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4、 350 3-4 9-111、形式特点:、形式特点:关键数据:新:新:20 750 6-10 12-14老:老:10 350 3-4 9-111、形式特点:、形式特点:文章形式两个改变:文章形式两个改变:(1)单位时间理解信息量增多)单位时间理解信息量增多(2)信息点间组织结构更复杂)信息点间组织结构更复杂考试形式三个改革:考试形式三个改革:由纸面阅读变为屏幕阅读由纸面阅读变为屏幕阅读1、形式特点:、形式特点:初级水平:初级水平:1、CRI网站:网站:http:/ 中国论坛:中国论坛:http:/www.ecocn.org/space/如何适应如何适应高级水平:高级水平:3、经济学人:、经济学

5、人:http:/ (2)天文地理类)天文地理类(3)欧美历史类)欧美历史类(4)文艺与发明)文艺与发明(5)部分二级学科:社会学心理学考古学)部分二级学科:社会学心理学考古学仅限学术仅限学术2、内容特点、内容特点:文章体裁文章体裁说明exposition陈述historical议论argumentation主主辅辅2、内容特点、内容特点:常见误区常见误区无需专业知识无需专业知识The passages will cover a variety of different subjects. Dont worry if youre unfamiliar with the topic of a pa

6、ssage. All the information needed to answer the questions will be in the passage.专业知识一律自带解释专业知识一律自带解释补充阅读材料老托福阅读真题老托福阅读真题英美学术杂志(英美学术杂志(National Geographic, New Scientist)英语原版大学教材英语原版大学教材百科全书(百科全书(Wiki)3、阅读题型介绍、阅读题型介绍每篇文章每篇文章12-14题题(1) 考察能力分布考察能力分布词汇2个句子2个段落4个全文2个 词汇题:词汇题:3-5道道/篇篇 Vocabulary Question

7、s The word locomotion in the passage is closest in meaning to 与文中单词与文中单词X意义意义最接近最接近的是的是 evolution movement survival escape 指代题:指代题: 0-2道道/篇篇 Reference Questions The word they in the passage refers to 文章中的文章中的代词代词X指的是指的是 applied-art objects the laws of physics containers the sides of pots 句子简化题句子简化题:

8、 0-1道道/篇篇 Sentence Simplification Questions Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 下面四句话中下面四句话中,哪句话能哪句话能最好得表达原文中最好得表达原文中勾出句的主要意思勾出句的主要意思? 不正确的选项将在重不

9、正确的选项将在重要方面改变原文意思或遗漏关键信息要方面改变原文意思或遗漏关键信息. 插入句子题插入句子题: 0-1道道/篇篇 Insert Text Questions Scholars offer three related but different opinions about this puzzle. One opinion is that the paintings were a record of the seasonal migrations made by herds. Because some paintings were made directly over others,

10、 obliterating them, it is probable that a paintings value ended with the migration it pictured. Unfortunately, this explanation fails to explain the hidden locations, unless the migrations were celebrated with secret ceremonies. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence cou

11、ld be added to the passage. 上文中标注 的位置是如下句子可能插入的地方 All three of them have strengths and weaknesses, but none adequately answers all of the questions the paintings present. Where would the sentence best fit? 请找出请找出最适合这句话的位置最适合这句话的位置。 事实信息题:事实信息题:3-6道道/篇篇 Factual Information Questions According to para

12、graph1, which of the following is true of wildbeests? 根据文章第根据文章第1段,下列关于段,下列关于“角马角马”的描述的描述哪个哪个是正确的是正确的? They eat more stem matter than zebras do. They are able to digest large food particles if the food is of a high quality. They tend to choose feeding areas in which the vegetation has been worn down

13、. They are likely to choose low-quality food to eat in periods when the quantity of rainfall is low. 排除题:排除题:0-2道道/篇篇 Negative Factual Information Questions According to the paragraph1, all of the following were true of American art in the late 1800s and early 1900s EXCEPT: 根据原文第根据原文第1段,下列关于段,下列关于19

14、世纪末世纪末20世纪初的世纪初的美国艺术的描述,美国艺术的描述,不正确不正确的是?的是? Most Americans thought art was unimportant. American art generally copied European styles and traditions. Most Americans considered American art inferior to European art. American art was very popular with European audiences. 修辞目的性题修辞目的性题:0-2道道/篇篇 Rhetori

15、cal Purpose Questions Why does the author discuss the bronze statues of horses created by artists in the early Italian Renaissance? 作者作者为什么提到为什么提到意大利早期文艺复兴时期的意大利早期文艺复兴时期的青铜马雕像?青铜马雕像? To provide an example of a problem. To argue that fine artists are unconcerned with the laws. To contrast the relativ

16、e sophistication of modern artists. To note an exceptional piece of art. 推断题:推断题:0-2道道/篇篇 Inference Questions Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about candles before the nineteenth century? 根据原文第根据原文第1段,关于段,关于19世纪之前的蜡烛能世纪之前的蜡烛能推断出推断出什什么么 They did not smoke when they were burned.

17、 They produced a pleasant odor as they burned. They were not available to all. They contained sulfuric acid. 段落小结题:段落小结题: 0-1道道/篇篇 Prose Summary An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the

18、most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. 如下是关于本篇文章大意的一句简短概括。请从如下如下是关于本篇文章大意的一句简短概括。请从如下6个选项中个选项中选出选出3个个最能代最能代表表文章主要意思的总结文章主要意思的

19、总结。本题分值。本题分值2分。分。 这篇文章讨论了应用艺术和精细艺术之间的基本区别。这篇文章讨论了应用艺术和精细艺术之间的基本区别。 图表题:图表题: 0-1道道/篇篇 Fill in a Table Directions: Complete the table below to summarize information about the two types of art discussed in the passage. Match the appropriate statements to the types of art with which they are associates.

20、 This question is worth 3 points. 请选择和文中讨论的请选择和文中讨论的2种艺术相关的概括性信息种艺术相关的概括性信息完成表格完成表格。将艺。将艺术类型和相关陈述进行术类型和相关陈述进行匹配匹配。本题分值。本题分值3分。分。TYPES OF ART 艺术类型艺术类型STATEMENTS相关描述相关描述The Applied Arts 实用艺术The Fine Arts 精细艺术Select 3123Select 212(2)重要性分布)重要性分布词汇题词汇题+事实题事实题60%段落段落+图表图表句简句简+句插句插推断推断 修辞修辞 排除排除 指代指代4、成绩计算

21、、成绩计算(1) 分数计算方法:分数计算方法:单分值题目单分值题目+多分值题目多分值题目弹性换算制弹性换算制RAW POINT TOTALSCALE SCORE42-413040-3927-30382837-3626-2835-3325-273223-2531-3022-2428-2720-222619-2125-2418-212316-18RAW POINT TOTALSCALE SCORE22-2115-182014-1619-1712-1616-159-15149-1313-125-13113-1310-90-1380-117-10-4 (1) (2) 一、新托福阅读概述一、新托福阅读概

22、述 小结小结考试目的考试内容与形式考试题型和目标分数能力要求与我们目前的差距能力要求与我们目前的差距如何填补如何填补二、新托福阅读的能力二、新托福阅读的能力要求要求:1、OG要求:要求:Read to find the information Read for basic comprehension概念密集、语言复杂概念密集、语言复杂二、新托福阅读的能力二、新托福阅读的能力要求要求:2、当前差距测试:、当前差距测试:教程第教程第173页页 解决方法:解决方法:精简重复性内容精简重复性内容精简可预知内容:对比类比精简可预知内容:对比类比精简补充性细节内容精简补充性细节内容障碍一:阅读速度障碍一:

23、阅读速度障碍二:障碍二:词汇及语法有效支撑不足词汇及语法有效支撑不足1)针对词汇的解决办法:)针对词汇的解决办法:需记忆需记忆:特定话题高频词特定话题高频词 parasitism需推断需推断:学术概念低频词学术概念低频词 endo-parasite一带而过一带而过:特定称谓低频词特定称谓低频词 Cuckoo托福考试越来越突出推断词义的能力托福考试越来越突出推断词义的能力三种结构帮助推测词义三种结构帮助推测词义系表结构系表结构: be / remain定语从句定语从句: that / which同位插入同位插入: , / - -The Ogallala aquifer is a sandston

24、e formation that underlies some 583,000 square kilometers of land extending from northwestern Texas to southern South Dakota.系表结构系表结构+定语解释定语解释people have experienced a trance state, a highly suggestive state of low consciousness between waking and sleeping. 同位解释同位解释障碍二:障碍二:词汇及语法有效支撑不足词汇及语法有效支撑不足2)针对

25、语法的解决办法:)针对语法的解决办法:舍弃应试思维,还原语法本质舍弃应试思维,还原语法本质障碍三:障碍三:不能区分信息重要层级不能区分信息重要层级解决方法:解决方法:区分主次区分主次 变速阅读变速阅读信息点信息点重点重点要点要点P1: Parasitism harm together notP2: 2 kinds endo ecto hookworm passive P3: ecto complex leeches 障碍四:障碍四:不能构建信息点关联架构不能构建信息点关联架构解决方法:解决方法:建立逻辑模型建立逻辑模型 提炼架构笔记提炼架构笔记障碍四:障碍四:不能构建信息点关联架构不能构建信息

26、点关联架构总分结构总分结构时间顺序时间顺序 结构结构对比结构对比结构问题问题-解决解决现象现象-原因原因 内容内容概念概念-解释解释Parasitism 概念概念harm together 解释解释not2 kinds Endo hookworm 概念概念1+解释解释passive Ecto leeches 概念概念2+解释解释complex 总分结构总分结构障碍五:主动障碍五:主动推测与预测能力推测与预测能力解决方法:解决方法:主动总结要点主动总结要点 (总结)(总结)填补逻辑空白填补逻辑空白 (预测)(预测) Parasitism 概念概念harm together 解释解释not2 ki

