中考英语 第二部分 语法 专题八 情态动词复习课件 人教新目标版

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《中考英语 第二部分 语法 专题八 情态动词复习课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第二部分 语法 专题八 情态动词复习课件 人教新目标版(72页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题八情态动词专题八情态动词专题训练专题训练动词动词(训练时间:训练时间:45分钟分值:分钟分值:50分分)1. (2016济南济南)Helen, who _ fix up the computer in our class? I think Jeff can. A. should B. would C. must D. can【解解析析】由由答答语语中中的的can可可知知,问问句句要要用用情情态态动动词词can。故故选选D。【答案【答案】D2. (2016天天 津津 )Mum, _ I play football this afternoon? Sure, but you _ finish

2、your homework first. A. may; could B. can; must C. can; mustnt D. may; cant【解解析析】句句意意为为“妈妈妈妈,今今天天下下午午我我可可以以踢踢足足球球吗吗?”“当当然可以然可以,但你必须先完成作业。但你必须先完成作业。”由句意可知选由句意可知选B。【答案【答案】B3. How much is the ticket to Central Park? A oneway ticket_$40, and you can_ another $20 for a roundtrip. A. costs; pay B. cost; s

3、pend C. pay; spend D. spends; pay【解解析析】cost“花花费费”,物物作作主主语语;spend“花花费费”,人人作作主主语语;pay for“付款付款”,人作主语。由句意可知选人作主语。由句意可知选A。【答案【答案】A4. It is necessary for everyone to _ a good habit of reading. A. enjoy B. choose C. develop D. accept 【解解析析】enjoy“喜喜爱爱”;choose“选选择择”;develop “养养成成”;accept“接受接受”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选

4、C。【答案【答案】C5. (2016武汉武汉)Her father tried to _ that nothing unusual had happed. In fact, it was not serious. A. imagine B. pretend C. mean D. warn【解解析析】imagine“想想象象”;pretend“假假装装”;mean“意意思思是是”;warn“警警告告”。由由下下句句句句意意“事事实实上上,并并没没有有什什么么严严重重的的。”可可推推知知,上上句句句句意意为为“她她爸爸爸爸尽尽力力假假装装没没有有发发生生什什么么不寻常的事情。不寻常的事情。”故选故

5、选B。【答案【答案】B6. (2016菏泽菏泽)Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. OK. Shall we _a book online for him? A. afford B. order C. offer【解解析析】afford “负负担担得得起起”;order“订订购购”; offer “提提供供”。由由“我们为他在网上订购一本书吧?我们为他在网上订购一本书吧?”可知选可知选B。【答案【答案】B7. Look at the “No parking” sign. You _ park your car here. A. should B.

6、must C. neednt D. mustnt【解解析析】由由“禁禁止止停停车车”可可知知,“你你一一定定不不能能把把车车停停在在这这儿儿。”mustnt表禁止表禁止,故选故选D。【答案【答案】D8. Youd better _ the test paper before handing it in. A. go ahead B. go on C. go off D. go over【解解析析】go ahead“前前进进”; go on“继继续续”;go off“离离开开”;go over“检查检查”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选D。【答案【答案】D9. (2016河北河北)The air _

7、 fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue. 【导导学学号号35490068】 A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. sounds【解解析析】句句意意为为“雨雨后后的的空空气气闻闻起起来来新新鲜鲜。”smell “闻闻起起来来”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选C。【答案【答案】C10. I cant _ my pen. Did you _ it? A. find; look at B. look at; see C. look for; look at D. find; see【解解析析】find“找找到到”;look at“看看

8、一一看看”;look for“寻寻找找”;see“看看见见”。句句意意为为“我我找找不不到到我我的的钢钢笔笔了了,你你看看见见了了吗吗?”。故选。故选D。【答案【答案】D11. (2016山西山西)In our life, we need to _ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends. A. thank B. remind C. teach 【解解析析】句句意意为为“在在我我们们的的生生活活中中,我我们们需需要要感感谢谢那那些些帮帮助助我我们们的的人人,比比如如我我们们的的父父母母、老老师师和和

9、朋朋友友。” thank“感感谢谢”符合题意。故选符合题意。故选A。【答案【答案】A12. Our school is planning to _ a band to give the students a chance to show their musical talent. A. take up B. set up C. pick up【解解析析】take up“占占用用”;set up“建建立立”;pick up“捡捡起起”。结结合合句句意意可可知知,“我我们们学学校校正正打打算算成成立立一一支支乐乐队队,为为的的是是给给孩子们一个展示他们音乐才能的机会。孩子们一个展示他们音乐才能的机

