中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 8B Modules 8-10(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版

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中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 8B Modules 8-10(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版_第1页
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《中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 8B Modules 8-10(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 8B Modules 8-10(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B词汇考查 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词1Now they are c_ Childrens Day in the school hall.2There are four s_in a year:spring, summer, autumn and winter.3A dictionary is a very good t_ when we learn English.4His mother e_ that he will become a scientist in

2、the future.elebratingeasonsoolxpects5The computer is a wonderful i_.6May Day is also called L_ Day.7Using a dictionary can help you a_ many spelling mistakes.8Do you like _(户外的户外的) sports?9Its a long _(距离距离)from Beijing to Guangzhou.10This is a _(简简单单的的) question. It is easy to answer it.模块模块13 Modu

3、les813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8Bnventionabourvoidutdoordistancesimple.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1 This morning some foreigners came to visit our school.They are all _(Canada)2We are free today, so we can go _ (somewhere)3Luckily, the _(operate)on the old lady was quite successful.4 He got to the cinema

4、 late, so he missed the _(begin) of the film.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BCanadiansanywhereoperationbeginning5While we are waiting for the New Year, we sing _ (tradition) songs.6Tom is very clever. He can work out maths problems _(easy)模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8Beasil

5、ytraditional句型过关. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1我的父母已经对我的生日倒计时了。我的父母已经对我的生日倒计时了。My parents have already _ _ to my birthday. 2毕业之后,王娜想上大学。毕业之后,王娜想上大学。Wang Na wants to _ _ _ after leaving school. 3他为帮助穷人奉献了自己的一生。他为帮助穷人奉献了自己的一生。模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8Bcounted downgo to collegeH

6、e _ _ _ to helping the poor. 4赵丽独自一人完成了所有的工作。赵丽独自一人完成了所有的工作。Zhao Li finished all the work _ _ _. 5我明天早晨要去机场给我的叔叔送别。我明天早晨要去机场给我的叔叔送别。I will go to the airport to _ _ my uncle tomorrow morning. .句型转换句型转换1Not all the people come from the same city. (改改为为全全部部否否定句定句)模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,B

7、ook8Bgave his lifeon her ownsee off_ _the people comes from the same city.2Well be late if we dont hurry up. (改为同义句改为同义句)_ _, _well be late.3. Leave the gym during the party. (改为否定句改为否定句)_ _the gym during the party.4My parents were too poor to buy me a birthday present. (改为同义句改为同义句)My parents were _

8、 poor _ they _ buy a birthday present _ me.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BNone ofHurry up orDont leaveso that couldntfor5There are few people in the room, _ _?(完成反意疑问句完成反意疑问句)6Tom went to university.He wanted to be a scientist.(用用so合并句子合并句子)_7The baby saw his mother.The baby stopped cry

9、ing.(用用短语连成时间状语从句短语连成时间状语从句) The baby stopped crying _ _ _he saw his mother.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8Bare thereTom wanted to be a scientist, so he went to university.as soon as8Jackie Chan is a big film star. (改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ _big film star Jackie Chan is!模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,

10、Book8B10,Book8BWhat a短语集锦 1as soon as 一一就就2go camping 去野营去野营3somewhere nice 某个好地方某个好地方4all over 遍布遍布5depend on 依靠;依据依靠;依据6count down 倒数倒数7get together 聚会聚会模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B8a list of 一列,一栏一列,一栏9help out 帮帮克服困难克服困难10promise to do sth. 承诺做某事承诺做某事11so that 目的是目的是12on ones own

11、 独自独自13come up 出现,发生出现,发生14give ones life to 献身于献身于15in spite of 尽管尽管模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B16in the end 最后最后17take care of 照顾照顾18go wrong 出错出错19stay in touch 保持联系保持联系20have to 不得不不得不21tomato and egg soup 西红柿鸡蛋汤西红柿鸡蛋汤22go to college 上大学上大学23dress oneself 穿衣服穿衣服模块模块13 Modules813

12、Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B24notat all 一点也不一点也不25see off 送别送别句型在线 1not all并非所有的并非所有的2It doesnt matter从句做从句做没有关系没有关系/不重要。不重要。3Its better to do sth. 做某事更好一些。做某事更好一些。4sothat如此如此以至于以至于5Something is/goes wrong with出毛病了。出毛病了。模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B6So助动词助动词/be动词情态动词主语。动词情态动词主语。某人某人/物也这