27、nds Endo hookworm 概念概念1+解释解释passiveEcto leeches 概念概念2+解释解释complex总分结构总分结构内内/被动被动外外/主动主动2 ways: necrotroph host dies biotrophs host survives 阅读中的词汇阅读中的词汇一、词汇重要性阅读理解基础阅读理解基础便于快速得分便于快速得分二、阅读词汇难点二、阅读词汇难点1、总量积累不足、总量积累不足二、阅读词汇难点二、阅读词汇难点2、不能反应词义、不能反应词义 信息理解中断信息理解中断2、不能反应词义、不能反应词义 信息理解中断信息理解中断(1)核心词:掌握全部常用义

28、)核心词:掌握全部常用义 Approach Object Overlook(2)非核心词:掌握主要释义)非核心词:掌握主要释义 Execute 2、不能反应词义、不能反应词义 信息理解中断信息理解中断2、不能反应词义、不能反应词义 信息理解中断信息理解中断(3)特定话题高频词:熟知)特定话题高频词:熟知 判断标准:判断标准: 在同一类话题文章中反复出现在同一类话题文章中反复出现 且不可替代且不可替代2、不能反应词义、不能反应词义 信息理解中断信息理解中断 Photosynthesis Metabolism Precipitation Hormone 荷尔蒙荷尔蒙 Stegosaurus 剑龙剑

29、龙3、对应不够准确、对应不够准确 信息理解偏差信息理解偏差(1)抽象词)抽象词 Intensify Contribute3、对应不够准确、对应不够准确 信息理解偏差信息理解偏差(2)多义词)多义词 Settle Solution3、对应不够准确、对应不够准确 信息理解偏差信息理解偏差(3)形似词)形似词 resemble / assemble secret / secrete三、如何准备阅读词汇三、如何准备阅读词汇1、 确定理解重点:确定理解重点: 动词及形容词动词及形容词三、如何准备阅读词汇三、如何准备阅读词汇2、形成有效重复、形成有效重复三、如何准备阅读词汇三、如何准备阅读词汇3、结合文章

30、语境记忆更牢靠、结合文章语境记忆更牢靠Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. 休眠火山:休眠火山:dormant volcano死火山:死火山:extinct volcano5、辅助工具、辅助工具1)词典:)词典:Merriam-Websters (选(选用)用) 2)卡片:正面)卡片:正面 / 背面背面3)单词书:词汇总量)单词书:词汇总量 / 排列方法排列方法 三、如何准备阅

31、读词汇三、如何准备阅读词汇注意:一本就够注意:一本就够 快速突破快速突破四、如何推测词义四、如何推测词义前缀词根后缀前缀词根后缀 1、拆分词根词缀法:、拆分词根词缀法:1、拆分词根词缀法:、拆分词根词缀法: 单词构成规律单词构成规律最重要:词根最重要:词根anim - animal / animate / animation Aqua - aquatic / aquarium aquaculture / aqueduct次重要:前缀次重要:前缀macro / micro; mono / poly不重要:不重要:后缀:词性后缀:词性例外例外lessless1、拆分词根词缀法:、拆分词根词缀法:P

32、otash and soda are not interchangeable, but for glass- or soap- making either would do. Equivalent 同等的同等的 可互换的可互换的The specialized requirements of particular urban situations have further expanded the use of art in public places: in Memphis, sculptor Richard Hunt has created a monument to Martin Luth

33、er King, Jr., who was slain there; in New York, Dan Flavin and Bill Brand have contributed neon and animation works to the enhancement of mass transit facilities. And in numerous cites, art is being raised as a symbol of the commitment to revitalize urban areas. The word “revitalize” in line 22 is c

34、loset in meaning to ( )A. show the importance ofB. promise to enlargeC. bring new life to D. provide artworks forIn 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act mandated a weekly maximum of 40 hours to begin in 1940, and since that time the 8-hour day, 5-day workweek has been the standard in the United States.

35、 Adjustments in various places, however, show that this standard is not immutable. In 1987, for example, German metalworkers struck for and received a 37.5-hour workweekThe word ”immutable” in line 21 is ( )A. unmatched B. irregularC. unnecessaryD. unchangeable1、拆分词根词缀法:、拆分词根词缀法:Immutable:CommuteCom

36、municateTransmute2、上下文关联法、上下文关联法 例文:例文:The sick humormost funny stories are based on comic situations, but these days, a new type of humor, which stems largely from the U.S, has came into fashion. In contrast, comedians based their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accident. A

37、. 论点与论据对应论点与论据对应 动词动词 形容词形容词2、上下文关联法、上下文关联法-同义推测同义推测Another way of enhancing the effectiveness of flight is to move in an erratic and unpredictable way. Many species, like ptarmigans, snipes, and various antelopes and gazelles, flee from predators in a characteristic zigzag fashion.The description o

38、f the preys movement as “zigzag” in line 9 suggests that the movement is( )A. ReliableB. fastC. constantD. unpredictable B. 性质对应性质对应标志性标点:标志性标点:双引号双引号破折号破折号双逗号双逗号Unlike those available for painting, the opportunities to exhibit sculpture in the United States around the turn of the twentieth century

39、were quite scarce. There was almost no room for sculpture at the influential Fine Arts Societys 57th Street Galleries in New York. As late as 1905, the Monumental News, a journal dedicated to the promotion of sculpture, lamented, “Exhibitions of sculptors works are so comparatively rare.”The word “l

40、amented” in line 5 is closest in meaning to( )declaredcomplainedrevealeddescribedA skyscraper, or building more than twenty stories high, is built on a foundation of concrete supported by piles driven into the ground. C. 语法呼应语法呼应伴随状语:伴随状语:伴随的动作带有主语特征伴随的动作带有主语特征定语及定语从句:定语及定语从句:修饰形容词带有核心词特征修饰形容词带有核心词特

41、征The culture spread southward into the present-day states of Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewellery, pottery, animal pelts, tools, and other goods along extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America and as far wes

42、t as the Rocky Mountains.The word “bartering” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ( )A. producingB. exchangingC. transportingD. loadingD. 标志词呼应标志词呼应并列连词:并列连词:and, as well as, bothand, not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernorTodays executives must have some grasp of economic realities and the political

43、process, as well as some comprehension of the basic framework within which scientific and technological changes take place. They must gain an understanding of human nature, including its negative aspects, such as the sources of human conflict and the pitfalls of power. (1)The word grasp in the passa

44、ge is closest in meaning to ( )A. understandingB. communicationC. criticismD. prediction(2)The word pitfalls in the passage is closest in meaning to ( )A. benefitsB. stagesC. causesD. hazardsD. 标志词呼应标志词呼应举例短语举例短语:takefor example, for example, for instance, such as,like,that is,in other wordsA. 论点与论据

45、对应论点与论据对应B. 内容与概念性质对应内容与概念性质对应C. 语法呼应语法呼应D. 标志词呼应标志词呼应小结:上下文关联法小结:上下文关联法-同义推测同义推测2、上下文关联法、上下文关联法-反反义推测义推测 例文:例文:The sick humormost funny stories are based on comic situations, but these days, a new type of humor, which stems largely from the U.S, has came into fashion. In contrast, comedians based t

46、heir jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accident. 例文:例文:The sick humormost funny stories are based on comic situations, but these days, a new type of humor, which stems largely from the U.S, has came into fashion. In contrast, comedians based their jokes on tragic situations li

47、ke violent death or serious accident. Joy and sadness are experienced by people in all cultures around the world, but how can we tell when other people are happy or despondent?The word despondent in the passage is closest in meaning to ( )curiousunhappythoughtfuluncertain2、上下文关联法、上下文关联法-反反义推测义推测标志词法

48、:标志词法:1)、让步关联词:)、让步关联词:although 、 even though、 despite、in spite ofBy 1745 New Market was opened on second street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation. Along with market days, the institution of twice-yearly fairs persisted in Philadelphia even after similar tra

49、ding days had been discontinued in other colonial cities.The word “persisted” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ( )A. returnedB. startedC. declinedD. continued标志词法:标志词法:2)、对比关联词:)、对比关联词: whereas 、 while、 instead、unlike 、 in contrast 、on the other handThe heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising f

50、rom cities both delay and stimulate the fall of precipitation, depriving some areas of rain while drenching others.The word drenching in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ( )almost missingseverely damagingthoroughly wettingentirely avoiding标志词法:标志词法:3)、转折关联词:)、转折关联词:but、however、yet、 nevertheless

51、Twilight rays are nearly parallel, but because of the observers perspective, they appear to diverge.五、词汇题五、词汇题2、解题思路:、解题思路: 1)熟词熟义)熟词熟义A.就题做题就题做题, 寻找替代寻找替代 In the early colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline, . This was natural because there areas were ne

52、arest to England and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods (assets such as equipment) and many consumer goods were imported. Merchandising establishments were, accordingly, advantageously located in port cities from which goods could be readily distributed to interior settlemen

53、ts.The word “accordingly” in line 11 is the closest in meaning to ( ) A. as usual B. in contrast C. to some degree D. for that reason五、词汇题五、词汇题2、解题思路:、解题思路: 1)熟词熟义)熟词熟义B.区分选项意义程度区分选项意义程度 Small changes had to be made to the violins internal structure and to the fingerboard so that they could with sta

54、nd the extra strain. Accordingly, a higher standard of performance was achieved, in terms of both facility and interpretation. The word “Accordingly” in line 24 is closest in meaning to ( )A. HoweverB. consequentlyC. NeverthelessD. UltimatelyFood resources may be affected by environmental changes, w

55、hich will then cause problems for a species requiring these resources. Other species may become better adapted to an environment, resulting in competition and, ultimately, in the death of a species. The word “ultimately” in line 8 is closest in meaning to ( ) A. exceptionally 例外的 B. dramatically 戏剧的

56、 C. eventually D. unfortunately 不幸的五、词汇题五、词汇题2、解题思路:、解题思路:2) 熟词生义熟词生义lA.代入代入He was a champion of the City Beautiful Movement-an effort to increase the presence of urban art-and defended the central role that sculpture played in its national program.The word “champion” in line 18 is closest in meanin