10、会。”set up符合题意。符合题意。【答案【答案】B13. (2016连云港连云港)Attention, please! The last award will be _ to the best singer of the yearCoco Lee. A. lentB. introduced C. donated D. presented【解解析析】lend“借借出出”;introduce“介介绍绍”;donate“捐捐赠赠”;present“颁颁发发,提提交交”。根根据据第第二二句句中中的的“award”及及空空格格后后的的“the best singer”可可推推知知,第第二二句句句句意

11、意为为“最最后后一一个个奖奖项项将颁给年度最佳歌手将颁给年度最佳歌手李玟。李玟。”故选故选D。【答案【答案】D14. Can you help me to_ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong? A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look through【解解析析】look after“照照顾顾,照照看看”;look for“寻寻找找”;look at“看看”;look through“浏览浏览”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选A。【答案【答案】A15. (2016泰安泰安)Dont _ too late; you wi

12、ll feel tired in class. I wont, Mum. A. call up B. wake up C. stay up D. get up【解解析析】call up“打打电电话话”; wake up“醒醒来来”;stay up“熬熬夜夜”; get up “起起床床”。由由句句意意“不不要要熬熬夜夜太太晚晚,你你将将会会在在上上课时感到很累的。课时感到很累的。”可知可知,选选C。【答案【答案】C16. (2016天津天津)Dont _ any more time, or we will miss the meeting. A. save B. trust C. waste

13、D. love【解解析析】句句意意为为“不不要要再再浪浪费费时时间间了了,否否则则我我们们将将错错过过这这次次会议。会议。” waste “浪费浪费”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选C。【答案【答案】C17. Fresh food is good for you. But you have to _ it first because sometimes it is a little dirty. A. taste B. smell C. wash D. plant【解解析析】taste“尝尝起起来来”;smell“闻闻起起来来”;wash“洗洗”;plant“种植种植”。由。由“因为有时它有点脏

14、因为有时它有点脏”可知选可知选C。【答案【答案】C18. Lao Shes Teahouse _ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. A. describes B. improves C. prepares D. corrects【 解解 析析 】 describe“描描 述述 ”; improve“改改 进进 , 提提 升升 ”;prepare“准准备备”;correct“纠纠正正”。结结合合本本题题语语境境可可知知,老老舍舍的的茶馆茶馆描述了中国社会描述了中国社会50年间的变化年间的变化,故答案为故答案为A。【答案【答案】A19

15、. (2016烟台烟台)May I speak to Mr. Smith? _, please. Here he comes. A. Hang out B. Pick up C. Take up D. Hold on【解解析析】hang out“闲闲逛逛”;pick up “捡捡起起”; take up “占占据据”;hold on “等一下等一下”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选D。【答案【答案】D20. Its time for CCTV news. Lets_ the TV and watch it. A. turn on B. get on C. try on D. put on【解解析析

16、】turn on“打打开开(电电源源等等)”;get on“上上(车车、船船等等)”;try on“试穿试穿”;put on“穿上穿上”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选A。【答案【答案】A21. (2016济南济南)Do you like the songs by Taylor? Yes. Country music _ nice and full of feelings. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. looks【解解析析】句句意意为为“乡乡村村音音乐乐听听起起来来很很不不错错,充充满满感感情情。”sounds“听起来听起来”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选A。

17、【答案【答案】A22. As time _, youll come to think of English as your friend and love it. A. goes by B. runs out C. takes off D. turns up【解解析析】go by “(时时间间)过过去去”;run out “用用完完”;take off “起飞起飞”;turn up “(声音声音)调大调大”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选A。【答案【答案】A23. (2016东营东营)Good morning. Id like a birthday gift for my mother. What

18、 about this scarf? It is beautiful and it_ soft and smooth. A. feels B. looks C. seems D. becomes【解解析析】feels“摸摸上上去去”;looks “看看上上去去”;seems “好好像像”; becomes “变变得得”。句句意意为为“围围巾巾很很漂漂亮亮,手手感感柔柔软软光光滑滑。”故选故选A。【答案【答案】A24. I dont _ the heat, for Im used to hot weather. A. like B. mind C. know D. stand【 解解 析析 】

19、like“喜喜 欢欢 ”; mind“介介 意意 ”; know“知知 道道 ”;stand“忍忍受受”。由由“我我习习惯惯了了炎炎热热的的天天气气”,可可知知说说话话人人不不介意高温,故选介意高温,故选B。【答案【答案】B25. (2016长春长春)Yang Jiang _ be the boys favorite writer. He has written a lot to praise her. A. cant B. mustnt C. must D. need【解解析析】句句意意为为“杨杨绛绛一一定定是是这这个个男男孩孩最最喜喜欢欢的的作作家家。他他写写了了很很多多文文章章赞赞美美她

