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1、Lesson two 2021.09.24Part One Preview Knowledge(2) Kong NannanIV. Passive Voice一.构成 主语+Be+及物动词的过去分词+by短语 复合式谓语E.g. Machines are run by electricity.留意:be的五种根本方式p13.助动词V-ed方式二.自动句转为被动句1把原来宾语变为主语,主语变为by短语放在位于后面。2原来谓语变为be的适宜形状+动词过去分词。3其他照抄,根本不变化。e.g.The professor will read an important academic paper at

2、 the conference.An important academic paper wil be read by the professor at the conference.补充: The cases where there are no passive forms1) vi.不能变为被动态。2) vt. mainly expressing a state “have; afford; fit; resemble; e.g. We can not afford the high tuition.3) vi + prep. expressing a state “belong to; c

3、onsist in; 4) vt. + n. = vi. “take place5)vt. + n. expressing a passive meaning “find use applications (in) 6vt. + object 反身代词“myself; reciprocal pronoun相互代词“each other; 7cognitive object 同源宾语 “He slept a sound sleep. 三.翻译本卷须知1由、被、受、用、以、经过,有时译为是的。 E.g. 见P14。2根据汉语习惯,部分句子不采用以上几个词来翻译。 a.原句带有by短语,表示动作发出

4、者时,把动作发出者译为句子主语。 This kind of machines can be manufactured by our factory. 我们厂能制造这种机器。 b.原句没有by短语,假设译为汉语自动句的话往往可以添加“我们,“人们,“大家。p16 This kind of change is called a chemical change. 我们把这种变化称为化学变化。 或者译为无主句。 In this case, a computer can be used. 在这种情况下,可以运用计算机。四、四、The following points should be paid att

5、ention to.The case when a verb (such as “give, tell, assign, deny, inform, convince,) has two objects A retained object (or a retained object clause) will appear after the passive predicate. E.g. Assign each of the user a frequency band.Each of the users has been assigned a frequency band. A frequen

6、cy band is assigned to each of the users. 每个用每个用户被分配了一个被分配了一个频段。段。 Another example:That engineer gave us a lot of help.We were given a lot of help by that engineer.A lot help was given to us by that engineer.2. The case when a phrasal verb is used(1)vi. + preposition or: vt. + adverb = vt. (p17)(2)

7、Chemistry deals with substances.(3) Substances are dealt with in chemistry.(4)A receiver can pick up radio waves.(5) Radio waves can be picked up by a receiver.2vt. + n. + prep. = vt. (make use of; pay attention to; take care of, ) We make use of this characteristic in feedback amplifier design. Use

8、 is made of this characteristic in feedback amplifier design. This characteristic is made use of in feedback amplifier design. Another example: 必需充分利用现有的设备。(You are required to use the phrasal verb “make use of.)We must make full use of the devices available.Full use muse be made of the devices avai

9、lable.The devices available must ba made use of. 3. Special forms of passive voice了解get + pp. for stressing the statebecome + pp. for stressing the stateThe energy that is stored in the inductor电感器感器and capacitor电容器容器eventually gets dissipated耗耗费by the resistor电阻器阻器.This has become accepted by indus

10、try.The air throughout the room becomes heated by convection currents对流气流流气流.A matrix矩矩阵is becoming used much more widely than in previous years.V. TenseThe present tense is widely used. Most of EST sentences are declarative in simple present tense. Simple present: This paper discusses Present perfe

11、ct: It has been recognized that 本文论述了计算机的原理。(摘要*This article dealt with the principles of a computer.This article deals with the principles of a computer.1.“近年来,他们不断在研制一种新的电脑。In recent years,Of late years, they have been developing a new Over the years, kind of computer。2.“到十九世纪二十年代末,人们认识到了这种金属可用在制造

12、电灯上。By the end of the 1820s, it had been realized that this metal could be used in manufacturing electric lamps.3.“到今年年底,他们在西电任务参军三十年了。By the end of this year, they will have worked in Xidian University for thirty years. By the end of this year, they will be in the army for thirty years.形状 present p

13、erfect past perfect with action verbs future perfectBy time, present past with state verbs“be, have, futureVI. ComparisonsP22根底知识比较级与最高级构成1.单音节: 普通,以辅音y结尾的词,词尾只需一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,2.多音节3.不规那么词汇1. The way to express the idea of “得多得多p24Formula:much many far (by far)very mucha lot + comparative degree (tha