57、g to ( )criticfoundercreatorsupporter五、词汇题五、词汇题2、解题思路:、解题思路:2) 熟词生义熟词生义lB.联想:熟知词根联想:熟知词根/动词原形动词原形The fruit paintings by James and Sarah Miriam Peale are simple arrangements of a few objects, handsomely colored, small in size, and representing little more than what they are. In contrast were the high

58、ly symbolic, complex compositions by Charles Bird King, with their biting satire and critical social commentary.The word “biting” in line 8 is closest in meaning to ( )A. simpleB. sorrowfulC. frequentD. sharp 五、词汇题五、词汇题2、解题思路:、解题思路:总结总结X认识的熟词认识的熟词不认识的生词不认识的生词熟词熟义熟词熟义熟词生义熟词生义可拆分可拆分 不可拆分不可拆分词义最近词义最近区分

59、程度区分程度代入代入 联想联想前缀前缀+词根词根同义平行同义平行反义对比反义对比综合练习AutismAutism is a developmental disorder that is characterized by severe behavioral abnormalities across all primary areas of functioning. Its onset is often early; it generally makes itself known by the age of two and one-half. It is not a single disease

60、entity but is instead a syndrome defined by patterns and characteristics of behavior; it, therefore, most likely has multiple etiologies rather than a single causative factor. Autism is not fully understood and thus is controversial with respect to diagnosis, etiology, and treatment strategies.1. Th

61、e word primary in the passage could best be replaced by ( )A. elementaryB. mainC. introductoryD. primitive2. The word onset is the passage is closest in meaning to ( )A. placement 位置B. arrangement 安排C. supportD. beginning3. The word syndrome in the passage is closest in meaning to ( )A. concurrent s

62、et of symptomsB. feeling of euphoria 幸福愉悦的感觉C. mental breakdown 崩溃D. repetitive task 重复作业4. The word etiologies in the passage closest in meaning to ( )A. symptomsB. patternsC. causesD. onsets5. The phrase with respect to in the passage cold best be replaced by ( )A. with dignity toward 面对什么有尊严 B. i

63、n regard to 考虑到,谈及 说及C. irrespective of 不考虑D. out of politeness for 不优雅Parasitic PlantsParasitic plants are plants that survive by using food produced by host plants rather than by producing their won food from the Suns energy. Because they do not need sunlight to survive, parasitic plants are gener

64、ally found in umbrageous areas rather than in areas exposed to direct sunlight. Parasitic plants attach themselves to host plants, often to the stems or roots, by means of haustoria, which the parasite uses to make its way into the food channels of the host plant and absorb the nutrients that it nee

65、ds to survive form the host plant. The worlds heaviest flower, a species of rafflesia, is a parasite that flourishes among, and lives off of, the roots of jungle vines. Each of these ponderous blooms can weigh up to 15 pounds (7kg) and can measure up to 3 feet (1m) across.1.The word umbrageous in pa

66、ragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ( )A. moistB. well litC. shadedD. buried2. Haustoria in paragraph are most likely ( )A. offshoots from the parasite 分枝,藤曼 B. seeds of the host plantC. fruits from the host plantD. food for the parasite3. The phrase make its way into in paragraph 1 is closest in mea

67、ning to ( )A. developB. penetrateC. outlineD. eat4. The word ponderous in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ( )A. smellyB. hiddenC. matureD. heavy5. The word across in paragraph 2 could bests be replace by ( )A. in diameterB. on the other sideC. at a distanceD. inside and out PassageAviculturists

68、, people who raise birds for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulate the natural incubation of parrot eggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production and to improve chick survival ratesWhen parrots incubate their eggs in the wild, the temperature and

69、humidity of the nest are controlled naturally. Heat is transferred from the birds skin to the top portion of the eggshell, leaving the sides and bottom of the egg at a cooler temperature, This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching. Nest construction can contribute to this temperat

70、ure gradient. Nests of loosely arranged sticks, rocks, or dirt are cooler in temperature at the bottom where the egg contacts the nesting material. Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact wit

71、h the water. As the water that collects in the bottom of the nest evaporates, the water vapor rises and is heated by the incubating bird, which adds significant humidity to the incubation environment. In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate

72、 them under laboratory conditions. Most commercial incubators heat the eggs fairly evenly from top to bottom, thus ignoring the birds method of natural incubation, and perhaps reducing the viability and survivability of the hatching chicks. When incubators are not used, aviculturists sometimes suspe

73、nd wooden boxes outdoors to use as nests in which to place eggs. In areas where weather can become cold after eggs are laid, it is very important to maintain a deep foundation of nesting material to act as insulator against the cold bottom of the box. If eggs rest against the wooden bottom in extrem

74、ely cold weather condition, they can become chilled to a point where the embryo can no longer survive. Similarly, these boxes should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures that are also fatal to the growing embryo. Nesting material should be added in sufficient amounts to avoid

75、 both extreme temperature situations mentioned above and assure that the eggs have a soft, secure place to rest.What is the main idea of the passage?Nesting material varies according to the parrots environment. Humidity is an important factor in incubating parrots eggs.Aviculturists have constructed

76、 the ideal nest box for parrots. Wild parrots nests provide information useful for artificial incubation.The word “They ” in line 2 refers to aviculturistsbirdeggsratesAccording to paragraph2, when the temperature of the sides and bottom of the egg are cooler than the top, then ( )there may be a goo

77、d chance for successful incubationthe embryo will not develop normallythe incubating parent moves the egg to a new positionthe incubation process is slowed downAccording to paragraph2, sticks, rocks, or dirt are used to ( )soften the bottom of the nest for the newly hatched chickhold the nest togeth

78、erhelp lower the temperature at the bottom of the nestmake the nest biggerAccording to paragraph2, the construction of the nest allows water to ( )provide a beneficial source of humidity in the nestloosen the materials at the bottom of the nestkeep the nest in a clean conditiontouch the bottom of th

79、e eggsAll of the following are part of a parrots incubation method EXCEPT ( )heating the water vapor as it rises from the bottom of the nestarranging nesting material at the bottom of the nesttransferring heat from the parent to the top of the eggshellmaintaining a constant temperature on the eggshe

80、llThe word “suspend” in line 18 is closest in meaning to ( )buildpainthangmoveThe word “fatal” in line 24 is closest in meaning to ( )closedeadlynaturalhotThe word “secure” in line 26 is closest in meaning to ( )freshdrysafewarmAccording to paragraph3, a deep foundation of nesting material provides

81、( )a constant source of humiditya strong nest boxmore room for newly hatched chicksprotection against cold weatherWhich of the following is a problem with commercial incubators?They lack the natural temperature changes of the outdoors. They are unable to heat the eggs evenlyThey do not transfer heat

82、 to the egg in the same way the parent bird does. They are expensive to operate阅读与积累方法阅读与积累方法规律规律1:同一话题词汇归类;:同一话题词汇归类; lay 产卵产卵 produce 生产生产 hatch 孵化孵化 incubate 孵化孵化 Cover 覆盖(覆盖(hatch)Breed 哺育哺育Nurture Foster 培育培育 教化教化Spawn 产卵(水生动物)产卵(水生动物)阅读与积累方法阅读与积累方法规律规律2:同一说法的不同表达:同一说法的不同表达: incubate - hatch vi

83、tal - fatal 非常重要非常重要 survival rate - survivability阅读与积累方法阅读与积累方法规律规律3:特色词汇:特色词汇:regulator insulator incubator词汇题解题原则词汇题解题原则(1)词性一致)词性一致(2)沾边就对)沾边就对(3)务必验证)务必验证结构分析结构分析P1: TS+ D P2: TS鸟鸟 (ts1 + ts2) + d1 + d2P3: TS人人 +d温温SKIMSCAN难句难句词汇托福句子难点托福句子难点1、信息多、信息多Only the last of these was suited at all to t

84、he continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage:Streams flowed where nature intended them to and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the loc

85、ation was desirable for other reasons.1、信息多、信息多Only the water resource was suited at all to the continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage:Streams flowed where nature intend

86、ed them to and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons.With the advent of projection, the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and th

87、e Mutoscope, which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid.2 概念难概念难With the advent of projection, the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow

88、devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid. 我国首台千万亿次超级计算机我国首台千万亿次超级计算机“天河一天河一号号”在湖南长沙一亮相在湖南长沙一亮相 天河一号天河一号“的系的系统突破了多阵列可配置协同并行体系结构、统突破了多阵列可配置协同并行体

89、系结构、高速率可扩展互连通信、基于隔离的安全高速率可扩展互连通信、基于隔离的安全控制、多层次的大规模系统容错、系统能控制、多层次的大规模系统容错、系统能耗综合控制等一系列关键技术,系统峰值耗综合控制等一系列关键技术,系统峰值性能达每秒性能达每秒1206万亿次双精度浮点运算,万亿次双精度浮点运算,内存总容量内存总容量98TB,点点通信带宽每秒,点点通信带宽每秒40Gb,共享磁盘容量为,共享磁盘容量为1PB,具有高性能、高能,具有高性能、高能效、高安全和易使用等特点,综合技术水效、高安全和易使用等特点,综合技术水平进入世界前列。平进入世界前列。 我国首台千万亿次超级计算机我国首台千万亿次超级计算机

90、“天河一天河一号号”在湖南长沙一亮相在湖南长沙一亮相 天河一号天河一号“的系的系统突破了统突破了多阵列可配置协同并行体系结构多阵列可配置协同并行体系结构、高速率可扩展互连通信高速率可扩展互连通信、基于隔离的安全基于隔离的安全控制控制、多层次的大规模系统容错多层次的大规模系统容错、系统能系统能耗综合控制等耗综合控制等一系列关键技术,一系列关键技术,系统峰值系统峰值性能性能达每秒达每秒1206万亿次万亿次双精度浮点运算双精度浮点运算,内存总容量内存总容量98TB,点点通信带宽点点通信带宽每秒每秒40Gb,共享磁盘容量共享磁盘容量为为1PB,具有高性能、高能,具有高性能、高能效、高安全和易使用等特点

91、,综合技术水效、高安全和易使用等特点,综合技术水平进入世界前列。平进入世界前列。2 概念难概念难With the advent of projection, the viewers relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, which was a similar machine that reproduced motion by means of success

