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1、 从5到7,就那么几步 By By 钱多多钱多多 多多雅思创始人,中国首家雅思听说研究中心新浪微博:雅思钱多多LOGOPPT下载及口语交流 请加QQ群:154383508学习问题咨询 请加新浪微博:雅思钱多多LOGO youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of appetite for adventure over the love of ease 有一次,一位大妈对一个小烤鸭说“孩子,你天天上网聊天,看电影,打游戏,和我有什么差别,你的青春在哪里?”S1思维反应流程迟延期观点形成期思维发散期观点顿点

2、方向顿点词汇顿点间歇空白期连接顿点核心观点:思维重心后移,缩短反应时间,形成条件反射,切忌背诵新浪微博:雅思钱多多LOGOS1 突破核心要素1 rhythm and stressexample: Sleeping is it necessary to take a nap every day? Yes ,i think so ,particularly when you feel very tired ,for example ,you have spent a long time on a project in the morning ,then you need a short nap f

3、or restoring energyLOGOi should say , i guess ,i would like to say i suppose ,i believe etcLOGO 2liaison example How to help you sleep well ? Personally,the best approach is listening to some soft music ,such as romantic songs ,like melody,which often brought me beautiful nights.LOGO3 basic pronunci

4、ation 吐舌音 咬唇音LOGOBE AE 显著差别12 3 LOGO4use of adv (模糊限定词) absolutely、certainly 、definitely 、probably、so much、a little bit etc example Do you like flowers? Yes ,i (absolutely) like it ,(just )because i (really )enjoy the beauty of them like lily ,also the fragrance from from some flowers for exmaple ca

5、rnationLOGO5logic expression* never answer a question like making a list if, although (= though), even though, as well (as), at the moment, even, while, whereas, either, neither (+ nor), unless, rather than, instead of, as soon as, when, once, after, while, meanwhile, besides, in spite of, despite,

6、yet, still, provided (providing) that, except, in order to, in case, depending on, because, but, and, as, or, for example, for instance, like, such as, LOGOdo you often ride bicycleband 5.5:no , i seldom ride it ,because taking a bus is much faster and convinent ,and i think riding sometimes is very

7、 tiring .LOGO“I dont ride my bicycle very often. I take the bus to university. Its faster. I do use my bicycle on the weekends. At that time I have no classes.”“I dont ride my bicycle very often _ its faster to take the bus to university _ I do use it on the weekends _ I have no classes.”LOGOis it i

8、mportant to focus on one thing ?band 5:yes ,it is important ,becasue focus can help you to do something perfectly and focus is very useful ,when you have something important to do LOGOis it important to focus on one thing ? yes, i do believe it is very important, especially you decide to do that wel

9、l ,for instance,if you plan to pass the final exam,you need to prepare very carefully,otherwise you may lose.LOGO6grammar Your usage of Higher Level Grammar. LOGOband 5why did you choose your major?i choose that major because i think i can help me to find a good job.LOGOI chose to study that because

10、 I thought it would lead to a secure job.LOGO Yes, Im so glad my father gave me that advice. If he hadnt given me that advice, Im sure I would have made a big mistake in my choice of careerLOGO7way of express REDR:reasonE: example D: detail (衣食住行学娱):至少记住一个细节名词sportwear: Peak shopping mall:Wanda Plaz

11、afood: restaurant:living: hotel: travel: city,scenic spot :magazine: bookshop:variety show: televison:LOGOdo you like boating?Band5.5yes ,i like it ,because it is very interesting,and i feel very happy when i was boating with my girl friendLOGOyes ,i do like it , especially with my girl friend, the main reason is that we could have a lot of fun together ,like last time ,we boated in a big lake called Xuan Wu near my home and chatted so much about each other,which is so enjoyable LOGO7subjective judgmentLOGOLOGO良好沟通四大法则积极流利直接稀奇LOGOLOGOPPT下载及口语交流 请加QQ群:154383508学习问题咨询 请加新浪微博:雅思钱多多 怕口语 找多多!



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