14、n)a great dealconsiderablyNoticeablyE.g.This circuit requires many more components than the circuit shown on page 3.该电路比第三页所示电路需求的元件多得多。This machine works much better than that one.这台机器的性能比那台好得多。This device is far more useful than that one.这台设备比那台有用多了。Noticeably, much many ,far (by far) 2. The ways

15、to express the idea of “越来越越来越 (1) for monosyllabic words - using the synthetic form : “.er and .er E.g. You can see the car moving faster and faster. for polysyllabic words - using the analytic form “more and more . E.g. That girl is more and more beautiful. (2) ever + er - mainly for monosyllabic

16、words E.g. Computers are becoming ever smaller. (3) increasingly + positive degree - mainly for polysyllabic words E.g. Electronic devices are getting increasingly complicated.(4) a main clause containing a comparative degree + an as-clause expressing time “随着 E.g. The accelerating加速force becomes sm

17、aller as the body approaches the center.3. The ways to express the idea of “越,越,就就越越1the normal pattern p27 the + comparative degree , the + comparative degree condition = if-clause main clause E.g. The smaller the resistance, the larger/greater current you will obtain. E.g.物体被提得越高,它具有的位能就越大。 The hi

18、gher a body is lifted, the more potential energy it possesses.4. The way to express the idea of “达达到到 -p26 Formula: “as adj. as + quantity E.g. That cable is as long as three kilometers. three kilometers long. E.g.地球离月球的间隔远达240,000英里。 The distance of the earth from the moon is as long/great as 240 t

19、housand miles. 5. Three special types of “as as pattern(1) as adj. A as adj. B = not only B but also A E.g. Such books are as political as educational. 这本书既有教育意义也有宣传性。 (2) as many (+ n.A) as there are n.B “有多少个B 就有多少个A E.g. There are as many designs as there are designers. (3) more noun A than noun

20、B “与其说B不如说AE.g. Java is more a technology than a programming language.6. “n times +比比较级+than= “n times as +原原级+as (英英译汉时减一倍减一倍)A是是B的的n倍倍=A比比B大大n-1倍倍 E.g.This wire is four times longer than that one.这根根导线是那根的是那根的4倍倍长。这根根导线比那根比那根长3倍倍E.g. This book is four times thicker than that one.这本本书是那本是那本书的四倍厚。的四

21、倍厚。这本本书比那本厚三倍。比那本厚三倍。假假设比比较级前是数字,那么表示前是数字,那么表示纯倍数添加减少倍数添加减少p24This wire is five meters longer than that one.这跟跟线比那根比那根长5米。米。VII. Adjective Phrases1.Formation 3种2. Functions Predicative Complement Attribute - as a postmodifier only Adverbial1.Formation - the definition in a narrow sense“adj.+ preposi

22、tional phrase similar to different from dependent on small in size “adj. + infinitive able to do necessary to do ready to do free to do too.to do “adj. + adverbial clause of comparison - as . as . than of result - so that .2. Functions (mainly the same as those of a single adjective) Predicative Thi

23、s computer is different in size from that one. This current is as large as 5 amperes. Complement最常见是由make要求的 This rule makes matrix A equal to matrix B. This voltage is set equal to zero. Attribute - as a postmodifier only This is a number larger than 1. This text is a help to digital designers both

24、 new and old. The free electrons are affected by this field电场and are urged to move in the opposite direction to it. This has a similar mathematical form to the gravitational force. AdverbialIn this case, its logical subject is, in general, the subjectof the sentence (or sometimes the whole sentence

25、afteror before it). . Before the subject - Its meaning is determined by the trial-and-error method. reason condition concession manner additional explanation of the subject or the whole sentence after -for emphasisAccurate in operation and high in speed, computers can save man a lot of time and labo

26、r. 由于由于计算机运算准确,速度快所以能算机运算准确,速度快所以能节省人省人们大大量人力和量人力和劳力力(缘由由)Free from the attack of moisture, a piece of iron will not rust very fast. 假假设铁块不受潮,就不容易生不受潮,就不容易生锈。条件。条件Contrary to popular belief, humans dont need less sleep as they age. 与流行的与流行的观念相反,人念相反,人类不会随着年不会随着年纪变大二需大二需求更少的睡眠。求更少的睡眠。对后面句子的后面句子的阐明明.

27、At the end of a sentence additional statement to the subject or the whole sentence before manner1.In this case, the file is loaded, ready to be edited. 2.The force M acts perpendicular to the earths surface. 3.The video signal can be recorded on magnetic tape for picture reproduction, similar to audio tape recording for the reproduction of sound. “这与与为了再生声音而用了再生声音而用录音音带进展展录音音类似似Thank you



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