92、ive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid.3 断点多断点多 The contraction of facial muscles both Influences that Internal emotional state and reflects It. Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by crows feet wrinkles around that eyes an

93、d a subtle drop In the eye cover fold so that the skin above the eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball, can lead to pleasant feelings. 3 断点多断点多 The contraction of facial muscles both Influences that Internal emotional state and reflects It. Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, whi

94、ch is characterized by crows feet wrinkles around that eyes and a subtle drop In the eye cover fold so that the skin above the eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball, can lead to pleasant feelings. 线索理解法线索理解法第一步第一步: 主干优先主干优先A. 简单句简单句五大基本句型:主语+不及物动词主语+系动词+表语主语+及物动词+宾语主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾

95、语2 B. 复合句复合句由完整句子充当主句某一成分的句子由完整句子充当主句某一成分的句子即复合句即复合句The true story is that a maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst . The saying that a maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst was proved once again. B. 复合句复合句由完整句子充当主句的主干:由完整句子充当主句的主干: 主语、宾语、表语成分;主语、宾语、表语成分;由完整句子充当修饰补充成分:由完整句子充当修饰补充成

96、分:定语、状语、同位语定语、状语、同位语 C. 并列复合句并列复合句We know that there is a saying that a maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst, but we also know that the fact is not always like this.实战练习1、Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the infl

97、uence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. 主干主干:Kindergartensand counseling extended the influence。 1、Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended t

98、he influence of public schools over the lives of students, (many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants.)翻译:幼儿园、短期进修学校、课外活动以及职业幼儿园、短期进修学校、课外活动以及职业教育和咨询扩展了教育和咨询扩展了公立学校对学生生活的影响影响,许多生活在大型工业城市的学生都是移民子女。第一步第一步: 主干优先主干优先法则法则1:句子主干:句子主干=关键信息关键信息实战练习2、One archaeologist has p

99、ointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that do well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form around human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes.主干:One archaeologist has pointed out (that)2、One archaeologis

100、t has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species( that do well in open, disturbed habitats), (the kind that would form around human settlements )(where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes.)翻译:翻译:一位考古学家一位考古学家指出指出,早期的当地植物早期的当地植物都是草本植物都是草本植

101、物,它们能够在开阔、凌乱的区它们能够在开阔、凌乱的区域很好地生长域很好地生长,这些植物,这些植物能在人类聚居地繁能在人类聚居地繁茂成长茂成长,人们往往已在这些地方砍伐树木、人们往往已在这些地方砍伐树木、踏平土地、倾倒垃圾或者打洞钻孔踏平土地、倾倒垃圾或者打洞钻孔。实战练习 One archaeologist has pointed out that the early domesticated plants were all weedy species that do well in open, disturbed habitats, the kind that would form arou

102、nd human settlements where people cut down trees, trample the ground, deposit trash, and dig holes.第一步第一步: 主干优先主干优先法则法则2:主干层次越低:主干层次越低 信息重要性越低信息重要性越低实战练习3、Tens of thousands of rural women, paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the “uppers” of shoes, which were bound to the soles by

103、wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns, whereas previously journeymen would have made the entire shoe. rural women fabricated the “uppers”, whereas journeymen would have made the entire shoe. 3、Tens of thousands of rural women, (paid according to the amount they produced

104、), fabricated the “uppers” of shoes, (which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers in dozens of Massachusetts towns), whereas previously journeymen would have made the entire shoe. 翻译:成千上万名领取计件工资的乡村妇女乡村妇女,制作鞋子的表面部制作鞋子的表面部分分,然后由马萨诸塞几十个乡镇里领取工资的计日工(熟练工人)所将其与鞋地底相连,虽然虽然早些时候这些熟练工人要制

105、造这些熟练工人要制造整只鞋子整只鞋子。第一步第一步: 主干优先主干优先法则法则3:并列主干要找全:并列主干要找全 相互关联要认清相互关联要认清 线索理解法线索理解法第二步第二步: 非主干非主干 后拼接后拼接(1)定语处理办法定语处理办法1 By continuing to sponsor projects (involving a growing body of art in public places), cities will certainly enlarge the situations( in which the public encounters and grows familia

106、r with the various forms of contemporary art.)联系主语联系主语 前置理解前置理解(2)状语处理办法状语处理办法2、(In an era when the United States was shifting from an agricultural to an industrially based economy), artists turned to the vitality of the city for their themes, (sometimes documenting the lives of the nations urban in

107、habitants with a literalness that shocked viewers accustomed to the bland generalizations of academic art. )单独处理单独处理 位置随意位置随意 (3)同位语处理办法同位语处理办法3 The developments toward realism and new pictorial subject matter introduced by this revolution are explained in part by the fact (that the academic spirit

108、had become anathema to many young painters by the beginning of the twentieth century.)直接省略直接省略 最后填充最后填充线索理解法线索理解法第三步第三步: 语法意图线索语法意图线索如何处理高难句型如何处理高难句型强调句强调句虚拟句虚拟句倒装句倒装句伴随状语结构伴随状语结构独立主格结构独立主格结构同位语同位语高难句型背后高难句型背后强调句强调句虚拟句虚拟句倒装句倒装句伴随状语结构伴随状语结构独立主格结构独立主格结构同位语结构同位语结构强化强化弱化弱化强化强化-强调句强调句It was not the cheer

109、ful, commercial-minded Newbery , but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American childrens literature. 强化强化-强调句强调句It was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newbery , but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this peri

110、od of American childrens literature. 强化强化-强调句强调句It was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newbery , but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American childrens literature. Had it been somewhat more massive, Jupiter might have attained internal tempera

111、tures as high as the ignition point for nuclear reactions, and it would have flamed as a star in its own light. 如果如果体积更大一些的话,木星内部温度体积更大一些的话,木星内部温度将将能达能达到核反应燃点,那么它到核反应燃点,那么它将将能像恒星一样自己发能像恒星一样自己发光。光。强化强化-虚拟句虚拟句强化强化-倒装句倒装句Although the Earths chemical composition had been studied for years, only toward t

112、he end of the nineteenth century was geochemistry recognized as a discipline in its own right.弱化弱化-伴随结构伴随结构The culture spread southward into the present-day states of Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewelry, pottery, animal pelts, tools, and othe

113、r goods along extensive trading networks that stretched up and down eastern North America and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.弱化弱化-独立主格结构独立主格结构Mobile phones have broken many social taboos, with people answering calls in the middle of a conversation. This again demonstrates the effect modern techn

114、ology has on our behavior. 弱化弱化-同位语结构同位语结构A skyscraper, or building more than twenty stories high, is built on a foundation of concrete supported by piles driven into the ground. 线索理解法线索理解法第四步第四步: 抓取逻辑线索抓取逻辑线索关联词作用:关联词作用:控制句子控制句子: 关键逻辑关键逻辑 叙述重心叙述重心意意 义义 The early pianos tone was metallic and never p

115、owerful; nevertheless, because of the variety of tone possible to it, many composers found it is an instrument for concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied .利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度转折关系:强调后部转折关系:强调后部 标志词:标志词:but、 however、 nevertheless、 yet; although、even though、 in spite

116、of、 despite 利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度补充递进关系:强调后部补充递进关系:强调后部标志词:标志词: furthermore ; not . only.but also. ; additionally;more interesting;more specifically;besides; 利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度条件关系:强调条件之重要条件关系:强调条件之重要 标志词:标志词:unless; provided that; if it is the case; in this sense; once.; lestSm

117、aller animals can live anywhere there is less food, provided that such food is of high energy content. 利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度类比关系:强调前后一致类比关系:强调前后一致 标志词:标志词: likewise、similarly、in the same mannerIf eggs rest against the wooden bottom in extremely cold weather conditions, they can become chill

118、ed to a point where the embryo can no longer survive, similarly, these boxes should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures that are also fatal to the growing embryo.利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度利用逻辑词有效缩短句子理解长度对比关系:强调后者对比关系:强调后者 标志词:标志词:unlike、 in contrast 、 whereas、 on the contrary、 on the o

119、ther hand、 instead实战练习1. Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that their larvae might have a supply of f

120、resh food when they hatch.关键逻辑:关键逻辑:but实战练习1. Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that their larvae mig

121、ht have a supply of fresh food when they hatch.关键逻辑:关键逻辑:but1. Few insects feed their young after hatching, but some make other arrangement, provisioning their cells and nests with caterpillars and spiders that they have paralyzed with their venom and stored in a state of suspended animation so that

122、 their larvae 幼虫幼虫 might have a supply of fresh food when they hatch. 翻译:基本没有昆虫在后代孵化后仍然继续哺育它们(后代),翻译:基本没有昆虫在后代孵化后仍然继续哺育它们(后代),但是有些确实做了一些相关安排:如在其蜂房或巢穴内准备一但是有些确实做了一些相关安排:如在其蜂房或巢穴内准备一些被毒液麻醉了的毛虫或蜘蛛,并且将其以假死状态加以储存,些被毒液麻醉了的毛虫或蜘蛛,并且将其以假死状态加以储存,因此,这些昆虫的幼虫在孵化时将能获得新鲜的食物供应。因此,这些昆虫的幼虫在孵化时将能获得新鲜的食物供应。线索法线索法主干主干/非

123、主干非主干意图线索意图线索逻辑线索逻辑线索理解理解速度速度?快速拆分法快速拆分法1 意群划分必要性意群划分必要性E.g.: The contraction of facial muscles both Influences that Internal emotional state and reflects It.The contraction of facial muscles/ both Influences that Internal emotional state/and reflects It.1 连词连词并列连词并列连词and 相关连词相关连词both and2 引导词引导词tha

124、t, whether, which, who/whom/whose3 介词副词介词副词of, to, on, with, from4 相同语法成分相同语法成分定定,状状,同位语同位语,独立主格独立主格2 划分位置划分位置E.g.: Ekman has found that the so-called Duchenne smile, which is characterized by crows feet wrinkles around that eyes and a subtle drop In the eye cover fold so that the skin above the eye

