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1、western-funeralwestern-funeral Western Funeral Culture A brief introduction of western funeralThe process of Western funeral The difference between Chinese and Western funeral Western funerallWith the influence of Christian culture, funerary rites basically is more or less the same. Western burial c

2、eremony includes cremation火葬火葬, burial土葬土葬.The funeral is generally followed the deceased had a will, Either burial ceremony, were buried in the cemetery. Funeral customs of the West have to wash the corpse, changing mortuary cosmetic, funeral mourner feast to thank, and pay homage to procedures Chr

3、istian ceremony is almost running through them. Western funeral customs the thin funeral of a simple funeral.l西方虽然民族众多,但是在基督教文化的影响下,丧葬礼俗基本大同小异。西方葬式主要是火葬、土葬两种。葬礼一般遵循死者生前遗嘱、无论采用哪种葬式,均葬于公墓。西方殡葬礼俗有洗尸、更衣、停尸整容、送葬哭丧、宴谢、祭奠等程序,基督教仪式几乎贯穿其中。西方的丧葬风俗是简丧薄葬。Funerals process in westlRegister deathlPublic the obitua

4、ry (an article printed in a newspaper about someones death)lHold a ceremony in churchlGo to the churchyard (an enclosed area used for burying people)lCremation (a funeral where the dead person is cremated) or burialRegister deathThe Registrar will require the following information lThe date and plac

5、e of death lThe full name of the deceased (and maiden name where appropriate) lThe date and place of birth of the deceased lThe deceaseds occupation and the full names and occupation of the spouse if the deceased was married or widowed lThe deceaseds usual address lWhether the deceased was in receip

6、t of a pension from public funds lIf the deceased was married, the date of birth of the spouseceremony in churchlGive the departed (the dead) baptismlDress the departed up and make the departed up ceremony in churchlA padre (priest) read the lament (a poem or a song of great sadness for the dead) Th

7、e main actors in Funeral ceremoniesChurchyard & bier (a frame on which the dead body is placed) covered with velvetA place of burialprayerThe difference between Chinese and Western funeral l1 The social value of death between the Chinese and western culturel2 The difference in ethicl3 The main funer

8、al customsl4 The color lSimilarity: - belief in souls or spirits and an afterlife.lDifference: - Chinese Culture: Educate individuals in filial piety -Western Culture: Disconnect the last tie between soul & body rest in peace and heaven Salvation from God ETHICChineseFilial-piety focused, and is pro

9、moted to the top position throughout the whole funeral.A grand funeral shows the filial piety; a brief one shows non-filial piety. Grave goods are not rarely seen.WesternIn Christianity, human are sinner, born with original sins. They must overcome their crime and lust, be good to atone, so that the

10、y can get to heaven after death.Death is the path to heaven. They believe in the resurrection of body, so theyre not afraid of the death of body.Westerners attach most importance to spirit but not body. So the funerals are usually simple.THE MAIN FUNERAL CUSTOMSlChineseburial 土葬土葬cremation 火葬火葬celes

11、tial burial 天葬天葬water burial 水葬水葬lWesternburial 土葬土葬cremation 火葬火葬Vocabulary about funeral葬礼:葬礼:funeral , funeral ceremony , funeral rites主葬:主葬:The Lord was buried羽葆羽葆 :Feather remains揄绞揄绞 :Yu ground三礼:三礼:Three ritual请隧:请隧:Please tunneling毁宗毁宗Destroyed Pope 会葬会葬:Will be buried 国葬国葬:State funeral衮敛衮敛

12、:Neither gathered 纶组节约纶组节约:Black silk ribbon group save Lament 哀悼哀悼mourning for the dead 哀哀悼死者悼死者crying piteously; wailing 哀号哀号wailing 哀哭哀哭funeral music; dirge 哀乐哀乐grieved; sad; distressed 哀伤哀伤grief; deep sorrow 哀痛哀痛burying the dead 安葬安葬grief 悲伤悲伤hearse 殡车殡车funeral parlour 殡仪馆殡仪馆funeral and intermen

13、t 殡殡葬葬veneer coffin薄皮棺材薄皮棺材mourning with deep grief 沉痛悼念沉痛悼念 funeral procession 出葬出葬in mourning 戴孝戴孝memorial speech 悼词悼词mourning the dead; grieving oversomebodys death 悼念死悼念死者者 mourning ceremony 悼念悼念仪式仪式 sarcophagus 雕花石棺雕花石棺 incinerator 焚化炉焚化炉 bone ash ;ashes of the dead 骨灰骨灰 cinerary casket 骨灰盒骨灰盒c

14、offin 棺材棺材black crepe 黑纱黑纱 funeral affairs 后事后事(floral) wreath花圈花圈Cremation火葬火葬crematorium; crematory 火葬场火葬场 holding a memorial ceremony for 祭奠祭奠funeral cloth expressing condolence 祭帐祭帐making arrangements for a funeral 料理后事料理后事hearse灵车灵车 bier 灵床灵床coffin containing a corpse; bier 灵柩灵柩mourning hall 灵堂

15、灵堂 hemp clothes; sackcloth 麻衣麻衣joss note 冥钞冥钞 grave 埋葬埋葬putting a body into a coffin; en coffin入殓入殓mourning staff 丧棒丧棒 mourning apparel 丧服丧服funeral gift 丧礼丧礼funeral arrangements 丧丧事事obsequies; funeral ( ceremony) 丧仪丧仪 burial; funeral 丧葬丧葬mourning band 丧章丧章funeral bell;( death ) knell 丧钟丧钟 offering u

16、p a sacrifice; laying offerings on the altar 上供上供burning joss sticks 烧香烧香burning paper (as an offering to the dead)烧纸heartfelt condolence 深切哀悼standing as guards at the bier; keeping vigil beside the coffin 守灵strictly observing rites for the dead 守丧mourning for parent 守孝shroud; cerements寿衣 attending

17、a funeral; taking part in a funeral procession 送殡送葬 inhumation; burial ( of the dead ) in the ground 土葬 dirge; elegy 挽歌filial piety and fraternal duty 孝悌 remains ( of the deceased ) 遗容 remains (of the dead) 遗体 be immortal; eternal glory to 永垂不朽funeral ( /burial) rites; funeral 葬礼 paper banner 纸幡 paper ingot (/money ) 纸钱paper mannikin 纸人 memorial meeting 追悼会 posthumous award 追赠elegiac couplet 挽联mourning ( dress)孝服



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