江西省吉安市第四中学高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing venturednothing gained Warming up 课件 新人教版选修10

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江西省吉安市第四中学高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing venturednothing gained Warming up 课件 新人教版选修10_第1页
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江西省吉安市第四中学高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing venturednothing gained Warming up 课件 新人教版选修10_第3页
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1、人教课标选修人教课标选修高三英语上高三英语上Objectives1. 培养敢于冒险、不怕困难、持之以恒、培养敢于冒险、不怕困难、持之以恒、 团结合作、积极乐观等精神,并学习掌团结合作、积极乐观等精神,并学习掌 握相关词汇。握相关词汇。2. 学习表达自己的观点和不同意见。学习表达自己的观点和不同意见。3. 复习定语的形式、意义和用法。复习定语的形式、意义和用法。4. 学习写读后感。学习写读后感。If you look at the topic of this unit what would you think of?Nothing ventured, nothing gainedventured

2、gainedFor venture this word we may think of adventure which means take risks.If you give yourself a chance, perhaps you will gain a lot.There are two important words.One video to enjoyPaul Potts(保罗(保罗帕兹)是英国一家手机店的销帕兹)是英国一家手机店的销售员,害羞,毫不起眼,缺乏自信。就是这个普售员,害羞,毫不起眼,缺乏自信。就是这个普通得不能再普通的平凡人,用歌声震撼了全英国!通得不能再普通的平凡

3、人,用歌声震撼了全英国!令全场观众激动得起立喝彩,令千万人在电视机令全场观众激动得起立喝彩,令千万人在电视机前为之流泪!前为之流泪! 28岁,从未接受正统声乐训练的他,岁,从未接受正统声乐训练的他,只是在卡拉只是在卡拉OK模仿帕瓦罗蒂歌唱,模仿帕瓦罗蒂歌唱, 他怀着成为他怀着成为职业歌唱家的梦想,前往意大利拜师学习,风雨职业歌唱家的梦想,前往意大利拜师学习,风雨无阻的认真上课,忍受着肾上腺肿瘤、阑尾炎、无阻的认真上课,忍受着肾上腺肿瘤、阑尾炎、车祸跌断锁骨车祸跌断锁骨等等的病痛折磨,还欠下三万等等的病痛折磨,还欠下三万英镑的巨额债务。英镑的巨额债务。 有好几年的时间他都只能痛苦的躺在沙发上,有

4、好几年的时间他都只能痛苦的躺在沙发上,根本没办法唱歌,成了一名手机业务员。但他并根本没办法唱歌,成了一名手机业务员。但他并未放弃梦想!未放弃梦想! 36岁的他,终于鼓起勇气走进英国选秀节目岁的他,终于鼓起勇气走进英国选秀节目Britains Got Talent的摄影棚,西装土得掉渣的摄影棚,西装土得掉渣的保罗羞涩地站在台上。评审阿曼达的保罗羞涩地站在台上。评审阿曼达侯顿对这个侯顿对这个误闯娱乐丛林的怪胎感到十分惊讶,问他:误闯娱乐丛林的怪胎感到十分惊讶,问他:“ 你你今天来这里干吗?今天来这里干吗?”他说:他说:“唱歌剧。唱歌剧。”当他说出当他说出演唱曲目时,三位评审交换了眼神,流露出不怀任

5、演唱曲目时,三位评审交换了眼神,流露出不怀任何期待的暗笑表情何期待的暗笑表情都暗自做好心理准备。工作都暗自做好心理准备。工作人员按下播放键,人员按下播放键,今夜无人入睡今夜无人入睡的前奏流泻而的前奏流泻而出,保罗张开歪了门牙的嘴出,保罗张开歪了门牙的嘴第一句,毒舌西蒙差点咬断了铅笔。第一句,毒舌西蒙差点咬断了铅笔。第二句,两千人的剧场开始鼓掌欢呼,有些人感动第二句,两千人的剧场开始鼓掌欢呼,有些人感动的泛出了泪花。的泛出了泪花。全曲终了,全场观众起立鼓掌,欢呼声和口哨声不全曲终了,全场观众起立鼓掌,欢呼声和口哨声不断。完美阐释,一鸣惊人。断。完美阐释,一鸣惊人。 当场内一片沸腾之时,保罗还是傻

6、傻地歪着头,龇当场内一片沸腾之时,保罗还是傻傻地歪着头,龇着牙,羞涩地站在原地。着牙,羞涩地站在原地。 西蒙说:西蒙说:“你说你在手机贩卖店工作,然后你又表你说你在手机贩卖店工作,然后你又表现得这么好,我完全没想到表现会这么好,你真的现得这么好,我完全没想到表现会这么好,你真的太棒了。太棒了。”另一位女评审阿曼达另一位女评审阿曼达侯顿说:侯顿说:“我们我们看到了一颗小木炭转化为钻石的过程。看到了一颗小木炭转化为钻石的过程。”(台湾朱(台湾朱学恒先生翻译为:学恒先生翻译为:“原石中诞生璞玉的过程。原石中诞生璞玉的过程。”) 保罗说他最大的心愿,就只是想做自己喜欢的事。保罗说他最大的心愿,就只是想

7、做自己喜欢的事。 他的歌声,令观众神魂颠倒,令美女评判流泪,令他的歌声,令观众神魂颠倒,令美女评判流泪,令尖酸刻薄的西蒙由衷赞叹。尖酸刻薄的西蒙由衷赞叹。 保罗保罗帕兹带给我们的感动,除了才华之外,帕兹带给我们的感动,除了才华之外,更因为他的勇气与执着!更因为他的勇气与执着! 他证明了,小人物的梦想,足以震撼世界!只他证明了,小人物的梦想,足以震撼世界!只要你不停走,倔强的走!要你不停走,倔强的走! Another video to enjoy刘伟,一句人生感悟刘伟,一句人生感悟“我的人生中只有两我的人生中只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着!条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着!”被广为传颂,

