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1、Unit 10If you go to the party,youll have a great time!单元同步阅读能力提升单元同步阅读能力提升一、完形填空。一、完形填空。Do you have any worries?Zhang Lin,a fourteenyearold girl from No. 29 Middle School,has a lot of _1_ these days.Zhang Lin has a hard time with her English and math,_2_ she often fails (不不及及格格) her exams.When she g

2、ets bad grades,her mother gets angry _3_ her.Zhang Lin doesnt want to talk with her mother and she thinks her mother _4_ understands her.What can Zhang Lin do about this?She is very worried.She believes the worst thing is to do _5_So Zhang Lin _6_ to talk to her friends.But she worries that if they

3、know that,they will laugh at her.If so,she will certainly feel _7_Also,Zhang Lin is crazy (迷迷恋恋的的) about a movie star.She wrote a letter to him,but she is _8_ to send the letter to him.She wants to tell her father about _9_ letter,but she thinks her father will criticize (批批评评) her.If her father _10

4、_ she likes a movie star crazily,he will be angry.No one can help Zhang Lin to solve her problems.She doesnt know what to do.Who can help her?( )1.A.ideas BWorries Ctime Dhomework( )2.A.so Bbut Cthough Dunless( )3.A.to Bfor Cfrom Dwith( )4.A.often BSometimes Cnever Dalways( )5.A.something BAnything

5、Cnothing Deverything( )6.A.asks Bdecides Cstops Drefuses( )7.A.more Bless Cbetter Dworse( )8.A.afraid Bsure Cready Dable( )9.A.your Btheir Chis Dher( )10.A.knows Bwill know Cknew Dis knowingBADCCBDADA二、阅读理解。二、阅读理解。Jenny was new in this city.She didnt have any friends,and her classmates didnt seem fr

6、iendly to her.Sometimes she complained to her mother,and her mother always said that she could get used to that and everything would be OK.A card arrived on Monday:Come to Melissas 10th birthday party.Jenny was excited to receive the card.She didnt know Melissa very well,but she was glad to know tha

7、t Melissa wanted to be her friend.Jenny put the card into her schoolbag.After dinner,she showed it to her mother.“Its a swimming party,Jenny,” her mother said.Hearing that,Jenny began to read each word.She stopped when she read where it would be:the Elm Street Pool.Jenny didnt even have a bathing su

8、it.She liked skating.She played baseball.She was good at playing chess.But in her mind swimming was for ducks,and she wanted no part of it.“This might be a good time to learn to swim,” her mother said.“I can take you to the pool every day after school.I think you will like it.” The idea of swimming

9、scared Jenny.However,when she thought that she could make a lot of friends,she decided to have a try.( )11.What does the underlined word “complained” mean in Chinese?A抱怨抱怨 B炫耀炫耀 C解释解释 D祝贺祝贺( )12.How did Jenny feel when she got the invitation?AWorried. BHappy.CAngry. DUnhappy.( )13.What CANNOT we kno

10、w about the party from the text?AWhat the guests would do at the party.BWhy Melissa was going to have the party.CWhere Melissa was going to have the party.DWhen Melissa was going to have the party.ABA( )14.What was Jennys problem?AShe wasnt able to swim.BShe didnt have a beautiful dress.CShe wasnt M

11、elissas good friend.DShe didnt know the way to the party.( )15.What can we learn from the text?AJenny didnt have any hobbies.BJenny would learn to swim for the party.CJennys father would teach her to swim.DJenny would go to the party with her mum.AB三、任务型阅读。三、任务型阅读。(原创题原创题)Students these days often h

12、ave a lot of worries.Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork,and sometimes with their friends.What can they do about this?Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing.Laura Mills,a teenager from London,agrees.“Problems_and_worries_are_normal_in_life,”says Laura.“But I think talkin

13、g to someone helps a lot._A_ we talk to someone,well certainly feel worse.”Laura once lost her wallet,and worried for days.She was afraid to tell her parents about it.She even walked three miles to school each day because she didnt have any money.She just kept thinking,“If I tell my parents,theyll b

14、e angry!” In the end,she talked to her parents and they were really understanding.said,her,he,dad,himself,sometimes,made,careless,mistakes.They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.“I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says.Robert Hunt advises students a

15、bout common problems.He feels the same way as Laura.“It is best not to run away from problems.We should always try to _B_ them.”He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.This person doesnt need to be an expert like himself.Students often forget that their parents have more exp

16、erience,and are always there to help them.In English,we say that sharing problems is like cutting it in half.So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!( )26.A.friends BMistakes Cinvitations Dpromises( )27.A.myself Byourself Cherself Dhimself( )28.A.to Bwith Cfor Dat(

17、)29.A.something new Bnew somethingCnothing new Dnew nothing( )30.A.unless Bthough Cif Dso( )31.A.careless Bglad Cupset Dtired( )32.A.jokes Btapes Csongs Dexams( )33.A.money Badvice Cquestions Dsteps( )34.A.service BCulture Cdiscussion Dexperience( )35.A.solve Baccept Cstand DimproveBDCABCABDA六、阅读理解。

18、六、阅读理解。Dear Lisa,It happened again this morning.My neighbor threw rubbish (扔垃圾扔垃圾) into my garden.It was the fourth time.I was so angry.Yesterday I threw it back into their garden,but it didnt make any difference.I dont know why they did that.They are new here.I dont really want to argue with them.I

19、n fact,I would like to be friends with them.What should I do?Yours,AmyDear Amy,I understand how angry you feel.I think you should go and say hello to them.Why dont you invite them to your place to take a cup of coffee?If you do this,they will be glad.Then you can talk about the rubbish with them.The

20、y will not do the same thing.Do you think so?Im looking forward to your good_newsYours,Lisa( )36.Amy felt _ because of what her neighbor did.Aangry Bthankful Csad Dglad( )37.Amy wanted to _ her neighbor.Asay hello to Bhang out withCargue with Dmake friends with( )38.Lisa is trying to _.Ateach Amy ho

21、w to throw rubbishBhelp Amy solve her problemCinvite Amy for a cup of coffeeDask Amy to help clean her gardenADB( )39.What does the “good news” refer to (指的是指的是)?AAmy makes her garden clean again.BAmy makes her neighbor move away.CAmy invites her neighbor to her party.DAmy gets on well with her neig

22、hbor.( )40.What can we learn from the material (材料材料)?ALisa is Amys best friend.BAmy has a beautiful neighbor.CLisa advises Amy to be friendly.DAmy is new to her place.DC七、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空七、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。使短文完整、通顺。(原创题原创题)try,normal,worry,keep,with,away,or,advice,solve,underst

23、andingLisa is Alices best friend.When she has 41. ,she always tells Lisa about them.Lisa is very 42._.She always helps Alice to 43._ all her problems.When Lisa has problems 44._ her schoolwork or friends,what does she usually do?worriesunderstandingsolvewithWell,she never runs 45._ from the problems

24、.She always 46._ her best to solve them.Sometimes she shares her worries with Alice.Sometimes she tells her problems to parents 47._ teachers.She thinks their 48._ is very helpful to her.Lisa also thinks that people shouldnt 49._ their problems to themselves.She always says,“Problems and worries are 50._ in life.Talking to someone can help a lot.”awaytriesadviceorkeepnormal



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