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1、H H EROEROWhat is the hero?What is the hero? The dictionary says, The dictionary says, hero is a person who hero is a person who admired by many people admired by many people for his or her brave for his or her brave deeds.deeds. So today, well show you a hero in So today, well show you a hero in ou

2、r hearts.our hearts.FlorenceNightingalewasborninItalyon12May1820andwasnamedFlorenceafterherbirthplace.Florenceandhersisterwereeducatedbytheirfatherandprivateteachers.Sheexcelledinherstudies.Whenshegrewup,shedecidedtobecomeanurse.Thisdecisiongreatlyupsetherfamily,becauseatthattimenursesinEnglandwerel

3、ookeddownuponbypeople.Butshewasdetermined,andbegancaringforthesickinhospitals. In March 1854 In March 1854,England was fighting a war with England was fighting a war with Russia in Turkey. At the front many British soldiers Russia in Turkey. At the front many British soldiers were wounded or sick. R

4、eports of the sufferings of were wounded or sick. Reports of the sufferings of the wounded in the front created anger in Britain. In the wounded in the front created anger in Britain. In response, the government appointed Florence response, the government appointed Florence Nightingale to hire femal

5、e nurses to work in the Nightingale to hire female nurses to work in the military hospitals in the front. The soldiers called military hospitals in the front. The soldiers called Florence Florence “The Lady with the LampThe Lady with the Lamp”. . Duringthewar,shegainedthenicknameTheLadywiththeLampfr

6、omaphraseinareport:Whenallthemedicalofficershaveretiredforthenightandsilenceanddarknesshavesettleddownuponthosemilesofprostratesick,shemaybeobservedalone,withalittlelampinherhand,makinghersolitaryrounds.Later careerIn 1860, she laid thefoundation of professional nursing with theestablishmentofhernur

7、singschool.Itwasthefirst secular nursing school in the world, nowpartofKingsCollegeLondon.TheNightingalePledgetakenbynewnurseswasnamedinherhonor, and the annual International NurseDayis celebrated around the world on herbirthday.On13August1910,attheageof90,shediedpeacefullyinhersleepinherroom.DeathNightingaleisbestknowasthefounderofthemodernprofessionofnursingandasahospitalreformer.EveryyeartheInternationalRedCrossawardstheFlorenceNightingaleMedaltodedicatednursesoftheworld.Andthedayofherbirth,May12,hasbeenmadeInternationalNursesDay.THANK YOU!THANK YOU!



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