20、她。”must“必必定定”,表表示示肯肯定定推推测测。故故选选C。【答案【答案】C26. If you want to know more information about the coming party, please _ the website http: /www. happyweekends. com. A. set up B. look through C. pick up D. turn off【解解析析】set up“建建立立”;look through“浏浏览览”; pick up“捡捡起起,学学会会”; turn off“关关掉掉”。要要想想知知道道更更多多的的信信息息,

21、可可浏浏览网站览网站,故选故选B。【答案【答案】B27. (2016威海威海)Miss Li, could you please help me _ this math problem? OK. Let me try. A. look up B. work out C. set up【解解析析】look up“查查阅阅”; work out “算算出出”; set up “设设立立”。由句意。由句意“你能帮我算出这道数学题吗?你能帮我算出这道数学题吗?”可知选可知选B。【答案【答案】B28. Choosing the right circle of friends will _ us a lo

22、t of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. A. save B. share C. keep D. bring【解解析析】此此处处表表示示“选选择择正正确确的的朋朋友友圈圈能能够够给给我我们们省省去去很很多多烦恼烦恼”,save符合题意。符合题意。【答案【答案】A29. Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信微信). Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much

23、 of our time. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take【解解析析】spend“花花费费”,人人作作主主语语;cost“花花费费”,物物作作主主语语;pay“付付款款”,人人作作主主语语;take“花花费费”,it作作主主语语。句句意意为为“据报道据报道,中国人每天会花费中国人每天会花费40多分钟时间看微信。多分钟时间看微信。”故选故选A。【答案【答案】A30. (2016德州德州)Who _ your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? My neighbor, a warmhearted woman. A.

24、 put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off【解解析析】put on“穿穿上上”;look after“照照料料”;give up“放放弃弃”;turn off“关关上上”。由由句句意意“当当你你出出去去度度假假的的时时候候谁谁照照顾顾你的宠物狗?你的宠物狗?”可知选可知选B。【答案【答案】B31. What do you think of the dish I cooked for you? I havent had it yet. However, it _ good. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. f

25、eels【解解析析】taste“尝尝起起来来”; smell“闻闻起起来来”;sound“听听起起来来”;feel“摸起来摸起来”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选B。【答案【答案】B32. (2016铜仁铜仁)How long can I _ this book? Five days. But you must return it on time. A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. kept【解解析析】句句中中keep是是延延续续性性动动词词,可可以以与与时时间间段段连连用用,can后应接动词原形。故选后应接动词原形。故选C。【答案【答案】C33. (2016上海上海)A

26、good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with. A. ought B. need C. can D. must【解解析析】句句意意为为“好好朋朋友友就就是是你你能能够够与与他他分分享享快快乐乐和和伤伤痛痛的的人。人。”can“可以可以”,表示意愿。故选表示意愿。故选C。【答案【答案】C34. My bike is broken. Could you help me to_? A. fix it up B. set it up C. make it up D. put it up【解解析析】fix up“修修理理”;

27、set up“建建立立”;make up“编编造造”;put up“举起;张贴举起;张贴”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选A。【答案【答案】A35. (2016济宁济宁)Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy _ over 10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave out D. gave away【解解析析】gave up“放放弃弃”; gave off“发发出出”;gave out“分分发发”; gave away “捐赠捐赠”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选D。【答案【答案】

28、D36. Recycling is good, so dont _ bottles or newspapers. A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away【解解析析】find out“发发现现;查查明明”;hand in“上上交交”;use up“用用完完”;throw away“扔扔掉掉”。句句意意为为“回回收收利利用用是是好好的的,所以不要把瓶子和报纸扔掉。所以不要把瓶子和报纸扔掉。”故选故选D。【答案【答案】D37. (2016临沂临沂)Before stamps, people didnt _ for letters they sen

29、t, but for the letters they received. A. pay B. cost C. spend D. take【解解析析】pay“付付款款”,人人作作主主语语;cost“花花费费”,物物作作主主语语;spend“花花费费”,人人作作主主语语; take“花花费费”,it作作主主语语。由由句句意意可知选可知选A。【答案【答案】A 38. (2016河南河南)My parents said they would come to visit me. I couldnt _ to see them after several months away from home. A