13、样。物也这样。考点辨析 辨析辨析1however与与but(1) however是正式用语,可以放在句首、句中或句尾。是正式用语,可以放在句首、句中或句尾。(2) but是非正式用语,只用于句中。是非正式用语,只用于句中。 模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B考点透视考点透视根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。我有点累了,但我能坚持下去我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。I feel a bit tired. _, I can hold on. 答案答案 However模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,

14、Book8B辨析辨析2invent与与discover(1) invent意为意为“发明发明”,指创造出世界上不存在的事物。,指创造出世界上不存在的事物。(2) discover意意为为“发发现现”,指指先先于于他他人人首首次次发发现现已已经经存存在在但尚不为人知的事物。但尚不为人知的事物。考点透视考点透视根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。吉尔伯特发现了电,爱迪生发明了电灯吉尔伯特发现了电,爱迪生发明了电灯。Gilbert _ electricity, and Edison _ the electric light bulb.答案答案 discovered, invented模块模块1

15、3 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B辨析辨析3see sb. do sth. 与与 see sb. doing sth.(1) see sb. do sth.指指的的是是“看看见见某某人人做做了了某某事事”,强强调调整整个过程。个过程。(2) see sb. doing sth.指指的的是是“看看见见某某人人正正在在做做某某事事”,强调事情正在进行中。强调事情正在进行中。注意:类似用法的单词还有注意:类似用法的单词还有hear, listen (to), notice等。等。模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,B

16、ook8B考点透视考点透视Nancy is really a hardworking student. We often see her _books in the classroom.A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads答案答案 A模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B中考透视 . 单项选择单项选择()1.The phone rang _ someone was knocking on the door.Aas soon as Bwhile Cuntil Dbecause ( )2.2012广广东东 B

17、en was busy taking a training class,_we had to wait for him for half an hour.A. so B. if C. or D. but ()3.2012临临沂沂 The family had to stay at hotel,_it was raining hard. 模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BBAAA. because B. although C. until D. unless( )4.Lucy didnt study hard last year._, she

18、 will study hard this year.ASo BAnd CBut DHowever ( )5.2011盐盐城城 I saw Li Ming_ near the river on my way home.Aplays Bplaying Cto play Dplayed ( )6.The doctor has worked very hard _ stopping to rest all day long.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BDBAAwithout Bwith Cfor Dto ()7.2012淮淮安安 _ the

19、 great teacher Zhang Lili was in hospital, many people hoped she would get better soon.A. If B. Until C. Before D. After()8.The film “Kung Fu Panda” is _interesting _I would like to see it again.Asuch; that Btoo; to Cas; as Dso; that ()9.Could you please answer the phone?_.Im too busy at the moment.

20、模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BDDDAThats right BNo problemCSure DSorry, I cant( )10.Who_the steam engine?Adiscovered BdiscoverCinvent Dinvented( )11.He will go to the Great Wall if it _ tomorrow.Awont rain Bdoesnt rain Cdont rain Disnt raining模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B

21、DB()12.Its our duty to make our country _.Astrongly Bmore strongly Cmore strong Dmuch stronger()13.Im leaving for the exam.Byebye, Mum.Well, make sure youve got _ ready.Asomething BanythingCeverything Dnothing ()14.The house is _ us to live in.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BDCCAenough b

22、ig for Benough big as Cbig enough for Dbig enough as ()15.2012宁宁波波 Why didnt you try your best to get on the subway?I tried to, but it started moving _I could get on it.A. before B. after C. since D. if模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BA.补全对话,其中有两项多余补全对话,其中有两项多余A:Hi, Fangfang. What are you

23、 doing for Spring Festival?B: Oh, I will be very busy. My sister will get married during Spring Festival.A:1._B:I will help her decorate (装饰装饰) her new house.A:Really?B:Dont you know Im good at art?模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BB A:Oh, thats right. 2. _ B:Hes a doctor. A:3. _ B:Hes ver

24、y tall. And he has medium build (中等身材中等身材) with big eyes. A:Your brotherinlaw must be a handsome young man.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BAC B:You are quite right. What about your plan?A:I will go to my grandparents home for Spring Festival.B:4._A:They live in England.B:5. _A:Thank you

25、very much.模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8BEF A. What does your brotherinlaw (姐夫姐夫) do? B What will you do? C What does he look like? D How about your Spring Festival? E Where do your grandparents live? F I hope you will have a good time there. G What can I do for you?模块模块13 Modules813 Modules810,Book8B10,Book8B



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