125、 moves down slightly toward the eyeball, can lead to pleasant feelings. Ekman has found/that the so-called Duchenne smile,/which is characterized by crows feet wrinkles around that eyes/and a subtle drop In the eye cover fold/so that the skin above the eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball,/can

126、 lead to pleasant feelings. The contraction of facial muscles both Influences that Internal emotional stateand reflects It.Ekman has foundthat the so-called Duchenne smilewhich is characterized by crows feet wrinkles around that eyesand a subtle drop In the eye cover fold,so that the skin above the

127、eye moves down slightly toward the eyeball,can lead to pleasant feelings. Only the last of these was suited at all to the continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage:Streams

128、flowed where nature intended them to and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons.Only the water resourse / was suited at all to / the continuous operating of machines, / and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Sco

129、tland / and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, /it had one great disadvantage:Streams flowed / where nature intended them to / and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks / whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons.线索法线索法主干主干/非主干非主干意图线索意图线索逻辑线索逻辑线索快速拆分法快速拆分法克

130、服回读克服回读 理解理解速度速度A.A.声读和指读声读和指读B.B.回读回读 改正不良阅读习惯改正不良阅读习惯The sculptural legacy that the new United States inherited from its colonial predecessors was far from a rich one, and in fact, in 1776 sculpture as an art form was still in the hands of artisans and craftspeople. Stone carvers engraved their mo

131、tifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds. Some skilled craftspeople made intricately carved wooden ornamentations for furniture or architectural decorations, while others carved wooden shop signs and s

132、hips figureheads. Although they often achieved expression and formal excellence in their generally primitive style, they remained artisans skilled in the craft of carving and constituted a group distinct from what we normally think of as “sculptors” in todays use of the word. On rare occasion when a

133、 fine piece of sculpture was desired, Americans turned to foreign sculptors, as in the 1770s when the cities of New York and Charleston, South Carolina, commissioned the Englishman Joseph Wilton to make marble statues of William Pitt. Wilton also made a lead equestrian image of King George III that

134、was created in New York in 1770 and torn down by zealous patriots six years later. A few marble memorials with carved busts, urns, or other decorations were produced in England and brought to the colonies to be set in the walls of churches as in Kings Chapel in Boston. But sculpture as a high art, p

135、racticed by artists who knew both the artistic theory of their Renaissance Baroque Rococo predecessors and the various technical procedures of modeling, casting, and carving rich three-dimensional forms, was not known among Americans in 1776. Indeed, for many years thereafter, the United States had

136、two groups from which to choose either the local craftspeople or the imported talent of European sculptors. The eighteenth century was not one in which powered sculptural conceptions were developed,. Add to this the timidity with which unschooled artisans originally trained as stonemasons, carpenter

137、s, or cabinetmakers attacked the medium from which they were to make their images, and one understands more fully the development of sculpture made in the United States in the late eighteenth century.1.What is the main idea of the passage?There was great demand for the work of eighteenth century art

138、isans.Skilled sculptors did not exist in the United States in the 1770s.Many foreign sculptors worked in the United States after 1776. American sculptors were hampered by a lack of tools and materials.2.The word “motifs” in line 3 is closest in meaning to ( )toolsprintssignaturesdesigns3.The work of

139、 which of the following could be seen in burial grounds?A. European sculptorsB. CarpentersC stone carversD. Cabinetmakers4.The word “others ”in lien 6 refers to ( )A. craftspeopleB. decorationsC. ornamentationsD. shop signs5. The word “distinct” in line 9 is closest in meaning to ( )A. separateB. as

140、sembledC. notableD. inferior6. The word “rare” in line 11 is closest in meaning to ( )A. festiveB. infrequentC. delightfulD. unexpected7. Why does the author mention Joseph Wilton in line 13?A. He was an English sculptor who did work in the United States. B. He was well known for his wood carvingsC.

141、 He produced sculpture for churches. D. He settled in the United States in 1776.8. What can be inferred about the importation of marble memorials from England?A. Such sculpture was less expensive to produce locally than to importB. Such sculpture was not available in the United States.C. Such sculpt

142、ure was as prestigious as those made locally. D. The materials found abroad were superior.9. How did the work of American carvers in 1776 differ form that of contemporary sculptors?A. It was less time-consumingB. It was more dangerousC. It was more expensiveD. It was less refined.技能应用:句子简化题技能应用:句子简化

143、题 句子简化题句子简化题: 0-1道道/篇篇 Sentence Simplification Questions Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 下面四句话中下面四句话中,哪句话能哪句话能最好得表达原文中最好得表达原文中勾出句的主要意思勾出句的主要意

144、思? 不正确的选项将在重不正确的选项将在重要方面改变原文意思或遗漏关键信息要方面改变原文意思或遗漏关键信息.技能应用:句子简化题做题步骤:做题步骤:1、仔细读给出句、仔细读给出句2、找出关键逻辑、找出关键逻辑3、提取句子主干、提取句子主干4、核对选项逻辑、要点、核对选项逻辑、要点5、选择一致项、选择一致项逻辑1Despite social myths to the contrary, the best predictor of future wealth is the family into which you are born. Each year, the business magazin

145、e Forbes publishes a list of the “Forbes 400” the four hundred wealthiest families and individuals in the country. Of all the wealth represented on the Forbes 400 list, more than half is inherited.A. Although it is not generally accepted, your family provides the best prediction of your future wealt

146、h.B. You can achieve great future wealth in spite of the family in which you may have been born.C. It is not true that your family will restrict the acquisition of your future wealth and level of social status.D. Social myths are contrary to the facts about the future wealth and social status of you

147、r family.逻辑22He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several.A. Edison was more interested in developing a variety of machines than in developing a technology based on

148、only one.B. Edison refused to work on projection technology because he did not think exhibitors would replace their projectors with newer machines. C. Edison did not want to develop projection technology because it limited the number of machines he could sell. D. Edison would not develop projection

149、technology unless exhibitors agreed to purchase more than one projector from him. 主干3Only in recent years have health professionals begun to realize the prevalence and severity of sleep deprivation in the working population.A. A century ago, health professionals did not experience sleep deprivation;

150、 however, now it is a part of their jobs.B. It is difficult to understand why health professionals have not studied the consequences of sleep deprivation.C. Sleep deprivation used to affect only certain professions, but now it occurs in all sectors of the working population. D. Health professionals

151、have just started to understand that sleep deprivation in workers is a serious problem. 要点总量4 The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.A.

152、 Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people. B. Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread over large areas of land. C. The spread of deserts is consi

153、dered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort. D. Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected. 可省:取舍能力-补充说明5. Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary d

154、ecision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.A. Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns determined by the laws of physics. B. The function of applied-

155、art objects is determined by basic patterns in the laws of physics. C. Since functional applied-art objects vary only within certain limits, arbitrary decisions cannot have determined their general form. D. The general form of applied-art objects is limited by some arbitrary decision that is not det

156、ermined by the laws of physics.2总结大意6 For example, people who believe that aggression is necessary and justified-as during wartime-are likely to act aggressively, whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who think that aggression is never justified, are les

157、s likely to behave aggressively.A. People who believe that they are fighting a just war act aggressively while those who believe that they are fighting an unjust war do not. B. People who believe that aggression is necessary and justified are more likely to act aggressively than those who believe di

158、fferently. C. People who normally do not believe that aggression is necessary and justified may act aggressively during wartime.D. People who believe that aggression is necessary and justified do not necessarily act aggressively during wartime. 3简化过程7One potential problem is that opening the mouth t

159、o breathe detracts from the streamlining of these fishes and tends to slow them down.A. These fishes often have a problem opening their mouths while swimming. B. The streamlining of these fishes prevents them from slowing down. C. The streamlining of these fishes tends to slow down their breathing.

160、D. Opening the mouth to breathe can reduce the speed of these fishes. 错选-1重要信息点FIRST8These early humans probably migrated south ward along an ice-free corridor. After several thousand years, perhaps at t pace of only ten miles every year, the migrants spread over this new land from Alaska to the tip

161、 of South America, a trail over ten thousand miles long. In South America, where the glaciers from the ice age melted first, the migrants took strong root in the fertile soil and warming climate of Patagonia. As the ice receded farther north, civilization in what is now Central America and Mexico be

162、gan to take shape and flourish.A. When the glaciers in South America melted, the climate became warmer in Patagonia, helping the people grow strong. B. The favorable conditions in Patagonia attracted migrants from other parts of South America, where there were still glaciers. C. The ice age glaciers

163、 melted earliest in South America, where the migrants settled in the warm, fertile region of Patagonia. D. The migrants in Patagonia in South America survived on the root crops that grew well in the fertile soil and warm climate. 2偷换概念9In a typical business conference, associates meet to discuss pol

164、icy or to solve problems. The average participants do not do much specific preparing, their background and thinking usually formulate their contribution. But it is best if all participants know in advance the purpose of the conference. Some general preparation may be in order, and participants may w

165、ant to take into the conference materials or data that might be useful if a matter comes up.A. Although participants cannot be expected to do too much, they should do some general preparation. B. The conference leader should prepare all of the materials and data that will be used in the conference.

166、C. There is a general order to most conferences, with participants contributing ideas and information. D. As general preparation, participants can bring materials or data that might be a part of the discussion.10Architecture is concerned with the large-scale manipulation of elements in the dimension

167、s of length, width, and height. These dimensions may apply to a solid such as the Egyptian pyramids, or to hollow interior spaces, ranging in size and complexity from a domestic room to a vast cathedral. They may also apply to the spaces around and between buildings. Moreover, every building has phy

168、sical context in relation to other buildings. Sometimes the designer disregards the context on the assumption that surrounding structures will later be replaced. However, it is more often posterity that destroys the once appropriate original context.A. Some architects do not like other buildings to

169、be too close to the building they are designing. B. Most buildings eventually have to replaced, so the physical context is not very important. C. Architects often believe that nearby structures will not always be there, so they ignore them. D. Designers should ignore the assumptions of people who pl

170、an to destroy the original context. 3不可主观判断段落结构阅读法段落结构阅读法托福文章段落特点托福文章段落特点 1 观点观点阐述以段落为单位:阐述以段落为单位: 每段一个中心论点每段一个中心论点2 题目题目以段落为出题单位:以段落为出题单位: 每段每段1-3道题目不等道题目不等3 套路套路固定:固定: 围绕论点的阐释说明围绕论点的阐释说明the discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolutions of twentieth century.

