,只能用whether。翻译:我们明天能否在户外开晚会要看天气而定。Whether we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather. 主语从句可以直接放在主语位置上,也可以用方式主语it替代并置于句首,而把从句后置,尤其是当谓语较短时。但what引导的主语从句,在表示“所的事情时,不用方式主语指代。whoever, whatever, whichever在引导主语从句时,也不能用方式主语it指代。1Itbe名名词that从句从句 It is a pity th

70、at遗憾的是憾的是 It is no wonder that 缺乏缺乏为奇,奇,难怪怪【例例句句】 It is a pity that I missed the concert last week.2Itbe描画描画词that-从句从句It is important that重要的是重要的是It is obvious that 很很显然然 It is likely that有能有能够 It is essential that必要的是必要的是【例例句句】 It is necessary that we students should read English aloud every mornin

71、g.留留意意:当当描描画画词为necessary, important, essential等等 时 , 从从 句句 谓 语 动 词 多多 为 “(should)动词原形,即要用虚原形,即要用虚拟语气。气。 3It不及物不及物动词that从句从句It appears (seems) that似乎似乎It happens that碰巧碰巧It turned out 结果果It follows that 由此可由此可见It occurred to me that我忽然想起我忽然想起【例例句句】It suddenly occurred to me that we could use a comput

72、er to do the job. 4Itbe动词的的过去分去分词that从句从句It is believed that人人们置信置信It is estimated that 据估据估计It is known to all that众所周知众所周知It has been decided that已决已决议【例例句句】 It is known to all that the Earth goes round the Sun.5Itbe动词的的过去分去分词 wh-从句从句It has not been decided wh-从从句句尚尚未未决决议It has not been made clear

73、 wh-从句从句 还没没弄弄清清楚楚【例例句句】 It has not been decided when the highway will be open to traffic.1. 1. 由由从从属属连连词词thatthat,whetherwhether引引导导的的表表语语从从句句。(that(that本本身身无无意意义义,有有时时可可省省略略。whetherwhether可可以以与与oror或或or notor not连连用。用。) )The The problem problem is is (that) (that) we we cant cant come come up up w

74、ith a better solution.with a better solution.The The problem problem is is whether whether we we can can carry carry out out the planthe plan or not). or not). 2. 2. 由由衔衔接接代代词词what, what, which, which, who, who, whom, whom, whosewhose引引导导的的表表语语从从句句。( (这这些些衔衔接接代代词词既既有有疑疑问问含含义义,又又起起衔衔接接作作用用,同同时时在在从从句句

75、中中充充任任各各种成分。种成分。) )The The problem problem is is which which textbook textbook we we should should recommend for this course. recommend for this course. 3. 由由衔衔接接副副词词when, where, why, how等等引引导导的的表表语语从句。从句。【例句】【例句】This is where they once lived.4. 由由连连词词because, as“像像那那样样,as if / though“好似引好似引导导的表的表语语

76、从句。从句。【例【例1】Its just because he doesnt know her. 【例例2】Things are not always as they seem to be. 【例例3】It sounds as if someone is knocking at the door.1what引导的主语从句表示结果时,或名词reason作主语时,后面的表语从句表示缘由时要用that引导,不宜用because。What cost him his life was that he was too careless.The reason why I was sad was that h

77、e didnt understand me.2“It (This, That) is because 表示“这是由于,“这是由于的缘故。“This (That) is why表示“这是由于的缘由。前者强调缘由,后者强调结果。Thats because he didnt understand me.Thats why he got angry with me.概述:倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子构造或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:1.完全倒装 2. 部分倒装。例如:Here comes the train to .完全So little did I know about stock e

78、xchange that the lecture was completely beyond me.部分概述:全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此构造通常只用与普通如今时和普经过去时 。常见的构造有 :1 here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 例如:There goes the bell; Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。例如:At the front of the

79、 hall sat the headmaster. Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Notes:上述完全倒装句型中的主语必需是名词;主语如是人称代词,那么不能完全倒装。如:Here he comes. Away they went.概述:部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。假设句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,那么需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1句首为否认或半否认的词语或短语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no

80、 way, not until,Not onlybut also, Hardly/Scarcelywhen, No sooner than 等。如: Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her. No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit herNot until the child

