高中英语 Unit4 Section Ⅲ Learning about Language & Using Language课件 新人教版选修8

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1、Unit 4PygmalionSection Learning about Language & Using Language语语篇篇理理解解语言点一语言点一语言点二语言点二语言点三语言点三识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实识识记记掌掌握握理理解解拓拓展展应应用用落落实实课课时时跟跟踪踪检检测测Read the text and then choose the best answers according to the passage.1What is the main idea of the passage?AThe flower

2、 girl came to Higgins for help.BHiggins and Pickering reached an agreement to teach the girl proper language.CHiggins refused to teach the girl at first.DPickering suggested that Higgins teach the girl proper language.2Why did Higgins refuse to teach the flower girl at first?ABecause the girl was di

3、rty.BBecause he had the record of the girl already.CBecause the flower girl didnt want to wash herself.DBecause the girl wasnt clever enough to learn proper language.3The girl came to Higgins for _.Ashe wanted to learn her proper languageBshe wanted to leave her hometown foreverCshe didnt want other

4、s to recognize her accentDshe wanted to improve her language so as to be taken as a lady in a flower shop4What is the meaning of the word “bet” in the title of the passage?AWhether Higgins would teach the flower girl.BWhether the girl would be changed into a lady in advanced society.CWhether the gir

5、l would learn proper language.DWhether Higgins would persuade the girl to learn proper language.5What can we conclude from the passage?AHiggins would refuse to teach the flower girl.BPickering would help to teach the flower girl.CHiggins would teach the girl proper language and other things.DPickeri

6、ng would teach the girl instead.答案:答案:15BBDBC(一一)词义配对词义配对1robato fail to see or notice sth.2overlook bto give up some of your demands after a disagreement with sb.in order to reach an agreement 3.fade cbadly dressed in clothes that have been worn a lot4shabby dto steal money or property from a perso

7、n or place5compromise eto become or to make sth.become paler or less bright答案:答案:15daecb(二二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词6 adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的带来麻烦的;使人心烦的 n麻烦;烦扰麻烦;烦扰7 adj.音乐的音乐的 n音乐音乐musictroublesomemusicaltrouble8 vt.发发的音的音 n发发音音9 adj.可怕的;恐怖的可怕的;恐怖的 n恐怖;恐惧恐怖;恐惧10 adj.使人反感的;令人使人反感的;令人厌恶厌恶的的 vt.使使 人人恶恶心

8、;令人心;令人厌烦厌烦11 adj.有效的有效的 n效果;影响效果;影响12 n裁判裁判员员;仲裁者;仲裁者 把把提交,交提交,交 付,委托付,委托13 vt.& vi. 不不赞赞成;反成;反对对;认为认为不好不好 v. 赞赞成;批准成;批准 effectivepronouncepronunciationhorribledisgustdisgustinghorroreffectrefereereferdisapproveapprove1rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺抢劫;盗窃;剥夺教材教材P32原句原句someone who steals sth.or robs sb.偷盗某物或抢劫某人的人偷

9、盗某物或抢劫某人的人While he was away, his house was robbed.他外出时,家被盗了。他外出时,家被盗了。rob sb.of sth. 抢抢夺夺某某人人某某物物;使使某某人人丧丧失失某某物物rob someplace of sth. 从某处抢走某物从某处抢走某物robbery n. 抢劫,掠夺抢劫,掠夺robber n. 抢劫犯,盗贼抢劫犯,盗贼They knocked the driver down and robbed him of his car.他们把司机打倒在地,抢走了他的车。他们把司机打倒在地,抢走了他的车。Her illness to play

10、for her school.生病使她失去代表学校参加比赛的机会。生病使她失去代表学校参加比赛的机会。They robbed the bank of millions of dollars.他们抢走了那家银行数百万美元。他们抢走了那家银行数百万美元。robbed her of the chance自填助记自填助记Do you know the last month? 你知道上个月发生的抢劫吗?你知道上个月发生的抢劫吗?Yes.Two the bank in our city.是的。两名抢劫犯抢劫了我市的银行。是的。两名抢劫犯抢劫了我市的银行。robberyrobbersrobbed2compr

11、omise教材教材P34原句原句(compromises)OK, Ill teach you.(提出折中办法提出折中办法)好吧,我教你。好吧,我教你。(1)n.妥协;折中;互让;和解妥协;折中;互让;和解 After a long talk,the two sides reached a compromise. 长期谈判之后,双方达成了妥协。长期谈判之后,双方达成了妥协。 In order to live harmoniously,sometimes you need to make compromises. 为了和谐地生活,有时你需要做出让步。为了和谐地生活,有时你需要做出让步。reach/

12、arrive at/come to a compromisemake compromises 达成妥协达成妥协做出让步做出让步(2)vi.(为达成协议而为达成协议而)妥协;折中;让步妥协;折中;让步 They were unwilling to compromise with the leaders. 他们不愿与领导妥协。他们不愿与领导妥协。 We can not compromise on/over/about such terms. 我们不能因为这样的条件妥协。我们不能因为这样的条件妥协。compromise sb. 与某人妥协与某人妥协compromise sth. 就某事妥协就某事妥协

13、withon/over/about3.overlook 教材教材P35原句原句But you cannot overlook that! 你可不能小看这个问题了!你可不能小看这个问题了!(1)vt.忽视;忽略;不理会忽视;忽略;不理会 He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。 We could not afford such a serious offence. 对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。(2)vt.俯视;俯瞰俯视;俯瞰 My