171、 With highest, it is easy wonder why no one had thought it before, it was expanding fairly slowly, the force of gravity could cause it eventually to stop expanding and then to start contracting. However, if it was expanding at more than a certain rate, gravity would never be strong enough to stop it

172、, and the universe would continue to expand forever. This is a bit like what happens when one fires a rocket upward from the surface of the earth. If it has a fairly low speed, gravity will eventually stop the rocket and it will start falling back. On the other hand, if the rockets has more than a c

173、ertain critical speed (about 7 miles per second), gravity will not be strong enough to pull it back, so it will keep going away from the earth forever. This behavior of the universe could have been predicted from Newtons theory of gravity at any time in the 19th, 18th or even the 17th century. Even

174、Einstein, When he formulated the general thoery of relativity in 1915.段落构成公式段落构成公式 分论点分论点主体段落构成主体段落构成 紧随论点阐释句紧随论点阐释句 数据、举例等具体论证数据、举例等具体论证 最后一句最后一句-承上启下承上启下1、论点句:高度概括、论点句:高度概括A.位置特点位置特点:绝大部分在首句绝大部分在首句 偶尔出现在尾句偶尔出现在尾句1、论点句:高度概括、论点句:高度概括B. 标志标志: 1)表明观点标志句式表明观点标志句式 some scientists think/consider/believe/

175、indicate/regard/deem/hold the opinion that. 2)直接陈述段落大意直接陈述段落大意As Philadelphia grew from a small town into a city in the first half of the eighteenth century, it became an increasingly important marketing center for a vast and growing agricultural hinterland. Market days saw the crowded city even mor

176、e crowded, as farmers from within a radius of 24 or more kilometers brought their sheep, cows, pigs, vegetables, cider, and other products for direct sale to the townspeople. The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third

177、. By 1745 New Market was opened on Second Street between Pine and Cedar. The next year the Callowhill Market began operation.1、论点句:高度概括、论点句:高度概括C.如何处理如何处理:重点提取并理解句子主干重点提取并理解句子主干2、阐释句:引申论点、阐释句:引申论点A. 位置特点位置特点: 紧随论点紧随论点2、阐释句:引申论点、阐释句:引申论点B. 标志标志:解释说明类词语解释说明类词语,如如because, due to, as a result of/result

178、from, in terms of, in the way ofSmall mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulent environment of the uppermost trees. Because a small body has more surface area per unit of weight than a large one of similar shape, it gains or loses heat more swiftly.2、阐释句:引申论点、阐释句:引申论点

179、C.处理处理:重点理解学术概念及专业术语重点理解学术概念及专业术语3、最后一句、最后一句A. 标志性作用:标志性作用:总结前文总结前文补充论点补充论点3、最后一句、最后一句B. 处理方法处理方法:提取强调概念或新概念提取强调概念或新概念4、例证句、例证句A.位置特点位置特点: 阐释句后阐释句后,段落中大部分篇幅段落中大部分篇幅B 标志:标志: 1)明显标志词明显标志词: for example、for instance、such as、like、that is2)无标志词无标志词,细节描述:细节描述: 特征特征1:数字年代:数字年代 特征特征2:专有名称:专有名称 特征特征3:事件经过:事件经

180、过One result of rent control is a decrease in the construction of new rental unites. Rent controls have artificially depressed the most important long-term determinant of profitability - rents. Consider some examples. In a recent year in Dallas Texas, with a 16 percent rental vacancy rate but no rent

181、 control laws, 11,000 new housing unites were built. In the same year, in San Francisco, California, only 2,000 units were built. The major difference? San Francisco has only a 1.6 percent vacancy rate but stringent rent control laws. In New York City, except for government-subsidized construction,

182、the only rental units being built are luxury units, which are exempt from controls. C 处理方法:处理方法: 快速扫读,提取主体快速扫读,提取主体 举例不重要举例不重要 知道主体就足够知道主体就足够 目的才重要目的才重要 正确选项要想到正确选项要想到段落阅读方针段落阅读方针论点是关键论点是关键阐释为必知阐释为必知例子多略读例子多略读尾句扫清晰尾句扫清晰Passage 2The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which wo

183、rkers made goods. Since the 1790s, North American entrepreneurs even without technological improvements had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process

184、. For example, during the 1820s and 1830s the shoe industry greatly expanded the scale and extend of the outwork system. Tens of thousands of rural women, paid according to the amount they produced, fabricated the “uppers” of shoes, which were bound to the soles by wage-earning journeymen shoemakers

185、 in dozens of Massachusetts town, whereas previously journeymen would have made the entire shoe. This system of production made the employer a powerful “shoe boss” and eroded workers control over the pace and conditions of labor. However, it also dramatically increased the output of shoes while cutt

186、ing their price.All of the following are mentioned as effects of changes in the shoe industry during the 1820s and 1830s EXCEPT ( )an increase in the workers dependence on entrepreneursan increase in the wages paid to journeymen shoemakersdecline in the workers ability to control the speed of produc

187、tiona decrease in the price of shoesAll of the following are true of the outwork system EXCEPT ( )It involved stages of productionIt was more efficient than the systems used before 1790.It made many employers less powerful than they had been before.It did not necessarily involve any technological im

188、provements.The author mentions the shoe industry in the second paragraph to provide example of how ( )entrepreneurs increased output by using an extended outwork systementrepreneurs used technological improvements to increase outputrural workers responded to “shoe bosses”changes in the outwork syste

189、m improved the quality of shoes事实题 事实信息题:事实信息题:3-6道道/篇篇 Factual Information Questions According to paragraph1, which of the following is true of wildbeests? 根据文章第根据文章第1段,下列关于段,下列关于“角马角马”的描述的描述哪个哪个是正确的是正确的? They eat more stem matter than zebras do. They are able to digest large food particles if the

190、food is of a high quality. They tend to choose feeding areas in which the vegetation has been worn down. They are likely to choose low-quality food to eat in periods when the quantity of rainfall is low. 题型题型3 事实信息题事实信息题二、解题步骤二、解题步骤第第1步:看题干由定位词预测答案步:看题干由定位词预测答案第第2步:扫读文章定位信息(第步:扫读文章定位信息(第1个对应)个对应)第第3

191、步:精读题目相关信息步:精读题目相关信息 第第4步:以此为依据核对选项(第步:以此为依据核对选项(第2个对应)个对应) 6By the start of the nineteenth century, glassmakers learned how to make longer, stronger fibers by pulling them from molten glass with a hot glass tube. Inventors would the cooling end of the thread around a yarn reel, then turned the reel

192、 rapidly to pull more fiber from the molten glass. Wandering tradespeople began to spin glass fibers at fairs, making decorations and ornaments as novelties for collectors, but this material was of of little practical use; the fibers were brittle, ragged, and no longer than ten feet, the circumferen

193、ce of the largest reels. By the mid-1870s, however, the best glass fibers were finer than silk and could be woven into fabrics or assembled into imitation ostrich feathers to decorate hats. Cloth of white spun glass resembled silver; fibers drawn from yellow-orange glass looked golden.According to t

194、he passage, using a hot glass tube rather than a wheel to pull fibers from molten glass made the fibers A. quicker to coolB. harder to bend C. shorter and more easily brokenD longer and more durable9paragraph 1: The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson

195、who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837. During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. The President is the direct representative of the American people, he lectured the Senate when it opposed him. He was elected by the

196、people, and is responsible to them. With this declaration, Jackson redefined the character of the presidential office and its relationship to the people.According to paragraph 1, the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant for which of the following reasons?A. The President granted a

197、 portion of his power to the Senate.B. The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis.C. It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States.D. It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President. 修辞目的性题修辞目的性题:0-2道道/篇篇 Rhetorical Purpose Question

198、s Why does the author discuss the bronze statues of horses created by artists in the early Italian Renaissance? 作者作者为什么提到为什么提到意大利早期文艺复兴时期的意大利早期文艺复兴时期的青铜马雕像?青铜马雕像? To provide an example of a problem. To argue that fine artists are unconcerned with the laws. To contrast the relative sophistication of

199、modern artists. To note an exceptional piece of art. 题型题型6 修辞目的性题修辞目的性题三、步骤三、步骤1、读题干确定关键字回原文定位、读题干确定关键字回原文定位2、仔细读定位点前方内容、仔细读定位点前方内容3、联系被说明的主旨核对选项并作答、联系被说明的主旨核对选项并作答4 Paragraph 5:More extended trading networks also helped develop Europes economy in this period. English and Dutch ships carrying rye fr

200、om the Baltic states reached Spain and Portugal. Population growth generated an expansion of small-scale manufacturing, particularly of handicrafts, textiles, and metal production in England, Flanders, parts of northern Italy, the southwestern German states, and parts of Spain. Only iron smelting an

201、d mining required marshaling a significant amount of capital (wealth invested to create more wealth). Why does the author mention that English and Dutch ships carrying rye from the Baltic states reached Spain and Portugal? A To suggest that England and the Netherlands were the two most important tra

202、ding nations in seventeenth-century Europe B To suggest how extensive trading relations wereC To contrast the importance of agricultural products with manufactured products D To argue that shipping introduced a range of new products 18 Paragraph 4: The first generation to experience these changes di

203、d not adopt the new attitudes easily. The factory clock became the symbol of the new work rules. One mill worker who finally quit complained revealingly about obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many living machines. With the loss of personal freedom also came the loss of

204、 standing in the community. Unlike artisan workshops in which apprentices worked closely with the masters supervising them, factories sharply separated workers from management. Few workers rose through the ranks to supervisory positions, and even fewer could achieve the artisans dream of setting up