8、坚韧不拔、积极乐观的精神被广为传颂,坚韧不拔、积极乐观的精神感动了全世界,外媒争相报道,成为世人感动了全世界,外媒争相报道,成为世人心中新一代的心中新一代的“精神偶像精神偶像”。10岁时因触岁时因触电意外失去双臂,电意外失去双臂,12岁学习游泳,岁学习游泳, 14岁获岁获得全国游泳冠军,得全国游泳冠军,16岁学习打字,岁学习打字, 19岁自岁自学钢琴,仅用一年即可弹奏出相当于手弹学钢琴,仅用一年即可弹奏出相当于手弹钢琴专业钢琴专业7级水平的钢琴曲级水平的钢琴曲梦中的婚礼梦中的婚礼。2008年年4月月30日,参加北京电视台日,参加北京电视台唱响奥运唱响奥运节目,演奏钢琴曲节目,演奏钢琴曲梦中的婚

9、礼梦中的婚礼,为刘德,为刘德华伴奏歌曲华伴奏歌曲天意天意,并为其创作歌曲,并为其创作歌曲美丽美丽的回忆的回忆;2008年年8月月29日,日,CCTV-10讲述讲述播出刘伟播出刘伟的故事的故事断臂琴缘断臂琴缘; 2009年年12月月3日,参加在广州举行的全国双上日,参加在广州举行的全国双上肢障碍者书画及才能展示活动;肢障碍者书画及才能展示活动; 2010年年3月,赴意大利参加世界吉尼斯纪录,月,赴意大利参加世界吉尼斯纪录,创造了用脚打字一分钟创造了用脚打字一分钟251个英文字母的世界个英文字母的世界纪录;纪录; 2010年年7月,参加东方卫视月,参加东方卫视中国达人秀中国达人秀,同,同年年10月

10、,摘得第一季月,摘得第一季中国达人秀中国达人秀Chinas Got Talent总冠军头衔总冠军头衔; 2010年年11月,获奖后首赴美国迈阿密访问,于皇月,获奖后首赴美国迈阿密访问,于皇家加勒比游轮家加勒比游轮“海洋魅力号海洋魅力号”上举办小型演奏会,上举办小型演奏会,为全世界媒体及观众现场表演为全世界媒体及观众现场表演梦中的婚礼梦中的婚礼、神秘园神秘园及自创钢琴曲及自创钢琴曲希望希望。2010年年12月,在月,在2011东方卫视跨年晚会中,与王东方卫视跨年晚会中,与王力宏合奏并演唱歌曲力宏合奏并演唱歌曲手牵手手牵手。 2011年年1月,赴奥地利进行达人秀巡演首场秀,月,赴奥地利进行达人秀巡

11、演首场秀,并于维也纳金色大厅演奏一曲并于维也纳金色大厅演奏一曲梁祝梁祝。 Nothing brave, nothing have. Nothing seek, nothing find. Nothing stake, nothing draw. Nothing venture, nothing win (or have or gain). Do you know “不入虎穴不入虎穴, 焉得虎子焉得虎子” in Chinese? How can we say the same meaning in English?Look at these pictures. What do you think

12、 about the stories? Which story inspires you most? Why?King Bruce is watching the spider weaving its web.Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider (蜘蛛蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and

13、 to have gone on to beat the English.Anne Sullivan is teaching Helen Keller by feeling or touching.Helen Keller, born a normal little girl, but in 1880, she had a fever that made her blind and deaf at the age of 19 months. She and her family was in despair until they met Anne Sullivan. Her work with

14、 Helen was very successful. After college, Helen gave lecture tours speaking about her experiences and her beliefs. They worked very hard to raise money, to encourage people to educate blind and deaf children. Gou Jian is sleeping on firewood and straw and tasting gall-bladder.Gou Jian was the ruler

15、 of the kingdom of Yue, conquered by the neighboring kingdom of Wu. He was made a slave and suffered many hardships. But his tolerance earned the trust of the King of Wu and eventually he was set free. But he never forgot his suffering, slept on firewood and straw every night, and tasted bitter gall

16、-bladder until his kingdom was strong enough and he attacked the King of Wu and killed him. 卧薪尝胆卧薪尝胆Do you think the characters above have something in common?1. They had very bad luck at first. Robert the Bruce and Gou Jian were defeated and Helen Keller was disabled.2. They never gave up.3. They s

17、ucceeded at last.4. All of them were people of great determination. They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.What do you think helped them to achieve success in life? 1. Their strong character helped them most. They never gave in to difficulties in life and continue struggling always

18、. 2. They were people of great determination. They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. Their great perseverance and determination had an important effect on their life and finally led to success.1. Robert the Bruce was mentioned in the passage to show that _. A. people who fail are

19、not lonely B. animals can help people sometimes C. nature will help us if we are hard- working D. confidence is important for one to be successful 2. It can be learned from the passage that _. A. one should try not to fail B. ones failure is anothers success C. one should take failure seriously D. o

20、ne should learn lessons from failure3. This passage is mainly about _. A. two great men B. two sides of failure C. the right attitude (态度态度) towards failure D. ways to keep away from failureQuotes Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

21、 Thomas Edison All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts. Winston Churchill The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt Victory belongs to the most persevering. Napoleon Bonaparte Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody. Victory belongs to those that believe in it the most and believe in it the longest. Were going to believe.



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