30、. wait B. help C. expect D. afford【解解析析】句句意意为为“我我的的父父母母说说他他们们会会来来看看望望我我。离离家家几几个个月月后后我我迫迫不不及及待待地地要要见见到到他他们们。”wait“等等待待”,符符合合题题意意。故选故选A。【答案【答案】A39. There are dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly. It _ that a typhoon is coming. A. feels B. sounds C. seemsD. looks【解解析析】句句意意为为“有有乌乌云云,风风很很大大,好好像像

31、台台风风要要来来了了。”seem“好像好像”,故选故选C。【答案【答案】C40. (2016重庆重庆A)A true friend will never _ from you when youre in trouble. A. take away B. run away C. put off D. get off【解解析析】句句意意为为“当当你你遇遇到到了了麻麻烦烦的的时时候候,一一个个真真正正的的朋朋友友永远不会离开你。永远不会离开你。” run away “跑掉跑掉”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选B。【答案【答案】B41. Good manners can make people _ ea

32、ch other. A. get on well with B. get off C. get over D. get away【解解析析】考考查查get的的短短语语搭搭配配。get on well with sb. 表表示示“和和某某人人和和睦睦相相处处”;get off“下下车车”;get over“克克服服”;get away“逃逃离离”。结结合合本本题题场场景景可可知知,举举止止得得当当能能够够使使人人们们彼彼此之间和睦相处。故答案为此之间和睦相处。故答案为A。【答案【答案】A42. You _ tell anybody about thisits a secret. A. can B

33、. must C. mustnt【解解析析】can“能能够够”;must“必必须须”;mustnt“禁禁止止”。由由句句意意“这这是是个个秘秘密密”可可知知,“你你不不可可以以告告诉诉任任何何人人”。故故选选C。【答案【答案】C43. (2016滨州滨州)Must I go to a law school and be a lawyer like you, Dad? No, you _. You are free to make your own decision. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt【解解析析】以以must开开头头的的一一般般疑疑问

34、问句句,作作否否定定回回答答时时用用neednt。故选故选D。【答案【答案】D44. Im sorry I left my homework at home. Shall I go and _ it? No, you neednt. Bring it here tomorrow. A. get B. send C. take D. pass【解解析析】get“去去取取,带带来来”;send“发发送送”;take“拿拿走走”;pass“传传递递”。句句意意为为“很很抱抱歉歉,我我把把我我的的家家庭庭作作业业忘忘在在家家里里了了,我我去去拿拿来来好好吗吗?”“不不,你你不不需需要要这这样样做做,明

35、明天天带带到到这这儿吧。儿吧。”故选故选A。【答案【答案】A45. (2016龙东龙东)I saw your mother in the library just now. It _ be her. She went to Beijing yesterday. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt【解解析析】由由“她她昨昨天天去去了了北北京京”可可知知,“那那不不可可能能是是她她。”故选故选A。【答案【答案】A46. _ late for school again, Tim! Sorry, I promise that I_. A. Dont; wont B. Dont be

36、; wont C. Dont be; dont D. Dont; will【解解析析】第第一一个个空空考考查查祈祈使使句句的的否否定定形形式式“Dont动动词词原原形形”,第二个空用将来时的否定形式。第二个空用将来时的否定形式。【答案【答案】B47. (2016南京南京)Can you help me _ those exercise books? I got a different number each time. A. carry B. move C. write D. count【解解析析】由由“我我每每次次都都得得到到一一个个不不同同的的数数字字”可可知知,“你你能能帮我数那些练习本

37、吗?帮我数那些练习本吗?” count“数数”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选D。【答案【答案】D48. (2016丹东丹东)Lets go out for dinner. Great! But CleanUp Day is two weeks from now. We cant _ making a plan. A. take off B. see off C. put off D. cut off【解解析析】句句意意“但但清清洁洁日日离离现现在在还还有有两两个个星星期期。我我们们不不能能推推迟制订这个计划。迟制订这个计划。” put off “推迟推迟”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选C。【答

38、案【答案】C49. Drivers_ wear seat belts while their cars are running on the road. A. need B. can C. must D. may【解解析析】need“需需要要”;can“能能,可可以以”;must“必必须须”;may“可以可以”。系安全带是司机必须遵守的交通规则。故选。系安全带是司机必须遵守的交通规则。故选C。【答案【答案】C50. (2016西宁西宁)Please _ the water when you brush your teeth. A. turn down B. turn off C. turn on D. turn up【解解析析】句句意意“当当你你刷刷牙牙的的时时候候请请把把水水关关掉掉。”turn off “关关掉掉”,符合题意。故选符合题意。故选B。【答案【答案】B



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