205、ones own business. Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status.In paragraph 4, the author includes the quotation from a mill worker in order toA. Support the idea that it was difficult for workers to adjust to working in factoriesB. To show that workers sometimes quit because of the loud n

206、oise made by factory machineryC. Argue that clocks did not have a useful function in factoriesD. Emphasize that factories were most successful when workers revealed their complaints全文综合练习JupiterThe largest of the giant gas planets, Jupiter, with a volume 1,300 times greater than Earths, contains mor

207、e than twice the mass of all the other planets combined. It is thought to be a gaseous and fluid planet without solid surfaces. Had it been somewhat more massive, Jupiter might have attained internal temperatures as high as the ignition point for nuclear reactions, and it would have flamed as a star

208、 in its own right. Jupiter and the other giant planets are of a low-density type quite distinct from the terrestrial planets: they are composed predominantly of such substances as hydrogen, helium, ammonia, and methane, unlike terrestrial planets. Much of Jupiters interior might be in the form of li

209、quid, metallic hydrogen. Normally, hydrogen is a gas, but under pressures of millions of kilograms per square centimeter, which exist in the deep interior of Jupiter, the hydrogen atoms might lock together to form a liquid with the properties of a metal. Some scientists believe that the innermost co

210、re of Jupiter might be rocky, or metallic like the core of Earth. Jupiter rotates very fast, once every 9.8 hours. As a result, its clouds, which are composed largely of frozen and liquid ammonia, have been whipped into alternating dark and bright bands that circle the planet at different speeds in

211、different latitudes. Jupiters puzzling Great Red Spot changes size as it hovers in the Southern Hemisphere. Scientists speculate it might be a gigantic hurricane, which because of its large size (the Earth could easily fit inside it), lasts for hundreds of years. Jupiter gives off twice as much heat

212、 as it receives from the Sun. Perhaps this is primeval heat or beat generated by the continued gravitational contraction of the planet. Another starlike characteristic of Jupiter is its sixteen natural satellites, which, like a miniature model of the Solar System, decrease in density with distancefr

213、om rocky moons close to Jupiter to icy moons farther away. If Jupiter were about 70 times more massive, it would have become a star. Jupiter is the best-preserved sample of the early solar nebula, and with its satellites, might contain the most important clues about the origin of the Solar System. 1

214、. The word “attained” in line 4 is closest in meaning to (A) attempted (B) changed (C) lost (D) reached 2. The word “flamed” in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) burned (B) divided (C) fallen (D) grown 3. The word “they” in line 6 refers to (A) nuclear reactions(B) giant planets (C) terrestrial (D)

215、 substances 4. According to the passage, hydrogen can become a metallic-like liquid when it is (A) extremely hot(B) combined with helium (C) similar to atmosperes(D) under great pressues5. According to the passage, some scientists believe Jupiter and Earth are similar in that they both have (A) soli

216、d surfaces (B) similar masses (C) similar atmospheres (D) metallic cores 6. The clouds surrounding Jupiter are mostly composed of (A) ammonia (B) helium (C) hydrogen (D) methane 7. It can be inferred from the passage that the appearance of alternating bands circling Jupiter is caused by (A) the Grea

217、t Red Spot (B) heat from the Sun (C) the planets fast rotation (D) Storms from the planets Southern Hemisphere 8. The author uses the word “puzzling” in line 16 to suggest that the Great Red Spot is (A) the only spot of its kind (B) not well understood (C) among the largest of such spots (D) a probl

218、em for the planets continued existence 9. Paragraph 3 supports which of the following conclusions? (A) Jupiter gives off twice as much heat as the Sun. (B) Jupiter has a weaker gravitational force than the other planets. (C) Scientists believe that Jupiter was once a star. (D) Scientists might learn

219、 about the beginning of the Solar System by Studying Jupiter. 10. Why does the author mention primeval heat (line 20) ? (A) To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the Sun (B) To provide evidence that Jupiter is older than the other planets (C) To suggest a possible explanation for the number

220、 of satellites that Jupiter has (D) To suggest a possible source of the quantity of heat that Jupiter gives off 11. According to the passage, Jupiters most distant moon is (A) the least dense (B) the largest (C) warm on the surface (D) very rocky on the surface 12. Which of the following statements

221、is supported by the passage? (A) If Jupiter had fewer satellites, it would be easier for scientists to study the planet itself. (B) If Jupiter had had more mass, it would have developed internal nuclear reactions. (C) If Jupiter had been smaller, it would have become a terrestrial planet. (D) if Jup

222、iter were larger, it would give off much less heat全文阅读分析全文阅读分析1、 阅读顺序阅读顺序1)、先题后文、先题后文重点:读完全文重点:读完全文优点:精简阅读量优点:精简阅读量代价:影响正确率代价:影响正确率2)、先文后题、先文后题重点:读懂全文重点:读懂全文优点:保证正确率优点:保证正确率代价:阅读量增大代价:阅读量增大3)、科学方法、科学方法(1)新托福阅读三个前提新托福阅读三个前提: 顺序阅读顺序阅读 对应出题对应出题 考点有限考点有限阅读全文阅读全文找到重点找到重点理解正确理解正确3)、科学方法、科学方法(2) 阅读顺序阅读顺序:先

223、读标题并快速先读标题并快速扫读各段开头扫读各段开头适当笔记构建全文框架图适当笔记构建全文框架图以以段落为单位阅读段落为单位阅读按照段落重点信息及框架答题按照段落重点信息及框架答题按照全文框架图解决最后大题按照全文框架图解决最后大题 全文框架主干全文框架主干 = = 全文主题句全文主题句 + + 段落分论点段落分论点 = = 题目考察点题目考察点结构阅读法就是一种以全文结构为主以全文结构为主线线,根据文章论点、分论点、支撑文章论点、分论点、支撑细节细节等内容的重要性不同而在阅读时有选择地进行详略区分有选择地进行详略区分,以便有有针对性地解题针对性地解题的阅读方法。2、结构阅读法、结构阅读法 3

224、3、具体应用、具体应用第一步第一步: :分析标题分析标题预判难度预留时间预测主线类型类型1:(形容词形容词)+N.: Aggression Desert Formation Early Cinema 类型类型2:N.+介词介词+N. The origins of cetaceans The expression of emotions 19 century politics in the United States类型3:N.+AND+N. Artisans and Industrialization Geology and Landscape 标题标题单一话题单一话题 必讲多个方面必讲多个方

225、面多个话题多个话题 必讲相关方面必讲相关方面利用标题预测文章主线利用标题预测文章主线例: Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction双主线: 陨石撞击 恐龙灭绝 两者关联 3 3、具体应用、具体应用第二步第二步: :提取全文主干提取全文主干全文主题句分论点主题句全文主题句 中级阅读中级阅读 P264. 与标题直接呼应与标题直接呼应.出现前多有背景铺垫出现前多有背景铺垫全文主题句. 具概括性的提示词具概括性的提示词 全文主题句.与标题直接呼应与标题直接呼应.出现前多有背景铺垫出现前多有背景铺垫.具概括性的提示词具概括性的提示词分论点主题句分论点主题句1统领全

226、段统领全段2大多出现在首句大多出现在首句3偶尔出现在段尾偶尔出现在段尾 3 3、具体应用、具体应用 第三步第三步: :构建全文框架构建全文框架第第三步三步: :构建全文框架构建全文框架 常见文章结构套路常见文章结构套路结论说明型结论说明型P234: The Media Influence Theory结论说明型结论说明型A、判断标志:、判断标志: 首句为首句为“判断句判断句” 第第2句和第句和第2段无转折段无转折结论说明型结论说明型B、“判断句判断句”特征:特征: a、系表结构:、系表结构:be 、remain b 、含有作者的态度和评价、含有作者的态度和评价结论说明型结论说明型C、TS在文章

227、开头在文章开头 每段主题句基本为该段首句每段主题句基本为该段首句结论说明型结论说明型D、最后一段可能补充不同观点、最后一段可能补充不同观点 但但TS从前不从后从前不从后第第三步三步: :构建全文框架构建全文框架 现象解释型现象解释型P190:Ancient Astronomy现象解释型现象解释型A、判断标志:、判断标志:首段给出一个自然或社会现首段给出一个自然或社会现象,往往很古怪,下文对其象,往往很古怪,下文对其做解释做解释现象解释型现象解释型B、可能有多种解释、可能有多种解释 TS是作者给出正评价的解释是作者给出正评价的解释现象解释型现象解释型C、注意:、注意:a 、可能先给出几个错误的(

228、负评价)、可能先给出几个错误的(负评价) 最后一个才正确(正评价)最后一个才正确(正评价)b、可能所有解释作者全都不喜欢、可能所有解释作者全都不喜欢阅读笔记法阅读笔记法1、笔记目的、笔记目的:代替纸笔阅读中的勾画代替纸笔阅读中的勾画深入理解文章逻辑框架深入理解文章逻辑框架形成信息索引解题依据形成信息索引解题依据 2、笔记内容要点信息:文章的结构主干要点信息:文章的结构主干重点信息:支撑性事实重点重点信息:支撑性事实重点3、笔记符号转折转折 因果因果 对比对比 类比类比 下定义下定义 : :最高级最高级 分类分类 4、笔记格式由上至下由上至下分段笔记分段笔记逐行缩进逐行缩进文章框架文章框架P1:

229、引:引: elem BrandP2: book Anto/NOT P3: periodicity Chan/NOTP4: repetition Newlands/NOTP5: Mendeleev P6: 原理原理P7 : 预测预测P8: 改进改进全文实践全文实践讲义讲义46P1: BO人人 1-A.A. : 反反 1 1+P2: 4: 1st 2nd L OP3: 1st: +P4: 2nd: 1stP5: L: 安安P6: O=1st+L 其他题型集中讲解段落小结题This passage discusses XXXXXXXXXXXX. Answer ChoicesSentence 1Sen

230、tence 2Sentence 3Sentence 4Sentence 5Sentence 6考察点:对文章整体结构框架的理解对概括文章主要观点句子的识别能力排除与文中信息不一致信息的能力排除文中未提及信息的能力排除文中次要信息的能力步骤:步骤:1、仔细读给出概要句、仔细读给出概要句2、锁定句中核心概念、锁定句中核心概念 3、剔除明显无关项、错误信息、剔除明显无关项、错误信息4、参考笔记、参考笔记, 核对要点核对要点Island plant lifeIslands are geographical formations that are completely surrounded by wat