81、 fell asleep did the mother leave the room. (当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装 )Notes: (1). 如否认词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didnt leave the room until the child fell asleep. (2). 只需当Not only but also衔接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装构造。假设置于句首的Not only but also仅衔接两个并列词语,不可用倒装构造。 Not only you

82、 but also I am fond of music. 2). so, neither, nor引起的部分倒装 表示“也、“也不 的句子要部分倒装。如:Tom can speak French. So can Jack.If you wont go, neither will I.Notes : 当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证明或一定时,不可用倒装构造。意为确实如此。 Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. -Its raining hard.-So it is.3 only在句首引起倒装的情况在句首引起倒装的情况 如:如:

83、Only in this way, can you learn English well. Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. Notes:假:假设设句子句子为为主从复合句,那么主句倒主从复合句,那么主句倒装,从句不倒装。如:装,从句不倒装。如: Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed. 4 as, though 引引导导的倒装句的倒装句 as / though引引导导的退的退让让从句必需将表从句必需将表语语或状或状语语提早提早 描画

84、描画词词, 副副词词, 分分词词, 实义动词实义动词提早提早 。如。如: Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. 5 其他部分倒装其他部分倒装 (1) so that 句型中的句型中的so 位于句首位于句首时时,需倒,需倒装。装。 So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch .(2)在某些表示祝愿的句型中:在某

85、些表示祝愿的句型中:May you all be happy.(3)在虚在虚拟语拟语气条件句中从句气条件句中从句谓语动词谓语动词有有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。Were I you, I would try it again. Should you leave tonight, you might arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning. Had he taken the advice of his friends, he would not suffered suc

86、h a heavy loss in business. 时间状语从句普通不和未来时连用。假设主句是普通未来时,从句用普通如今时表未来;假设主句是过去未来时,从句用普经过去时表示过去未来时;假设主句是普经过去时,从句用普经过去时。 when, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, till, until, once, every time, each time, hardly (scarcely)when(一就), no soonerthan(一就), as soon as(一就), instantly (directly, immediately

87、(一就), the instant (moment, minute, second)(一就), 1when, whenever, as 和while 1when, as和while正当的时候均表示某事发生的过程中另一事又发生,从句谓语动词所表示的动作普通都是继续的,但while继续的时间较长。【例句】When (While / As) I was sleeping, he came in.三个词都可以表示主、从句的动作同时发生,从句所表示的时间均是一段时间。2when既可引导一继续性动作所,又可引导一短暂性动作。它可以表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生,或是从句的动作发生在主句动作之前。【例】

88、My vacation begins next Tuesday, _ I will leave for Florida. 3whenever意为“无论什么时候,每当。【例】You can come over whenever you have free time. 4as强调主句和从句的动作在同一时间或一先一后紧接着发生;还可表示某事发生的过程中另一事发生,从句可用进展时态;有时还表示“随着的含义。【例】He gets more attractive as he gets older.5while指的是“在某一段时间里、“在期间,所指时间范围较大一些。while只能表示继续性的动作或形状,它也

89、强调主句和从句动作同时发生。【例】Her neighbor came to look after her child while she was away. 6有时,when引导的从句位于主句之后,相当于一个由and衔接的并列分句,这里只能用when,意为“这时,那时,然后等。【例】He was about to leave when the telephone rang.2表示“一就的连词和词组 1表示“一就的连词有as soon as, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen, no soonerthan等。【例】I will write to you as soon as I

90、get home.2表示“一就的词组有the instant, the moment, the minute, the second, instantly, directly, immediately等。【例】I fell in love with the pretty girl the moment I saw her. 3as soon as引导的从句中的谓语动词常用普通如今时替代普通未来时,或用普经过去时态表示过去未来时。【例】I would tell him the news as soon as I saw him.4hardlywhen, scarcelywhen, no soon

91、erthan的意义相当于as soon as,引导时间状语从句时,从句谓语动词用普经过去时,主句谓语动词用过去完成时。hardly, scarcely及no sooner位于句首时,主句那么要部分倒装。【例2】Hardly / Scarcely had we got home when it begain to rain.【例3】No sooner had she entered the house than the telephone rang. 3since时间状语的用法 1since引导的时间状语从句谓语动词用普经过去时,主句用完成时。【例】Since he left the unive

