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1、MarketingChapter6Chapter1高等学校英语拓展系列教程高等学校英语拓展系列教程主 编:任书梅 王璐副主编:曹颖外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社MarketingChapter6Chapter1Chapter 6市场营销MarketingMarketingChapter6Lecture Outline :l Market Segmentation 市场细分Lecture Outlinel What is Marketing 什么是市场营销l The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念l The Marketing Mix 市场营销组合l The Prod

2、uct Life Cycle 产品生命周期l Buyer Behaviour 消费者购买行为l Marketing Research 市场营销调研MarketingChapter6Lead-in Activities Which one can most stimulate the customers desire to buy;Which one is not desirable;How to modify in order to make it effective.Lead-in activitiesMarketingChapter6Hints: some ad slogans Make

3、yourself heard. (Ericsson)Things go better with Coca-cola. Communication unlimited. (Motorola)Behind that healthy smile, theres a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste)We cant forge ahead by sticking to existing roads. (Audi)lTime is what you make of it. (Swatch) Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up)Anything is

4、possible. (Li-Ning Co. Ltd.)Feast your eyes (Ponds Cucumber Eye Treatment) Focus on life. (Olympus)We are the dot in. com. (Sun Micro-system) Live well, snack well. (Snack Wells)理解就是沟通。饮可口可乐,万事如意。沟通无极限。开拓进取,来源于勇于创新。天长地久(斯沃奇手表)提神健脑,喝七喜。无所不能。 滋润心灵的窗户。(旁氏新品黄瓜眼膜)瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)我们就是网络。(太阳微系统公司)美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。健

5、康笑容来自佳洁士 MarketingChapter6What Is Marketing ? The process of planning and executing the The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exch

6、anges that satisfy individual to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. and organizational objectives. MarketingMarketingChapter6Marketing Activities Performed by Marketers deciding what products to offer setting prices developing sales promotions and advertising cam

7、paigns making products readily available to customers. MarketingChapter6The Marketing ConceptThe philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition. MarketingChapter6The Marketing ConceptThe Production Concept

8、 The Selling Concept The Marketing Concept Difference Between Selling and Marketing MarketingChapter6 The Selling ConceptThe Marketing ConceptThe Production ConceptThe The production production concept concept was was the the idea idea that that a a firm firm should should focus focus on on those th

9、ose products products that that it it could could produce produce most most efficiently efficiently and and that that the the creation creation of of a a supply supply of of low-cost low-cost products products would would in in and and of of itself itself create create the the demand demand for for

10、those those products. products. The Production Concept(industrial revolution -the early 1920s)(industrial revolution -the early 1920s) MarketingChapter6The Production Concept The Selling ConceptThe Marketing ConceptThe Selling Concept (by the early 1930s) They not only would produce the products but

11、 also recognized that personal selling and advertising were important selling methods. MarketingChapter6The Production ConceptThe Marketing Concept The Selling ConceptThe Marketing ConceptThe Marketing Concept(After World War II ) Focusing on customer needs before developing the product Aligning all

12、 functions of the company to focus on those needs Realizing a profit by successfully satisfying customer needs over the long-termMarketingChapter6 Selling Marketing 1. Emphasis is on the product.2. Company first makes the product and them figures out how to sell it.3. Management is sales-volume-orie

13、nted.4. Planning is short-run, in terms of todays products and markets.5. Stresses needs of seller. 1. Emphasis is on customers wants.2. Company first determines customers wants and then figures out how to make and deliver a product to satisfy those wants.3. Management is profit-oriented.4. Planning

14、 is long term, in the sense of new products, tomorrows markets, and future growth.5. Stresses wants of buyers. MarketingChapter6Place Promotion Marketing MixProduct Price MarketingChapter6The Marketing MixProductA product is a bundle of tangible and intangible attributes including packaging, colour,

15、 and brand, plus the services and even the reputation of the seller. Products also can be services or ideas. Consumer products Industrial products MarketingChapter6The Marketing MixPricePrice is the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the p

16、roduct. Loss Leader Pricing Penetration Pricing Price Skimming Differential Pricing MarketingChapter6Figure 6.1 Examples of distribution channels for consumer and industrial products Place refers to how you will sell your products to your customers. The Marketing MixPlaceMarketingChapter6 Personal s

17、elling Advertising Publicity The Marketing MixPromotion Sales promotion Sales promotionMarketingChapter6 Determine what is to be sold; Plan a programme; Prepare a sales call; Record the interview. l Personal Selling The Marketing MixPromotionMarketingChapter6 AdvertisingThe Marketing MixPromotionMar

18、ketingChapter6 Coupons Point-of-purchase displays Premiums Trade shows Contests Samples Short-term Promotional ActivityThe Marketing MixPromotionMarketingChapter6The Product Life-CycleMarketingChapter6The Product Life-CycleIntroduction stage Lack of resources, knowledge, and marketing skills to succ

19、essfully launch the product High pricing to recoup (补偿) research and development costsIntroduction stage is the initial stage of a products life cycleits first appearance in the marketplacewhen sales start at zero and profits are negative.lWhy new products fail?MarketingChapter6The Product Life-Cycl