14、 room overlooks the beautiful garden. 我的房间俯瞰着美丽的花园。我的房间俯瞰着美丽的花园。to overlookoverlook, ignoreoverlook常指由于匆忙或没注意到而忽视常指由于匆忙或没注意到而忽视ignore指故意地不理睬某人、某物指故意地不理睬某人、某物自填助记自填助记 Its easy to a small detail like that.She completely all these facts as though they never existed.overlookignores1set 建立;建立;创创立立2be ind

15、ependent 独立于独立于3show . 带带或或领领进进来来4the day 前几天前几天5ask 要求得到要求得到6pay 为为付付钱钱7 more 再一次再一次8in need 需要需要9deal 处处理,理,对对付付10fade (声音、画面声音、画面)逐逐渐渐模糊;模糊;渐渐淡淡inotherofwithupforforoutonceof1show .in带带或或领领进进来来教材教材P34原句原句Show her in,Mrs Pearce.皮皮尔尔斯夫人,斯夫人,领领她她进进来。来。Youd better show the old man in.你最好把那位老人你最好把那位老人

16、领进领进来。来。Jack, show Mr.Smith out.杰克,送史密斯先生出去。杰克,送史密斯先生出去。Dont always show off your beauty.不要总是炫耀你的美貌。不要总是炫耀你的美貌。She didnt show up for our wedding because she forgot it.她没有来参加我们的婚礼,因为她忘了。她没有来参加我们的婚礼,因为她忘了。Let me show you around the factory.让我带领你参观工厂吧。让我带领你参观工厂吧。show . 送送出去出去show 炫耀;炫耀;卖卖弄弄show up show

17、 sb.around outoff露面;使显现露面;使显现带领某人参观带领某人参观2.in need of .需要需要 教材教材P35原句原句Shes in need of both. 这这两个方面她都需要。两个方面她都需要。 A heavy rain has been on for about a week in the south of China, where the local people are in need of help. 一一场场大雨在中国南方持大雨在中国南方持续续了大了大约约一周,当地的人一周,当地的人们们需要帮助。需要帮助。in need of, in needin n

18、eed of“需要需要”,为介词短语,后跟名词,为介词短语,后跟名词或代词,相当于或代词,相当于in want/demand ofin need“在贫困中,在危难中在贫困中,在危难中”,后不接任何,后不接任何成分,相当于成分,相当于in demand自填助记自填助记Deeds are better than words when people are help.They are collecting money for children .in need ofin needThere is no need to do sth. 没没有有必必要要做做某某事事satisfy/meet ones n

19、eeds 满满足足某某人人的的需求需求There is no need for you to feel sorry for him.你没有必要为他难过。你没有必要为他难过。But Im sorry were not able to at this time.但是很遗憾,这次不能满足您的需求。但是很遗憾,这次不能满足您的需求。meet your needs1句型展示句型展示Generally speaking, he thought that lower class people betrayed themselves with their remarks whenever they spoke

20、, and that he could classify peoples social position after only a few minutes observation.一般而言,他认为阶级地位低者一开口他们的言论便会暴露一般而言,他认为阶级地位低者一开口他们的言论便会暴露他们的身份,而且仅需要观察几分钟就能够分辨出他们的社他们的身份,而且仅需要观察几分钟就能够分辨出他们的社会地位。会地位。典例背诵典例背诵The roof leaks whenever it rains.屋顶每逢下雨就漏。屋顶每逢下雨就漏。2句型展示句型展示Id never have come if Id known

21、 about this disgusting thing you want me to do.如果我早知道你如果我早知道你让让我做我做这这么令人么令人讨厌讨厌的事我才不会来的事我才不会来呢呢典例背典例背诵诵If Id left earlier, Id have been there on time.要是我早点要是我早点动动身,我就准身,我就准时时到那儿了。到那儿了。Id never have come if Id known about this disgusting thing you want me to do .我要是早知道你我要是早知道你们们想想让让我做我做这这种可种可恶恶的事的事,我

22、决不会来。,我决不会来。(1)本句本句为为主从复合句,用虚主从复合句,用虚拟语拟语气表示与气表示与过过去事去事实实相反的假相反的假 设设情况。条件从句中的情况。条件从句中的谓语动词谓语动词用用“had过过去分去分词词”形式,形式, 主句中的主句中的谓语动词谓语动词用用would/could/should/mighthave过过 去分去分词词形式。形式。(2)虚拟条件句的三种常见用法情况:虚拟条件句的三种常见用法情况:从句从句主句主句与现在事实与现在事实相反相反动词过去式动词过去式(be的过的过去式用去式用were)would/could/should/might动词原形动词原形与过去事实与过去

23、事实相反相反had动词过去分词动词过去分词would/could/should/mighthave过去分过去分词词与将来事实与将来事实可能相反可能相反动词过去式动词过去式/should动词原形动词原形/were to动词原形动词原形would/could/should/might动词原形动词原形If I were you, I would go to the hospital.如果我是你,我会去医院的。如果我是你,我会去医院的。If I had known her number, I would have called her.如果我知道她的电话号码的话,我就给她打电话了。如果我知道她的电话号

24、码的话,我就给她打电话了。If it this evening, they would not go out.如果今晚下雪,他们将不出去了。如果今晚下雪,他们将不出去了。were to snow/should snow/snowed点津点津在书面语中,如果在书面语中,如果if引导的虚拟条件从句中有引导的虚拟条件从句中有were, had或或should, 可以把可以把if省略,而把它们放到主语之前,构成倒省略,而把它们放到主语之前,构成倒装结构。有装结构。有not时,时,not不提前。不提前。 , I might resign.如果必要的话,我可以辞职。如果必要的话,我可以辞职。 , they could do the work well.如果他们有耐心的话,他们就可能把这项工作做好。如果他们有耐心的话,他们就可能把这项工作做好。Were it necessaryShould they have patience



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