231、er, yet many islands are covered with a rich assortment of plant life. It may seem surprising that so much plant life exists on many islands, yet there are surprisingly simple explanations as to how the vegetation has been able to establish itself there. Some islands were formerly attached to larger

232、 bodies of land, while others were created on their own. Islands that were created when flooding or rising water levels cut them off from their neighbors often still have the plant life that they had before they were cut off. In cases where islands formed out of the ocean, they may have plant life f

233、rom neighboring lands even though they were never actually attached to the neighboring lands. Winds carry many seeds to islands; some plants produce extremely light seeds that can float thousands of feet above the Earth and then drift down to islands where they can sprout and develop. Birds also car

234、ry seeds to islands; as birds move over open stretches of water, they can serve as the transportation system to spread seeds from place to place. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below, Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the

235、 most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.This passage discusses the ways that plant life is able to develop on islands. Answer

236、Choices (choose 3 to complete the chart ): (A) Some seeds are able to float great distances in the air. (B) Some plant life existed before islands were cut off from larger bodies of lands.(C) Some islands have many different varieties of plants. (D) Birds sometimes carry seeds to islands.(E) Some is

237、lands were created when rising water cut them off from larger bodies of land. (F) Some plant seeds are carried to islands by the wind.图表题题目形式: Types of X StatementsType 1 Type 2STATEMENTSStatements 1Statements 2Statements 3Statements 4Statements 5Statements 6Statements 7Drag your answer choices to t

238、he spaces where they belong. To review the passage, click on VIEW TEXT.考察点:对文章整体结构框架的理解排除与文中信息不一致信息的能力排除文中未提及信息的能力将重要信息与文章框架正确匹配的能力步骤步骤1、仔细看给出分类标准、仔细看给出分类标准2、直接比对,去掉明显无关项、直接比对,去掉明显无关项(留不留留不留)3、排除错误选项、排除错误选项4、核对原文,匹配直接对应项、核对原文,匹配直接对应项(进哪栏进哪栏)Sand dunes 沙丘Sandy desert contain enormous volumes of sand

239、eroded from mountains and carried to the deserts by wind or water. The huge quantities of sand that make up sandy deserts are blown about into dunes of various shapes. Ridge dunes form where there are large amounts of sand, generally in the interiors of deserts, and winds blow in one direction. Unde

240、r these conditions, parallel ridges of sand, known as transverse dunes, form at right angles to the wind. When the direction of the wind changes so that it comes from different directions, star-shaped dunes form from the massive amounts of sand in desert interiors. Star-shaped dunes are relatively s

241、table dunes that reach incredible heights, up to 80 meters high in some deserts, and are quite common in massive deserts such as the Sahara. Crescent dunes form on the edges of deserts where there is less sand and where the winds blow mainly in one direction. These dunes, which are also known as bar

242、chan dunes are less stable than star-shaped dunes and can shift as much as 20 meters per year as winds blow over the outer curves of the crescent in the direction of the pointed ends.Directions: Select the appropriate sentences from the answer choices, and match them to the critical information abou

243、t the sand dunes to which they relate. THREE of the answer choices will not be used. This question is worth 3 points.Amount of sandDirection of windsAnswer Choices (choose 4 to compete the chart):(A) Ridge and crescent dunes form where the winds blow from one direction.(B) Crescent dunes are also kn

244、own as barchan dunes.(C) Star-shaped dunes form where the winds blow from different directions.(D) Transverse dunes are created parallel to the wind.(E) Ridge and star dunes form where there is a lot of sand.(F) Star-shaped dunes are more stable than crescent dunes.(G) Crescent dunes form where ther

245、e is less sand.指代题题目形式:The word X in the passage refers to考察点:辨认文章中单词间指代关系的能力正确理解代词与其先行词的对应关系步骤:1、阅读本句及前一句2、重点关注同位概念3、通过顺读检验所选1The agricultural potential of the area was enormous if water for irrigation could be found, and the city founders had the vision and dating to obtain it by constructing a 22

246、5-mile aqueduct, completed in 1913, to tap the water of the Owens River.The word “it” in line 8 refers to ( )aqueductvisionwateragricultural potential2. African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States. As they began to str

247、ive for social and cultural independence, their attitudes toward themselves changed, and, to some extent, other segments of American society began to change their attitudes toward them.The word “them” in line 11 refers to ( )A. American of European descentB. paintingsC. African American artistsD. at

248、titudes3In 1914 Henry Ford reduced daily work hours at his automobile plants from 9 to 8. In 1926 he announced that henceforth his factories would close for the entire day on Saturday. At the time, Ford received criticism from other firms such as United States Steel and Westinghouse, but the idea wa

249、s popular with workers. The “idea” mentioned in line 15 refers to ( )the 60-hour workweekthe reduction in the cost of automobilesthe reduction in the workweek at some automobile factoriesthe reduction of Ford by United States Steel and Westinghouse推断题题目形式:标志词:infer / suggest / implyWhich of the foll

250、owing can be inferred about X?The author of the passage implies that X Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?考察点:对强烈暗示但没有明确阐明的观点的理解文章内容的逻辑性关联及导向正确定位相关信息步骤步骤1 看题干找目标看题干找目标2 回原文找根据回原文找根据3 借助简单逻辑借助简单逻辑, 一步推出一步推出1One interesting, and controversial, finding is that extinctions d

251、uring the past 250 million years have tended to be more intense every 26 million years. This periodic extinction might be due to intersection of the Earths orbit with a cloud of comets, but this theory is purely speculative. Which of the following can be inferred about the theory mentioned in Line 2

252、1-21? ( ) A. many scientists could be expected to disagree with it. B. Evidence to support the theory has recently been found. C. The theory is no longer seriously considered. D. Most scientists believe the theory to be accurate.2The most important single industry powering the growth of Los Angeles,

253、 however, was directly linked to the automobile. The demand for petroleum to fuel gasoline engines led to the opening of the Southern California oil fields, and made Los Angeles North Americans greatest refining center.It can be inferred from the passage that in 1930 the greatest number of people in

254、 the Los Angeles area were employed in ( )A. farmingB. oil refiningC. automobile manufacturingD. the motion picture industry3. “The Northern American cities predicted the future,” wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, “even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Euro

255、pe, the Middle East and China.” It can be inferred that in comparison with North American cities, cities in Europe, the Middle East, and China had ( ) A. large populations B. little independence C. frequent social disorder D. few power sources4Adults make it as easy as they can for babies to pick up

256、 a language by exaggerating such cues. One researcher observed babies and their mothers in six diverse cultures and found that, in all six languages, the mothers used simplified syntax, short utterances and nonsense sounds, and transformed certain sounds into baby talk.Which of the following can be

257、inferred about the findings described in paragraph 2? ( )Babies who are exposed to more than one language can speak earlier than babies exposed to a single language.Mothers from different cultures speak to their babies in similar ways.Babies ignore facial expressions in comprehending aural language.

258、The mothers observed by the researchers were consciously teaching their babies to speak. 排除题题目形式:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?The authors description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT考察点:1、能够根据原文明确辨别真实信息与非真实信息2、能够根据原文明确辨别未提及信息3、间接考察根据原文确认真实信息的能力解题步骤:解题步骤:

259、1、读题干后、读题干后马上扫读选项马上扫读选项2、形成印象并判断选项易错点形成印象并判断选项易错点3、利用、利用选项关键字选项关键字逐一核对原文排除逐一核对原文排除1 Inspired by observations of imprinting, in 1969 the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby applied ethological theory to the understanding of the relationship between an infant and its parents. He argued that attachment b

260、ehaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling, grasping, and crying, are built-in social signals that encourage the parents to approach, care for, and interact with the baby.The author mentions all of the following as attachment behaviors of human infants EXCEPT( )A. graspingB. cryingC. eatingD. smi

261、ling 2According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one

262、 or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT ( )recruitmentformal ele

263、ction processspecific leadership trainingtraditional cultural patterns句子插入题题目形式:看到四个,分布在一段内,或一段末尾及下一段开头Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.You will see a sentence in bold 考察点:正确判断句子间的意义联系正确理解句子间的逻辑联系步骤步骤1、阅读给出句子,注意、阅读给出句子,注意句首、句尾句首、句尾2、判断

264、、判断线索词线索词*3、原文顺读、原文顺读1遍,搜寻遍,搜寻匹配词匹配词*4、务必代入验证、务必代入验证 1 The Origin of ChessThe origins of the game of chess are not known with certainty, and traditional stories in a number of cultures claim credit for developing the game. A One legend claims that chess was invented during the Trojan Wars. B Accordi

265、ng to another legend, chess was developed to depict the battle between two royal brothers for the crown of Persia. C In a third legend, chess was the creation of the mythical Arab philosopher Sassa.D.1Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Wh

266、en one brother was killed the remaining brother had the game invented to explain the tragic events to his mother. Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. ( )2 Lions There is a standard pattern to the process of hunting in groups. The process is initiated by a single female, who station

267、s herself at a raised elevation to serve as a lookout to spot potential prey. When prey is spotted, a group of young lionesses advances on the herd and pushes the herd in the direction of a different lioness who has hidden herself downwind. It is up to this concealed female to choose the weakest mem

268、ber of the herd for the kill. . Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the first paragraph of the passage. This is usually accomplished by knocking the prey to the ground and breaking its neck.Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. ( )阅读文章练习的处理标准1)推测生词含义并查找归类;)推测生词含义并查找归类;2)对理解有障碍的句子分析语法;)对理解有障碍的句子分析语法;3)对主体段落进行)对主体段落进行TS+D结构分析;结构分析;4)做出全文结构路线图;)做出全文结构路线图;5)认真分析错题总结思路。)认真分析错题总结思路。复习建议1、制订复习计划2、选好复习资料3、词汇是核心 4、限时阅读训练 5、理解难点 分析思路



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