92、rsity, he has been working in an accounting company. 2since常用于“It is / has been (一段时间)since状语从句(从句谓语动词用普经过去时)的固定句型中,意为:“自以来有多久了。【例】No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least 5 years since it took place . 4before时间状语的用法before引导的时间状语从句中,从句动作通常发生在主句动作之后,主句用未来时,从句用如今时;假设从句是过

93、去时,主句可用过去完成时或普经过去时。从句谓语不可用否认式。其用法见下表: 含义例句在之前 He forget to turn off the light before he left the classroom.(之后)才It was a long time before I went to sleep again.(不多久)就 I hadnt waited long before he came back.不等就 The postman left before I could say thank you to him.till和until 表示的意义一样,在运用上要留意以下几点: 1用于一

94、定句中,表示“直到为止,主句谓语动词必需是延续性的。 【例句】We had lived in this house for three years till / until my father decided to have us move to a new neighborhood. 2用于否认句中,表示“直到才,主句谓语动词为延续性或非延续性都可以。【例句】Dont get off the bus until / till it has stopped. 3till和until的区别在于:until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。【例句】Until you told me, I ha

95、d heard nothing of what happened. 4假设not until置于句首时,可引起主句部分倒装。【例句】Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 5not until还可用于强调构造It is not until . that 中。【例句】It was not until midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds. 1because, since, as和 for 1because语气

96、最强,用来回答why的问题,通常用来表示人所不知的缘由或有关某事的直接缘由。because 引导的从句普通位于句首,但是当because从句表示理由时,只能放在主句后面。【例1】Why were you late this morning? Because there was a traffic jam on my way to school.【例2】Because he broke the law, he was punished.【例3】She probably didnt attend the ceremony because I didnt see her in the hall.2s

97、ince 表示一种显而易见的缘由或人们知的现实,常译作“既然,语气比as 稍强。since引导的从句通常位于句首。【例句】Since a lot of people make mistakes in life, Mr. Smith wants to give Johnson a chance. 3as表示缘由的语气最弱,表示明显的,双方都知道的理由或缘由。as引导的从句通常放在句首。【例句】As it is raining today, the sports meeting has to be put off.4for是并列连词,只用于衔接表示缘由的分句。引导的分句不可放在句首,主要放在两个并

98、列句之间,而且前面常有逗号隔开。for表示推断的缘由,对前一分句补充阐明理由。【例句】He must be ill, for he is absent today. 5在强调句中,强调缘由状语只能用“it is because that构造,这里的because不能换成since, as或for。【例句】It is because he is kind and modest what he wins the respect of others.2now that, since和asnow that与since, as意思相近,也是“既然的意思,不过语气较since弱。now that用来阐明一

99、种新情况,然后再加以推论,从句与主句的因果关系很小,而since和as衔接的句子因果关系比较明显。that在口语里可以省去。【例句】Now (that) youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 衔接词主要有 if, unless (=if not), as / so long as, on condition that等。if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中论述,在此不再赘述。条件状语从句普通不和未来时连用,通常用相应的普通时态来表示(与时间状语从句一样)。【例句】I will

100、 not go to countryside if it rains tomorrow. 1providing, provided (that), suppose (that), as long as, on condition that和in case这些连词(词组)意思相近,有“假设,只需,假设,假使,在条件下等意义。【例1】So (As) long as you keep on trying, you are sure to succeed. 【例2】Suppose / Supposing (that) you are the manager, what are you going to

101、 do?【例3】We will pay the bonus on condition that the job is completed on time.【例4】In case John comes, please tell him to wait.(留意:in case of 后接名词,意为“万一,假设,in the case of 意为“就来说。)【例5】Well be only too glad to attend your party provided that we can get a baby-sitter.2given that,意为“假定;假设思索到。【例句】Given tha

102、t he is inexperienced he has done quite a good job.3only if和 if onlyonly if 引导的从句用陈说语气,意为“只需;if only引导的从句要用虚拟语气,意为“但愿,要是就好了。比较:Well help those in trouble only if they tell us the truth.If only I had known it, I wouldnt have troubled him. 目的状语从句中的谓语常含有may (might), can (could), should, will等情态动词。通常主句在