20、e Growth stageGrowth stage is the stage of a products life cycle when sales rise rapidly and profits reach a peak and then start to decline.MarketingChapter6What are the traits of this stage? More competitors enter the market Product pricing is aggressive Brand loyalty becomes important Gaps in mark

21、et coverage are filled Promotion expenditures moderate Production efficiencies lower costsThe Product Life-Cycle Growth stageMarketingChapter6The Product Life-Cycle Maturity stageMaturity stage is the stage of a products life cycle when the sales curve peaks and starts to decline and profits continu

22、e to fall.MarketingChapter6What are the traits of this stage? Intense competition Emphasis on improvements and differences in competitors products Weaker competitors lose interest and exit the market Advertising and dealer-oriented promotions predominate Distribution sometimes expands to the global

23、marketThe Product Life-Cycle Maturity stageMarketingChapter6The Product Life-Cycle Decline stage Pruning items from the product line Cutting promotion expenditures Eliminating marginal distributors Planning to phase out the productlWhat are the traits of this stage? Decline stage is the stage of a p

24、roducts life cycle when sales fall rapidly.MarketingChapter6Buyer Behaviour Need recognitionSearchEvaluation of alternativesPurchase decisionAfter-purchase Evaluation MarketingChapter6Most Effective Promotional ToolMost Effective Promotional ToolStages of the Consumer Buying ProcessStages of the Con

25、sumer Buying ProcessProblem (Need) RecognitionInformation SeekingEvaluation of AlternativesPostpurchase EvaluationADVERTISINGPublicityADVERTISINGPersonal SellingPERSONAL SELLINGSALES PROMOTIONPersonnel SellingADVERTISINGPersonal SellingPurchase DecisionMarketingChapter6 Buyer Behaviour Industrial Bu

26、ying Behaviour refers to the purchase decision making of organizations such as manufacturers, service providers, government agencies, institutions, and non-profit groupslIndustrial Buying Behaviour MarketingChapter6Marketing Research is the process of systematically gathering, analysing and interpre

27、ting data pertaining to the companys market, customers and competitors, with the goal of improving marketing decisions.Marketing ResearchMarketingChapter6 Proactive ReactiveReactiveAre we attracting new customers?Are we attracting new customers?How do we maintain and increase How do we maintain and

28、increase sales?sales?Are we satisfying our current Are we satisfying our current customers?customers?What new products does our target What new products does our target market need? market need? Why are we losing customers?Why are we losing customers?Who has surpassed us in our sales?Who has surpass

29、ed us in our sales?How do we get lost customers back?How do we get lost customers back?Can we develop a new product to keep Can we develop a new product to keep up with our major competitor?up with our major competitor? MarketingChapter6Data Data analysisanalysis Data Data collectioncollection Formi

30、ng the research question Research Research designdesign Choosing Choosing the best the best solutionsolution Marketing ResearchMarketingChapter6The Marketing Research (contd) Exploratory research Research conducted to gather more information about a problem or to make a tentative hypothesis more spe

31、cific Types of ResearchMarketingChapter6The Marketing Research (contd) Descriptive research Research conducted to clarify the characteristics of certain phenomena to solve a particular problem Causal research Research in which it is assumed that a particular variable X influences a variable Y Types

32、of ResearchMarketingChapter6The Marketing Research (contd)Primary data: data observed and recorded or collected directly from respondentsSecondary data: data complied both inside and outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation Types of DataMarketingChapter6 Mail su

33、rvey Telephone survey Online survey Personal interview survey In-home (door-to-door) interview Focus-group interview Telephone depth interview Shopping mall intercept interviews On-site computer interviews Basic Survey MethodsThe Marketing Research (contd)MarketingChapter6Market Segmentation Market

34、Segmentation is the division of a is the division of a market into different homogeneousmarket into different homogeneous groups of groups of consumers consumers MarketingChapter6Market Segmentation & VariablesGeographic Geographic VariablesVariablesDemographic Demographic VariablesVariablesPsychogr

35、aphic Psychographic VariablesVariablesDividing a market into customer categoriesMarketingChapter6Market Segmentation Mass marketing Target marketing Requirements of Market Segments MarketingChapter6 Identifiable: the differentiating attributes of the segments must be measurable so that they can be i

36、dentified. Accessible: the segments must be reachable through communication and distribution channels. Substantial: the segments should be sufficiently large to justify the resources required to target them. The Need for Market Segmentation Market Segmentation MarketingChapter6 The Need for Market S

37、egmentation Market Segmentation Unique needs: to justify separate offerings, the segments must respond differently to the different marketing mixes. Durable: the segments should be relatively stable to minimize the cost of frequent changes. MarketingChapter6Market Segmentation Segmentation bases Geo

38、graphic segmentation bases Demographic segmentation bases Psychographic segmentation bases Behaviouralistic segmentationMarketingChapter6Group Activity Students are divided into groups of 4. Each group select a snack food and bring enough to feed eight students. Marketing Mix ExerciseMarketingChapter6Group Activity Marketing Mix Exercise The group members are to analyse the marketing mix Each individual member is to be prepared to speak for one to two minutes on a marketing mix element with respect to that product, so that the full marketing mix of the product is explained.



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