103、前,从句在后,主句和从句之间没有逗号。【例句】You must speak louder so that / in order that you can make yourself heard by all. lest, for fear that和 in case,意思均为“以防,以免。区别如下: 1lest从句普通要用虚拟语气,方式为“should +动词原形,should可省略。【例句】She wrote everything down lest she (should) forget. 2for fear that从句和in case从句普通用虚拟语气,但有时也可以用陈说语气。【例1】

104、The child hid himself behind the curtain for fear that his sister should find (find) him.【例2】We will have to put off our departure in case it rains.1sothat与suchthat,意思均为“如此以致,区别如下: 1so.that构造中的so为副词,后面跟描画词或副词;such.that中的such为描画词,后面接名词名词前可以有描画词或副词修饰。【例1】It was such a fine day that we went out for a w

105、alk.【例2】He was so excited after hearing the news that he could not fall asleep immediately. 2当that前的名词有表示数量多少的many, much, few, little等修饰时,只能用so,不能用such。【例句】There was so much noise that we could not hear what the teacher said. 3当that前的名词有表示数量多少的a lot of 或lots of等修饰时,只能用such,不能用so。【例句】There are such a

106、 lot of people in the hall that we could not get in.4当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有描画词修饰时,so与such可以互换, 即:soadj.a/ann.sucha/anadj.n.。【例句】She is so good a teacher that we all love and respect her.She is such a good teacher that we all love and respect her.5当that前是不可数名词或复数可数名词时,那么必需用such,不能用so来替代。【例1】It was such

107、 fine weather that they all went swimming.【例2】They are such diligent students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations. 2so that引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句的区别 1根据句子的构造来判别。so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了,从句中常运用can / could / may / might / will / would / should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中普通不含情态动词,在so that前

108、可以用逗号,意思是“以致于、结果。2根据上下文及句子所表达的意思来判别。试比较:She hurried to the station, so that she caught the bus.She hurried to the station so that she could catch the bus. 退让状语从句可以放在主句前或主句后。退让状语从句的要点如下: 1though, although, even if(though) 和as 1though和although同义,意为“虽然,用法根本一样。但 though更通俗、口语化,although较正式,多置于句首。【例句】 Alth

109、ough they are small, the horses are strong and have great energy.2even if 和even though意为“即使、“纵然,有退一步想象的意味,多用于书面语。【例句】Even if you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering.3as引导的退让状语从句比though和although引导的退让状语从句语气更强。as引导退让状语从句时,从句语序必需部分倒装。【例句】Strong as he is he felt tired out after the lon

110、g journey for eight hours. 2连词whether普通引导名词性从句。当引导退让状语从句时,必需用逗号和主句分开,而且其前边可以加no matter。【例句】Youll have to do it, (no matter) whether you like it or not. 3whatever, whenever, whoever, whichever和however引导退让状语从句, 相当于no matter what (when, where, who, which,和how),意思是:“无论什么,无论何时,无论何处,无论谁,无论哪一个,无论如何,表示无论在什么

111、条件下进展随意的选择。【例1】Whatever (No matter what) happens, we shall never lose our heart.1asas, the same as和suchas 用于表示同等程度的比较,否认句用not so(as)as, not the sameas, not suchas。【例1】The movie was not so interesting as we had expected.【例2】She sings too loudly, the same as her teacher does. 2as和than 衔接的比较状语从句经常省去与主句

112、一样的部分,只留下相比的部分。【例句】Actions speak louder than words. 3在as和than衔接的从句中,常用替代词do或其它助动词或情态动词的某种方式替代与主句一样的谓语部分。【例句】Emily studies as hard as Amy does.1as引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后。(just) asso引导的方式状语从句常位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是 “犹如,“就像,多用于正式文体。【例1】The child did everything as he was told to.【例2】Just as the moon goes round the earth, so the earth revolves around the sun.2as if, as though两者的意义和用法一样,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气,表示与现实相反。有时也用陈说语气,表示所说情况是现实或实现的能够性较大。汉语常译作 “仿佛似的,“好似似的。【例句】It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.



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